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Melanie Perez

Lol you thought you were gonna see my address :)
Lol my # too :)

High school student with an internship educating children (ages 5-10) of peace and the world
among us, and to help them become peacemakers.
Seeking for a part-time job.

Senior at RFK Community Schools, Ambassador School of Global Leadership.
Graduation date: June 9, 2017

Current youth intern at a program at the United University Church (located in USC) called Peace
Kids and Youth Leadership (Fall/Spring program), and Peace Camp (Summer program). I have
been interning there since the fall of 2014. I work every two saturdays during the Fall/Spring
program, and 4 weeks, 5 days a week, during the summer program. In my position, I assist the
lead teacher in fostering a positive educational/academic environment, and I have also been
able assist in the office and learn more of the adminstrative role of the program.

Relevant Studies/Skills
-fabulous asf

Awards & Extracurriculars

FIDM Fashion Club Secretary: September 2016 - Present
Honor Roll: Fall 2016
Peace Kids/Youth Leadership Program Intern: Fall 2014 - Present
Interact Club: Spring 2016 - Present
Gear-Up Mentor: Summer 2015 - Present
Yearbook Club: Spring 2016 - Present

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