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Summer Remediation Program

Room: A114
Teacher: Ms. Pena

William Butler Yeats once wrote, “Education is not the filling of a pail, but a lighting of a
fire”. As a member of this class, it is our responsibility to make a commitment to learning. The
solid foundation built by education provides us with an opportunity to contribute to our world. In
this class you are not only expected to contribute to discussions with your ideas and knowledge,
but also help provide a positive atmosphere that is contusive to learning. In this class, you will
always be held accountable for your work and behavior.

I. Reading Material
Students will be asked to read a number of important works of literature in their 11h grade English
classes. As a part of the summer remediation program, each student will be asked to complete a
summer reading assignment. Reading workshop will also be a central focus of this class. You will
be required to read for at least thirty minutes each weeknight and complete an assignment for
each session. A majority of the class is based on the literature, so it is imperative that you keep up
on the reading!

II. Writing
An integral part of the English curriculum is writing. Class time spent on writing must be taken
seriously. One of your writing assignments will be to write a research paper. Essays and other
writing assignments must be handed in on the due date! No late papers will be accepted! If you
are absent the day a paper due it is still your responsibility to hand in the paper either through
emailing the paper to me or making other arrangements.

III. Homework
It is expected that you will complete your homework each night. Your homework will be a
combination of reading workshop material and writing workshop assignments.

IV. Absence/Lateness Policy

See summer remediation absence policy. Lateness is not accepted, so please be prompt. Once
the door is shut to the classroom, you are considered absent.

V. Class Participation
Each day you will receive a grade based on attentiveness during class, attitude, behavior, and

VI. Grading Policy:

The summer acceleration program is based on a pass or fail grading system, however, each
assignment will be graded as a percentage.
Homework 20%
Writing 25%
Tests 25%
Quizzes 20%
Participation / Classroom Behavior 10%

If you have any questions or difficulties with the class, I am always available.

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