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Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iai APROBAT,

Facultatea de Geografie i Geologie

Departamentul de Geografie
Domeniul: Geografie RECTOR
Specializarea: Geografie Prof. dr. Vasile IAN
Nivel de studii: Licen
Durata studiilor: 3 ani
Forma de nvmnt: Zi
Seria: 2013-2016


Anul de studiu I
Semestrul: I Semestrul: II
Nr. Codul
Denumirea disciplinei Nr. ore/spt. Nr. ore/spt.
crt. disciplinei FV Cr FV Cr
Geografie general (fizic i
1 uman) - General Geography
(Physical and Human)* JG1101 2 2 E 5
Meteorologie i Climatologie -
2 Meteorology and Climatology*
JG1102 2 2 E 5
Hidrologie i Oceanografie -
3 Hydrology and Oceanography*
JG1103 2 2 E 5
Cartografie cu elemente de
4 topografie - Cartography with
Elements of Topography* JG1104 2 2 E 5
Informatic aplicat n geotiine
5 - Applied Informatics in
Geosciences* JG1105 2 2 C 5
Limba strin - Foreign
Language* LG1106 2 2 C 5
Geologie general - General
7 Geology* JG1207 2 2 E 5
Geografia economic i a
8 resurselor naturale - Economic JG1208 2 2 E 5
Geography of Natural
Geografia Europei - Geography
9 Resources*
of Europe* JG1209 2 2 C 5
Teledetecie i fotointerpretare -
Remote Sensing and JG1210 2 2 E 5
Limb strin - Foreign
Language* LG1211 2 2 C 5
Aplicaii geografice de teren -
Practical Field Activities* JG1212 4 C 5
Discipline facultative

13 Sport - Sports SG1113 2 C 5

14 Sport - Sports SG1214 2 C 5
Total 12 4 8 30 10 2 12 30

Anul de studiu II
Semestrul: III Semestrul: IV
Nr. Codul Nr. ore/spt. Nr. ore/spt.
Denumirea disciplinei
crt. disciplinei FV Cr FV Cr
Geologia Romniei - Geology of
Romania* JG2301 2 2 E 5
Geomorfologie -
Geomorphology* JG2302 2 2 E 5
3 Biogeografie - Biogeography* JG2303 2 2 E 5
Geografia populaiei -
Geography of Population* JG2304 2 2 E 5
Geografia turismului -
Geography of Tourism* JG2305 2 2 C 5
Limb strin - Foreign
Language* LG2306 2 2 C 5
Geografia solurilor cu elemente
de pedologie - Geography of
7 Soils with Elements of
Pedology* JG2407 2 2 E 5
Geografia Asiei i Oceaniei -
8 Geography of Asia and
Oceania* JG2408 2 2 E 5
Sisteme Informaionale
9 Geografice - Geographical
Information Systems* JG2409 2 2 C 5
Disciplin opional - Optional
Subject* JG2410 2 2 E 5
Limb strin - Foreign
Language* LG2411 2 2 C 5
Practica de specialitate -
Practical Field Activities* JG2412 4 C 5
Discipline opionale
Metodologia cercetrilor fizico-
10 geografice - Methods of
Physical Geography Research JG2410 2 2 E 5
Metodologia cercetrilor de
10 geografie uman - Methods of
Human Geography Research
JG2410 2 2 E 5
Discipline facultative
Geografia resurselor oceanului
13 planetar - Geography of
Planetary Ocean Resources* JG2313 2 1 C 5
Geografia transporturilor -
14 Geography of Transportation*
JG2314 2 1 C 5
15 Sport - Sports* SG2315 2 C 5
16 Sport - Sports* SG2416 2 C 5
Total 12 2 10 30 10 2 12 30

Anul de studiu III

Semestrul: V Semestrul: VI
Nr. Codul
Nr. ore/spt Nr. ore/spt
Denumirea disciplinei
crt. disciplinei FV Cr FV Cr
Geografia fizic a Romniei I -
1 Physical Geography of
Romania I* JG3501 2 2 E 5
Geografia Americii i Africii -
2 Geography of Americas and
Africa* JG3502 2 2 C 5
Geografia marilor ansambluri
economice i politice ale lumii -
3 Geography of Great Economic
and Political Ensembles of the
JG3503 2 2 E 5
Geografia mediului -
Environmental Geography* JG3504 2 2 E 5
Riscuri i hazarde naturale i
antropice - Natural and
5 Anthropic Risks and Hazards*
JG3505 2 2 E 5
Organizare i planificare
6 teritorial - Territorial
Organization and Planning* JG3506 2 2 C 5
Geografia fizic a Romniei II -
7 Physical Geography of
Romania II* JG3607 2 2 E 5
Geografia uman a Romniei -
8 Human Geography of
Romania* JG3608 2 2 E 5
Geografia regional a Romniei
9 - Regional Geography of
Romania* JG3609 2 2 E 5
Geografie urban i rural -
10 Urban and Rural Geography* JG3610 2 2 C 5
Disciplin opional - Optional
Subject* JG3611 2 2 C 5
Elaborarea i susinerea lucrrii
12 de licen - Preparation of the
Graduation Paper* JG3612 E 5
Discipline opionale
Paleogeografia Cuaternarului -
11 Paleogeography of the
Quaternary* JG3611 2 2 C 5
Toponomastic geografic -
Geographic Toponimy* JG3611 2 2 C 5
Discipline facultative
Vulcanismul i seismicitatea
13 Terrei - World Volcanism and
Seismicity* JG3513 2 1 C 5
Geografie electoral - Electoral
Geography* JG3614 2 2 E 5
Geografia istoric i politic -
15 Historical and Political
Geography* JG3615 2 2 E 5
Total 12 0 12 30 10 0 10 30


Prof. univ. dr. Corneliu IAU Conf. univ. dr. Doru-Toader JURAVLE
Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iai APROBAT
Facultatea de Geografie i Geologie
Departamentul de Geografie
Domeniul: Geografie RECTOR,
Specializarea: Planificare teritorial Prof. dr. Vasile IAN
Nivel de studii: Licen
Durata studiilor: 3 ani
Forma de nvmnt: Zi
Seria: 2013-2016


Anul de studiu I
Semestrul: I Semestrul: II
Nr. Codul
Nr. ore/spt. Nr. ore/spt.
Denumirea disciplinei
crt. disciplinei FV Cr FV Cr
Geografie general (fizic i
1 uman) - General Geography
(Physical and Human)* JPT1101 2 2 E 5
Meteorologie i Climatologie -
2 Meteorology and Climatology*
JPT1102 2 2 E 5
Hidrologie i Oceanografie -
3 Hydrology and Oceanography*
JPT1103 2 2 E 5
Topografie cu elemente de
4 geodezie - Topography with
Elements of Geodesy* JPT1104 2 2 E 5
Informatic aplicat n
5 geotiine - Applied Informatics JPT1105 2 2 C 5
in Geosciences*
Limba strin - Foreign
6 Language* LPT1106 2 2 C 5
Geologie general - General
7 Geology* JPT1207 2 2 E 5
Geografia economic i a
resurselor naturale - Economic
8 Geography and Geography of
the Natural Resources*
JPT1208 2 2 E 5
Cartografie cu elemente de
9 geomatic - Cartography with
Elements of Geomatics* JPT1209 2 2 E 5
Bazele teoretice ale planificrii
10 teritoriale - Theoretical Bases
of Territorial Planning* JPT1210 2 2 E 5
Limba strin - Foreign
11 Language*
LPT1211 2 2 C 5
Aplicaii de teren - Practical
Field Activities* JPT1212 4 C 5
Discipline facultative
13 Sport - Sports SPT1113 2 C 5
14 Sport - Sports SPT1214 2 C 5
Total 12 4 8 30 10 4 10 30

Anul de studiu II
Semestrul: III Semestrul: IV
Nr. Codul
Nr. ore/spt. Nr. ore/spt.
Denumirea disciplinei
crt. disciplinei FV Cr FV Cr
Geomorfologie -
1 Geomorphology* JPT2301 2 2 E 5
Biogeografie - Biogeography*
JPT2302 2 2 E 5
Geografia populaiei -
Geography of Population* JPT2303 2 2 E 5
Statistic aplicat n planificarea
teritorial - Statistics Applied to
4 Territorial Planning*
JPT2304 2 2 E 5
Disciplin opional* - Optional
Subject* JPT2305 2 2 C 5
Limb strin - Foreign
6 Language* LPT2306 2 2 C 5
Geografia solurilor cu elemente
de pedologie - Geography of
7 Soils with Elements of
JPT2407 2 2 E 5
Geografie urban i geografie
8 rural - Urban Geography and
Rural Geography* JPT2408 2 2 E 5
Sisteme Informaionale
9 Geografice - Geographical
Information Systems* JPT2409 2 2 E 5
Teledetecie i fotointerpretare -
10 Remote Sensing,
Photointerpretation* JPT2410 2 2 C 5
Limba strin - Foreign
Language* LPT2411 2 2 C 5
Practica de specialitate -
Practical Field Activities* JPT2412 4 C 5
Discipline opionale
Elemente de geotehnic i
Protecie antiseismic -
5 Geotechnical and seismic
protection elements* JPT2305 2 2 C 5
Geologia Romniei - Geology
of Romania* JPT2305 2 2 C 5
Discipline facultative
Geografia mediilor naturale ale
13 Globului - Geography of Earth
Natural Zones* JPT2313 2 2 C 5
14 Sport - Sports* SPT2314 2 C 5
15 Sport - Sports* SPT2415 2 C 5
Total 12 2 10 30 10 2 12 30

Anul de studiu III


Semestrul: V Semestrul: VI
Nr. Codul Nr. ore/spt Nr. ore/spt
Denumirea disciplinei
crt. disciplinei FV Cr FV Cr
Geografia fizic a Romniei -
Physical Geography of JPT3501 2 2 E 5
Geografia mediului -
Environmental Geography* JPT3502 2 2 E 5
Managementul planificrii
3 teritoriale - Management of
Territorial Planning* JPT3503 2 2 E 5
Cadastru i legislaie cadastral
4 - Land Survey and Cadastral
Legislation* JPT3504 2 2 E 5
Amenajarea aezrilor umane cu
elemente de urbanism - Human
5 Settlements Planning with
Elements of Urbanism* JPT3505 2 2 E 5
Disciplin opional - Optional
Subject* JPT3506 2 2 C 5
Geografia uman a Romniei -
7 Human Geography of
Romania* JPT3607 2 2 E 5
Localizarea activitilor
8 industriale - Location of
Industrial Activities* JPT3608 2 2 E 5
Organizarea i amenajarea
terenurilor agricole -
9 Organization and Planning of
the Agricultural Terrains* JPT3609 2 2 E 5
Amenajarea infrastructurii de
transport i comer - Plannning
10 of the Transportation and
Commerce Infrastructure*
JPT3610 2 2 E 5
Elaborarea planurilor de
amenajare teritorial -
11 Elaboration of Territorial
Planning Plans*
JPT3611 2 2 E 5
Elaborarea lucrrii de licen -
12 Preparation of the Graduation
Paper* JPT3612 4 C 5
Discipline opionale
Organizarea spaiului geografic
6 - Organization of the
Geographic Space* JPT3506 2 2 C 5
Riscuri i hazarde naturale i
antropice - Natural and
6 Anthropic Risks and Hazards*
JPT3506 2 2 C 5
Discipline facultative
Geografie social - Social
Geography* JPT3513 2 1 C 5
Amenajarea reelei hidrografice
i a zonelor litorale - Planning
14 of Hydrographic Network and
Shore Areas* JPT3514 2 2 C 5
Amenajarea i gestionarea
ecosistemelor forestiere -
15 Planning and Management of
Forest Ecosystems* JPT3615 2 2 C 5
Sisteme teritoriale i dezvoltarea
regional - Territorial Systems
16 and Regional Development*
JPT3616 2 2 E 5
Automatizarea cadastrului -
17 Land Survey Automatization*
JPT3617 2 2 C 5
Total 12 2 10 30 10 0 14 30


Prof. univ. dr. Corneliu IAU Conf. univ. dr. Doru-Toader JURAVLE
Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iai APROBAT
Facultatea de Geografie i Geologie
Departamentul de Geografie
Domeniul: Geografie RECTOR,
Specializarea: Hidrologie-Meteorologie Prof. dr. Vasile IAN
Nivel de studii: Licen
Durata studiilor: 3 ani
Forma de nvmnt: Zi
Seria: 2013-2016


Anul de studiu I
Semestrul: I Semestrul: II
Nr. Codul
Denumirea disciplinei Nr. ore/spt. Nr. ore/spt.
crt. disciplinei FV Cr FV Cr
Geografie general (fizic i
1 uman) - General Geography
(Physical and Human)* JHM1101 2 2 E 5
Meteorologie i Climatologie -
2 Meteorology and Climatology*
JHM1102 2 2 E 5
Hidrologie i Oceanografie -
3 Hydrology and Oceanography*
JHM1103 2 2 E 5
Cartografie cu elemente de
4 topografie - Cartography with
Elements of Topography* JHM1104 2 2 E 5
Informatic aplicat n
geotiine - Applied Informatics JHM1105 2 2 C 5
in Geosciences*
Limba strin - Foreign
6 Language* LHM1106 2 2 C 5
Geologie general - General
7 Geology* JHM1207 2 2 E 5
Geografia populaiei i
aezrilor umane - Geography
8 of Population and Human
Settlements* JHM1208 2 2 E 5
Geografia economic i a
resurselor naturale - Economic
9 Geography of Natural
Resources* JHM1209 2 2 E 5
Gestionarea si valorificarea
resurselor hidrosferei -
10 Management and
Capitalization of Hydrosphere
JHM1210 2 2 E 5
Limba strin - Foreign
Language* LHM1211 2 2 C 5
Aplicaii de teren - Practical
Field Activities* JHM1212 4 C 5
Discipline facultative
13 Sport - Sports* SHM1113 2 C 5
14 Sport - Sports* SHM1214 2 C 5
Total 12 4 8 30 10 2 12 30

Anul de studiu II
Semestrul: III Semestrul: IV
Nr. Codul
Nr. ore/spt. Nr. ore/spt.
Denumirea disciplinei
crt. disciplinei FV Cr FV Cr
Geomorfologie -
Geomorphology* JHM2301 2 2 E 5
Biogeografie - Biogeography*
JHM2302 2 2 E 5
Topoclimatologie i
microclimatologie -
3 Topoclimatology and
Microclimatology* JHM2303 2 2 E 5
Geomorfologie litoral -
Coastal geomorphology* JHM2304 2 2 E 5
Disciplin opional - Optional
Subject* JHM2305 2 2 C 5
Limb strin - Foreign
Language* LHM2306 2 2 C 5
Geografia solurilor cu elemente
de pedologie - Geography of
7 Soils with Elements of
JHM2407 2 2 E 5
Bioclimatologie -
Bioclimatology* JHM2408 2 2 E 5
Metodologia cercetrilor fizico-
9 geografice - Methods of
Physical Geography Research* JHM2409 2 2 E 5
Sisteme Informaionale
Geografice - Geographical JHM2410 2 2 E 5
Limb strinSystems*
- Foreign
Language* LHM2411 2 2 C 5
Practica de specialitate -
Practical Field Activities* JHM2412 4 C 5
Discipline opionale
Modificri climatice globale -
Global climatic changes* JHM2305 2 2 C 5
Teledetecie i fotointerpretare -
5 Remote sensing and photo
interpretation* JHM2305 2 2 C 5
Discipline facultative
Probleme speciale de amenajare
a zonelor cu risc hidrologic -
13 Special Topics on the Planning
of Hydrological Risk Regions*

JHM2313 2 2 E 5
Agrometeorologie i
meteorologie silvic -
14 Agrometeorology and Forest
Meteorology* JHM2414 2 1 C 5
Geografia transporturilor -
15 Geography of Transportation*
JHM2415 2 1 C 5
16 Sport - Sports* SHM2316 2 C 5
17 Sport - Sports* SHM2417 2 C 5
Total 12 2 10 30 10 2 12 30

Anul de studiu III

Semestrul: V Semestrul: VI
Nr. Codul
Nr. ore/spt Nr. ore/spt
Denumirea disciplinei
crt. disciplinei FV Cr FV Cr
Geografia fizic a Romniei -
1 Physical Geography of
Romania* JHM3501 2 2 E 5
Clima Romniei - Climate of
Romania* JHM3502 2 2 E 5
Hidrologia Romniei -
Hidrology of Romania* JHM3503 2 2 E 5
Geografia Mrii Negre -
4 Geography of the Black Sea* JHM3504 2 2 C 5
Geografia mediului -
Environmental Geography* JHM3505 2 2 E 5
Geografia continentelor.
Diferenieri regionale -
6 Geography of Continents.
Regional distinctions* JHM3506 2 2 C 5
Msurtori i calcule n
meteorologie i climatologie -
7 Measurements and Data
Processing in Meteorology and
JHM3507 2 2 E 5
Meteorologie sinoptic i
8 prognoz - Synoptical
Meteorology and Prognosis* JHM3608 2 2 E 5
Monitoringul integrat al
mediului - Integrated
9 monitoring of the
JHM3609 2 2 C 5
Riscuri i hazarde naturale i
antropice - Natural and
10 Anthropic Risks and Hazards*
JHM3610 2 2 E 5
Disciplin opional - Optional
11 Subject*
JHM3611 2 2 C 5
Elaborarea lucrrii de licen -
12 Preparation of the Graduation
Paper* JHM3612 4 C 5
Discipline opionale
Metodologia cercetrilor de
geografie uman - Methods of
11 Human Geography Research*
JHM3611 2 2 C 5
Paleogeografia Cuaternarului -
11 Paleogeography of the
Quaternary* JHM3611 2 2 C 5
Discipline facultative
Vulcanismul i seismicitatea
13 Terrei - World Volcanism and
Seismicity* JHM3513 2 1 C 5
Metode i tehnici n analiza
fenomenelor hidrologice -
14 Methods and tecniques for
hydrological phenomena
JHM3614 2 2 C 5
Total 12 2 10 30 10 2 12 30


Prof. univ. dr. Corneliu IAU Conf. univ. dr. Doru-Toader JURAVLE
Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iai APROBAT
Facultatea de Geografie i Geologie
Departamentul de Geografie RECTOR,
Domeniul: tiinta mediului Prof. dr. Vasile IAN
Specializarea: Geografia mediului
Nivel de studii: Licen
Durata studiilor: 3 ani
Forma de nvmnt: Zi
Seria: 2013-2016


Anul de studiu I
Semestrul: I Semestrul: II
Nr. Codul
Denumirea disciplinei Nr. ore/spt. Nr. ore/spt.
crt. disciplinei FV Cr FV Cr
Geografie general (fizic i
1 uman) - General Geography
(Physical and Human)* JM1101 2 2 E 5
Meteorologie i Climatologie -
2 Meteorology and Climatology*
JM1102 2 2 E 5
Hidrologie i Oceanografie -
3 Hydrology and Oceanography*
JM1103 2 2 E 5
Cartografie cu elemente de
4 topografie - Cartogrphy with
Elements of Topography* JM1104 2 2 E 5
Informatic aplicat n
5 geotiine - Applied Informatics
in Geosciences* JM1105 2 2 C 5
Limb strin - Foreign
6 Language*
LM1106 2 2 C 5
Geologia mediului -
Environmental Geology* JM1207 2 2 E 5
Biologie general - General
8 Biology*
JM1208 2 2 E 5
Fizica mediului -
9 Environamental Physic*
JM1209 2 2 C 5
Chimia mediului -
10 Environmental Chemistry*
JM1210 2 2 E 5
Limb strin - Foreign
11 Language*
LM1211 2 2 C 5
Aplicatii de teren - Practical
Field Activities* JM1212 4 C 5
Discipline facultative
Elemente de statistic -
13 Elements of Statistics*
JM1213 2 2 C 5
14 Sport - Sports* SM1114 2 C 5
15 Sport - Sports* SM1215 2 C 5
Total 12 4 8 30 10 2 12 30

Anul de studiu II
Semestrul: III Semestrul: IV
Nr. Codul
Denumirea disciplinei disciplinei Nr. ore/spt. Nr. ore/spt.
crt. FV Cr FV Cr
Geografia mediului I -
1 Environmental Geography I*
JM2301 2 2 E 5
Geomorfologie -
2 Geomorphology*
JM2302 2 2 E 5
Biogeografie - Biogeography*
JM2303 2 2 E 5
Biochimie general - General
4 Biochemistry*
JM2304 2 2 E 5
Disciplin opional - Optional
5 Subject*
JM2305 2 2 C 5
Limba strin - Foreign
6 Language
LM2306 2 2 C 5
Geografia mediului II -
7 Environmental Geography II*
JM2407 2 2 E 5
8 tiina solului - Soil Science* JM2408 2 2 E 5
Sisteme Informaionale
9 Geografice - Geographical
Information Systems* JM2409 2 2 E 5
Teledetecie i fotointerpretare -
10 Remote Sensing and
Photointerpretation* JM2410 2 2 C 5
Limba strin - Foreign
11 Language*
LM2411 2 2 C 5
Practic de specialitate -
Practical Field Activities* JM2412 4 C 5
Discipline opionale
Geografie economic -
Economic Geography* JM2305 2 2 C 5
Geografia populaiei i a
5 aezrilor - Geography of
population and settlements* JM2305 2 2 C 5
Discipline facultative
Geografia resurselor naturale -
13 Geography of Natural
Resources* JM2313 2 2 C 5
Hidrobiologie - Hydrobiology*
JM2314 2 2 C 5
Hidrogeologie - Hydrogeology*
JM2415 2 2 C 5
16 Sport - Sports* SM2316 2 C 5
17 Sport - Sports* SM2417 2 C 5
Total 12 4 8 30 10 2 12 30
Anul de studiu III
Semestrul: V Semestrul: VI
Nr. Codul
Denumirea disciplinei disciplinei Nr. ore/spt Nr. ore/spt
crt. FV Cr FV Cr
Mediul fizico-geografic al
Romniei - Physico-
1 geographical Environmental of
JM3501 2 2 E 5
Ecologie general - General
2 ecology*
JM3502 2 2 E 5
Riscuri i hazarde naturale i
antropice - Natural and
3 Anthropic Risks and Hazards*
JM3503 2 2 E 5
Atmosfera i calitatea aerului -
4 The Atmosphere and Air
Quality* JM3504 2 2 E 5
Dreptul mediului-legislaie,
politici i strategii -
5 Environmental Law -
Legislation, Policies and
JM3505 2 2 C 5
Disciplin opional - Optional
6 Subject*
JM3506 2 2 C 5
Geografia mediilor
intertropicale, temperate i reci -
7 Geography of Intertropical,
Temperate and Cold Zones* JM3607 2 2 C 5
Modificri globale ale mediului
8 - Environmental Global
Changes* JM3608 2 2 C 5
Impactul activitlor economice
asupra mediului - The Impact
9 of economic activities on the
JM3609 2 2 E 5
Poluarea i protecia mediului -
10 Environmental Protection and
Conseravtion* JM3610 2 2 C 5
Monitoringul integrat al
11 mediului - Environmental
Integrated Monitoring* JM3611 2 2 C 5
Elaborarea lucrrii de licen -
12 Preparation of the Graduation
Paper* JM3612 4 C 5
Discipline opionale
Geografia uman a Romniei -
6 Human Geography of
Romania* JM3506 2 2 C 5
Cartografie tematic - Thematic
6 Mapping*
JM3506 2 2 C 5
Discipline facultative
Conservarea biodiversitii i
arii protejate - Biodiversity
13 conservation and protected
areas* JM3513 2 2 C 5
Managementul deeurilor -
Waste Management* JM3614 2 2 C 5
Economia mediului -
15 Environmental economy*
JM3615 2 2 C 5
Total 12 2 10 30 10 2 12 30


Prof. univ. dr. Corneliu IAU Conf. univ. dr. Doru-Toader JURAVLE
Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iai APROBAT
Facultatea de Geografie i Geologie
Departamentul de Geografie
Domeniul: Geografie RECTOR,
Specializarea: Geografia turismului Prof. dr. Vasile IAN
Nivel de studii: Licen
Durata studiilor: 3 ani
Forma de nvmnt: Zi
Seria: 2013-2016


Anul de studiu I
Semestrul: I Semestrul: II
Nr. Codul
Denumirea disciplinei Nr. ore/spt. Nr. ore/spt.
crt. disciplinei FV Cr FV Cr
Geografie general (fizic i
1 uman) - General Geography
(Physical and Human)* JT1101 2 2 E 5
Meteorologie i Climatologie -
2 Meteorology and Climatology*
JT1102 2 2 E 5
Hidrologie i Oceanografie -
3 Hydrology and Oceanography*
JT1103 2 2 E 5
Introducere n geografia
turismului i a serviciilor -
4 Introduction in the geography
of tourism and services*
JT1104 2 2 E 5
Informatic aplicat n turism -
5 Applied Informatics in
Tourism* JT1105 2 2 C 5
Limba strin - Foreign
Language* LT1106 2 2 C 5
Geologie general - General
7 Geology* JT1207 2 2 E 5
Geografia economic i a
resurselor naturale - Economic
8 Geography and Geography of
the Natural Resources*
JT1208 2 2 E 5
Economia turismului
9 internaional - Economy of
international tourism* JT1209 2 2 E 5
Cartografie i geomatic n
10 turism - Mapping and geomatic
in tourism* JT1210 2 2 E 5
Limb strin - Foreign
Language* LT1211 2 2 C 5
Aplicaii de teren - Practical
Field Activities* JT1212 4 C 5
Discipline facultative
Cultur i civilizaie - Culture
and civilization* JT1113 2 2 C 5
14 Istoria artei - History of Art* JT1214 2 2 C 5
15 Sport - Sports* ST1115 2 C 5
16 Sport - Sports* ST1216 2 C 5

Total 12 4 8 30 10 4 10 30

Anul de studiu II
Semestrul: III Semestrul: IV
Nr. Codul
Denumirea disciplinei Nr. ore/spt. Nr. ore/spt.
crt. disciplinei FV Cr FV Cr
Geomorfologie -
1 Geomorphology* JT2301 2 2 E 5
Biogeografie i ecoturism -
2 Biogeography and Ecoturism*
JT2302 2 2 E 5
Geografia solurilor cu elemente
de agricultur ecologic -
3 Geography of Soils with
elements of ecological
JT2303 2 2 E 5
Geografia populaiei -
Geography of Population* JT2304 2 2 E 5
Contabilitate n turism -
Accountancy in Tourism* JT2305 2 2 C 5
Limb strin - Foreign
6 Language* LT2306 2 2 C 5
Geografia mediilor naturale ale
7 globului - Geography of
Natural Zones of the World* JT2407 2 2 E 5
Geografia rural i potenialul
turistic al spaiilor rurale -
8 Rural geography and tourist
potential of the country areas*
JT2408 2 2 E 5
Managementul activitilor
9 turistice - Management of the
Tourist Activities* JT2409 2 2 E 5
Disciplin opional - Optional
Subject* JT2410 2 2 C 5
Limb strin - Foreign
Language* LT2411 2 2 C 5
Practica de specialitate -
Practical Field Activities* JT1412 4 C 5
Discipline opionale
Statistic aplicat n turism -
Applied Statistics in tourism* JT2410 2 2 C 5
10 Carstologie - Karstology* JT2410 2 2 C 5
Discipline facultative
Geomorfosite-uri -
Geomorfosite* JT2313 2 2 C 5
Sisteme Informaionale
Geografice n turism -
14 Geographic Information
Systems in Tourism* JT2414 2 2 C 5
Geografie politic - Political
geography* JT2415 2 2 C 5
16 Sport - Sports* ST2316 2 C 5
17 Sport - Sports* ST2417 2 C 5
Total 12 4 8 30 10 4 10 30

Anul de studiu III

Semestrul: V Semestrul: VI
Nr. Codul
Denumirea disciplinei Nr. ore/spt Nr. ore/spt
crt. disciplinei FV Cr FV Cr
Regiuni i centre turistice -
1 Regions and Touristic Centers*
JT3501 2 2 C 5
Geografia urban i potenialul
turistic urban - Urban
2 Geography and Touristic
Urban Potential* JT3502 2 2 E 5
Marketing turistic - Marketing
in tourism* JT3503 2 2 E 5
Geografia cultural, Etnografie
i Toponomastic - Cultural
4 Geography, Etnography and
Toponimy* JT3504 2 2 E 5
Disciplin opional - Optional
Subject* JT3505 2 2 C 5
Disciplin opional - Optional
Subject* JT3506 2 2 C 5
Potenialul turistic natural al
7 Romniei - Natural tourism
potential of Romania* JT3607 2 2 E 5
Potenialul turistic antropic al
Romniei - Anthropic tourist JT3608 2 2 E 5
Amenajare ofiRomania*
9 turistic - Touristic planning* JT3609 2 2 C 5
Geografia mediului -
10 Environmental Geography*
JT3610 2 2 E 5
Disciplin opional - Optional
Subject* JT3611 2 2 C 5
Elaborarea lucrrii de licen -
12 Preparation of the Graduation
Paper* JT3612 4 C 5
Discipline opionale
Evaluarea i prospectarea
potenialului turistic -
5 Evaluation and Prospectation
of the Touristic Potential*
JT3505 2 2 C 5
Regiuni geografice i turistice
din Romnia - Geographic
5 regions and tourism in
Romania* JT3505 2 2 C 5
Discipline opionale
Metode i tehnici de comunicare
6 - Communication Methods and
Techniques* JT3506 2 2 C 5
Parcuri i rezervaii naturale -
Natural Parks and Reserves* JT3506 2 2 C 5
Discipline opionale
Balneoclimatologie i turism
11 balnear - Balneoclimatology
and spa tourism* JT3611 2 2 C 5
Politici turistice i dezvoltare
durabil - Touristic Policies and
11 Sustainable Development*
JT3611 2 2 C 5
Discipline facultative
Geografia apelor minerale i
termale - Geography of Mineral
13 and Thermal Waters*
JT3513 2 2 C 5
Gestiunea riscurilor naturale i
antropice - Management of the
14 natural risks and
JT3614 2 2 C 5
Organizarea ntreprinderilor
15 turistice - Organization of the
touristic firms* JT3615 2 2 C 5
Total 10 6 6 25 10 2 12 30


Prof. univ. dr. Corneliu IAU Conf. univ. dr. Doru-Toader JURAVLE
Universit Alexandru Ioan Cuza de Iai APROBAT,
Facult de Gographie et Gologie
Dpartement de Gographie RECTOR
Domaine dtudes: Gographie Prof. dr. Vasile IAN
Spcialisation: Gographie du tourisme (filire francophone)
Cycle: Licence
Duration: 3 ans
Forme d'tude: Temps plein
Srie: 2013-2016


Anne acadmique I
Semestre: I Semestre: II
Titre du cours Code Heures/Semaine Heures/Semaine
crt. FV Cr FV Cr
Gographie gnrale (physique
1 et humaine) - General Physical
Geography JFT1101 2 2 E 5
Mtorologie et Climatologie -
2 Meteorology and Climatology*
JFT1102 2 2 E 5
Hydrologie et Ocanographie -
3 Hydrology and Oceanography*
JFT1103 2 2 E 5
Introduction en gographie du
tourisme et des services -
4 Introduction in the geography
of tourism and services*
JFT1104 2 2 E 5
Informatique applique en
5 tourisme - Applied Informatics
in Tourism* JFT1105 2 2 C 5
Cours pratique de langue
franaise - French Language* LFT1106 2 2 C 5
Gologie gnrale - General
Geology* JFT1207 2 2 E 5
Gographie conomique et des
ressources naturelles - JFT1208 2 2 E 5
Economic du
Economie Geography
tourisme and
9 Geography of- the
international Natural
Economy of
international tourism* JFT1209 2 2 E 5
Cartographie et gomatique en
10 tourisme - Mapping and
geomatic in tourism* JFT1210 2 2 E 5
Cours pratique de langue
11 franaise - French Language*
LFT1211 2 2 C 5
Applications de terrain -
Practical Field Activities* JFT1212 4 C 5
Disciplines facultatives
Culture et civilisation - Culture
and civilization* JFT1113 2 2 C 5
Histoire de l'Art - History of
Art* JFT1214 2 2 C 5
15 Sport - Sports* SFT1115 2 C 5
16 Sport - Sports* SFT1216 2 C 5

Total 12 4 8 30 10 4 10 30

Anne acadmique II
Semestre: I Semestre: II
No. Heures/Semaine Heures/Semaine
Titre du cours Code
crt. FV Cr FV Cr
Gomorphologie -
Geomorphology* JFT2301 2 2 E 5
Biogographie et cotourisme -
2 Biogeography and Ecoturism*
JFT2302 2 2 E 5
Gographie des sols avec
lments dagriculture
3 cologique - Geography of
Soils with elements of
ecological agriculture*
JFT2303 2 2 E 5
Gographie de la population -
Geography of Population* JFT2304 2 2 E 5
Comptabilit en tourisme -
Accountancy in Tourism* JFT2305 2 2 C 5
Cours pratique de langue
6 franaise - French Language*
LFT2306 2 2 C 5
Gographie des milieux naturels
du globe - Geography of
7 Natural Zones of the World*
JFT2407 2 2 E 5
Gographie rurale et potentiel
touristique des espaces ruraux -
8 Rural geography and tourist
potential of the country areas*
JFT2408 2 2 C 5
Management des activits
9 touristiques - Management of
the Tourist Activities* JFT2409 2 2 E 5
Discipline optionnelle -
Optional Subject* JFT2410 2 2 C 5
Cours pratique de langue
11 franaise - French Language*
LFT2411 2 2 C 5
Pratique de specialit -
Practical Field Activities* JT1412 4 C 5
Disciplines optionnelles
10 Statistiques en tourisme - JFT2310 2 2 C 5
Statistics in Tourism*
10 Karstologie - Karstology* JFT2310 2 2 C 5
Disciplines facultatives
Gomorphosites -
Geomorfosites* JFT2313 2 2 C 5
Systmes Informationnels
Gographique en tourisme -
14 Geographic Information
Systems in Tourism* JFT2414 2 2 C 5
Gographie politique - Political
geography* JFT2415 2 2 C 5
15 Sport - Sports* SFT2315 2 C 5
16 Sport - Sports* SFT2416 2 C 5
Total 12 4 8 30 10 4 10 30

Anne acadmique III

Semestre: I Semestre: II
No. Heures/Semaine Heures/Semaine
Titre du cours Code
crt. FV Cr FV Cr
Rgions et centres touristiques -
1 Regions and Touristic Centers*
JFT3501 2 2 C 5
Gographie urbaine et potentiel
touristique urbain - Urban
2 Geography and Touristic
Urban Potential* JFT3502 2 2 E 5
Marketing touristique -
Marketing in tourism* JFT3503 2 2 E 5
Gographie culturelle,
Ethnographie et
4 Toponomastique - Cultural
Geography, Etnography and
JFT3504 2 2 E 5
Discipline optionnelle -
Optional Subject* JFT3505 2 2 C 5
Discipline optionnelle -
Optional Subject* JFT3506 2 2 C 5
Potentiel touristique naturel de
7 la Roumanie - Natural tourism
potential of Romania* JFT3607 2 2 E 5
Potentiel touristique
anthropique de la Roumanie -
8 Anthropic tourist potential of
Romania* JFT3608 2 2 E 5
Amnagement et planification
9 touristique - Touristic
planning* JFT3609 2 2 P 5
Gographie de lenvironnement
10 - Environmental Geography*
JFT3610 2 2 E 5
Discipline optionnelle -
Optional Subject* JFT3611 2 2 C 5
Elaboration du mmoire de la
12 dissertation - Preparation of the
Graduation Paper* JFT3612 4 C 5
Disciplines optionnelles

Evaluation et prospection du
potentiel touristique -
Evaluation and Prospectation
of the Touristic Potential*
JFT3505 2 2 C 5

Centres et rgions touristiques

5 de Roumanie - Regions and
Touristic Centers in Romania*
JFT3505 2 2 C 5
Disciplines optionnelles
Mthodes et techniques de
communication -
6 Communication Methods and
Techniques* JFT3506 2 2 C 5
Parcs et rserves naturelles -
Natural Parks and Reserves* JFT3506 2 2 C 5
Disciplines optionnelles
Balnoclimatologie et tourisme
balnaire - Balneoclimatology
11 and spa tourism*
JFT3611 2 2 C 5
Politiques touristiques et
dveloppement durable -
11 Touristic Policies and
Sustainable Development* JFT3611 2 2 C 5
Disciplines facultatives
Gographie des eaux minrales
et thermales - Geography of
13 Mineral and Thermal Waters*
JFT3513 2 2 C 5
Gestion des risques naturels et
anthropiques - Management of
14 the natural risks and
JFT3514 2 2 C 5
Organisation des entreprises
15 touristiques - Organization of
the touristic firms* JFT3615 2 2 C 5
Total 12 6 6 25 10 2 12 30


Prof. univ. dr. Corneliu IAU Conf. univ. dr. Doru-Toader JURAVLE

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