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Student Teaching edTPA Lesson Plan Template

Central Focus: Gaining knowledge of Thomas Andrews, the famous

Subject: Social Studies (3rd Grade)
architect of the Titanic, and making inferences based on text about his
Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:

Social Studies NCES: 3.H.1 Understand how events,

individuals and ideas have influenced the history of local
and regional communities.
Date submitted: Date taught: 3/1/17
Language Arts CCSS: RI 3.1 Ask and answer questions
to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring
explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.

Daily Lesson Objective: After reading and discussing the biographical article on Thomas Andrews, students will make three
inferences about a character trait of Thomas Andrews and support each inference using information provided by the text through
asking and answering questions.
21st Century Skills: Academic Language Demand (Language Function and Vocabulary):
Life and Career Skills: Students will develop life and Answer
career skills by expanding their knowledge and making Inference
inferences. In addition, students will use critical thinking
Character trait
skills while using evidence from the text to make
inferences about Thomas Andrews character traits. Characteristics
Learning and Innovation Skills: Students will gain
these skills by communicating with their peers and Throughout the lesson students will be reading, writing, and listening
working together during Guided Practice. through teacher input, guided practice, and independent practice. During
guided practice, students will be speaking with their partners to discuss
Information, Media, and Technology Skills: Using the inferences about Thomas Andrews and his character traits using evidence
SMART Board, books, and hands on materials students from the biography.
will gain information, media, and technology skills.

Prior Knowledge: Students should understand who Thomas Andrew is as well as some background knowledge regarding the Titanic.
Students must be able to analyze text and support statements made. Students should be familiar with making inferences and
identifying character traits.

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

Gather the class attention and say: Yesterday, you read Chapter 4 independently. In 5 minutes
Chapter 4 George had the opportunity to meet the architect of the ship Mr. Andrew.
Remember that the text, I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic is a historical fiction
1. Focus and Review book, meaning that the elements of the text are real and Mr. Andrews was the real
architect of the Titanic. His actual name was Thomas Andrews. Who can tell me what
an architect does? Based on the text who can tell me some facts and what we already
know about Mr. Andrews?
Today we will be learning more about the actual architect of the ship, the Titanic. We 2-5 minutes
will connect the characteristics of Mr. Andrews from the text to real world examples.
2. Statement of Objective
By the end of the lesson you will use a graphic organizer to analyze the traits of
for Student
Thomas Andrews from the article and from our novel. You will also make an
inference about Mr. Andrews based on his character traits.
3. Teacher Input The teacher will read a part of Thomas Andrews biography with the class. Say: To 10 minutes
learn more about Mr. Andrews we will read a small part of his biography. A biography
is a non-fiction text that tells about someones life. The teacher will include some
review about yesterdays lesson to guide student understanding for this lesson. Say:
Yesterday we learned that readers make inferences about characters based on what
they say and do and how other people respond to them. The same is true about actual
people. When we read biographies we make inferences about a person based on things
they say and do and how others respond to them.
The teacher will model the strategy of reading the text and inferring character traits to
the class. Say: In paragraph 3 of the article the text says that Thomas enjoyed the
outdoor life and animals. He also was a horse rider. By identifying these words,
actions and the way others respond to him through this, I can infer that Thomas likes
adventures. An adjective I could use to describe him is adventurous. I am going to
write what the text says in this column. Teacher writes on board looking at the article
the quote from the text. Then, in this column I am going to write that my inference is
that Thomas Andrews is adventurous. Ask:
Who would like to explain the process of inferring Thomas Andrews
character traits to the class?
What does it mean to infer?
Turn and talk to your partner about another word you could use to describe
Thomas Andrews based off this section of the text.
Who would like to share what words you and your partner said?
If you understand the process of inferring the character traits of Thomas Andrews
based off of our text put your thumbs up.
The teacher will continue reading the article with the class, guiding them through the 10 minutes
process of inferring traits. Say: We are going to continue reading the article. As we
continue reading, lets look for other traits we can infer about Mr. Andrews through
asking and answering questions.. I would like everyone to read paragraph 4. What
does the information in the paragraph tell you about Thomas? He had a private
tutor and was a wonderful student smart. If students do not understand say: I am
looking at the line that says He had a private tutor and was a wonderful student.
Based off of this information from the text, what can we infer about Thomas? What
do his words, actions, and the way others respond to him tell us about his character?
4. Guided Practice
Have a class discussion. Ask students to record this information on their graphic
organizer. Write on the board as well on the chart. Now I would like you to read
paragraphs 5 and 6. When you have finished reading please put your hands on your
head. When all students have placed their hands on their head, the teacher will say:
Turn to your partner and discuss what the text tells us about Thomas and what traits
we can infer. Give students time to discuss. Say: What did you and your partner
infer about Mr. Andrews based on paragraphs 5 and 6? What was your reasoning?
Have student discussion, record inferences and text statements on the board, have
students record on their graphic organizers.
Have students continue reading the biography of Thomas Andrew and identify traits 10 minutes
about him based off of the text. Say: Now class it is time for you to work
independently and continue reading the biography of Thomas Andrew. While reading
I would like for you to identify his words, actions, and the way others respond to him.
You will use this information to make an inference about Mr. Andrews like we did
previously. Record your inference along with the supporting evidence on the graphic
5. Independent Practice
To assist them in writing the inferences go over the following format:
Use the graphic organizer and list:
- 3 inferences about Thomas Andrews character traits
- 3 statements from the text (1 per each inference) supporting the
inference about Thomas Andrews character traits.
Formative: Teacher questioning throughout the lesson.
Summative: Collect student graphic organizers and determine mastery with the following criteria:
6. Assessment Methods of
- Provided 3 inferences about Thomas Andrews character traits
all objectives/skills:
- Provided statements from the text supporting 3 inferences about Thomas
Andrews character traits
Have students turn to a partner and share the three traits they inferred about Thomas
Andrews and why. Ask three students to share their traits out loud in whole group.
7. Closure
Ask: Who would like to share one trait they inferred about Thomas Andrews? What
was your reasoning
Informal: Asked the students guided questions throughout the lesson to check
understanding. Students responded appropriately and promptly, demonstrating an
understanding of Thomas Andrews, the biography, and how to make inferences
8. Assessment Results of
about character traits using the text as support.
all objectives/skills:
Formal: Walked around to assess and check the inferences students made during
Independent Practice. All students made accurate inferences and I helped students
who were struggling.
Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations Students Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations
who have visual impairments or require another form of Struggling students during the Independent Practice will be pulled
presentation, may listen to audio recordings of the biography into a small group lesson to reinforce the context clue strategy. In
rather than reading the text. In addition, students who may addition, struggling students will be paired with a high preforming
not be able to write their inferences will be allowed to give student during the partner activity to receive extra support. In
their responses in oral form. Students who have a hard time addition, these students will receive aid from the teacher assistant
concentrating, may require a separate setting during throughout the lesson as needed to help support their learning goals.
Independent Practice or extra time to complete the task. For
students who finish early: have them read their novel, I
Survived the Sinking of the Titanic and find examples from
that text to support their character trait inferences of Thomas
Andrews. ELL students: Partner them together to allow for
translation, provide them with dictionaries and other
bilingual materials.
Thomas Andrews article
Graphic organizers (per student)
Reflection on lesson:
Overall, this lesson was definitely successful and students were very educated on a key historical figure, as well as making inferences
and connections based on evidence from a non-fiction text. As a growing educator, I am very thankful for this opportunity to extend
my knowledge of education and gain a better understanding on how to teach and meet the needs of all students. One thing that I would
change throughout this lesson would be reading the entire biography about the students first, so they are able to make profound
inferences and have background knowledge regarding Thomas Andrews. In addition, I would revise this lesson by adding a may do
for students to complete if they finish with the Independent Practice activity early. Although I included this in the lesson plan, I forgot
to include this during the actual execution of the lesson. Overall, I believe that students gained a proficient understanding throughout
this lesson as they: asked appropriate and thoughtful questions, responded to teacher-prompted questions, and completed the
Independent Practice activity with accuracy by making individual inferences about Thomas Andrews based off of the text.

CT signature: ________________________ Date: ______ US signature: ____________________________Date: ______

Graphic Organizer

Inferences about Thomas Andrews Character Traits Statements From the Text Supporting Inferences

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