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goals of the program are to increase

PROGRAM HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED TO awareness of quality and safety issues
ENHANCE THE QUALITY OF STRUCTUR- in erector organizations and to provided
AL STEEL ERECTION. Contractors are cer- an incentive to comply with quality
tified based on their demonstrated expe- requirements. A commitment from
rience, capability and awareness of management to become a certified erec-
sound erection practices. Included in tor in 99 will prove to be a wise deci-
the program are certain welding sion.
requirements. These provisions are not The authors hope to provide some
new and, in most cases, have been code helpful insight into the welding require-
requirements for many years; however, ments associated with the AISC Erector
some additional documentation may be Certification Program, as well as some
imposed. Any contractor doing work in of the code requirements. This paper is
accordance with AWS D1.1 or D1.5 is not intended to be comprehensive, but
already required to comply with these will address several key issues. A thor-
code provisions. ough review of the AISC Erector
The Structural Welding Code is a Certification Program and applicable
consensus document that represents codes is recommended.
the collective wisdom of designers, fabri-
cators, inspectors, educators and consul-
tants, acquired over decades of experi- Common Misconceptions
ence (Post, J.W., "Welding Solutions:
Duane K. Miller Put Things in Perspective with the AWS
(top) is Manager of D1.1 Code 1998 National Steel In the realm of steel erection, there are
Engineering Construction Conference Proceedings). several misconceptions related to weld-
Services and R. ing requirements. To obtain certifica-
It is not just a book of rules; rather it is
Scott Funderburk is
Welding Design a document that promotes quality work. tion, erectors must first move beyond the
Engineer with The The erector certification program following fallacies and address the root
Lincoln Electric focuses on quality and safety, both of problems in the industry.
Company in which are key to the success of a project
Cleveland. and directly influence the cost effective- Misconception #1:
ness of steel erection. Now is the time The AWS D1.1 Structural Welding
for all erectors to get on board and join Code applies to shop fabrication
the ranks of certified erectors. In a only.
learning curve analogous to that experi-
enced by certified building and bridge The D1.1 Code specifically states that
fabricators more than 20 years ago, this code contains the requirements
steel erectors will also need to expand for fabricating and erecting welded
their comfort zone as they embrace this steel structures (emphasis added,
program. Eventually, it is expected that AWS D1.1-98, para. 1.1). The Code
the program will be end-user driven contains provisions, such as joint tol-
through contract specifications. The erances and fitup (AWS D1.1-98, para

Modern Steel Construction / May 1999

5.22), that must be followed regard- formed as necessary prior to assem-
The authors would
less of where the welding is done. In bly, during assembly, during welding,
fact, many of the sections were writ- and after welding to ensure that like to thank Tom
ten with field erection in mind. For material and workmanship meet the
example, if the root opening on a requirements of the contract docu- Schlafly of AISC,
groove weld exceeds the as-fit toler- ments. Fabrication/erection inspec-
ances, the Code provides options for tion and testing are the responsibili- Inc. and Farnham
resolution of this problem (AWS ties of the contractor unless
D1.1-98, para. and otherwise provided in the contract Jarrard, Clare
It is speculated that these provisions documents(AWS D1.1-98, para.
are used more frequently in the field AWS D1.5 mandates that Ulstad and Art
than in the shop. the Quality Control (QC) function is
The D1.1 Code is equally applicable the responsibility of the erector (AWS Arndt of the Quality
to both shop fabrication and field con- D1.5-96, para., and the QC
struction. Inspector works on behalf of the erec- Auditing Company,
tor for inspection, testing and quality
Misconception #2: matters (AWS D1.5-96, para. Inc. for their valu-
If a prequalified welding proce- For many field projects, the contract
dure is used, then a written WPS will require Verification or Quality able input on this
is not required. Assurance (QA) Inspection, often
paper, as well as for
stipulating that NDT be performed
The D1.1 Code mandates that all by the Verification Inspector (AWS
their diligent contri-
prequalified WPSs shall be written D1.1-98, This does not, how-
(D1.1-98, para. 3.1). Welding ever, preclude or replace the QC butions to the
Procedure Specifications are the com- Inspection that is required by the
munication tool that gives the welder Code. For more information on this structural steel
instructions on how to make the issue, the authors recommend
weld. Items such as minimum pre- Ensuring Weld Quality in Structural industry for many
heat temperature, maximum inter- Applications: The Roles of Engineers,
pass temperature and bead place- Fabricators and Inspectors (Part I of years.
ment are listed on the WPS and must III) (Miller, NASCC 1996).
be maintained to obtain the required The contractor is responsible for erec-
weld soundness and mechanical prop- tion inspection and testing, unless
erties. More information on WPS specifically exempted by the contract
development is included in in documents.
"Reviewing and Approving Welding
Procedure Specifications" (Miller and Misconception #4:
Funderburk, NSCC 1998) and "What The union hall takes care of all
Every Engineer Needs to Know About the welder qualification issues.
Welding Procedures" (Miller, NSCC
1997). Indeed, unions do provide a valuable
Written WPSs are required for all service to the industry through their
welding, including prequalified proce- welder training and testing pro-
dures. grams. Welders can even become cer-
tified welders through the AWS
Misconception #3: Welder Certification Program.
Quality Assurance will handle all However, in terms of the AWS D1.1
of the field inspection issues the Code, it is the contractors responsi-
contractor does not need to do bility to qualify all welders, welding
any inspection. operators, stud welders and tack
welders (AWS D1.1-98, para.
Both the AWS D1.1 and D1.5 Codes and 7.7.4). If a welder was qualified
specifically define inspection respon- on a previous job, that performance
sibilities for the contractor. D1.1 qualification may be acceptable pro-
names the Fabrication/Erection vided that proper documentation and
Inspector as the designated person evidence has been maintained and
who acts on behalf of the contractor that the Engineer, not the contractor,
with regard to all inspection and approves it (AWS D1.1-98, para.
quality matters (AWS D1.1-98, para. D1.1 also says that fabrica- Welder qualification is the contrac-
tion/erection inspection shall be per- tors responsibility.

Modern Steel Construction / May 1999

To improve quality and safety, use by the welders and ready for Code does not say that the
it is important that these mis- submission. It also makes good welder must keep the WPS with
conceptions be exposed and cor- business sense, because complete him at all times. However, the
rected. These misunderstand- and proper WPSs generally welder should have quick access
ings can lead to other problems, encourage quality and productiv- to it. On most job sites, the field
such as those discussed below, if ity. office trailer is an adequate loca-
they are not addressed. tion for storage of the WPSs. On
No steel specification or grade some projects, however, the trail-
was listed on the WPS. er may be too far away for the
welding crew to readily retrieve
Specific Audit In this case, the WPS was sub- the documents. In this case, it
Problems mitted, but it was incomplete. may be more appropriate to
One of the essential variables is issue a set of WPSs to each crew.
the base metal specification and The WPS is intended to control
grade (AWS D1.1-98, para. the welding. To do the work
The acceptance criteria of the 4.7.3); this information must be properly, the welders need the
audit are categorized in three explicitly stated on the WPS. information recorded on the
areas: Application (Ap), Other examples of incomplete WPS, including the allowable
Management (Mg) and or incorrect WPSs are the follow- tolerances.
Operations (Op). These criteria ing: polarity not listed, no date
have requirements related to all shown, backing to be used with- The WPS listed 225 degree F
aspects of steel erection, includ- out the backing material desig- minimum preheat temperature,
ing welding. Based on results nated, no supporting PQRs for and the welder was using a 150
from initial audits, nonconfor- qualified procedures, and pre- degree F crayon.
mance has been found in the fol- qualified status declared with a
lowing: Welding Procedure non-prequalified process (e.g., The WPS must be properly
Specifications, quality control, GMAW short circuiting). followed, and the welder must
welder qualification and other use the right tools (the correct
miscellaneous welding issues. Are approved written temperature indicating crayon in
To aid the erector in the certifi- welding procedures in this case). Here, the welder does
cation process, each problem close proximity to and not know if the steel is above the
item is quoted from the AISC used by the welders? minimum specified preheat tem-
Certified Advanced Steel Erector (AISC, Advanced Program perature of 225 degree F. He
Evaluation Checklist with exam- Only Op444) only knows if it is above 150
ples of auditor citations of specif- degree F, and he can not main-
ic requirements. A few of the The WPS was for E7018, and tain the minimum specified pre-
requirements are for Advanced the welder was using E71T-8. heat temperature.
Certification only, and these are Several other things could
noted in the applicable sections In this example, either the happen if the WPS is not fol-
below. welder had the wrong WPS or he lowed, including: improper weld
was violating the WPS he was size, maximum interpass tem-
WELDING PROCEDURE using. Whichever was the case, perature exceeded, wrong elec-
SPECIFICATIONS what the welder was doing did trode, incorrect travel speed, and
not match the requirements of other problems. The result could
Are representative weld the WPS. The auditors will be inadequate structural perfor-
procedures submitted? often verify that the actual weld- mance, hydrogen cracking,
(AISC, Ap10) ing is in conformance with the lamellar tearing, increased cost,
WPS. timely repairs and schedule
Erector did not submit any over-runs.
WPSs. The WPSs were not at the job
site apparently they are kept The welder was running on
The contractor must have at the home office. the wrong polarity and did not
WPSs that cover every weld to know the difference between DC
be made on the job, and the erec- The home office is not in close positive and negative.
tor must submit several to the proximity to the welder. One of
auditors for review. Also, an the key objectives for WPSs is to The auditors expect the
inspector or the Engineer could clearly communicate the require- welder to understand the funda-
ask to review the WPSs at any ments to the welder and inspec- mental issues covered by the
time (AWS D1.1-98, para. 4.1.1, tors. This can not effectively WPS, including electrode polari-
4.2.3 and 6.3.1). Therefore, take place with the instructions ty. The welder should also have
WPSs should be kept current, in filed away at the office. The a basic understanding, for exam-

Modern Steel Construction / May 1999

ple, of welding processes (e.g., (AISC, Op17) There is little benefit in giving
FCAW vs. SMAW), visual accep- responsibility to someone who
tance criteria, joint and weld The welding foreman did not can not authorize the work to be
types (e.g., butt joint with a sin- know what the AWS D1.1 Code done.
gle-bevel groove weld), joint fit- was.
up tolerances, and position (e.g., Do the welders under-
2F and 6G). No one expects the job super- stand, comply with, and
intendent or the foreman to check their welds against
know all the applicable code pro- the workmanship and
QUALITY CONTROL visions from memory, but they technique requirements of
should at least know what the AISC, AASHTO, or AWS?
If welding is required, is a code is and where to find (AISC, Op35)
competent welding techni- answers to common code ques-
cian (such as a CWI or tions. For example, the auditor The welder was making welds
ACWI) employed by the may ask the foreman to show with unacceptable undercut and
applicant? (AISC, him the code provisions for didnt know what was wrong.
Advanced Program Only allowable porosity levels. The
Mg166) foreman should be able to fairly The Code says that, the con-
quickly open the AWS D1.1 Code tractor shall be responsible for
Erector had no welding and turn to Chapter 6 - visual inspection and necessary
inspector. Inspection to find the answer. correction of all deficiencies in
materials and workmanship in
It is important to have person- Has a key person been accordance with the require-
nel available to the job site who assigned the responsibility ments of this code (AWS D1.1-
have training in welding, includ- of bolting or welding joints 98, para. 6.6.1). This includes
ing the AWS D1 Welding Codes, in accordance with the the following issues: cracks,
welding processes, inspection applicable specifications? weld/base metal fusion, craters,
technology and quality accep- (AISC, Op30) weld profiles, weld size, under-
tance criteria. The Certified cut, and porosity (AWS D1.1-98,
Welding Inspector (CWI) pro- No one knew who was in Table 6.1). This code provision
gram sponsored by AWS charge of welding. establishes the basis for the
requires the participants to requirement that the welders
demonstrate their knowledge of At the heart of this require- must understand, comply with,
these issues through job experi- ment are two issues: responsi- and check their work.
ence and examination. Having a bility and specifications. To According to the auditors note
CWI on staff is no guarantee achieve high quality, key people in this example, the welder
against problems, but it does must ensure that the work con- apparently didnt know what
provide some level of confidence forms to the standards estab- undercut was, or that there were
when trouble arises. The D1.1 lished in the specifications (e.g., unacceptable limits. Since the
Code does not require a AWS AWS D1.1 and contract docu- contractor is responsible for visu-
CWI; there are other acceptable ments). Along with responsibili- al inspection, having the welders
qualification bases such as the ty must come the motivation to check to make sure that their
Canadian Welding Bureau CWI do the right thing and to see work meets the visual inspection
(AWS D1.1-98, para. things through to completion. criteria is an effective first step.
Since quality is a core objective Responsibility also encourages
of the AISC Erector Certification pride of workmanship, owner-
Program, incorporating qualified ship, the understanding that it WELDER QUALIFICATION
people is fundamental. A CWI is has to be done correctly and that Does the applicant have a
not essential to obtaining a cer- it is up to the individual to record of the craft workers
tificate but there must be some- accomplish the goal. This person who are certified welders?
one available who has demon- can be the one responsible for (AISC, Mg7c)
strated awareness of welding assuring quality of the work, but
and code issues. he must know the criteria and be No Welder Performance
active on the site. If this respon- Qualification Records (WPQRs)
Are job site superinten- sibility is not given to one specif- were available.
dents and foremen conver- ic person, the likelihood of con-
sant with current work- formance to the workmanship In this example, records were
manship requirements standards in the specifications is inadequate to prove the qualifi-
such as those contained in low. The person in charge of cation of the welders. AWS D1.1
AWS, AREA, AISC, welding must also have the states that the Welding
AASHTO, specifications? authority to make decisions. Performance Qualification

Modern Steel Construction / May 1999

Record (WPQR) shall serve as AWS D1.1 have been violated. mance be conducted every year
written verification and shall list The Code states that changes (AWS D1.5-96, para. 5.5), and
all of the essential variables of beyond the limitation of essen- the erector must maintain copies
Table 4.10 (AWS D1.1-98, para. tial variables for welders... of the most current certificates.
4.21). shown in Table 4.10 shall The Structural Code states that
Another situation is that the require requalification (AWS when requested by the
erector may have the qualifica- D1.1-98, para. 4.22). The weld- Engineer, the contractor or fabri-
tion records, but the results of ing process (e.g., FCAW, SMAW, cator shall furnish certification
mechanical, visual and NDT are GMAW and GTAW) used during that the electrode or electrode-
not listed. Without test results, qualification is the first essential flux combination will meet the
the qualification may be suspect. variable listed in Table 4.10 of requirements of the classifica-
To make the qualification credi- the Code. This table states that tion (AWS D1.1-98, para.
ble, this information must be if the welder is going to change AWS A5.01-87 Filler
recorded and retained. As a to a process for which he is not Metal Procurement Guidelines
matter of reference, the D1.1 qualified, he must qualify for have several schedules that per-
Code has an example WPQR that process as well. mit re-certification of electrodes
form in Annex E with space Other essential variables are to different time periods. For
included for the visual, destruc- SMAW F-number, non-approved example, Schedule G calls for re-
tive and radiographic test results electrodes/shielding medium in certification on an annual basis,
(AWS D1.1-98, pg. 305). the AWS A5 filler metal specifi- while Schedule F allows for the
Additionally, the date and an cations, position, material thick- use of the manufacturers stan-
authorized signature must be on ness, vertical progression, omis- dard testing levels. Some manu-
the WPQR. The Code says that sion of backing and number of facturers use a three year period
the welders qualification shall electrodes (AWS D1.1-98, Table for products unlikely to be used
be considered as remaining in 4.10). on bridge projects where D1.5
effect indefinitely unless ... the requires annual re-certification.
welder is not engaged in a given
process of welding for which the OTHER WELDING PROBLEMS Are flux and rod ovens
welder ... is qualified for a period In the event the applicant adequate and close enough
exceeding six months... (AWS purchases weld wire, steel to where the work is being
D1.1-98, para. This material, paint, castings, performed and are they
means that as long as the welder etc., are the manufactur- operating per the latest
welds with the process for which ers test reports or certifi- AWS requirements? (AISC,
he is qualified at least once every cates of compliance on file Op36)
six months, his qualification last at the location where the Rod ovens on site, but the
forever unless there is reason to material is being utilized? temperature inside the oven was
question his ability. The key to (AISC, Advanced Program only 100 degrees F.
this requirement is that the date Only Op40))
must be recorded on the WPQR Electrode storage ovens must
form when the welder was first No welding electrode be available on site, the tempera-
qualified. Also, a log must be Certificates of Conformance were ture inside the oven must be
kept to verify that the welder on file. maintained to at least 250
remains current in his qualifica- degrees F, and the oven must be
tion. The welding consumables (i.e., reasonably close to where the
To make record keeping easi- electrode, electrode/flux combi- welding is actually done. The
er, many erectors use commer- nation, or electrode/shielding D1.1 Code requires that imme-
cially available computer soft- gas) used on the job site must diately after opening the hermet-
ware packages to track welder conform to the provisions of the ically sealed container, elec-
qualification. appropriate AWS A5 filler metal trodes shall be stored in ovens
specifications. Filler metal tests held at a temperature of at least
Are welders qualified per of conformance are conducted by 250 degrees F (120 degrees C)
the project requirements the welding consumable manu- (AWS D1.1-98, para.
(i.e., AWS, AASHTO, facturer. The results of these Problems can arise if the con-
ASME)? (AISC, Op34) tests are reported on a certificate sumables are not properly main-
of conformance. Copies of the tained. For example, when weld-
Some welders were welding certificates of conformance must ing a higher strength steel,
with FCAW but were only quali- be kept at the job site for each delayed cracking can occur even
fied for SMAW. consumable used for the with low hydrogen electrodes if
Advanced Certification Program. they are not stored and handled
The problem here is that the The Bridge Code requires that properly. Major rework may
welder qualification provisions of the filler metal tests of confor- result, and cracking is a poten-
tial consequence if this require-
ment is not followed. The pur-
pose of the rod oven is to keep
the electrodes dry to help mini-
mize the chances for problems of
this nature. Make sure that the
rod ovens (1) are on the job site,
(2) work properly, and (3) are
close to the location of welding.

In the form of the D1.1
Structural Welding Code and the
D1.5 Bridge Welding Code, steel
erectors have been given a
readymade two-part blueprint
for excellence that will serve
them well in meeting the
requirements of AISCs Erector
Certification Program.

This paper is part of the 1999

North American Steel
Construction Conference session:
What Every Steel Erector
Should Know About Welding
Requirements (Before The
Auditors Arrive!).

Modern Steel Construction / May 1999

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