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Time to Five Minutes


Copyright 2013 Fran Lafferty. All rights reserved.

Permission is granted to individuals who purchase these materials to print copies

for personal home or classroom use only. NO permission is granted to make or
share additional copies of individual pages or entire activity sets, either in digital
or hard copy format, except as replacement copies for the purchaser's own use.


If possible, print on card stock and laminate or

cover with clear contact paper for durability.

Ideas for use:

1. Hold up one owl card at a time and have
children say out loud what time it is on the
2. Lay out selected owl cards on a table and
have children place the matching digital time
card under each.
3. Give each child a copy of page 10 and six
digital time cards. Have them draw the hands
A Home Education Resources packet on each clock and write the digital time in the
box beneath.
12:00 6:00 3:00
9:00 1:00 5:00

7:00 10:00 11:00

12:30 1:30 3:30

4:30 7:30 8:30

9:30 10:30 11:30

12:15 5:15 7:15

9:15 1:45 4:45

6:45 8:45 11:45
2:05 5:05 6:05
10:05 3:10 4:10

8:10 2:20 5:20

7:20 11:20 12:25

3:25 8:25 2:35

6:35 10:35 1:40

4:40 9:40 10:40

2:50 5:50 9:50

1:55 7:55 11:55
Owl Time Practice
Draw the hands on the clock to match the time shown on the card.

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