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An opposition, conflict, or antagonism between different laws of the same state

or sovereignty upon the same subject-matter. 2. A similar inconsistency between the
municipal laws of different states or countries, arising in the case of persons who
have acquired rights or a status, or made contracts, or incurred obligations, within the
territory of two or more states. 3. That branch of jurisprudence, arising from the
diversity of the laws of different nations in their application to rights and remedies,
which reconciles the inconsistency, or decides which law or system is to govern in
the particular case, or settles the degree of force to be accorded to the law of a foreign
country, (the acts or rights in question having arisen under it,) either where it varies
from the domestic law, or where the domestic law is silent or not exclusively
applicable to the case in point. In this sense it is more properly called private
international law.

Law Dictionary: What is CONFLICT OF LAWS 1? definition of CONFLICT OF LAWS 1

(Black's Law Dictionary)

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