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John (Juan McAmnesty) McCain Must be RETIRED!

(McCain Hid His Own Criminal Past Years Before Obama Ever Thought To
Do It)

Juan McAmnesty (dubbed ‘Songbird’ McCain by his Communist ‘handlers’ at the Vietnam
Hanoi Hilton) is NOT a ‘War Hero’, but instead, is one of the ‘Slippery, Sleazy, & Slimys’,
the equivalent of a Hanoi-Jane Fonda traitor, who collaborated with the enemy – and then,
once he had his U.S. Congressional career intact and established, made sure that all his
Hanoi Hilton records were sealed away forever!

This was the forerunner to his throwing of his presidential race in 2008 to another
‘Slippery, Sleazy, & Slimy Marxist Muslim iMposter – who has managed to seal
away forever (uh, so far) all of his vital records.

In the video you will hear from fellow Congress-members, members of the 1992 Senate
Select Committee on POW/MIAs, and fellow Hanoi Hilton prisoners, testifying to the
despicable actions of this corrupt and treasonous member of our Government. Some key
comments are transcribed below:

Vietnam Veterans Against McCain

Jan 18, 2008 Time: 7:45


The group, Vietnam Veterans Against McCain, attacks Senator John McCain's heroism as a POW in the Vietnam
conflict. The documentary "Missing, Presumed Dead: the Search for America's POWs" however focuses more on
Senator John McCain successfully blocking the release of classified POW/MIA documents. Here is an excerpt from
that documentary.
A DVD of the documentary may be purchased at

1992 Senate Select Committee on POW/MIAs

‘The McCain Factor’

Dr. Joseph Douglass, Jr. Author: ‘Betrayed: America’s Missing POWs’:

Sen McCain .. was an obstructionist. Not interested in the truth coming out.
He attacked people rather than learn what they had to say (concerning their missing

Tracy Usry, fmr Chief Investigator, U.S. Senate Minority Staff:

… he would never ever give in and say there were POWs left behind.

Dr. Joseph Douglass:

He did more harm to the idea of getting the truth out than any other single
person – by blocking the release of ‘classified’ intelligence dealing with the POW/MIA

Sen Bob Smith (R-NH):

Many, many, documents were held back for no reason. Information was
withheld from the Committee itself.

Al Santoli, American Foreign Policy Council (fmr Congressional Chief of Staff):

Even former POWs … who wanted to see their own debriefings, were
not permitted to see them … because of the McCain regulation.

Cpl Bob Dumas, U.S. Army (Ret):

He (McCain) didn’t want anybody to check his background because a lot of
POWs, who were with him in the camp, said he was a collaborator with the
enemy …

Dr. James Lucier, fmr U.S. Senate Chief of Staff;

We do know that … he cooperated with Communist News Services in giving
interviews that were not flattering to the U.S.

Sen. Bob Smith:

Information shows that he made over 32 tapes of propaganda for the Vietnamese

Rep. Bob Dornan:

A POW who heard those transcriptions coming into his cell said: OMG! Is that
Admiral McCain’s son? Is that ‘Johnny’ telling us that our principal targets are
schools, orphanages, hospitals, temples, churches … that was Jane Fonda’s line.
Where are those transcriptions? … In the archives of the Military museum in
Hanoi. McCain could not have wanted those to turn up in the middle of a presidential

Cpl Bob Dumas:

He didn’t want anybody looking into this background in what went on in the
Camp. That stuff is STILL classified. And he’s had it classified FOREVER, so
nobody will ever look at it!

Rep. Bob Dornan:

It sounds so good at first. McCain was offered the chance to come
home … and he could have. But nobody ever takes it one step beyond that.

If Admiral John McCain Jr.’s son, a Lt. Sr. Grade, had accepted this
princely status – AND CAME HOME in 1967 – while the others would sit
there for 5 years, what would the Navy have done with the son of an
Admiral – if he opted to get special treatment and came home? No Navy
career; no House seat; no Senate seat – it would have been the end of his
And they were offering him this chance to go home – in one of the 3
groups that came home in 1968, the COLLABORATORS – known as the

And that would have meant that McCain would have become
(publicly) a SLIPPERY, SLEAZY, and SLIMY – ruining his career.

Yes. He chose to stay, but did he have an alternative – if he ever

wanted to have a life?

Dr. Joseph Douglass, Jr.:

His activities were sufficiently consistent and widespread in opposing efforts to
learn that thruth that he was written up in a number of articles as the Manchurian
Candidate on this issue.
Rep. Bob Dornan:
In Hanoi, he (a Vietnamese gov’t official) saw McCain turn red in the face –
jumping up and down in a rage saying: ‘If you release any of these records that
you have here in Hanoi on me or any of the other POWs, you will NEVER get
diplomatic recognition!’

NOTE 1: McCain’s broken arms and shoulders came from violating his flight rules and flying
too low, then failing to pull his arms in when he bailed out of his A-4 Skyhawk. ‘Pilot Error’
- through and through. To re-elect him again as a Senator from AZ would be the People’s
Error – through and through!

NOTE 2: Now that he’s no longer the ‘lesser of two evils’ running for President, it is time for
all patriotic Americans to stand up and be counted in exposing his Treason. There are much
better choices for Senator from ARIZONA!

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