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*- ^
Jmeper Childs Cardasis, James Budhwu,
Carpenter, TUdd CaJcegi^^ VKteris
North Shore PnhliratioiU Stephen Creegh
Alfred Cox
Roberta Federa
CbeaebrouiJi, Wendy
Corey, Nancy
Ctet, JackUnn
Cowih, Dteid Crow, Megan
Caren Graenberg
Rosemarie Haberle
Cox, Daniel
Oadirrian, Janet
Cummins, 'Thomss
Ernst, Birfasra
> 27 PIm^cnm MA 7*4034 Cathy Hanau Oetnou, Kizk Fendt, Join
FtORiHCE M. LUTHER Stephen Haweell ^Dtrkes, Karen Flynn, Muire
E4itr 04 PwLRltr Brian Hefan Eckerson, Todd Freefaurg, Wraley
Rrfli AL Stockr, AMci** E4flor Eileen Hcrzfelder Field, Bonnie Qraubert, Catherine
Eli RotMb^rg^ A4rfliii0 Moiiat^r Leslie Hyman Fierro, Douglas Green, Jeff
Alexis Kapikian Gchlmeycr, Robert Harris, Linda Film, Oevhi ,
J#Ofi Oovis, Clcwilii4 Mbncg^r Jtvinne lOte GUla, William HiU, Hugh Oirrity, Mnira
eonWiMMf brm mr* rmtntr*0d. KlmKi^egel Holpin, Kevin Kaklins, Ivor OottsArer^T&lcTt
RtublfetiN o# Griffin, Jeiouie
fNinnlsalMi ta mrriUnt nu bm o^mlnkd b*fo* ^publleatian. Nancy Maimone Heltisai, Nancy Kaywood, Rosaline
William Mays Homan, Robert Koncick, Teress IkiegUn, Mtrthi
OHieisI Nwtpop*r Vlllof# of Flow#f Hill, Kevin McGlynn Hutton, Cynthia Leccese, Victoria Kennedy, James
Mon toy Pork, Moffk Hi lit, Ploodomo, Ktthryn McMahim Leccese, Joane Loonie, Jean Kennedy, LonreSoe
Plon4omo Hoiglitt, Plofi4oiiio Honor John hfishrlkl Lees, Regina Mallis, Eva iOKnvles, Jillson
Christine Montllor Letzler, Jonathan Markezln, Ernest Koedding, Lloyd
Subscription $5*00 Robin Odcnwald Levine, Deborah Martin, Deborah Larigsn, Chris
William Olson Love, Robin McQuilling, Kathleen Lester,ingxld
KfMaratf facwMl Cl* !!* Jbtf 3t, If37 *
Marie Pasculli Maimone, Marie Nelson, Leigji ligon, Bruce
Jill Peterson Martin, Meredith Patasbny, Karen Marks, Kim
May, Beverly Mastro, Madalyn
No Place To Go, Lynn Petronella
L^se Platt Mendez de Leon, Delphine
Petta, Veronica
Reeves, Sarah McGowan, Janet
In its November 13 ioeue. The MAIL urged cbet the 104 unit tenlor Mitchell Reichman Montllor, Lisa Reid, Susan McGregor, Susan
citizen houeing project proposed for East Shore Rood in Minhassec- Chris Roth Mori, Nina Sabrin, Pamela McQulUiitg, LesUe
Great Neck be approved ~-Hunanimoualy. We described the plights Robert Salmon Nasti, melinda Santulli, Michael Nttele, Niel
of the elderly In a time oi inflation and called attention to the more Joanne Samuels O'Connell, Tracey Serling, Leslie Nfiller, Bruce ^
than 700 letters received by Totm Hall by seniors desperately in Carolyn Schmelzer Reiss, Susan Stuart, Alice Monahan, Clare
need of housing In a moderate price bracks. The MAIL remains in Mary 3cura Rollins, Carla Westerling, Pamela Nettesheim, Susan
support of the East Shore Road senior project, which is qpposed by a Susan Suthergreen Salmon, James WhlRple, Richard Raymond, Anthony
number of Manhasset-Great Neck resldirats and represematives of Bradley Taylor Sheridan, Delrdre Zambas, Alene Rice, Sheila
organizations who favor low income housing for the site in the Spinney Edward Taylor Stoddard, Paul Roche, John
Hill area, predominately Negro. The property, however, was not ap> Celeste Telfeyan Tkaez, ^rbara HONORS Ruble, Qenn
proved by the federal government for family housing because it was Patricia Wick Von Klemperer, Jean Sebaj^U, Nan
felt to be dangerous for children, with not enough ^wce for recreatiiMi, Teresa Wolff Atiyeh, Thomas Serlin& Lynn
and might become an extension of an existing ghetto area. Deborah 2^pka 7th Grade Bremer, Annette Sheridan, Joan
There is an equally desperate need for low to middle income housing Pamela ZapM high honors Brugal, Drew Ung^, Elizabeth
% in the Tovm of htorth Hempstead for family htxjsing. In the Manhasset- Brown, Melissa Burris, George Vaultz, Adrienne
Great Neck vSUey and in other pockets of poverty, for both black and 9th Grode Cain, Kathryn Woodring, Gary
Drummer, David
white families. Often a proposal to construct low to middle income NIGH HONORS liminnmnnnnniiiimiiiinHiiniinMiimnnRiifi
housing, such as the Community Action Council and North Shore Uni Corln, Linda
tarian sponsored Town Housecomplex in Port Washington, is the signal Cutler, Sheryl I
for protest, from residents in the vicinity of the proposed site, from Day, John
factions who back some other project, and from a segment that doesn't
want any moderate bousing anywhere in the Town.
Dyson, SaUy
Gee, Jennifer
Regardless of past, present and future protest, the senior citizens, bigersol, Elizabeth
the black and white at low socio-economic l^els and the young mar-
rleds need housing within their Incomeand they need it now.
Izzo, Rosemary
Keller, Jane
As a matter of fact, they needed it yesterday. Livingston, Daniel
Nicbolls, Teresa EUGENE F. ROWAN of Port Washington has been appointed director
Doreen Hastedt Peters, Kenneth of urban affairs in the public affairs department of the J.C , Fenney
Manhasaet High School David Hoelzer
Arlen Kantarian
Heicter, Lynn Company, Inc. Rowan, who was a lieutenant (J4-) in the U.S. i^iaval
Schwartz,Ruby Reserve, is a member of the Bar <rf the District of Columbia and
Honor Roll Roxanne Kapikian
Karen Klee
DUme Leccese
Shea, Barbara
Ugelow, Linda -
New York State; a director of the Robert Brunner PouiKbtion, and
the Catholic Union of the Sick in America, and cbeinmn at the
MieiMiel Lindner WaUs, Use American Retail Federation Employee :ReUtions Commiteee. Rowan
12ft Grade Carol# Sbmny
Joaeph 9cure Virginia Marchesiello HONORS and his wife, the former Mary Ellen Lucey (rf Manhasset, are the pa-"*
HIGH HONORS Richard Spellman Carolyn Marshall Albano, Jeryl rents of three sons and a daughter...
Richard Agatsteln Sarah Spruill Danielle Martin Andriano, Kadiy GLADYS COLLIER J85 Aldershot Lane,Manhassct and AitANSTC^l-
Susan Altman Nancy Prober Robert McNeil Beals, Steven TAG, Rego Park, topped their section of the MIXED PAIRS* four-
Alice Brown Joanne Suthergreen Jeffrey Metzger Blauser, Sallie session cnampionsnip event at the Pall Nacltmal 'TouraamenC of the
Laurie CavlU Salvatore Tangredi Marie Moses Bschorr, SUssn American Contraa Bridge League, in Miami, FU.MALEXANDER
Alan Chal Linda Tokatllan Charles Pores Cavill, Leslle^^-"^'^ MePHEE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander H, MePhee of Manhasset,#
Diborah DeGoiter Pamela Trecartin Richard Roberts Cline, Holly senior-Chemical Engineering will be formally Initiated into Tau
Susan Oenenholz Judith Ugelow Sally Seibert Colby, Robms Pi on December 7, 1969. Tau Beta Piis tlte national engineering honor
Roberts Esbltt Gall Whitney Ivy Slatin Crow, Amy society, founded in 1885, for the purpose recognizing scholastic
Oivid Cray Cheryl Whitten Jamie Shoc^raae Cummins, Thomas achievement and exemplary character among engineeit^ students.
Stephen Kaye Batura wick Cortlapd^:^ Dahlman, Amy SEAN DONNELLY PUSEY, was bom November 18 at North Shore
Oaborah Lertier Oeorge WlemeiHi 7- Deboi^ Stoutland Barnes, Elizabeth Hospital. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. WilUam Henry Puscy.Jr,, 81
Louise Lovleh . Dorothy Wilitarr^J-' Cheryl Taylor Eslingec, Jeanne Carnation Road of Levlttown. Mrs. PuSiqr Is ibe feurtner Pattlcla
Jasmine Urn Oail Woods Robert Taylor Federa, Juchth Place of North Hills. The Puseys have a nolder son, William Hmry
Henry Mautner WUUam Ylj Robert Th^f el Garwood, Elizabeth pusey, in, age 3... Tom Woithington,Shermaa* Omn, Direct PUsrF*
John Nl<Bia Anthony Zino Charles Weil Gary, Brett butor of Amway Products, has announced the ttwarding of a Pers<al
Kim Peterson Denise Winters Gottlieb, jemathm Sales Award Plaque to ROBERT and BARBARA RILEY of Mwihassec.
Thomasr itosenberg 1) rti Crode Alice Yardum (>illck, Charles In presenting the award. Direct Distributor Tbin Worthington per
Paul Roubian high honors 'EcNrard Young Jenkins, Jeimifer sonally congratulated the Riley's on the p^ormance iSTllieir disir!----
Richard Ryther Bradley BUckbum Henry Young Kalman, Victor butorship, giving special recogpitionf:o their outstanding sales achieve*
David Unger Pamela Chassin Eric Zobler . McQuilling, Thomas ment record... CHRISTOPHER DANIEL WALLS, bora November 23
Wayne WMtmore Barbara Guia Nowlckl, Ninel at North Shore Hospital to Mr. andMrs.WiUiam J. Walls of 978 Plan-
John Wolff William Homan
lOth Grade
Prunhuber, Patti dome Road. Their older children include Blli, 15; LI, W, Donna, 11;;
HONORS Debra Klelnberg HIGH HONORS Seldin, Amv Michele, 4, and Terence age 2... O '
Ooleen Lamont Andrew Acs Sobin, Katherine
Dianna Atiyeh Swven Urn Karan Apt Strcdier, Ilene Manhasset area bridge players starred at the 43rd Fall National
Claudia Barreto Jay Llsnow Kevin Barry Stuart, Jane Championships of the American Contract Bridge Leegite. In the
Virginia Bazarlan^ Cta-is MicCrate Marianne Bergin Whitmonsy Polly Wishbone Pairs, a single ses^bn championship event,PHIL ATIYCH,
Robert Bouiguat Snsan 0*0000011 Paul Brown Whitney, Susan 234 Eakins Road. Manhasset, and CHET MCLAUGHLIN, Stamford,
Charles Bowman i- Catherine Prutzman David Daly Yearsley, Charles Connecticut, won second overall and tinned their section.^.
Deborah Brogila Joseph Russo Dana Day JOHN C. MOCCIA, 33 Old Estate Road, Manhasset, andjeanniaa
Catherine Bums Barbara Ryther . 8tk Grade Framer, Carl Place, N.Y. topped their secfioo of the FlamtofO
Michelle Dutra
Martin Chavez Cary Schwartz Elizabeth Fendt HIGH HONORS Palrs,i,,a one -session championship evem at the Fall Natiooal Tosr*
Lucy Cohsn Catherine Sheehan Todd Field Barkan, Andrea nament of the American Contract Bridge League... Mr. and Mrs.
Susan CoUifigs Claudia Slmpecn Ni^ Hilvey ' Blackwell, Judith LOUIS G. VIANI of Manhasset were guests at the Carolina Hotel la
Margo Delinetro Pamela SkhoMr Aida Kennedy Ptnehurst, North CaroUna recently...CAROL lOLHENNY a saniortt
Conte, Oierles
Di^rah Dtbba .VQchaei Spear Jeffrey Lecxler Oermaa, Usa the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, has b^'
'Adam Bdelman Sally Stewart Brooks Nelson Gtbbpns, OUl' v nominated for inclusion in the 1969-70 edition of "Who's Who Among
Marie EaUngar Catherine Taylor Leslie Ohler Oreubert, John is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. jfoseph P, KilhennYof IIS
Christine Fields Kathryn Trump Richard Otto Ridge Road... '
Robert POupier Gralxie, Eric
Bilan TrygMid Lorlnds Owen Harvey, Nuietxe ^JEWIFER LOCURTO was bora. November'25 at Nor* Sho^
jai Frankum 2TSk>r Von Zielinski Brenda ReinlMrecln Hoar, Andrea Hospital. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Freak Mirtin Loco^ #
Rsadst1*ehs WfHitmWaae Robert RIebow 44MHastt,Riciiard 224 Kensen Road. The Locarto's older chlldrra are Frank ,16 ^
Judith 09o4~' Susan Weise Cynthia Roberts laiey, Laura Jeanette, 19... GLADYS W. COLUglL185 Alderahot Laa*,
Bsstrim HildsbreniR Valerie Ziirdber ^ Alli^ of New xork aty^toppi^Sar eecHon in ^iSe Uem^
pceAld Hcmrerd Robert Rock Kheuer, Judith
honors Tirin Smith Larmour, Patricia * Pairs, a four-session chanifdoiisbip evete at the FR N*-
Charles Kaufmen looal Tournament of the American Oootrmct Bridge |jBagpe...
David Kaufman Cvid Alfin Susan Sununer Latimer, Susan
Bradley Kiof Laaley Baoewitz Carhleen Vlncesi^ Peterasn. Diene WALTER U SCHLAGER
WilUam RMMdtnc Plr Cardssis Jeff Woodring Rich, Leslie ^ Schiager Jr. of 25 laddie Drtra* Hra***j*
CMdOolby Nancy Wylie Robtaaon, Kathryn attradi^ the basic course at the School W Minic. fteval Ampt^
Patricia Laotler
Mithew Levine klittliMi Cordrey Jeffrey Zalkin Rothateiii, Laurie Va...DOROTHY MOCOA, 04
Diane Muaowct CbrlattiMiistlen HONORS Dahl, Robert SJtfi . Edsoo ai New Jersey, topped their aectm^^
Donald Paeefe SHtmam Pteldg Edward Bassrtsa championship event at Hw FdQ I#lW*
OanaMoce Pecera SNrven Ffyni Deborah Beckett 'iBnmu, ikibm luuniamem of the Amerio^j Contract Bri<%e .
mchafd Plcdooe Gleason Patricia Beh Buck, Heme DeNlco^, daughter of Mrs. ftacte DeWIcHt a^* ^
Nancy Plnzloo srnacummm >au BrickeU Burna, Peter * me^r oi the Cancert Choir at MaoHt
Anna Schwab Lisa Grains Paul ^Butler Butte, Thomea
fansHaberlt Lots Chenebiuugfa ^ DeNteoU. das
jsmsa Ola, RJeberd from Minhasaet High School... 1


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