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of Learning
Goal 1: All students will receive a 21st century education that includes access to highly qualified teachers, standardized aligned materials and facilities maintained in good

1.1 All teachers will be appropriately assigned and fully credentialed in the subject areas and for the pupils they are teaching, ensuring Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT)

Administrator Action(s) Steps Timeline Person Responsible Progress/Evaluation

All of Jordans teachers are Continued 21st Century August 2016 June 2017 Principal Mid-Year
highly qualified. Professional Development that All teachers are fully qualified and
takes place twice a month. Instructional Coach continue to participate in
All teachers are regularly professional development that
involved in professional Planning and collaboration time Resource Teacher occurs twice a month either on our
development and receive designed to reinforce the campus or at one of our Triad
feedback through regular goal Professional Development. Teachers school campuses.
setting and administrative
interactions, such as walk- Real-time feedback from Every month there is planning and
throughs and communication. regular walk-throughs and collaboration time that is built in to
observations. the Modified Wednesday schedule
designed to reinforce the
Professional Development.

The staff receives real-time
feedback from regular observations
and walk-throughs from the
principal, Triad members, principals
coach, DSLT, etc.

Evidence: Modified Wednesday
Schedule, formal observations, etc.

End of Year

1.2 Monitor the math pilot program and make recommendations for adoption of instructional materials. (Secondary schools)

Administrator Action(s) Steps Timeline Person Responsible Progress/Evaluation
(Secondary schools) Mid-Year

End of Year

Goal 2: All students are provided with supplemental resources, materials, and services and receive instruction from teachers who enhance their instructional practice
through participating in various professional development training that focuses on such topics as 21st Century teaching and learning, California Academic State Standards
and ELD Standards.

2.1 All teachers will enhance their instructional practice through participating in various professional development training that focus on 21st century teaching and learning,
California Achievement Standards and ELD Standards. Create a professional development plan and provide evidence of implementation.

Administrator Action(s) Steps Timeline Person Responsible Progress/Evaluation
Jordan will continue to Plan with the Instructional August 2016- June 2017 Principal Mid-Year
implement 21st Century PD Coach and Resource Teacher to Evidence: PD Calendar
sessions including training on ensure that our PD sessions are Resource Teacher
WFTB, EnVision Common Core of high caliber via Teachers met with principal mid-
for Math, Thinking Maps and communication and Instructional Coach year to have a one to one meeting
Direct Instructional Strategies, observation. to celebrate successes, assess areas
technology based learning and Teachers of growth and to see how the
instruction as well as project- Send staff members to PDs that administrator could further support
based learning. emphasize the use of District TOSAs and Curriculum the teachers with any challenges
technology and best practices. Lead Teachers that may exist.

End of Year
Evidence: PD Calendar

Goal 3: All students will have access to 21st Century courses and programs that enhance college and career opportunities, such as Advancement via Individual
Determination (AVID), Online Courses (including Accelerated Math Pathway), Expository Reading Writing Course (ERWC), Advanced Placement (AP), College Board
approved A-G courses, Career Technical Education (CTE) resources and Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEM) courses or activities.

3.1 Increase pupil enrollment in and resources/services for AVID, GATE, Honors, AP, IB, A-G courses, ERWC, CTE, and STEAM to improve student college and career

Administrator Action(s) Steps Timeline Person Responsible Progress/Evaluation
We currently are rolling out Continue to purchase August 2016-June 2017 Principal Mid-Year
AVID in our 6th grade. Technology in order to reach Jordan is actively following AVID
the goal of a device for each Resource Teacher guidelines for rigor, note-taking,
Purchase more Chromebooks student. organization, inquiry and
and other technology to Instructional Coach methodology. Jordans AVID team
increase access to learning that Purchase software to support participate regularly in our districts
is extra-classroom, ie. Web- our goals. AVID Teachers AVID PLC.
based programs to support our
student population. Work toward acquiring a STEM Library Technician We have received delivery of 68
lab at Jordan. Chromebooks (4 for each teacher)
District Teaching Personnel for classroom use. Four carts with
40 Chromebooks each are at the IT
warehouse with delivery coming
soon. Two more carts with 40
Chromebooks each have been
approved for Jordan along with 360

Lexia for Reading and Sokikom for
Math has been purchased and in
use for the last month.

Our Triad is currently investigating
different STEM lab programs. We
have been approved to proceed
with our purchases of materials
needed to make our STEM lab a

End of Year

Pupil Outcomes

Goal 4: All students will demonstrate increased competency in real-world, relevant subject area content: English, Math, Science, History, Visual and Performing Arts,
Physical Education and English Language Development, with additional technology support to enhance student achievement and monitor student progress.

4.1 Increase student achievement in ELA/Math as measured by the CAASPP and Interim Assessments. (Provide actions for both ELA and Math)

Administrator Action(s) Steps Timeline Person Responsible Progress/Evaluation
Planning and collaboration time In house professional August 2016-June 2017 Principal Mid-Year
for the integration of development tailored to reach
technology. our goals. Resource Teacher Interim Assessments have been
given. Jordan students have also
Planning and collaboration time Allow for uninterrupted Instructional Coach had progress in reading and math
to review data in order planning time on modified monitored using the RI and MI to
determine which students are Wednesdays. District VAPA Teachers measure student achievement.
Intensive, Strategic and
Benchmark. Continue to monitor via End of Year
observation and walkthrough.
Implementation of Interim
assessments for students to Continue to give feedback to
become more familiar with the teachers to ensure relevant and
technology and procedure for real-world learning experiences.
taking the SBAC.

4.2 Site plan to address English Learners language acquisition to increase proficiency in language skills.

Administrator Action(s) Steps Timeline Person Responsible Progress/Evaluation
DIBELS assessments to be done Regular progress monitoring August 2016-June 2017 Principal Mid-Year
to all students to identify the (every three weeks or so) DIBELS assessments have been
most intensive students. Resource Teacher given for the second time school-
Daily differentiated, small group wide to allow for progress
Appropriate data-based instruction monitoring. Instructional Coach monitoring.
planning to develop proper
interventions. School-wide assessments to be The most intensive students have
done near the end of each identified by our CAST process.
RI data will be used to monitor trimester.
and implements appropriate End of Year

4.3 Progress Monitoring of at-risk, low income, English learners and Foster Youth.

Administrator Action(s) Steps Timeline Person Responsible Progress/Evaluation
DIBELS assessments to be done Regular progress monitoring August 2016-June 2017 Principal Mid-Year
to all students to identify the (every three weeks or so)
most intensive students. Resource Teacher Progress monitoring is up to date
Daily differentiated, small group and groups in Reading and Math
Appropriate data-based instruction monitoring. Instructional Coach have been adjusted as needed.
planning is designed to develop
proper interventions. School-wide assessments to be Teachers meet in PLC groups to
done near the end of each analyze data during our modified
RI and MI data will be used to trimester. Wednesdays.
monitor and implements
appropriate interventions.
End of Year
Teachers will use SBAC, CELDT,
DIBELS, RI and MI, and interim
assessment data to monitor
progress and to plan and
implement appropriate
interventions for our at-risk, low
income, English learners and
Foster Youth.

4.4 Additional Extended Day programs and effective interventions will be implemented to improve learning for all students, especially English learners, Low Income, and
Foster Youth.

Administrator Action(s) Steps Timeline Person Responsible Progress/Evaluation
Establish an afterschool Purchase of technology needed January 2017-June 2017 Principal Mid-Year
program that will provide to service students.
interventions for language and Teachers With the purchase Lexia we have
math. Purchase of software licenses been able to fully implement our
for the entire school. GOAL program with great response
from parents and students. Four
Allocate funding to provide teachers are each working with
extra earnings for teachers to twelve strategic students. We will
provide intervention. rotate in another 48 students in
about four more weeks after
assessment has been done.

End of Year


Goal 5: All parents will obtain resources, services, workshops and activities, stakeholder engagement trainings, and input in decision-making practices at district and
schools, especially for with English Learners, Low Income, and Foster Youth parents to increase their involvement.

5.1 Increase parent involvement workshops, activities, and stakeholder engagement trainings. Provide authentic parent engagement opportunities to learn about core
initiatives and instructional programs, especially with English Learners, Low Income, and Foster Youth parents.

Administrator Action(s) Steps Timeline Person Responsible Progress/Evaluation

Parent Inservice/Workshop Contracting Disciplina Positiva August 2016-June 2017 Principal Mid-Year
training. program to provide parent
training. Community Liaison School Smarts was used this year to
Continued parent involvement provide parent training and input to
through ELAC, SSC, and PTA decision-making practices at Jordan.
Parent involvement is fostered by
On-going schoolwide telephone regular schoolwide telephone calls
calls, Back to School, Open as reminders to our ELAC, SSC and
House, Family Movie Night, PTA meetings as well as staff
Taste of Jordan Talent Night, visibility and positive interaction.
End of Year

5.2 Provide structure for stakeholder engagement and input for decision making of site and District LCAP goals.

Administrator Action(s) Steps Timeline Person Responsible Progress/Evaluation
Continued parent decision Bring in a Chromebook Cart August 2016-June 2017 Principal Mid-Year
making and input through ELAC, whenever a survey is due to Stakeholders have been given the
SSC, and PTA meetings allowing allow parents to learn how to Community Liason opportunity to take the LCAP survey
time for parents to actually take log on to the district website to at all parent meetings, including
the LCAP survey on the Jordans take the appropriate surveys. ELAC, SSC and PTA meetings.
End of Year

Goal 6: All students will have access to engaging college and career pathway programs, and resources and support systems that will increase student motivation and

6.1 Increase student engagement through purposeful development of CTE pathways and College-Career programs to address the performance levels of the College/Career
Indicator model. (Secondary Only).

Administrator Action(s) Steps Timeline Person Responsible Progress/Evaluation

End of Year

6.2 Increase student engagement through use of technology and digital literacy by implementing of a comprehensive technology/digital literacy plan, which should
include technology integration into instruction.

Administrator Action(s) Steps Timeline Person Responsible Progress/Evaluation
Embed Technology in the Purchase student devices (such August 2016-June 17 Principal Mid-Year
classroom for the purpose of as, but not limited to, iPads, Evidence: Technology Plan
increasing student engagement student laptops, Chromebooks) Between Title 1 and GOAL funds,
and facilitating 21st Century for student use as a tool for Jordan has ordered 300
learning Skills (creativity, accessing current information Chromebooks.
communication, collaboration for learning and to be used as a
and critical thinking). By tool for communicating learning Lexia and Sokikom have been
enhancing technology in the to a 21st century classroom. purchased and staff has been
classroom we will motivate and Purchase security charging carts trained it their use.
encourage students which in for devices to be kept safe and
turn will increase student working order. End of Year
attendance because students
want to learn in a highly
engaging and creative learning

Goal 7: All students will have resources, services, and programs that provide a safe and motivating learning experience that fosters school connectedness.

7.1 Increase student attendance and decrease chronic truancies and absenteeism.

Administrator Action(s) Steps Timeline Person Responsible Progress/Evaluation
Parent letters sent out to Refer to SARB meetings when August 2016-June 17 Principal Mid-Year
parents of students who are appropriate. Principal and/or Attendance clerk
chronically truant or absent. personally calls the parents of each
student that is chronically absent.
SART/SARB meetings
Intervention and Incentive steps are
Parent calls to ensure that the taken as needed.
community is aware of State
attendance laws. Awards are given for perfect
attendance at our awards
assemblies that are held near the
end of each trimester.

End of Year

7.2 Increase graduation rate and reduce dropout rate (8-12th grades).

Administrator Action(s) Steps Timeline Person Responsible Progress/Evaluation

End of Year

7.3 Increase resources and services to pupils, parents, and teachers to provide 1) a sense of safety, 2) school connectedness, and 3) increased student motivation.

Administrator Action(s) Steps Timeline Person Responsible Progress/Evaluation
Positive Behavior Intervention Continue to provide funding, in August 2016-June 17 Principal Mid-Year
Support Plan has been partnership with PTA to Jordans PBIS Matrix has been
implemented to recognize purchase rewards and Entire staff. printed for each classroom and at
students for safety, punctuality, motivational items. the beginning of the year we did a
organization, respect and school-wide walk to each area on
teamwork (SPORT tickets) on an Continue Student Council. the matrix to go over how students
ongoing basis. are to conduct themselves in each
Allocate funds, time and energy area. SPORT tickets continue to be
Students are also recognized for in order to continue to foster in use.
achievement, citizenship, effort Jordans sense of safety and
and perfect attendance at connectedness. Monthly iPod Shuffle giveaway
quarterly school assemblies. where the winner is chosen from
the SPORT ticket drawing.
Students are recognized by their
teacher as Student of the Awards assemblies are conducted
Month in their classrooms. after every quarter.

Classroom College Adoption Student Council continues to serve
program to raise the level of as role models and school leaders.
awareness of College and
Career. Funds, time and energy have been
allocated to continue to foster a
sense of safety and connectedness
to Jordan.

End of Year

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