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Psychology Oct 1, 2013

Classical conditioning (UCS, UCR, CS, CR )

UCS meat powder
UCR holding out his hand, salivation
CS computer beep
CR holding out hand, salivation
(UCR and CR) usually similar or identical

behavioral psychologists have focused on the learning of associations

through classical conditioning and operant conditioning
all behavior can be determined by stimulus and response or rewards
and punishments

cognitive psychologists studying learning are interested in the more

complex type of earning involved in human memory
care about how our minds and brains process information

these two perspectives explain the majority of human behavior

unconditioned stimulus elicits unconditioned response

conditioned stimulus is associated with the unconditioned stimulus

pairing neutral and unconditioned stimulus during conditioning trials is

called _____

delayed conditioning offset of the CS is delayed until after the UCS is

presented so that the two stimuli occur at the same time

trace conditioning- period of time between the offset of the CS and the
onset of the UCS when neither stimulus Is present (memory trace)

delayed conditioning is most effective

acquisition is the process of acquiring a new response

extinction is the disappearance of the CR when the USC no longer

follows the CS
-strength of the CR decreases during extinction
-seems adaptive

spontaneous recovery
extinction continues the recovery observed

how do advertisers and businesses utilize classical conditioning to get

us to buy their products?
-music associated with commercials?
-famous people
try to pair things that make us feel happy/good so that we associate
those stimuli with their product

stimulus generalization is giving the CR to a stimulus similar to the CS

-the more similar the new stimulus is to the CS, the stronger the
response will be
EX if a dog learns to bark at the door bell, dog may also bark to other
similar noises like a telephone

Stimulus discrimination
Overgeneralizing a response may not be adaptive however we need to
learn to
Discrimination training

Operant conditioning rewards and punishments

Behaviors that are reinforced (positive ) will be strengthened
Behaviors that are punished (negative) will be weakened

Thorndikes law of effect states that any behavior that results in

satisfying consequences will be repeated
Unsatisfying consequences will not be repeated

Reinforcer- increases probability of a prior response

Reinforcement is the process by which the probability of a response is
increased by the presentation of a reinforce following the response

Punisher stimulus that decreases the probablitiy of a prior response

Positive means that a stimulus is PRESENTED

Negative means that the stimulus is REMOVED

positive punishment,- aversive stimulus presented

positive reinforcement, appetivie stimulus presented
negative reinforcement bad , take away
positive punishment good, take away
Biological and cognitive aspects of learning
primary reinforce (innately reinforcing since birth)
EX- food

Secondary reinforce is not innately reinforcing but gains reinforcing

properties through learning
EX money

Are primary reinforcers always reinforcing?

Dependent on the state of the person whether or not its reinforcing

Shaping- occurs when an animal is trained to make a particular

response by reinforcing successively closer approximations to the
desired response

Cumulative record
Total number of responses recorded over time

Acquisition refers to the strengthening of the reinforced operant

Extinction is the disappearance of the operant response when it is no
longer reinforced
Spontaneous recovery

Ex: vending machine, breaks then get no food, stop putting money in
the machine, then after period of time go back to put money in the
Discriminative stimulus has to be present for the operant response to
be reinforced

Stimulus generalization is the giving the operant response in the

presence of stimuli similar to the discriminative stimulus
EX rat learns to press the lever for food only when the light is a certain
shade of red. Presentation of different colored lights following
acquisition constitutes a test for generalization

Continuous schedule of reinforcement- reinforcing every response

Partial schedules of reinforcement, reinforce behavior only part of the

Partial reinforcement effect states that responses that are reinforced
according to a partial schedule rather than a continuous schedule are
Partial- more real life

Ratio schedule- based on the number of responses made

Interval schedule- based on the amount of time that has elapsed
Fixed schedule- number of responses required for a ratio schedule or
amount of time is set and fixed
EX rat presses 10 times to get food
Variable schedule- number of responses required for a ratio schedule
and amount of time interval VARIEs on each trial
EX rat presses 5 times to get food, then 7 times, then 9 times

Ratio schedule- higher response rates

Variable schedules- fewer breaks, where no responding occurs

Which is harder to extinguish behaviors from fixed schedule or a

variable schedule? Variable is harder because you dont know why ou
are receiving the reward

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