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Eduardo Briceo How to get better at the things you care about

He realized he was not giving his best as a __________________, as a friend, a professional or a


He talks about two different zones we always move in:

- The _______________________is when our goal is to improve. Then we do activities designed for
improvement, concentrating on what we haven't mastered yet, which means we have to expect to make
mistakes, knowing that we will learn from them.
- And our __________________________, which is when our goal is to do something as best as we can,
to execute. Then we concentrate on what we have already mastered and we try to minimize mistakes.

He mentions a Greek orator, who?

Why this orator talked in front of the sea?

He gives an example of a situation in which is ridiculous not to value the performance zone, which one?

What does Beyonc do after a concert?

What metaphor does he uses for activities with higher and lower risks?
Alan Smith Why you should love statistics

What does it means that 47% of the British population in 2003 lacked Level 1 numeracy skills?

Why do people laugh with 2011 results?

Why does he became interested in statistics?

How many Muslims are there in England? _____%. How many Muslims do English people think there are
in England? ____%.

How many Saudi Arabians are overweight? _____%. How many do they think they are? _____%.

What were the Japanese asked?

According to the economist Kahneman, what is even worse than being blind to the obvious?

How did he design the app in order people who dont like numbers to understand it?

What happened to the website just 48 hours after its launching?

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