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Design of large-diameter drilled shafts

for the Northumberland Strait bridge project
D.J. Walter, W.J. Burwash, and R.A. Montgomery

Abstract: The Northumberland Strait bridge, recently named the Confederation Bridge, is a 12.9 km long bridge crossing
Northumberland Strait between Borden, Prince Edward Island, and Bayfield, New Brunswick. The bridge must withstand
large horizontal loads that are due to ice impact, wind, and wave action on the piers and superstructure. The abutment and the
14 shallow water approach piers located on the New Brunswick side of the strait are supported on groups of large-diameter
drilled piles socketed into weak sedimentary rock. Pile designs are based on shaft resistance developed within the bedrock.
Preliminary calculations indicated that piles were required with average socket lengths of about 13.5 m. A pile load test was
carried out at the New Brunswick abutment for the purpose of refining the shaft design parameters. The pile load test was
successful in allowing a 55% reduction in the average design socket lengths.
Key words: Confederation Bridge, Northumberland Strait, bridge foundations, bedrock, drilled piles, pile load test.

Rsum : Le pont du dtroit de Northumberland, nomm rcemment le Pont de la confdration, est un pont dune longueur
de 12,9 km traversant le dtroit de Northumberland entre Borden, le-du-Prince-douard, et Bayfield, Nouveau-Brumswick.
Le pont doit rsister de fortes charges horizontales dues la glace, au vent et laction des vagues sur les piliers et la
superstructure. La cule et les 14 piliers daccs situs dans le dtroit en eau peu profonde du ct du Nouveau-Brunswick
reposent sur des groupes de pieux fors grand diamtre encastrs dans une roche sdimentaire molle. Les calculs des pieux
sont bass sur la rsistance du ft dveloppe dans le lit rocheux. Des calculs prliminaires ont indiqu que les pieux devaient
avoir des longueurs moyennes dencastrement denviron 13,5 m. Un essai de chargement de pieu a t ralis sur le site de la
cule du Nouveau-Brunswick dans le but de raffiner les paramtres de conception des fts. Lessai de chargement a permis de
rduire de 55% les longueurs moyennes dencastrement calcules.
Mots cls : Pont de la confdration, dtroit de Northumberland, fondations de pont, lit rocheux, pieux fors, essai de
chargement de pieu.
[Traduit par la rdaction]

Introduction lengths of about 13.5 m. A large-scale pile load test was car-
ried out for the purpose of verifying shaft resistance parame-
The Confederation Bridge is a 12.9 km long toll bridge con- ters and optimizing the design lengths of the piles. This paper
structed across Northumberland Strait between Borden, Prince discusses the design and construction of pile foundations for
Edward Island, and Bayfield, New Brunswick. The sea-floor the New Brunswick approach piers, provides details of a large-
depth varies along the bridge route to a maximum depth of scale pile load test that was carried out at the New Brunswick
about 30 m near the centre of the strait. The Confederation abutment, and discusses how the results of the pile load test
Bridge is unique with respect to most other long bridges in that were used to reduce the design pile lengths at the approach pier
it is designed to withstand very large horizontal loads resulting foundations.
primarily from ice impacts, wind, and wave action on the struc-
The bridge spans near the New Brunswick side of the strait Subsurface conditions
are supported by 14 approach piers founded on groups of large-
diameter, drilled, cast-in-place concrete shafts socketed into Several drilling programs were carried out at the New Bruns-
bedrock. The New Brunswick abutment is supported on wick abutment and approach piers between the summer of
smaller diameter drilled shafts also socketed into bedrock. 1994 and May 1995. At least two boreholes were drilled at the
Piles are designed based on the side resistance generated site of each approach pier to depths of up to 26 m below the
within the socketed zone. Preliminary design calculations in- sea-floor elevation. The stratigraphy generally consisted of
dicated that piles would be required with average socket 04.5 m of overburden overlying weak sedimentary bedrock.
Triple-tube core barrels were used for continuous core sam-
pling of the bedrock. Preliminary logging of the core was car-
Received August 7, 1996. Accepted May 6, 1997. ried out in the field prior to the core being crated and
transported to Borden, Prince Edward Island, where it was
D.J. Walter. C-CORE, Memorial University of
Newfoundland, St. Johns, NF A1B 3X5, Canada.
logged in detail by the project geologist.
W.J. Burwash. Golder Associates Ltd., Calgary, AB T2P 0W1, The rock sequence across Northumberland Strait was pre-
Canada. viously described by Kosar et al. (1994), and consists of an
R.A. Montgomery. Golder Associates Ltd., Ottawa, ON K2C 2B5, often complex series of interbedded sandstone, siltstone, and
Canada. mudstone with thin conglomeratic and brecciated horizons.

Can. Geotech. J. 34: 580587 (1997). 1997 NRC Canada

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Fig. 1. New Brunswick approach pier foundation concept in (A) plan view, and (B) cross section.

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Table 1. Computed shaft friction used for preliminary design of pile lengths.
Unit shaft friction in compression
Uniaxial compressive
Rock unit Unfactored (MPa) Factored (MPa)
strength of rock (MPa)
Mudstone 3.2 0.36 0.14
Siltstone 8.9 0.60 0.24
Sandstone 11.6 0.68 0.27

Because of the complex stratigraphy, it is possible to draw only 80200 MN/m, and horizontal loads of 1419 MN. The maxi-
very broad lithological correlations between pier sites. Even mum factored compressive axial load within individual piles
on a very detailed scale (i.e., between drill holes for an indi- varies from 14 to 20 MN. Foundation resistance factors are
vidual pier site), correlations are often difficult or impossible based on the Ontario highway bridge design code (Ministry of
to achieve either stratigraphically or lithologically because of Transportation of Ontario 1991). A resistance factor of 0.4 is
the complex bedding patterns. used for axially loaded piles in compression, and a resistance
Rocks at the site are typically red in colour with occasional factor of 0.3 for axially loaded piles in tension. For the New
green reduction patches along joint surfaces. At depth the rock Brunswick approach piers, compression loads govern the de-
is uniformly grey, most likely representing different deposi- termination of pile lengths.
tional conditions. The rocks seen in onshore outcrop and in the The location and thickness of softened zones within the
core have been deposited as sediments in a fluvial or estuarine bedrock cannot be predicted to any degree of certainty and can
environment. It is likely that the coarser sediments were de- potentially be located at shallow depths below the pile tips. In
posited by braided rivers and that the siltstones and mudstones addition, it is difficult to carry out underwater inspections of
represent overbank deposits left by major floods. Thinly lami- battered piles to ensure that the pile tips are acceptably
nated mudstones are believed to have resulted from quiet depo- cleaned. Because of the potential loss in end bearing due to the
sition in lagoonal embayments or locally ponded areas. The compression of sediment and excavation debris left at the pile
thick sequences of silty mudstone suggest quiet periods when tip, or due to compression of softened zones located at shallow
more limited volumes of coarse sediments were being brought depths below the pile tips, the piles were designed based on
in. Softened seams are seen in mudstones in outcrops and in shaft resistance only.
the core; they are generally less than 5 mm thick, however, Socket walls were mechanically roughened by constructing
seams of up to 0.2 m are not uncommon. Naturally occurring rectangular grooves, measuring 0.24 m in height and 0.11 m
(as opposed to drilling induced) softened zones appear to be in depth at a vertical spacing of 1.0 m. The roughened socket
of two main types, namely thinly laminated or fissile mud- walls help to increase the load transfer between the pile and
stones, and brecciated mudstone and siltstone. There is no the foundation rock. The grooves help prevent slippage be-
doubt that a weathering profile exists and is expressed in terms tween the pile and rock, and because the concrete pile is much
of rock softening and weakening, joint spacing, and bedding- stronger than the bedrock, any slippage will likely occur
plane separation. This is reflected in the rock quality designa- through the rock located between the grooves. Additional re-
tion (RQD) measurements, which were generally lower near sistance is also achieved because prevention of slippage results
the bedrock surface and increased with depth. Similarly, the in dilation along the pilerock interface and an increase in the
total core recovery (TCR) and solid core recovery (SCR) radial stress (Horvath et al. 1983). The unit shaft friction de-
measurements indicated a greater occurrence of lost core near veloped by the primary rock units was estimated as a function
the bedrock contact than deeper in the rock formation. of the uniaxial compressive strength of the intact rock and the
pile wall roughness as outlined in the Canadian foundation
Approach pier foundation concept engineering manual (Canadian Geotechnical Society 1992).
This relation, which was largely based on work by Rowe and
The New Brunswick approach spans vary from 66 to 93 m in
Armitage (1987), is shown as follows:
length and are supported by an abutment and 14 approach
piers. The approach piers are located offshore in water that qs qu
varies from about 1 to 7.5 m in depth. Each approach pier is [1] = fr b
pa p
supported on six drilled shafts of 2 m diameter and socketed a
into bedrock. The six drilled shafts are arranged in a circular where qs is the unit shaft friction, qu is the uniaxial compressive
configuration and are battered outwards at a 0.25H:1V slope strength of rock, b is an empirical roughness factor with a
(Fig. 1). The use of battered shafts allows much of the horizon- conservative design value of 0.63 (Carter and Kulhawy 1988),
tal pier load to be transferred to the foundation rock as axial fr is a resistance factor for limit-states design (0.4 for compres-
load in the piles. The pile cap is located within a steel-encased, sion and 0.3 for tension), and pa is atmospheric pressure. The
cast-in-place concrete ice shield, which is constructed at the preliminary design shaft friction parameters computed for the
approximate mean sea elevation. mudstone, siltstone, and sandstone units at the New Brunswick
The bridge was designed using limit-states methodology. approach piers are shown in Table 1.
The approach piers must withstand factored loads of Design stratigraphic cross sections were developed based
5060 MN in the vertical direction, bending moments of on the subsurface conditions identified at each pier location.

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Fig. 2. Pile load test assembly at New Brunswick abutment.

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Fig. 3. Monitoring of test pile during curing period (Feb. 25 to Mar. 5). Test pile installation
(A) Concrete temperatures. (B) Concrete strains. The pile load test was carried out using a large-capacity down-
hole jack in a 0.91 m diameter shaft. The use of a downhole
jack for this large-diameter pile test had several advantages
over traditional pile testing methods including the ability to
test two piles simultaneously in one shaft, elimination of the
normal requirement for a large load frame at the ground sur-
face, and the elimination of the need for reaction piles.
The 0.91 m diameter test pile was constructed in February
1995. The test setup (see Fig. 2) consisted of a 27 MN capacity
downhole Osterberg cell (jack) located between a 4.0 m long
upper test section (UTS) and a 2.6 m long lower test section
(LTS). The upper test section was constructed within a depth
interval containing a series of thin, approximately 1 m thick,
layers of interbedded weak mudstone and siltstone. The lower
test section was located within a massive sandstone unit con-
taining a small amount of siltstone and mudstone. The length
to diameter (L/D) ratio was 4.4 for the upper test section and
2.9 for the lower test section. The Osterberg cell used for the
pile test was 0.8 m in diameter, with a maximum extension of
just under 150 mm. The jack was hydraulically controlled and
was operated using a hydraulic pump at the ground surface.
To minimize the end-bearing resistance of the test pile, a
void was constructed at the base of the lower test section using
high-density polystyrene insulation placed between two layers
of sheet steel. The void was designed to allow 32 mm of move-
ment prior to reaching full compression. Both the upper and
lower test sections were instrumented with strain gauges and
telltales. Two telltales were located at the tops and bottoms of
the upper and lower test sections (total of 8 telltales). Three
The shaft resistance was computed for each rock unit making pairs of sister bar strain gauges were fastened to the rebar cage
up the design pile length, and the total pile resistance was in the lower test section and four pairs were fastened to the
obtained by summing the shaft resistance provided by the in-
rebar cage in the upper test section. Additionally, two horizon-
dividual rock units along the pile shaft. For conditions where tal embedment strain gauges were installed within the upper
the factored load equals the factored resistance, the prelimi-
test section to allow monitoring of concrete temperatures and
nary design socket lengths vary between 10.5 and 17.0 m at
strains during curing of the concrete.
the 14 New Brunswick approach piers. It was recognized that
The test pile was drilled using a Wurth rotary drill mounted
the computed preliminary pile lengths were conservative, and
on a 0.94 m diameter steel casing driven into bedrock. The drill
that design pile lengths could be reduced if the actual shaft
rig used seawater as a drilling fluid and reverse circulation for
resistance developed was greater than that predicted by the
removal of drill cuttings from the excavation. A pneumatic
preliminary design. Accordingly, a pile load test was carried
grooving tool was used to cut 0.1 m high by 0.1 m deep
out to refine the parameters used for final design of the ap-
grooves in the sidewalls of the excavation at a 0.75 m vertical
proach pier piles.
spacing. Cuttings from the grooving process were removed
from the bottom of the excavation using an airlift.
Pile load test The excavation sidewall roughness was measured before
and after the grooving process using a three-arm caliper tool.
A pile load test carried out offshore was considered to be The results of the caliper measurements were inconclusive be-
prohibitively expensive and, accordingly, only onshore lo- cause the calipers were slightly smaller than the diameter of
cations were considered for the test. Of the available on- the grooves cut into the excavation sidewalls. The excavation
shore locations, the New Brunswick abutment was eventually was dewatered to a depth approximately 12 m below the top
selected for the pile load test because the bedrock stratigra- of the casing using the airlift, and a video camera was used to
phy at the abutment was most representative of the bedrock carry out an inspection of the sidewalls. The video indicated
conditions observed at the New Brunswick approach piers. that the excavation walls were relatively rough, and grooves
This is particularly due to the presence of significant thick- were clearly observable in the siltstone and mudstone forming
nesses of mudstone (MDST), siltstone (SLTST), and sand- the upper test section. The excavation could not be dewatered
stone (SS) at the abutment location. A thin layer of conglomerate sufficiently to inspect the sandstone in the lower test section.
(CONG) was also encountered. Figure 2 shows a simplified The pile was cast on 25 February 1995 and a period of
representation of the stratigraphy at the test location. In this approximately 10 days was allowed for the concrete in the test
figure, the rock strength (R) was defined in accordance with pile to cure prior to carrying out the load test. Concrete with a
the standards established by the International Society for compressive strength greater than 45 MPa was specified for
Rock Mechanics (1978). the test pile. Concrete cylinders tested on March 6 had an

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Fig. 4. Load schedule for pile test.

Fig. 5. Response of test pile to load. (A) Top of upper test section Fig. 6. Unit load transfer at maximum load.
(positive movement is upwards). (B) Bottom of lower test section
(negative movement is downwards).

8 MN, the pile was unloaded to 2 MN and a series of 30 rapid

average unconfined compressive strength of 48.6 MPa. To en- loadingunloading cycles was carried out within the 25 MN
sure that the strains measured during the test were a result of range. The purpose of the rapid loadingunloading stage was
load being applied to the pile and not strains associated with to determine whether cyclic loads such as those resulting from
curing of concrete, both curing strains and concrete tempera- wind, waves, or ice impacting the bridge pier would result in a
tures within the test pile were monitored during the curing loss of adhesion between the pile and the rock. Figure 5 con-
period (Fig. 3). The pile test was not carried out until the con- tains plots of load versus pile movement for both the upper and
crete temperature and curing strain rate had stabilized. lower test sections during the pile test. Only very small pile
displacements were observed as a result of the load cycling
Pile test stage of the test.
The load test was carried out on March 7 and 9 according to Following the cyclic loading stage, the pile was loaded back
the loading schedule shown in Fig. 4. Load was initially ap- to 8 MN in 2 MN increments. Beyond 8 MN the load was
plied to the test pile in a series of 1 MN increments, with the increased in 1 MN increments, holding for 4 min after each
load held for 4 min at each load level. When the load reached load increment was applied. During this stage of the test, the

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Fig. 7. Shaft resistance of piles in weak rock. Data are from Matich (1967), Freeman (1972), Osterberg (1973), Rosenberg (1976), Williams
(1981), and Horvath (1983). NB, New Brunswick.

rate of upward displacement of the upper test section acceler- locations. The mudstone located at the test pile site was con-
ated and was considered to have reached failure at a load of sidered comparable with the weakest mudstone observed at the
approximately 14 MN and at a total upper test section dis- approach piers. Accordingly, the smallest measured unit load
placement of approximately 40 mm (Fig. 5). At this stage of transfer in the upper test section (0.60 MPa) was selected as a
the pile test, the displacement of the lower test section was less reasonable unfactored design shaft friction value for mud-
than 8 mm. The test was temporarily stopped, as continuing to stone. The siltstone at the New Brunswick abutment has some-
extend the jack at this time would only result in further dis- what better rock mass strength properties, as determined using
placement of the upper test section with little or no increase in the rock mass rating (RMR) system developed by Bieniawski
capacity. (1974), than the siltstone found at several of the New Brunswick
The load on the test pile was reduced and held at approxi- approach piers. Accordingly, the lower bound unit load trans-
mately 4 MN while a fast-setting concrete plug was cast on fer (1.11 MPa) measured in the siltstone of the upper test sec-
top of the upper test section. The purpose of the concrete plug tion was selected as the unfactored design shaft friction value
was to provide additional capacity for the upper test section for siltstone. Although 1.11 MPa is slightly less than the unit
such that the load in the Osterberg cell could be increased load transfer measured in the siltstone during the test, it is
sufficiently to fail the lower test section. After allowing 24 h considered to be representative for the siltstone found at the
for the concrete plug to set up, load was reapplied to the test New Brunswick approach piers. Because the lower test section
pile in 2 MN increments to 14 MN. The load was then in- was constructed primarily in sandstone, the average unit load
creased in 1 MN increments to a maximum of approximately transfer to the foundation in the lower test section of 2.16 MPa
17.6 MN before the test was stopped due to full extension of was selected as a representative unfactored design shaft fric-
the jack. At a load of 17.6 MN, the total downward displace- tion value for sandstone. As shown in Fig. 7, the shaft friction
ment of the lower test section was approximately 15 mm. The parameters determined from the pile test are comparable to test
total upward displacement of the upper test section during the results obtained by others for drilled shafts in similar materials.
test was approximately 125 mm and the total Osterberg cell
extension was 140 mm.
Final design of aproach pier foundations
Interpretation Final design pile lengths were calculated for individual approach
The unit load transferred to the foundation along the pile shaft pier foundations using shaft friction parameters obtained from the
is shown in Fig. 6 for the maximum upper test section vertical pile test. To ensure that the production pile geometry remained
load of 14 MN and for the maximum lower test section vertical similar to that of the test pile, the minimum L/D ratio of the pro-
load of 17.6 MN. Load transfer is computed based on the duction piles was limited to 3 (design socket lengths of no less
known loads at the top and bottom of each test section and than 6 m for 2 m diameter production piles). A sacrificial length
using the strains measured in the strain gauges installed within of 0.5 m was added to each pile to allow for limited or zero
the piles. Although the data show some scatter in the measured adhesion support in the very weathered surficial bedrock. The
unit load transfer along the pile shaft, ultimate shaft resistances sacrificial length was increased to 1.0 m where a pile casing was
were determined for each of the three individual rock types driven into bedrock and the expected penetration of the casing
along the shaft of the test pile. into rock was less than 1.0 m. The average final design socket
Observations of cores obtained from boreholes drilled at the length of the approach pier piles was 7.5 m, which was approxi-
New Brunswick abutment and the 14 New Brunswick approach mately 55% of the average socket length calculated for the
pier locations show some variations in rock properties at different preliminary pile design.

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Walter et al. 587

Conclusions Freeman, C.F., Klajnerman, D., and Prasad, G.D. 1972. Design of
deep socketed caissons into shale bedrock. Canadian Geotechnical
The pile load test at the New Brunswick abutment was success- Journal, 9: 105114.
ful in providing design shaft resistance parameters for the three Horvath, R.G., Kenney, T.C., and Kozicki, P. 1983. Methods of im-
primary rock types observed on the project and allowed the proving the performance of drilled piers in weak rock. Canadian
bridge piers to be constructed using drilled shafts that were Geotechnical Journal, 20: 758772.
substantially shorter than those analysed during the prelimi- International Society for Rock Mechanics. 1978. Suggested methods
nary design. Although high-capacity, large-diameter pile load for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock masses.
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences &
tests are very expensive to carry out, the cost of this pile load Geomechanical Abstracts, 15: 319368.
test was more than offset by the savings associated with reduc- Kosar, K.M., Burwash, W.J., Milligan, V., and McCammon, N.R.
ing socket lengths at the approach pier structures. 1993. Geotechnical foundation design considerations for the
Northumberland Strait crossing. Proceedings of the Canadian So-
Acknowledgment ciety for Civil Engineering Annual Conference, pp. 381390.
Matich, M.A.J., and Kozicki, P. 1967. Some load tests on drilled
The authors wish to thank Strait Crossing Joint Venture for cast-in-place concrete caissons. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 4:
permission to publish this case history. 367375.
Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. 1991. Foundations. In Ontario
Highway Bridge Design Code. Section 6. 3rd ed. Ministry of Trans-
References portation, Quality and Standards Division, Downsview, Ont., pp.
Bieniawski, Z.T. 1974. Geomechanics classification of rock 153170.
masses and its application in tunnelling. In Procedings of the Sym- Osterberg, J.O., and Gill, S.A. 1973. Load transfer mechanism for
posium on Exploration for Rock Engineering. Vol. 1. Edited by piers socketted into hard soils or rock. Proceedings of the 9th
Z.T. Bieniawski. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Montral, pp. 235262.
pp. 97106. Rosenberg, P., and Journeaux, N.L. 1976. Friction and end bearing
Canadian Geotechnical Society. 1992. Canadian foundation engineer- tests on bedrock for high capacity socket design. Canadian
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Committee on Foundations. BiTech Publishers Ltd., Richmond, B.C., Rowe, R.K., and Armitage, H.H. 1987. A design method for drilled
pp. 323324. piers in soft rock. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 24: 126142.
Carter, J.P., and Kulhawy, F.H. 1988. Analysis and design of drilled Williams, A.F., and Pells, P.J.N. 1981. Side resistance of rock sockets
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1997 NRC Canada

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