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2l't March2}l7

NoTtcE FoR PARENTS aspiring clAss-r admission

tor 2}rr-tg
/R ng,ist-".Jd L y
I 5 rB lz{arr rr^.o-r+
| ""d
The provisionatlv shortliiied candidates generated
by the oNttNE process
and oFF-tlNE tgl,l{.,?t?s.]n the approvat of the chairman
and pubtirhEfi?,i.uiwe*6site on 22il'Mrr; 2'orirt",
,vEc wiu be disptayed
Visit our website: .
Parents of selected (shortlisted) candidates
are requested to report to the
vidyalaya asrgllhe sghedurg which will be notified
o" zz; ru"r.i zorr.
The verification of doctrments and aumffis
commence on zild iarcn zotl.

a) Parent(s) (or legal guardian) along with

the chitd shall computsorily report
to the vidyalayi as per the schedule notified to the
venue along with the copy of the e-mait by
b) Show the down loaded copy of
slip and @ @
name a token slip will be provided to you.
g th" number and
c) As per the token number the parent woutd be
required to complete
document verification. Please bring the foliowing
documents forthis purpose.
i) A print out of the on-tine apprication'on
A4 papers
ii) Affix a passport size photograph of the child
on the top right corner.
iii) Append a set of the foltowing documentr

Orignal service certificate, photo Original movement orders

copies of movement orders
/transfer order
/transfer order
; Transfer Count
Copy of caste certificate in the Original caste certificate For claim of
name of the child.
Note: Certificate in the name of
(NCt) in proper
the parent may be considered for
Attested copy of lncome Original document for F6r RTE cases
certificate(valid), issued by the verification seeking fee
competent authority/Bpl Note: Original lncome exemption
certificate/EBC/EWS certificate in certificate

Copy of AADHAR in the name of

First pate of parent,s Bank A/C

a) Parent(s)(or legal guardian) atong with the child shatt

to the vidyalaya as per the schedule notified to the venue computsority report
along with the copy of
acknowledgement slip (manual). On tallying
the number and name tok"n slip will be
provided. "
c) As per the token number the parent would be required
document verification. Please bring the following
to complete
documents forthis purpose.

a set of the following documents

SL r-uK SUEMtSStON (Self-attested FOR VERTFICATION Remark
NO copies of l
I Birth Certificate (Xerox copyl Orisinal Birth Cer+ifiar+ For all
2 Residence proof (any ONE, Xeroxl Orieinal oroof of rpcidanaa For all
3 Orignal service certificatg photo original movement orders For govt
copies of movement orders
/transfer order employees
/transfer order (for Catloorv Trencfar farrnl
4 Latest original pay slip in case of
For govt
serving personnel
5 Copy of caste certificate in the Original caste certificate For claim of
name of the child.
Note: Certificate in the name of sc/sr/oBc
(NCLI in proper
the parent may be considered for
provisional admission. format
6 OriginalAffidavit duly signed by lgnore,if original already For SGC
both parents for SGC ctaim submitted
7. Specialclaims original Relevent For
documents KVS/VMC/MPQ
Copy of AADHAR in tE;am-of

3A'B: b) on the successfut verification

of credentiars from the documents
oNtlNE DATA furnished by submitted, with the
the rppli..",, an admission
form wiil be provided.

.h .;lp';ffi '[],.f i:".T:'::i::[ ::':*i:yi T-f #y . d sisn in th e spa ce provided. s

" ;:fi if I':,['T"HIH,:*-**.",:,:1U";;,0"1":'[:iilff
ubm it
'#;""ff#;]:ffi ;[:.:ff :Iiil,,lf HI
;lffiil':Jffy;ffi f,1;',lT#T::**";;;ffi
minimum of 15-30 minutes,
i" if," ;:[:,'n',f l"J
,1},,'ff"':;f,l,ilo.llllTi:,:.",^:.:t:,::-,r :.n" UBr and a copy or the same sha, be
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"l'I:'f ffi ;I"1*i::,::.:;'--ffi
chattan generation and might ,,.r. or,ro.r, ,.rr=J"THH"#?:;ff.:ffiIil.:i::".""r: "'::1,?:

and 4] serected under RrE quota

ili'#',ililihi[l',""',:il::1":::.',',' sha, arso have to

A.Pleose note:
and other criteria ,, l"iU by thfrE

st Towards Payable
I t Remark
rrqmtsston fee
2 vvN lvidyatay
Rs.25l- onceatthetimffi
Vikas Nidhi] Rs. 1500/- fortherirrtquffi
! otat Rs. 1525/-.

,A J*.,'s r,' r- il-n oLa<y_,

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