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Name: Sidney Montano

Title: Where I Am From Poem

Grade: 4th
Subject: ELA - Poetry
Length of lesson: 60 minutes


Explain major differences between poems, drama, and prose, and refer to the
structural elements of poems (e.g., verse, rhythm, meter) and drama (e.g., casts of
characters, settings, descriptions, dialogue, stage directions) when writing or
speaking about a text.
Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and
nuances in word meanings.
Pose and respond to specific questions to clarify or follow up on information, and
make comments that contribute to the discussion and link to the remarks of

Objective(s) What Students will Learn I Can Statement
Students will: Students will be able to I can find and identify
Find and find and identify stanzas stanzas in my poem and
identify in their Where I Am use descriptive and
stanzas in From Poem. figurative language as I
their Where Students will be able to write it.
I Am From use descriptive and
Poem figurative language to
Use write their poem.
language to
write their

What are stanzas?
How can you identify a stanza in poetry?
What is descriptive and figurative language, and how do these elements
support your poem?
This lesson allows for students to practice using figurative language in their own
writing. We will begin by watching a video of a reading of a Where I Am From Poem.
Students will be seated at their desks. After the video, students names will be drawn from
popsicle sticks to describe what they noticed about the video. Students will be called
down to the group meeting area for a review of figurative language. Instruction of the
poem assignment will be given. Students will assigned back to their desks and will have
30 minutes to write their poem, locate and mark their stanzas and use of figurative
language, and draw an illustration. For the last 10 minutes of class, students will share
their poems.
Teacher Materials:
1. Writers Notebook
2. Projector
3. Computer
4. Document Camera
5. Pencil
6. Highlighter
7. Colored Pencils
8. Popsicle sticks with students names on them

Student Materials:
9. Writers Notebook
10. Pencil
11. Highlighter
12. Red pen
13. Colored Pencils

1. Bring students into classroom from lunch.
2. Have students come in quietly and sit down at their desks.
3. Praise students who are following directions and are quiet and attentive.
4. Go over expectations and directions with students verbally. We are going to
be doing our math lesson now. I expect you to be working by using the 3Rs
(Respectful, Responsible, and Ready). Show students that the expectations
are also on poster.
5. Review expectations again with class.
6. (10 minutes) I will activate their prior knowledge by reviewing with them
what a stanza is and what descriptive and figurative language is. I will ask
questions such as: What do you remember about figurative language from
our previous weeks? Why do you think an author uses figurative language?
What are different types of figurative language?
7. Say, Now Im going to introduce to you a new kind of poem. Its called a
Where I Am From poem. Where I Am From poems are inspired by a poet
named George Ella Lyon. Her poem was published in 1999, and emphasizes
creating powerful images in poetry. Remember what we talked about in our
review? Creating a picture in your mind is called imagery. Imagery is such an
important aspect when it comes to poetry. Readers should be able to see what
youre trying to say.
8. After an introduction to the poem, we will watch an audio recording of
George Ella Lyon reading her Where I Am From poem.


1. (20 minutes) I will then explain what a Where I Am From poem is. I will
say Without using your voice, how many of you have ever heard what a
Where I Am From Poem is before watching the video? Students will raise
their hands to answer.
2. We have already watched an audio video on George Ella Lyons poem, but
now Im going to read it to you. I want you to follow along and see if you can
get an image in your mind of what she is saying. The poem will be
displayed on the document camera as I read it to the class.
3. I will then address the poem on the document camera by saying, Lets
discuss how the poem is separated. What do we call paragraphs in a poem?
Allow time for students to answer.
4. Now I am going to help you get started on your own poem. Lets think of a
simile we could start our poem with. I am as ____ as a ____. Students
names will be drawn from popsicle sticks to answer.
5. I will say, Now that weve started our poem, I want you to go back in your
memories for images that stick in your minds of sights, smells, sounds, and
tastes from your childhood. Use these to brainstorm your poem.
6. As students begin to work on their poems I will be sure to make clear that
there are no right or wrong ways to write this poem. Its personal and tailored
to their own lives.
7. (20 minutes) Students will have 20 minutes to create their poem and identify
stanzas and figurative language. Those who finish early will be instructed to
create a drawing of their poem.
8. I will circulate the classroom making sure students are on task and are
following the objectives.
9. DOK Questions: How can we use figurative language and descriptive
language to paint a mental picture?
We will go over review of figurative and descriptive language as a class.
We will learn how to write a Where I Am From poem and locate stanzas and
figurative language.
Students will ask and respond to guided questions and work with teacher and
their classmates. Questions include: What is a stanza? What is figurative
language? Why is imagery so important when it comes to poetry?
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.4.5 I will work with students and show them
how to use figurative language in their writing.
Students will work independently at their desks during our review.
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of objectives by correctly
answering and explaining what figurative language is when their names are
drawn from popsicle sticks.
Students will create their own Where I Am From poem using memories and
images from their childhood. They will locate stanzas and figurative language.
Students who finish early will create a drawing to go with their poem.
Students will demonstrate their understanding by sharing their poem answers
with the class.
We will review the objectives of the lesson again, making sure we have
accurately hit our goal.
I will re-ask students the DOK and essential questions and allow for response
(10 minutes) Students will have the remaining 10 minutes of class to clean up
and share their activity work. Names will be drawn using popsicle sticks.
Assessment will be students response and work during the activity. Also,
when students come up to share their poems. I will be able to assess their
knowledge on the content.
Expectations and behavior rules are presented visually and orally
Modeling/scaffolding how to solve create a Where I Am From poem
Partner work
Whole group work

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