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UNT Lesson Plan Template

Pre-service Teacher: Grade(s): School/Mentor Teacher (if

Ellyn Shepherd 2nd grade applicable):
Yahel McCready

Subject area(s): Unit Lesson Title:

Science Topic/Theme: Life of a Raindrop
Relevant TEKS: Relevant ELPS: Relevant TX CCRS:
(2.2.D.) Record and (C.2.E.) use visual, (I.1.E.) Use several modes of expression
organize data using contextual, and to describe or characterize natural
pictures, numbers, and linguistic support to patterns and phenomena. These modes
words. enhance and of expression include narrative,
confirm numerical, graphical, pictorial, symbolic,
(2.8.C.) Explore the understanding of and kinesthetic.
processes in the water increasingly
cycle, including complex and (3.C.1.) information in appropriate
evaporation, elaborated spoken formats for various audiences.
condensation, and language
precipitation, as
connected to weather (G) understand the
conditions. general meaning,
main points, and
important details of
spoken language
ranging from
situations in which
topics, language,
and contexts are
familiar to

Lesson Objective(s)/Performance Outcomes

Students will be able to identify what occurs during each stage of the water cycle.
Students will be able to illustrate the life of a raindrop in a comic strip format.
Students will be able to recall that the water cycle is always in motion.

Assessment (Description/Criteria):
Students will complete a comic strip that depicts the process of the water cycle that
includes assigned vocabulary words.
Materials and Resources:
Comic Strip Templates (3)
Colored pencils
Water cycle anchor chart
Comic book/strip examples

Management of the Instructional Environment

Whole class instruction
Whole class and partner discussion
Independent production of water cycle comic strip

Technology Integration
PowerPoint Presentation
YouTube Water Cycle video

Diversity and Equity (Accommodations, Modifications, Adaptations)

Students will be able to use their vocabulary page in their science journal as a
Directions will be repeated for clarification.
Examples of speech and thought bubbles will be displayed throughout their
individual worktime


Students will listen to and sing the water cycle song:
A student will be selected to read the lesson's objectives and how they will know
they have been achieved.
As a class we will discuss and review experiments conducted the previous week
that introduced: The Water Cycle, Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, and

Students will observe a PowerPoint presentation created to introduce them to the
comic strip format.
Examples have been included that represent different formats, topics, and
characters of comic strips.
Other physical comic strip examples will be presented to the students for
Students will discuss with their shoulder partners any personal experiences that
they have had with comic strips.

Explain to the students that they will be creating their own comic strip about the
water cycle.
They will include each step of the cycle and create illustrations that depict what
occurs in each.
Explain to the students that they will be representing each stage in the point of
view of the life of a water drop.
Explain that they will use captions, graphics, and character dialogue.
Explain that they must include the vocabulary words: Evaporation, Condensation,
Precipitation, Accumulation, and Water Vapor.
The students will underline the vocabulary words in their strips.
As a class review the Comic Strip Rubric (each component and scoring of each
a. Title
b. Graphic relevance
c. Caption
d. Vocabulary
e. Presentation
Each comic strip template choice will be presented to the students.

Individual rubrics will be passed out.
Students will receive the template of their choice.
Students will begin their comic strips.
Students will be instructed to begin their comic strip in pencil to avoid any
permanent mistakes.

Students work will be observed while they are working to avoid any
Students individual comic strips will be submitted and graded using the comic strip
Reflections and Documentation/Evidence of Lesson Effectiveness
What parts of the lesson led to engagement and student learning?
The students have been listening to The Water Cycle song since we began the Water Cycle Unit. It is played
every day to review and practice their vocabulary words and the meanings of each. The students love singing
the song and often ask to listen to it multiple times. The PowerPoint was comic book themed and included
many examples of comic strips that they may or may not have been familiar with. The components of a comic
book were covered in the slides before moving into instructions of their assignment. Their comic strips told the
story of the water cycle in a raindrop point of view. The students would use their vocabulary within the
dialogue, story line, or labeling. The students posted their comic strips onto the classes Seesaw account for their
peers, teachers, and parents can comment on and like their photo post. After the students posted their picture,
they would then use the iPads to form their strips into interactive online cartoon episodes on Toontastic. The
students were engaged throughout the entire lesson while they applied the information they had learned about
the Water Cycle. They were creative and were given the choice of template they wanted to use for the
assignment. The rubric given to them
How can you increase student learning, engagement, etc., next time you teach this

I would ask the students how they think the water cycle is important in their lives. The
students would understand the importance of the water cycle by participating in
extensive research with a partner on the iPads. The students would write down 3-5 facts
that they learned during their research. They will choose one of their facts to present
with their partner to the class. This would provide them personal time with technology
on multiple occasions. I would also ask them if they had specific wonders about the
water cycle that we could research as a class to make predictions to increase deep

What did you learn from teaching this lesson that can apply to other lessons?
I should always have an extension activity planned to further students knowledge of a
topic, especially if it seems to be one of high interest. Students also enjoy experiments
that we conducted inside and outside of the classroom. I would prefer that they
implement the experiments in small groups, but whole group worked well. Song that
really grab their attention and are informational work well for vocabulary practices.

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