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Drugs or drug is a material, drug / substance, which is not classified food. If drunk, inhaled
swallowed or injected to affect especially the brain (central nervous system). As a result, the
brain changes (increase or in decline). Similarly, the function of vital organs other tbuh
(cardiac, circulatory, respiratory, etc.).

drugs ingested enter the stomach, then into a vein, if smoked or inhaled, the substance is
absorbed into the blood vessel through the nasal passages and lungs. If the substance
injected directly into the bloodstream, the blood carries it to the brain substance.

Drugs (narcotics, psychotropic substances and illicit oba) is a term of law enforcement and
the community. Drugs called danger, because it is not safe to use humans for the use,
manufacture, and regulated in the uu. Ready to take the goods that use and distribute it
outside of the law, punishable by imprisonment and fines.

Drugs (psychotropic drugs other addictive substances) is a term in the world of medicine in
addition to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Which include drugs are also drugs,
materials, or substances that are not regulated in uu, but to create dependency and often

In the past several kinds of natural drugs, like-opium (opium plant sap) of cocaine and
marijuana use as a medicine. Now it is no longer used in the treatment, because it can
potentially cause heavy dependence.

classification drug

Because of the danger of dependency, usage and distribution of drugs is set in uu No. 5 of
1997 about psychotropic


Substances or drugs derived from plants or not plants either synthesis or semi that cause
impairment and changes in consciousness, which eliminate or reduce pain.


Substances or drugs, both natural and not synthetic narcotic psychoactive through selective
effect on the central nervous system and cause the typical changes in mental activity and

How the drug and its effect on the brain

Drug berpngaruh on the part of the brain responsible for feelings of life ata called imbus
system, the hypothalamus. The pleasure center in the brain is part of the system imbus.
Drugs produce a feeling "high" by changing composition of biochemical molecules in brain
cells called neuro-transmmiter. All drugs change the feeling and the way people think.
Depending on the type, the drug can cause:

Changes in mood (calming, relaxed, happy and taste-free)

Changes in the mind (stress and increases imaginary)

Changes in behavior (increasing familiarity, inhibit value and out of control)

Drugs are often misused

Opioida (morphine, heroin, etc.)

Cannabis (arijuana, a joint, some pot, hashish)

Cocaine (cocaine, crack, coca leaf, coca paste)


Group amphetamines (amphetamine, ecstasy, methamphetamine)

Group hallucinogens (lysergic)

hypnotics (sleeping pills tranquilizers an)

drug misuse

Drug misuse is drug use that do not for the purpose of treatment, but because they want to
enjoy the effect. That's because the effect of drug abuse.

There are several stages and patterns of drug use as follows

The pattern of trial and error (for fun and want to know)

The pattern of use of social (drug use for the benefit of the association and the desire to
be recognized or accepted kelomoknya)

situational usage patterns (for certain situations, such as loneliness and stress)

The pattern of habituation / customs (has reached the stage of regular use or frequent)

The pattern of dependency / komplusif (with typical symptoms, ie onset of tolerance and
symptoms of central or substance.

Prevention and reduction of drug misuse

Models prevention and countermeasures

In connection with the interaction of the drug factor, individuals, and the environment as a
cause of drug misuse as described, there are four models of prevention

1. Model of moral-legal

Adherent traditional model / are the conventional law enforcement officials, religious
leaders, and moralists.

2. Model of medical and public health

Medicine and health experts assume misuse of drugs is infect dangerous disease, so
countermeasures must also follow the way pemberantaan infectious diseases, such as

3. Model of psychosocial

Models such as this puts the individual as an active element in the formula of individual
drug environment.

4. The social model of culture

The model stresses the importance of environmental and cultural context

Examples: smokers are normal behaviors that can be accepted by most adults.

Therefore, especially educational institutions, necessary modified to be more humane

health and social services intended for the benefit of the client / consumer, community
development at each age group, expansion of employment opportunities and so forth.

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