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Lookout Qatar mpocs of Qatar through the eyes of tose wo male what iia; Bache Mae rings oe same orgstor and lesser known traditions of te Qala cummunity:asiop motion workshep Urleashes acrealive dein unsuspecting participants; the mow Ferragamo bag and ‘Nouawvad's initiative lp support lurderprvilged chidzenin Qatar 16 The show ‘Aprevicw ofall at ison offer at the Dahadevellry and Watches Exhiiton, By Sinha Nie 18 Market Report ‘Ruffles ofa propartionsadé ounce to your sping wardmbe, By Debring Ayah 20 onan Tineraed in he ar of binging eal ie co fat, Bes ett Mase Quina resorts Jerger than ie insallains sway a eelengdeeper eve the visual dusiy By Roger Sith Quality Qatar 30 The thing ‘yoingQaaridesgnernastir every snfocus along vithotbers temic ocal designers atthe DIWE 207 Dy Lindosy Knapsticle Arena Qatar 18 Food ta ‘Across Dob Arabian restaurants baeame Dhomage to hume. By Lindsey Knepshield Features Qatar 44, Life Behind the Camera Meg Hvar onher frst cectonal venture, “Tehac’ which was shown at yal by DF By Sine Nar 52 Truthin Black and White ‘Nick Bards message set new But he continues tofind new gut-erenching and disturbing waysto deliver it By AyswaryaMurthy Lookout Qatar a | y 4 7 q a { \ } i { eyees ¥ ~ 3 er Market Report Rules ofall proportions add flounce to your spring wardrobe. Pe q u

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