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K. A.

Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 1

13. Magnetically Coupled Circuits

The change in the current flowing through an inductor induces (creates) a

voltage in the conductor itself (self-inductance) and in any nearby conductors
(mutual inductance)

The mutual inductance forms the basis for an extremely important device
called a transformer

The transformer consists of two coils of wire separated by a small distance,

and is used to convert ac voltages to higher or lower values depending on the
K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 2

13.1 Mutual Inductance

The inductor's voltage and current relationship is
v t=L
where L is the self-inductance of the inductor
The current flowing through the inductor creates magnetic flux
The time rate of change the current induces a voltage in the inductor

Coefficient of Mutual Inductance

A current flowing in one coil establishes a magnetic flux about that coil and also
about a second coil nearby
The time-varying flux surrounding the second coil produces a voltage across the
terminals of the second coil
K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 3

di1 t di 2 t
v2 t=M 21 v 1 t=M 12
dt dt
M21 and M12 are the coefficients of mutual inductance
The subscripts on M21 indicates that the voltage response at L2 is produced by
a current source at L1
The subscripts on M12 indicates that the voltage response at L1 is produced by
a current source at L2
The double headed arrow indicates that these inductors are coupled
K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 4

The Dot Convention

M21=M21=M and is always a positive quantity
The induced voltage M di/dt may be positive or negative
The dot convention determines the sign of the mutual voltage as follows:

If the current enters the dotted terminal of one coil, the voltage will be positive
at the dot on the second coil
K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 5

A current entering the undotted terminal of one coil provides a voltage that is
positively sensed at the undotted terminal of the second coil
K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 6

Example: (a) determine v1 if i2 = 5 sin 45t A and i1 = 0;

(b) determine v2 if i1=8et A and i2 = 0

The current i2 (entering undotted terminal) results in a positive reference for the
voltage induced across the left coil is the undotted terminal
di2 t
v1 t=M = 450 cos 45 t V
The current i1 (entering dotted terminal) results in a positive reference for the
voltage induced across the right coil is the dotted terminald
di1 t
v2 t=M = 16 et V
K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 7

Combined Mutual and Self-Induction Voltage

This mutual voltage is present independently of and in addition to any voltage of

Since the pairs v1, i1 and v2, i2 each satisfy the

passive sign convention, the voltages of self-
induction are both positive

Since i1 and i2 each enter dotted terminals,

and since v1 and v2 are both positively sensed
at the dotted terminals, the voltages of
mutual induction are also both positive

di1 t di2 t
v1 t=L1 M
dt dt
di2 t di t
v2 t=L2 M 1
dt dt
K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 8

Since the pairs v1, i1 and v2, i2 are not sensed

according to the passive sign convention, the
voltages of self-induction are both negative

Since i1 enters the dotted terminal and v2 is

positively sensed at the dotted terminal
di2 t di t
v2 t=L 2 M 1
dt dt
Since i2 enters the undotted terminal and v1 is
positively sensed at the undotted terminal
di1 t di2 t
v1 t=L1 M
dt dt
The same considerations lead to identical
choices of signs for excitation by a sinusoidal
source operating at frequency
K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 8

Physical Basis of the Dot Convention

The dot convention is made by examining the way in which both coils are
physically wound and applying Lenzs law in conjunction with the right-hand-rule

Using the right hand rule, the flux direction at the left-hand side
is upward and the right-hand side is downward
Since the flux at both coils has the same direction, the upper
terminals of coils will be of the same dot sign
Dots may be placed either on the upper terminal of each coil or
on the lower terminal of each coil

Using the right hand rule, the flux direction at the left-hand side
is upward and the right-hand side is upward
Since the flux at both coils has the apposite direction, the upper
terminals of coils will be of the opposite dot notation
K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 9

Example: find the ratio of the output voltage across the 400 Ohm resistor to the
source voltage, expressed using phasor notation

Transform the circuit into phasor ZL=j L

ZM =j M
K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 11

Mesh 1
Since I2 enters the undotted terminal of L2, the mutual voltage across L1 must
have the positive reference at the undotted terminal. Thus,
1 I1 j10 I1 j 90 I 2 =10 0
Mesh 2
Since I1 enters the dot-marked terminal of L1, the mutual voltage across L2 must
have the positive reference at the dotted terminal. Thus,
400 I 2j 1000 I 2 j 90 I 1=0
By solving the equations, we find
I2 =0.172 16.70 A
V2 4000.172 16.70o
V1 10 0o
K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 12

P1: Calculate the mesh currents in the shown circuits

K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 13

P2: Calculate the mesh currents in the shown circuits

K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 13

13.2 Energy in a Coupled Circuit

The energy stored in an inductor is given by
wL= L i2L
We now consider the energy stored in magnetically coupled coils, which leads to

1 1
W = L1 I 12 L 2 I 22M I 1 I 2
2 2

If one current enters a dot-marked terminal while the other leaves a dotmarked
terminal, the sign of the mutual energy term is reversed

1 1
W = L1 I 12 L 2 I 22M I 1 I 2
2 2
K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 13

Since I1 and I2 are arbitrary values, they may be replaced by i1(t) andi2(t), which
gives the instantaneous energy stored in the circuit

1 1
wt= L1 i21 t L2 i22 tM i12 ti22 t
2 2
Since w(t) represents the energy stored within a passive network, it cannot be
negative for any values of i1, i2, L1, L2, or M
this implies that
M L1 L 2
The ratio M / L1 L 2 represents the coupling coefficient, which is a measure of
the magnetic coupling between two coils
L1 L 2
M =k L1 L 2
where 0k1 or equivalently 0M L1 L2
For k < 0.5, coils are said to be loosely coupled; and for k > 0.5, they are said to be
tightly coupled
K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 14

Example: Determine the coupling coefficient. Calculate the stored energy in the
coupled inductors at t=1 s if v=60 cos(4t+30) V

The coupling coefficient is

Thus, the inductors are tightly coupled

To find the energy stored, we need to obtain the frequency-domain equivalent
of the circuit.
K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 17

We now apply mesh analysis. For mesh 1,

For mesh 2,


Solving the two equations

K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 18

In the time-domain,

At time t = 1 s, 4t = 4 rad = 229.2, and

The total energy stored in the coupled inductors is,

K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 17

P3: Determine the coupling coefficient. Calculate the stored energy in the coupled
inductors at t=1.5 s
K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 18

13.3 The Linear Transformer

A transformer is generally a four-terminal device comprising two (or more)
magnetically coupled coils

The coil that is directly connected to the voltage source is called the primary
The coil connected to the load is called the secondary winding
The resistances R1 and R2 are included to account for the losses (power
dissipation) in the coils
The transformer is said to be linear if the coils are wound on a magnetically linear
K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 19

Transformer: Reflected Impedance

We shall compute the input impedance Zin as seen from the source
Applying KVL to the two meshes

We get the input impedance as

The input impedance comprises two terms:

The first term, Z11=R1 + jL1, is the primary impedance

The second term is due to the coupling between the primary and secondary
The second term is known as the reflected impedance ZR

Z22=R2 + jL2+ZL
K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 20

Transformer: The T Equivalent Network

The voltage-current relationships for the primary and secondary coils give the
matrix equation

For the T (or Y) network, mesh analysis provides the terminal equations as

K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 21

Transformer: The Delta Equivalent Network

The current-voltage relationships for the primary and secondary coils give the
matrix equation

For the Delta network, nodal analysis provides the terminal equations as

K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 22

P4: Find the input impedance and the current from the voltage source
K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 23

13.4 Ideal Transformers

An ideal transformer is one with perfect coupling (k = 1)
It consists of two (or more) coils with a large number of turns wrapped on a
common core of high permeability
The ideal transformer is the limiting case of two coupled inductors where the
inductances approach infinity and the coupling is perfect

In the frequency domain,


Since M = L1 L 2

where n =L2/L1 and is called the turns ratio

K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 24

1. Coils have very large reactances (L1, L2, M )

2. Coupling coefficient is equal to unity (k = 1)
3. Primary and secondary coils are lossless (R1 = 0 = R2)

The vertical lines between the coils indicate an iron core as distinct from the air
core used in linear transformer
According to Faradays law, the voltage across the primary
winding and the secondary winding are

Then, we have

where n is, again, the turns ratio or transformation ratio

K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 27

Using phasor voltages V1 and V2, we may write

The energy supplied to the primary equals to the energy absorbed by the secondary

Thus, we have

The primary and secondary currents are related to the turns ratio as

n = 1, we have an isolation transformer

n > 1, we have a step-up transformer
n < 1, we have a step-down transformer
K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 25

Voltage Polarities and Current Directions

1. If V1 and V2 are both positive or both negative at the dotted terminals, use +n.
Otherwise, use n

2. If I1 and I2 both enter into or both leave the dotted terminals, use n.
Otherwise, use +n
K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 28

Ideal Transformer: The Complex Power

Express V1 in terms of V2 and I1 in terms of I2

The complex power in the primary winding is

Ideal Transformer: Reflected Impedance

The input impedance as seen by the source

Since ZL=V2/I2, we have

(Impedance Matching)
K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 29

Ideal Transformer: Thevenin Equivalent

K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 31

P5: Find the Thevenin equivalent of the circuit to the left of the terminals c-d

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