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tic tac toe playing program

you are x's and move first.

to play, enter location on board

board is printed like this






/* a little wrapper to make starting a game convenient */

tictactoe :- game([b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b], x).

/* the core recursive call to play the game */

game(Board , _) :- win(x, Board),write('you win!').

game(Board , _) :- win(o, Board),write('I win!').

game(Board , _) :- cat(Board). /* no more moves - not technically cat */

game(Board , x) :- moveUser(Board , NewBoard) , game(NewBoard , o).

game(Board , o) :- moveComputer(Board , NewBoard), game(NewBoard , x).

moveUser(Board , NewBoard) :- showBoard(Board), put('*'),get_char(Y),

get_char(_), name(Y , [X]),

Loc is X - 48, !,procUserMove(Loc,Board,NewBoard).

procUserMove(Loc,Board,NewBoard) :- Loc > 0, Loc < 10, playAt(x , Loc ,

Board , NewBoard).

/* this handles the invalid case */

procUserMove(_,Board,_) :- write('invalid move'),!, game(Board,x).

/* lists must be same length tim- these were getting triggered, how?

playAt(_ , _ , [_|_] , []) :- !,fail.

playAt(_ , _ , [] , [_|_]) :- !,fail. */

playAt(Player , 1 , [b|Tail] , [Player|Tail]).

playAt(Player , Loc , [H|TBoard] , [H|TNewBoard]) :-

Loc > 1,

M is Loc - 1 ,

playAt(Player , M , TBoard , TNewBoard).


showBoard([H|T]) :- put(H),showBoard1(T).

showBoard1([H|T]) :- put(H),showBoard2(T).

showBoard2([H|T]) :- put(H),nl,showBoard(T).

win(A , [A,A,A,_,_,_,_,_,_]).

win(A , [_,_,_,A,A,A,_,_,_]).

win(A , [_,_,_,_,_,_,A,A,A]).

win(A , [A,_,_,A,_,_,A,_,_]).

win(A , [_,A,_,_,A,_,_,A,_]).

win(A , [_,_,A,_,_,A,_,_,A]).

win(A , [A,_,_,_,A,_,_,_,A]).

win(A , [_,_,A,_,A,_,A,_,_]).

cat([H|T]) :- H \= b, cat(T).

/* What winning board can we make by playing at or beyond Loc? */

playInstaWin(Loc , Board , NewBoard) :- Loc < 10 , playAt(o , Loc , Board ,

NewBoard) , win(o , NewBoard).

playInstaWin(Loc , Board , NewBoard) :- Loc < 9 , M is Loc + 1 ,

playInstaWin(M , Board , NewBoard).

/* N is the number of threats player Player has in this board */

countThreats(Player , Board , N) :- countThreatsFamulus(Player , Board , 0 ,










countThreatsFamulus(_ , _ , N , N , []).

countThreatsFamulus(Player , Board , SoFar , N , [HThreat|TThreat]) :-

threatp(Player , Board , HThreat),

M is SoFar + 1 ,

countThreatsFamulus(Player , Board , M , N , TThreat).

countThreatsFamulus(Player , Board , SoFar , N , [_|TThreat]) :-

countThreatsFamulus(Player , Board , SoFar , N , TThreat).

/* is this player threatening to win using this pattern?

a threat is having two of the 3 required elements filled in, and the remaining
one blank.

so threatp(x , [x,b,x,o,o,b,x,o,b], [a,a,a,@,@,@,@,@,@]) succeeds.

Note that my implementation also calls a win position a threat */

threatp(_ , [], []) :- !,fail.

threatp(Player , [Player|TBoard] , [a|TPattern]) :- direthreatp(Player , TBoard ,


threatp(Player , [b|TBoard] , [a|TPattern]) :- threatp(Player , TBoard ,


threatp(Player , [_|TBoard] , [@|TPattern]) :- threatp(Player , TBoard ,


direthreatp(_ , [], []) :- !,fail.

direthreatp(Player , [Player|_] , [a|_]).

direthreatp(Player , [b|TBoard] , [a|TPattern]) :- direthreatp(Player , TBoard ,


direthreatp(Player , [_|TBoard] , [@|TPattern]) :- direthreatp(Player , TBoard ,


/***** end of countThreats related stuff *******/

/* where would o be forced to play, if we start looking at Loc and

Board is the remaining chunk of board? */

playForcedMove(Loc , _ , _) :- Loc > 9,!,fail.

playForcedMove(Loc , Board , NewBoard) :-

playAt(o , Loc , Board , NewBoard) ,

countThreats(x , Board , N) ,

countThreats(x , NewBoard , M),

M \= N.

playForcedMove(Loc , Board , NewBoard) :- Next is Loc + 1,

playForcedMove(Next , Board , NewBoard).

/* play where we can make two or more threats */

playDualThreat(Loc , _ , _) :- Loc > 9,!,fail.

playDualThreat(Loc , Board , NewBoard) :-

playAt(o , Loc , Board , NewBoard),

countThreats(o , NewBoard , NThreats),

NThreats >= 2.

playDualThreat(Loc , Board , NewBoard) :-

Next is Loc + 1,

playDualThreat(Next , Board , NewBoard).

/* play anyplace we can find a threat to make */

playThreat(Loc , _ , _) :- Loc > 9,!,fail.

playThreat(Loc , Board , NewBoard) :-

playAt(o , Loc , Board , NewBoard),

countThreats(o , NewBoard , NThreats),

NThreats >= 1.

playThreat(Loc , Board , NewBoard) :-

Next is Loc + 1,

playThreat(Next , Board , NewBoard).

/* play anyplace we can */

playRandom(Loc , _ , _) :- Loc > 9,!,fail.

playRandom(Loc , Board , NewBoard) :-

playAt(o , Loc , Board , NewBoard).

playRandom(Loc , Board , NewBoard) :-

Next is Loc + 1,

playRandom(Next , Board , NewBoard).

/* Tim - can I put these in a list - playInstaWin, etc? and DRY? */

/* if we can win this turn, do it */

moveComputer(Board , NewBoard) :- playInstaWin(1, Board , NewBoard).

/* if we must play somewhere to avoid losing, do it */

moveComputer(Board , NewBoard) :- playForcedMove(1 , Board , NewBoard).

/* otherwise play where we can make two or more threats */

moveComputer(Board , NewBoard) :- playDualThreat(1 , Board , NewBoard).

/* otherwise play where we can make a single threat */

moveComputer(Board , NewBoard) :- playThreat(1 , Board , NewBoard).

/* otherwise play anywhere */

moveComputer(Board , NewBoard) :- playRandom(1 , Board , NewBoard).

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