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Student Teaching edTPA Lesson Plan Template

Subject: English Language Arts Central Focus: Multiple Accounts

Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:

RI.5.6 Analyze multiple accounts of
the same event or topic, noting
Date submitted: 3/20 Date taught: 3/21
important similarities and differences
in the point of view they represent.

Daily Lesson Objective: Students will be able to independently by thinking critically compare and contrast
multiple accounts from an informational text, noting similarities and differences, using a Venn Diagram.

21st Century Skills: Academic Language Demand (Language Function and

Information Literacy, Critical Thinking Vocabulary): Compare & Contrast

Prior Knowledge: Students must understand different points of view in a literary text.

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

We will begin by creating an anchor chart about the
different accounts, and point of view. I will ask questions
like, What is a Point of View in a story? Good, a POV is who is
telling the story. Can a Point of View change the what
happened or the information given? Can anyone tell me what
a firsthand account is? Good a firsthand account of an event
or topic is based on an authors personal experience. Diaries,
autobiographies, and letters are considered to be firsthand
1. Focus and Review accounts. The authors perspective with regard to the event
or topic may be influenced by his or her feelings about it.
What is a second hand account? A secondhand account of an
event or topic is based on an authors research, rather than
personal experience. Encyclopedia entries, biographies, and
textbooks are considered to be secondhand accounts. The
authors perspective with regard to the event or topic is
usually neutral. The author simply states facts about it.

Today we are going to read two accounts of the same event,

2. Statement of Objective
for Student and analyze by comparing and contrasting similarities and
differences in the Point of View.
3. Teacher Input How many of you have ever had an argument or fight with a
brother, sister, or friend? (Most will raise hand) When you go
to tell your parents what happened, Is the story different?
Who is always right in the story? When we read multiple
accounts we should be thinking what Point of View is this
passage in? What is happening? Do you notice any similarities
or differences in the information given? We will read two
passages together on my powerpoint, and we will make a venn
diagram together.

Two Passages:
Indentured Servants

Early settlers in the American colonies had a lot of land but not
enough people to work on it. So, beginning in the decade after
the settlement of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607, many men and
women came to the colonies to live as indentured servants. In
exchange for their passage overseas and room and board, these
men and women agreed to work for a period of between four and
seven years. Then they would be considered free. Until then,
they had to fulfill their contracts by working very hard. Their lives
were harsh and restricted. People who tried to run away could be
punished by having their contracts extended. If they survived the
hard labor, however, indentured servants received freedom
packages which sometimes included at least 25 acres of land.

Second Passage:
Adapted from a letter by Richard Frethorne, an Indentured

Virginia, 1623

Loving and Kind

Father and Mother,

There is nothing here to comfort me. Since I left the ship, all I
have eaten is watery porridge and peas. There is not enough
meat or poultry to be had; I havent seen any deer around, and I
am working too hard to hunt for fowl. Early until late I work and
work, awarded for my labor with yet more porridge. Four men
have to share a meager serving of bread, so its little wonder that
so many have fallen ill.

Not only am I hungry, I hardly have any clothing. My cloak was

even stolen by a man whom I believe sold it for food. Fortunately,
Mr. Jackson in Jamestown is kind to me and has given me some
fish, but I am still miserable and hungry. I want nothing more than
to go home. I do beg you, good Father, to release me from my
great grief. I know you would cry if you saw my pathetic state.
Give my love to all my friends and family. The answer to this
letter will mean life or death for me; please, Father, send for me
as soon as possible.


Class, now that we learned that just because someone writes

about the same event, does not mean that the event will be
told the same. Information varies to the source. Some basic
facts may be similar, but there is a variation in the accounts.
4. Guided Practice We will read two accounts from the Titanic articles, and in
table buddies, they will note the similarities and differences
of the accounts using a graphic organizer. The graphic
organizer is similar to a venn diagram.

Students will read three account from inspector Howard, and

5. Independent Practice
they will compare and contrast the stories being told.

Students will be assessed on how well they can analyze the multiple accounts using graphic
organizers and venn diagram.Students will receive a grade based out of 10 points. 5 points
6. Assessment Methods of
for contrasting Jerry and Jack's stories, and 5 points for noting how Mr. Michael's story
all objectives/skills:
differ from Jack and Jerrys story, and noting how it is the same. Students must receive 8
out of 10 points to prove mastery.
Learners, now that we have learned about different accounts of the same
event, I would like you to write one thing you found interesting about
7. Closure analyzing the account of the Titanic.

8. Assessment Results of 10 out of 15 students met the objective.

all objectives/skills: 5 out of 15 did not meet the objective.

* The class was only 15 due to the school play, many students were out practicing.
Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations

For my students with a hearing disability, I will make I will be conferring with students throughout the lesson to
sure that I speak facing the class, so they can read lips. make sure they are completing the task at hand. During the
Some of my EC students need very specific directions independent practice I will pull two or three students who are
when completing an assignment, so I will make them a struggling with this skill to work on analyzing multiple
checklist to complete while doing the task. accounts and texts and accounts.
I will provide extra time to students who do not finish.
Students who finish early will be encouraged to go
back and read to ensure they did not miss anything.

Materials/Technology: Venn Diagram, SmartBoard, Pens, Pencils, Titanic story, and story about
Columbus, and Inspector Howard worksheet.
Reflection on lesson:
On Weebly.

CT signature: ________________________ Date: ______ US signature: ____________________________Date: ______

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