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Auxin is a plant hormone such as Indole Acetic that serves to stimulate cell enlargement,

chromosomal DNA synthesis, as well as the growth of the longitudinal axis of the plant. Point to
stimulate root growth in cuttings or graft. Auxin is often used to stimulate root growth and as an
active ingredient often used in the preparation of commercial horticulture, especially for root
stems. They can also be used to stimulate flowering uniformly, to regulate conception, and to
prevent the fall of the fruit. Auxin high doses can stimulate the production of ethylene. Excess
Ethylene can actually hinder growth, causing the fall of leaves or leaf abscission, and even kill
plants. Auxin consists of IBA, NAA, 2,4-D. Auxin NAA group wearing the trademark include
Rootone-F, Atonik. Medium Auxin 2,4 D is sold under the name Hidrasil. Many natural auxin
contained in the liquid corn seeds that are still yellow, cow urine, coleoptile tip oat plant, bulb
onion and coconut water. Auxin Group are Aceti indole acid (IAA), Napthalene Acetic Acid
(NAA), 2,4-D, CPA and Indole Acetic Acid (IBA). The most important of the auxin family is
Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA). This produces the effect of auxin in the plant as a whole, and the
most potent of the natural auxin, but the chemical molecule IAA is the most unstable in aqueous
solution, so that the IAA is not used commercially as a plant growth regulator (Suetopo, 1985).

Dormancy is a state atrophied experienced living organisms or parts thereof in response
to a state that does not support normal growth. Thus, dormancy is a response to a specific
physical or environmental circumstances. The trigger dormancy may be mechanical, physical
state of the environment, or chemically (Bradbeer, 1989).
According to Bradbeer (1989) causes of dormancy in seeds include of several factors that
1. Embryo undeveloped
Seeds with underdeveloped embryo growth during the deployment will not be able to
germinate in conditions of normal germination and therefore classified as dormant category
called morphological dormancy. This should be distinguished from immature embryos as
downloading is too early although the difference is not always clear and the same initial
treatment method, for example in seed Arecaceae (palm) Ginko biloba. Germination to occur, the
embryo has to grow up, was made possible by damp and heat treatment called after ripening.
Dormancy caused by immature embryos are often mixed with other dormancy types, such as
dormancy temperature on Fraxinus spp
2. Mechanical Dormancy
This dormancy shows the condition in which the embryo is physically hindered because
of the structure of a hard cover. Radikula imbibisi can occur but can not divide or pierce the lid
(fruit or fruit section). Almost all mechanical seed dormancy experience limitations in the
absorption of water. Mechanical dormancy is generally found in some tropical and subtropical
genera such as: Pterocarpus (P. indicus, P. Angolensis, etc.), Terminalia (T. brownie, T.
tomentosa, T. superba) and Melia (Melia volkensis), Eucalyptus delegatensis and E . pauciflora.
3. Physical Dormancy
Physical dormancy caused by the rind is hard and impermeable or fruit skin cover that
prevents imbibition and gas exchange. This phenomenon is often referred to as a hard seed,
although the term is usually used for Leguminosae impermeable seed dormancy air.Selain it is
also found in some members of the family Myrtaceae (Eucalyptus and Malaleuca), Cupressaceae
(Juniperus procera) and Pinaceae (Pinus spp). Dormancy is caused pericarp or part pericarpnya.
Dormancy is most commonly found in tropical areas, especially arid region.
4. Inhibitors
Some types contain substances in fruit or seed inhibitor that prevents germination, for
example by blocking the metabolic processes necessary for germination. Sugar and other
substances in the fleshy fruit Osmose prevent germination due to the pressure that blocks
absorption. In addition to sugar-containing fruits inhibitory compounds such as coumarin
5. Dormancy light
Most seed dormancy germinated only light in bright conditions so that the seeds are
called light sensitive. Dormancy light is generally found in trees pioneers. This is controlled
through the mechanism of biochemical phytochrome. Phytochrome appear in two forms Pr and
PFR (r means red / red, and red means far fr / far red) that can be changed by going back and
forth through radiation at different wavelengths. Germination is determined based on the number
of PFR against the total number of phytochrome. Phytochrome in the form Pr inhibit
germination, while the PFR allow germination. Pr dormant seeds have a number of very much,
the seeds are not dormant phytochrome appears mainly in the form of the PFR.
6. Dormancy temperatures
Dormancy include all types of dormancy in which the temperature was instrumental in
the development or the release of dormancy. Seed dormancy temperatures often require different
temperature to that needed for germination. Dormancy is found in most types of temperate
climates, such as Fagus, Quercus, Pinus, Abies, and some kind of tropical highlands such as Pine
and Eucalyptus. These seeds need cold and damp treatment to break dormancy called chilling.
Eucalyptus plateau (alpine) such as E. delegatensis, E. pauciflora and E. glaucescens require cold
moist pretreatment to overcome dormancy.
7. The combined Dormancy
When two or more types of dormancy in the same type of dormancy must be broken
through successive method that works on different types of dormancy or through a method with a
dual effect. It is usually applied on a combination of physical and mechanical dormancy. When
two types of dormancy occur together, some of the methods that aims to break the physical
dormancy also run on mechanical dormancy.

According to Salisburry & Ross (1995) ways to breaking seed dormancy

1. Mechanical Treatment
a. Skarifiaksi
Scarification include ways such as filing or rubbing the skin with paper empelas seed,
seed pierce the skin with a knife, impaction for seeds that have a source of cork. Where
everything is aimed to weaken the hard seed coat, making it more permeable to water or gas.
b. Pressure
Seeds of sweet clover (Melilotus alba) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa) after being treated
with the hydraulic pressure of 2000 atm at 180C for 5-20 minutes turned out to germination
increased by 50-200%. Pressure effects seen after the seeds are dried and stored, no doubt
germination improvement is caused by changes in permeability of the seed coat to water.
2. Treatment Chemicals
Treatment using the chemicals are often made to break dormancy of seeds. The goal is to
make so that the seed coat more easily penetrated by water during imbibition process. A solution
of a strong acid such as sulfuric acid and concentrated nitric acid at a concentration of making
skin softer seeds that can be traversed by the water with ease. Other chemicals are also
commonly used are: potassium hydroxide, hidrochlorit acid, potassium nitrate and thiourea.
Besides, it can also be used growth hormone to break dormancy in seeds, among others are:
cytokinin, gibberellin and auxin.
3. Soaking in Water Treatment
Some seeds are sometimes treated with immersion in hot water with the purpose of
facilitating the absorption of water by the seeds. A common procedure used is as follows: the
water is heated to 1800 - 2000F, seed put into the hot water and let it to cool for some time.
4. Treatment Giving Specific Temperature
a. Stratification
During stratification occurs a number of changes in seeds that result in the disappearance
of the materials or the growth inhibiting the formation of substances that stimulate
pertumbuhan.Benih-seeds that require stratification for a certain time before planting are: apples,
grapes, pear, peach, pine, rosa, strawberry, oak, cherry, and others. Stratification requirement is
different for each type of plant. High temperatures are rarely used to break seed dormancy, unless
new oil palm. Usually high temperature actually increases rather than fix perkecambahnnya seed
b. Treatment with High and Low Temperatures
A state of dormancy in some seeds can be overcome by giving the effect of low
temperatures and rather high. But the extreme temperatures of the treatment should not be
different not take more than 100 or 200C, generally is above from freezing.
5. Treatment with Light
Light does not only affect the germination percentage of the seeds, but also the rate of
germination. The influence of light on the seed not only in the amount of light received but also
the light intensity and day length.

Bradbeer, J. W. 1989. Seed Dormancy and Germination. New York: Chapman & Hall.
Salisburry, F. B., & Ross,W. C. 1995. Fisiologi Tumbuhan Jilid 2. Jakarta: PT Gramedia.
Suetopo,F. B. 1985. Biologi. Jakarta: PT Bina Aksara

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