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Chapter One
In the Beginning

This is a story of how God turned the life of an Italian Catholic

around and to experience the most supernatural events imaginable
and then brought me up in the faith of Jesus Christ. What I am
about to share in this book is how I read the Bible and truly
believed it for what it says. It is truly the inspired Word
of God Almighty. It has truly proven itself to be "the Word of
God". I have found it to prove itself in many ways like
historically, factually and mostly prophetically. Not one wrong
prophecy and no other book can claim that. There is only one Word
of God and that is none other than the bible. You can have all
these fools say other wise, but heaven and earth as well as the
works of mans hands will pass away but God’s word remains forever.
You see I never saw in the Word that salvation, healings,
deliverance and miracles have ceased or is dispensational so I
simply believed what the Lord said in that all believers shall lay
hands on the sick, cast out devils, speak in new tongues and raise
the dead.

You see I never went to any seminary nor was taught by any
religious organization, but I was moved by the Spirit of God to do
the things that are written in this book. To start off I was your
run-of-the-mill Catholic like the rest who believed in God, went
to church on Sundays and sinned like hell during the week.
I never thought much of my religion because it never did anything
for me. It wasn't until I became a believer that I saw what
deception I was in. I was like so many other Catholics who knew
of the Lord but had no relationship with Him.

I defended the faith even to the point of punching someone out,
which I did on many occasions. At the time I thought I was doing
a noble thing in the name of God. Like my Catholic brethren, I
would sin all week, then at the end of the week go to confession.
That’s when a priest would forgive me my sins (as if a priest
could really forgive sins). I never felt sorry for my sins. I
never really repented for my sins (without repentance there is no
forgiveness of sins).

I never knew I had to repent to be forgiven. I was never taught

this by the Catholic church. I never knew that there had to be a
"change", a transformation from a sinner to a son of God. Jesus
said that "By your fruits, you will be known". Like so many other
Catholics, we were deceived into believing that salvation was
through the church and by good works but scripture states that
salvation is a free gift from God and not by our "good works" as
taught by the church. The scripture says that our good works are
as filthy rags before God and that we can't earn salvation.
But with salvation change must take place and that was never
taught by the catholic church so we Catholics put our eternal
souls at risk for eternity. Don't get me wrong because I don't
single out the Catholic church only in this book but all main line
religions because that is exactly what they are, just religions,
void of the Spirit, but filled with the traditions of men. I do
speak about the catholic church the most because that is what I
was brought up as, so I know that of which I speak and if you get
mad at me, tough, get over it and grow up because I am speaking
the truth and if you can't stomach it then there is no room for
the Word of God in you.

I was angry with the church. Never the less, what I am about to
share in this book is how the Lord used a simple person like me,
to see and experience some of the most supernatural events in
which non believers as well as many believers will find hard to
believe or understand but it is all true. God forbid I should lie
in order to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To share something
about myself, I was born in Rochester, New York in the early
fifties, and was one of six children, the second born son and
fourth in the family. We had to move to Miami Florida in the
early sixties because of problems with the mafia so we stayed
there for two years and then moved to Washington, D.C. for a few
more years. Then we relocated in the seventies to Rockville,
Maryland, and then I split from the family and then finally
settled in Maryland. I was your typical Italian looking boy with
dark hair and complexion. I had a slight speech impediment and
people poked fun at me until I would bust their heads in. I was
by no means an upcoming Einstein, but rather a simpleton in
understanding. I was a straight "C" average student who did not
believe in doing homework. It sometimes still shows. I even went
so far as telling my teachers not to expect any homework from me
because after school I was on my time.
This didn't sit well with them nor did it make a good impression.
Of course they immediately sent me to the school counselor and
even to the school shrink, but somehow I got by without doing my
homework. I was like the rest of the children learning reading,
writing, arithmetic and immorality, you know, the basics of
childhood education. I was no different in my learning, except I
excelled at immorality, which got a hold of me at a very early
age. It increased as time went on until the Lord set me free.
Praise the Lord! You're really not free until the Lord sets you
free, then your are truly free indeed.

I was considered by many to be a nice guy, but with a very bad
temper, like my Dad's. When I got mad, the whites of my eyes
would turn blood red. I would totally lose it to the point where
I wanted to kill who ever it was that got me mad and I would be
oblivious to anything around me. So it took nothing short of the
power of God to set me free through His Son, Jesus. In my late
teens, I was into the martial arts, boxing, and wrestling. On top
of it, I also packed a 44 Magnum. I wasn't about to take grief
from any one because if I couldn't beat them, I'd just as soon
shoot them. I also had a very strong pull to the opposite sex
which got me into much trouble. Again, it took the power of God
Almighty to set me free. I will get into more about this later.
I was the type of person who would be a good friend, but if I was
ever crossed, then I would never trust you again and would be your
enemy for life. What's so amazing is that it's been about 25
years now since I was born again and got a powerful deliverance
and since then I haven't lost my temper. And to think that
psychiatrists say that man's nature can't be changed. Well, I
guess they have been shown to be wrong.

I grew up on the streets of New York and then Washington D.C. with
my brothers and sisters in the midst of gang fights and other
criminal activities, always getting into trouble. We were brought
up by Mom because Dad was working two jobs to support our large
family. Dad did his best to bring us up in the fear of the Lord,
or should I say just in the name of fear. Dad didn't have time
for childish nonsense in raising us, but was a tough
disciplinarian, and had hands like cured hams and when he
disciplined us we felt it down to our souls. Mom, on the other
hand, was more understanding and could relate to us better
than Dad ever could.

Mom was always there when we were in need, and made sure that we
lacked in nothing. She had a calling of God on her life since she
was young, but didn't come into it until after being born again by
the Spirit of the Lord. She has never ceased to pray for us and
it has profited much spiritually and is still on fire for the
Lord, sharing the Gospel wherever she goes.

Chapter Two
The Family

The first born was Linda. She was the intellectual type who would
cry if she got a "B" on her report card in the midst of straight
"A's" while the rest of us were struggling with a "C's" or "D’s".
Linda was very witty and had a great sense of humor. It's always
fun being around her. She married a really great guy named Vince,
who was the type who would give the shirt off his back if you
needed it. They both still live in Rochester and are quite happy
there. They have two children, both young adults now, Sylvia and

Then came my sister Marie who was the second oldest of the kids
and was quite the tomboy. She was rough and tough and wouldn't
take grief from anyone whether a girl or a guy. Many times she
has helped us out in many a fight. She grew up to be quite the
lady and was in beauty contests and was a beauty queen for some
speedway. She too came to know the Lord through my older brother,
Butch. Marie served the Lord boldly and had a strong calling on
her life. She also married a great guy named Dean who was very
responsible and a great provider. They have two children also who
are still searching for the fulfillment that only Jesus can give.
The family is still praying for them.

Then there's Butch, the first born son. He was your typical
bully, who would run rough shod over anyone who dared get in his
way, including myself. Butch had the sensitivity of a mad dog and
could care less about anyone or anything. He took advantage of
any situation no matter who it affected. He always looked out
for himself and found the easy way out of everything. I know
because I worked with him at Dad's restaurant. Before he was
saved, he was into all kinds of underhanded stuff like drugs,
heavy drinking, which took it’s toll on him. We fought about
everything and anything. Butch didn't have patience with anyone.
For example, once in our back yard, I tripped as I walked by him
and as I fell, I grabbed onto Butch to catch myself from falling.
In doing this, I accidentally ripped his shirt pocket. As I got
back up, I said, "I'm sorry. It was an accident. Butch said not
to worry about it then grabbed a hold of my shirt and literally
ripped it off me. Then he said, "This is an accident, too."
There I was with the shirt literally ripped off of me so at that I
got mad and then I started to rip the shirt off him and we got
into it to the point to where Mom had to come and hose us down
until we were both lying on the ground wrestling in a pool of mud.
Butch was very smart. He went to military school, college and
started to pursue a career of a lawyer. Butch was king of the one
liners, very quick with the mouth, and very sharp like Dad. He
tried singing and to everyone’s surprise he had a tremendous
voice. He could hit notes no less greater than you find at the
MET. He in all actuality had the possibility to be one of the
world's great voices. He could hold a note as long if not longer
than Caruso, and more flexible than that of Mario Lanza. Butch
decided to drop law school and instead pursue the opera field. He
met up with a born again singer named Noel McFarlane, who helped
start Butch on the road to the Lord.
As a family, we were always fighters, even to the point of beating
each other up. Even though Butch was always bigger than me, we
were always fighting. That never stopped me when I got mad. I
recall once when Butch hit me with a plastic bat and I got so mad
I pulled a knife on him, but he didn't care. He just picked me up
and threw me down two flights of stairs.
After coming too, I found him outside, so I snuck up behind him
with a brick in my hand and I called him. When he turned around,
I threw the brick at him, hitting him in the chest. To my
amazement, it bounced off him like bullets off Superman. He
turned to me and said, "Now, you shouldn't have done that." He
started to chase me, so I ran to the nearest tree and climbed up.
I started mouthing off at Butch saying. "come on, fat boy. Try
to climb the tree if you can." To my surprise, he got up the
tree. I headed out on a limb where it was too thin for him. Then
he said, "come down or I'll break the branch." I said, "You're
not that bad." To my amazement, he broke this big branch that I
was sitting on and I went plummeting to the ground. I lost my
breath on hitting the ground, but to make it worse, Butch came
down, too, landing on my chest. Then he started punching me out.
Mom came running to the rescue with a nice big broom and whacked
Butch over the head knocking him off me. Thank God for Mom. She
saved me from Butch many times.
Butch always got me into trouble with Dad. Because he seldom
could catch me to hit me, so he worked on getting me in trouble
with Dad. Dad was one you never let get mad at you. Butch didn't
care how much trouble he got me in, just as long as I got whooped
by Dad.

For example, once Dad had some company who consisted of wealthy
restaurant owners. Dad ran restaurants for these men. Dad was
dressed up in the black shark skin suit. When they were drinking,
Butch substituted Dad's glass with my gag dribble glass.
As Dad started drinking his drink, it began leaking on his shirt.
He wiped it up and started drinking again, but a little
embarrassed. It continued to dribble on him. He looked at this
glass real good and noticed it was a dribble glass.
With a loud roar, he asked, "Whose glass is this?" Of course
Butch said, "It's Tony's!" It was Armageddon for me. I got a
thrashing like never before. Not fond childhood memories. It
wasn't until after Butch used two more of my tricks on Dad, like
the foaming sugar and the jumping snake in the mustard jar which
hit Dad in the eye, that’s when I stopped buying these gags.
These gags should have come with warning labels because they were
hazardous to my health. I did get Dad back for whooping me by
buying him chocolate covered bugs to eat. Then I felt we were

Actually, I remember Butch almost knocking me off a number of

times. For instance, we were sitting in the rear porch and Butch
was playing with his nickel plated 38 Special. He pointed it at
me and then pulled the trigger, dry firing it once, then twice.
The third time, he pointed it up to sky, firing it again. This
time it fired a shot. I fell off my chair holding my chest.
Butch turned and smiled. "Sorry. I didn't know it was loaded.
Boy, I wanted to kill him after that. One of the craziest stunts
he played on me was when Butch took me to the Washington National
Airport to catch a plane. All was going well until we got to the
scanner, to check for weapons. Of course it went off when I
passed through the two white columns. I emptied my pockets and
went through again. It went off again. I pulled more stuff off
me. Even after going through two more times it kept beeping.
Then two security cops started walking toward me with their hands
on their guns with looks on their faces like some action was about
to take place. I started to get nervous.

Then going through the beeper once more, it sounded again so in

the middle of this sticky situation, Butch yells out, "Tony, drop
the gun and run!" At that, the cops drew their weapons on me
saying, "Freeze!" With hands in the air, I said "It's a joke.
Really. I have no gun." Butch just walked away smiling. Boy,
was I mad and embarrassed after being frisked.
So you see what kind of a guy he was, but Butch was the first in
the family to get saved. Yet, the Lord did pick him and turned
his life around. He was the vessel the Lord chose to bring
salvation to the household. Butch also got married to a nice girl
named Leisa. She's my favorite sister-in-law. She is also very
nice, but if need be she can also hold her own so I stay on her
good side. Then the next born was my sister, Laurie. We had a lot
in common from playing together as children, to double dating, to
even fighting together. We even looked a lot alike and we both
had bad tempers. Sometimes I think her temper was worse. For
example, once Laurie and some of her friends were out egging cars
and they hit a van full of football players. They stopped the van
and started chasing her and her friends. I just so happened to be
walking down the street at that particular time unaware of my
sister's activities. All of a sudden, one guy jumped out in front
of me and hauled off and hit me. I said, "What is your problem"
He accused me of egging his van. I denied it, but he didn't
believe me. At that instant, I saw Laurie being chased behind a
house by another guy. She was yelling for help, so I didn't have
time for the guy who hit me so I decked him hard, knocked him to
the ground and ran to help my sister. As I ran to the back of the
house, I could hear Laurie screaming for help. As I came to the
back yard I was taken back by what I saw. It was the craziest
thing! With a big stick in her hands, Laurie was beating this guy
senseless while he was laying on the ground trying to fend off her
All the time Laurie was yelling for help. I just started to
laugh and then broke up the conflict. I made sure the guy was OK
and brought Laurie home.
Laurie had one of the worst tempers I've ever seen. Especially
in the morning if she didn't get her three cups of coffee! This
one morning, as she was walking into the kitchen, the phone rang.
I answered it, but it was for her. So, I said, "It's for you."
She grabbed it from me and screamed, "What do you want" "You
don't have to act like an animal" I said. She screamed at me and
then threw the phone at me. I said, "Good morning” and ran like
crazy. Like the rest of my sisters, she also got married to a
nice guy named Raine. They also have two kids named Nina and
Nicky. They live in Ocean City where we can see each other often.
Finally, there's my youngest brother, Joey. He was born about
seven years after Laurie, my youngest sister. Joey was your
typical little brat brother. He was different from the rest of
us. He was a test and a trial to the whole family. He seemed to
be born out of time and out of place. Joey was so bad that almost
every day my dad would get a call from the middle school
principal. This was mainly requesting him to come and get Joey
because he had a crowd of kids outside of school waiting to beat
him up. Dad would send me to go help him home. As I walked
closer to the school, I would see a crowd of kids huddled around
the exit door. I would pick Joey up in the principal's office.
Then I would push through the crowd, beating them back, having a
bat in one hand and Joey in the other.

Joey never flowed with the rest of us, but seemed to rub everyone
the wrong way. Praise God, he was a test and a trial for the
whole family, but he eventually got saved too. We still rub, but
not as much...........I avoid him.

Chapter Three
My Conversion

My story starts in the late seventies, at a time in which I see as
one of the last big revivals up to date. Butch had come to the
end of his rope. Before his salvation, he was always looking to
get over on people, dealt in drugs and stolen goods, and had
compassion on no one. It seems that the drugs, alcohol,
and the racing mind had taken it's toll. He had this constant
ringing in his ears from singing opera, so he was ripe for the
picking. Sure enough, Jesus saved him and set him free. For whom
the Son sets free, is free indeed. Butch changed overnight and we
all had a hard time accepting this, especially me knowing him
best. I thought he found another scheme to make money or tried to
make good for all the grief he caused everyone. I really found it
hard to believe him. He kept trying to preach to me and explain
the Gospel, but I just could not believe him because of the way he
had previously been. Before he was saved, Butch used to tell me
that religion was for the weak minded and then all of a sudden he
was preaching to me. I really thought he had gone off the deep
end. I would try to catch him in anything he said or did so I
could show everyone that he was a farce, but he held fast to the
Lord and the Lord upheld him time after time.

As time passed (two years to be exact), Butch still held fast to

his profession of faith, so I really thought he had really lost it
and turned into a religious nut. There was no hope for him.
Butch continued to preach to the family and sure enough, they
started to get saved. Starting with Mom, Marie, Linda, Joey,
Laurie, and then Dad. I couldn't believe it. I then felt alone
and out of place, so I stayed out of the house as much as
possible. I kept busy with work and my sinful lifestyle.
The family changed and I didn't understand them at all. We used
to be a fighting family and now they were loving and caring.
I couldn't believe how the guys would say to each other, "I love
you." It bothered me because I was brought up hard by Dad and I
had no room for this love in my life. What made me especially mad
was when Butch and his friends used to tell me, "I love you." I
would respond by saying, "Get away from me, faggot!" Men
don't tell men you love them unless they were fags. I was well
hardened by now. I still couldn't accept the love of Jesus. I
remember many times coming home and walking in on Butch and his
friends watching one of the religious television programs with the
head guy and his wife crying and begging for money. I would poke
fun at them saying, "Look, it's all for the money. What a farce.
They're begging for money as always. Your religion is all a
gimmick." It would bother them, especially Butch. I could see
it, but he kept on preaching and holding fast. Still trying to
get me saved, Butch would leave tracts on my bedroom door knob
like “This Was Your Life” and “I Spent Ten Minutes in Hell”. It
would get me mad at first, especially when I brought a girl home,
but I would read them later. You see I was the point in my life
where I had everything going for me. I, unlike Butch, was at the
top of my rope. In 1978, making $30,000 a year was a very
comfortable living for a single man. I owned a conversion van, a
'73 Corvette, a '65 GTO, a motorcycle, a $5,000 stereo system, had
a fully furnished apartment and a whole bunch of women. Life was
great, so why change? But, the Holy Spirit was starting to draw
me. After awhile I started to feel empty inside even though I had
all these possessions and women, but none of it could fill this
empty feeling. I would start to think I've got all this stuff,
but there's got to be more to life than this.

My being drawn to salvation all started late one night, when I was
home in the kitchen and Butch had just walked in. He asked me if
I believed in devils. Of course I said, "No! That's just a name
you give to bad habits." He said, "There's a minister in town who
is an exorcist. He is at this church near by casting devils out
of people. Would you like to see it?" I said, "I don't believe
it“ to which he said, “then you don’t have anything to fear”. I
wanted to see if it was for real. Little did I know that would be
the worst night in my life. As I rode with him to the church, a
lot went through my mind. I really could not believe that
exorcism could be happening, especially in this day and age. We
pulled up to the church and what I was about to see would
dramatically change my life forever. As we entered the church, I
heard the most ungodly, bloodcurdling screams imaginable. We
entered a big room within the church. There were some chairs set
up, but most people were either leaning on the wall or laying on
the floor. They were yelling, screaming or crying. The screams
were so loud that three times I almost passed out. I saw these
people being set free. I took a closer look at their faces. They
were distorted and in torment. I had a hard time comprehending
it. I walked by one big lady with bright red hair and orange
colored eyes. It was weird. She was sitting on the floor, just
talking out loud. I walked up to her and she began to speak to me
telling me about myself.
I jumped back and said to her, "I don't know you and you don't
know me. So shut up and leave me alone!"
She started to laugh at me. Her laugh was hideous and scary, so I
got away from her. As I walked around the room, I saw two other
people casting out devils out of another girl. I got up close to
see her face and it was in torment. I heard one person say to the
girl, "In the name of Jesus, come out of her!" At that very
moment, the devils came out of her.

In Scripture, it states that when a devil is cast out, it passes

through waterless places and seeks a new home. Guess who it’s new
home was! I wasn't saved or covered by the blood of Jesus, so
when the devils came out of her, they came into me so fast and
hard that I fell over and got sick to my stomach. At that
particular moment, Butch happen to walk over to me. I said to
him, "Get me the hell out of here! I feel sick." He just smiled
and said, "OK." He knew what had transpired in the spirit realm.
We went back to the car and headed home. All night long, thoughts
were flooding my mind. Could all I have seen tonight be real? If
so, what happened to me? What entered me and made me sick to my
stomach? I was full of fear, and I am one who feared nothing. I
was trained in the martial arts, good at fighting and I packed a
44 magnum. None of it helped to ease my fear of the unknown.
There I was, at twenty-five years old, sleeping with my lights on,
keeping my gun loaded under my pillow and locking my door.
Torment kept flooding my mind with fear and I began to be aware of
everything around me. It must have been close to a week before I
could get any sleep, but when I did, my bed would shake and I
would hear voices calling me by name. Suddenly, my whole bed
started shaking. I knew the door was locked. I looked under the
bed and in the closet to make sure this wasn't another of Butch's
gags. All of a sudden, the sink’s faucet in my room would turn on
by itself! The torment would again flood in me. Day and night,
all I would see is those faces and hear those terrible screams. I
tried to sleep, but my brother, Butch, who never lost his knack
for practical jokes, would get up in the middle of the night,
start to play the theme from The Exorcist and start laughing out
loud. This was not funny by any means! At times, Butch would
sneak up to my bedroom door and let out a loud bellowing scream at
about 500 watts while banging on my door at the same time.
He would frighten me out of a dead sleep! It felt like a massive
coronary, but I guess he thought it would help me make my decision
on accepting the Lord. It was pure hell living in the house with
him. It was probably his way at getting me back after those years
of ragging on him as a fanatic and a loser. All this took about
two years. I also wanted to be sure this born again experience
was correct. During this two years I studied about different world
religions and finding there is only one true faith, on August 22
1978, I surrendered to the Lord. I guess I was truly scared into
the kingdom of God. Don't let anyone tell you it doesn't work,
because it does. I am living proof of it! At the time, I could
not accept the love of Jesus, but now, I know His wonderful
unsurpassable love. The love that only God can give. As I sat at
the kitchen table with my brother, Butch, and his friend Mark,
they both led me through the sinner's prayer. All this had such
an impact on me that I made an over night conversion on
everything. I was truly a new creation in Jesus and I felt
From that night on, I would not compromise on anything and gave
my whole life to the Lord. What a change it would make in my
life. I was totally different from that night on and things would
never be the save again.
I had thought my ordeal with devils was over, but surprisingly
enough, it wasn't. At one afternoon service at Halpine Church, I
was standing in the isle taking it easy when all of a sudden an
elderly man came over to me. He said, "Son, God wants to use you
and can I pray for you?" I said, "Sure. Go for it!"
So this couple, Bill and his wife Mary, started praying for me.
After a while, they started praying in tongues. At that moment, I
fell to the floor crying like a baby. That was not me. I never
cry, but there I was sitting on the church floor crying my eyes
out and being released from oppression and even my worst problems
which were immorality and anger.
I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I had such an
ungodly anger most people were afraid of me, when they saw the
whites of my eyes turn blood red. I would go into an anger frenzy
and I was totally oblivious to everything around me, especially
when I was in a fight. I didn't hear anyone nor was aware anyone
was around me. I was quite possessed with spirits of anger,
murder, hatred, lust and rage. I can recall one night when I was
with my girlfriend, I drove to my parking space and found two cars
blocking it. Two guys in one car and three in the other. After
waiting a couple minutes, I honked the horn and one guy in the
car stuck his middle finger up at me. I lost it. I jumped out of
my car and ran to him and started to pull him out of his car. His
five friends jumped out of the cars and came towards me. When
they got in front of me, they looked at me and then took a step
back. They got a good look at me all angry and literally red
eyed. They said, "Calm down, man, it's ok.
Everything's fine." Then I said to them, "I'm not here to play
games I'm here to kill you." I sent my girlfriend into my
apartment to get my magnum. I told them, "I'm going to blow you
away!" So they said, "You're crazy!" and they jumped into their
cars and took off. I had to sit still. It took a couple of
minutes to calm down, my adrenalin was really pumped up so much
that I was shaking.
Back to the church. As I was being set free, Butch and his four
friends came over to me and started to comfort me, and as they
did, I found myself getting more and more angry. Butch tried to
hug me, but I pushed him away and said, "Get away from me!" My
devils started to manifest big time. Sure enough, my eyes turned
blood red. I started to get violent. Butch and his friends
wrestled me to the ground and held me down. I was screaming and
kicking but they sat on my arms and legs in order to hold me
Mary stood in the background praying and Bill was sitting on my
chest looking into my eyes. As they held me down, Bill started to
cast the devils out of me and there were a lot! I heard them
screaming out of me. For the first time in my life, I started to
feel free and it felt good. I felt clean and refreshed. Praise
God, ever since then, I still have not lost my temper. It's true
all things have passed away, behold all things are made new. I
was truly a new creation in Christ.

Psychiatrists say human nature can't be changed, but thank God,

Jesus is no psychiatrist. God changed me, made me new and gave me
life. From that moment on, I was excited about wanting to cast
out devils because I hate them with a holy hatred because of
how they torment people.

The next day, I couldn't wait to tell everyone about what had
happened to me, but it was like casting pearls before swine. My
friends would not believe me, but it didn't bother me because I
know what Jesus did for me. God also enhanced my personality. He
gave me joy and peace. Sometimes I see Christians who have
faces of stone. They look like zombies with no soul and that
disturbs me, because Jesus gave us life and life more abundantly.
Some of these Christians look like old-time scribes and Pharisees,
dead and the zeal of God is not in them. I could never understand
why they act so dead, when I consider what God saved me from,
there aren't enough words to express my joy. It really used to
get me mad when I would see Christians getting more excited about
a stupid football game then they did about God Almighty. I guess
it shows you where their heart really is, for where your heart is,
that is where your treasure is. Sports in and of itself isn’t
bad, but it’s what they have done with sports is the problem. They
have made it a god to the people of this world. It’s sponsors are
beer companies and that should tell you something.
I see lines of people waiting to get into a sports game and are
excited and pumped up, but are dead in their churches. If these
people loved God as much as sports, we would truly be a Christian

Chapter Four
First Ministry

From then on, I started to go to Halpine Church. Halpine Church

was the first church I went to after leaving the Catholic church
and becoming born-again. It was fantastic. People were singing
lively songs, clapping their hands and having fun. I thought,
"This can't be church. Church was never like this." I saw the
joy on people's faces and how friendly they were, and that
impressed me. The service lasted two hours, but it seemed only
about twenty to thirty minutes. I wanted more, so I also went to
my brother's fellowship on Friday nights. Suddenly, I had a
hunger for the Word of God. Now I was never much on books,
especially ones with no pictures. It was always said that when my
brother and I were young, when we were given books, Butch would
try to read the book and I would try to eat the book. I really
hated to read, but I couldn't get enough of the Word of God. I
would read for hours, but what surprised me the most was how
much of the Word I retained. All this new life was exciting and I
wanted more of it. I got my wish. I could not believe how
wonderful the Christian life was, but mostly knowing Jesus and
having a relationship with Almighty God. I never knew any of this
at the Catholic church and neither did the Catholic church.

I went back to the catholic church to speak to a priest who knew

me. I shared with him about what Jesus did for me, how my life
had changed and how I had a hunger for His Word, The Bible.
I shared with him that most, if not all, Catholic teachings were
contrary to the Word of God, but to my surprise the priest
got mad at me. He said, "Unless you believe in Catholic
tradition, you can no longer be a Catholic." I said, "Catholic
tradition contradicts the Word of God. I will never accept
anything over the Word of God, for traditions sake, you nullify
the Word of God by teaching the traditions of man and pushing
aside the commandments of God." I knew I had him because every
time I quoted the Word of God, he got madder. I knew there was no
room for the Word of God in him. He proceeded to throw me out of
the catholic church. He said I was no longer a Catholic, that I
turned my back on the catholic church and that I was never to come
back. I explained to him that I was a very sinful man, committing
fornication and many other sins and that Jesus had set me free and
now that I'd changed you want to throw me out, so I said fine.
That pleased me to no end. I rejoiced greatly and from that
moment I decided to reveal the deception that the Catholics were
in. I later found out that this priest was a homosexual, a
pervert!, and to think he of all people threw me out.

As time went on, I started to see things in the Word which were so
simple and easy. Between Halpine Church and my brother's
fellowship, I started to learn a lot. Butch was gifted with
wisdom from God and he could see the gifts in each of us. He
started to get the gifts stirred up in us. I really never knew
what my gifts were until I was about six months in the Lord when
my brother took his whole fellowship to an Ernest Angely Crusade.
I arrived a little late so I was at the end of our group.
Hundreds lined up in front of Constitution Hall in Washington,
You could feel the excitement in the air. I had parked the car
and came a few minutes later, but as I walked up I saw my brother
and all our friends looking at me smiling. I didn't know why until
some of them said, "Go ahead and speak to the people." I said,
"And say what?" They just smiled again. Then the Spirit of God
stirred up in me and I started to rebuke the people for coming
here just to be healed and for wanting no relationship with God.
I said, "After you people get healed, you go back to your sinful
ways. Just using God for your benefit then forgetting Him." Then
the doors opened to let the people in. There were so many people,
and about two hundred or so got left outside as well as myself and
two other sisters from our group when they shut the doors. Butch
and the fellowship got in. I on the other hand got stuck outside
with many others. I tried to tell the door man that the rest of my
fellowship was inside and can't I enter. He still would not let me
in. He said that they could not fit anymore inside. More and more
people were showing up for the service so I decided to go eat some
lunch and wait until the service was done. As I turned around, for
the first time in my life, God spoke to me saying, "Tony, tell the
people to line up and you pray for them and I will heal them.
Ernest Angley is not the only one who can lay hands on them for
healing. “I use many people." So I did as the Lord instructed me.
As I turned I saw many people hurting and in need. I told them
what the Lord had told me and to my surprise, the people started
lining up to get prayed for. This was all new to me, as I never
did this before but God spoke to me. His Word says all believers
shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. I stepped out
in simple faith and started to pray for the sick and afflicted. I
saw people getting healings and miracles.

The ones I remember most are as follows: two little deaf girls
came to me with a relative and they wanted to hear. So I started
to pray for the younger girl first. I remembered how Ernest
Angley prayed for the deaf, so I put my finger in each ear and
prayed for healing in the name of Jesus and commanded the
demons to leave her in Jesus name. At that second, something came
out of her ear because it pushed my finger out of her ear. She
began to hear. By that time my brother Butch had heard was
happening outside and he proclaimed "God forbid I should not be a
part of this!" and left the meeting and ran out into the
streets. Then Butch started to pray for her sister, and at first
nothing happened, so he said out loud, "your sister got healed and
you can too." After praying again, she started to hear and then
she cried for joy. I also remember praying for a guy who had a
big dog with him. He was crying saying he had emphysema and could
not take a deep breath. I prayed for healing in the name of
Jesus. I took a match and lit it held it about two feet away. I
told him to blow it out and he took a deep breath and blew it out
easily. God had healed him. He was still crying but they were
tears of joy because how the Lord healed him and then he asked me
to pray for his dog's bad foot. It meant so much to him, so I
knew God would heal his dog. After the prayer, the dog walked
fine, so I rejoiced with him. I was out there for hours praying
for people. There were so many, we were backed into the streets
and police were blocking them off so no traffic got through.

I would say the most memorable healing was when an old woman came
to me asking if I would pray for her husband who was crippled. I
said, "Sure, where is he?" She pointed at the top of the steps of
Constitution hall. I ran up to the top of the steps and found
this crippled old man and so I picked him up and carried him down
the steps.
I didn't know that two certain policemen were watching me who were
trying to keep people off the street. As I placed him on the
ground, I told him to hold on to my finger tip and in the name of
Jesus rise up and walk. He stood to his feet and he walked with
me holding on to my finger. Then I took away my hand and commanded
him to walk alone looking to Jesus and he did. Just moments
earlier, the man had thin twisted legs and now he's walking! The
crowd, as well as myself was ecstatic and praising God for His
wonderful touch and His visit to the people in Washington, D.C.
After the man walked away, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I
turned to find out it was the two uniformed D.C. policemen. They
said to me, "We know this man and he couldn't walk, but now he
is." Both of them dropped to their knees and with tears they told
me that they wanted this Jesus! So I prayed with them and they
both asked Jesus into their hearts. Then five sisters in the Lord
started laying hands on them and praying in other tongues loudly.
Boy, what a miracle! What a day to remember, but this was only
the start of things to come. I still continue to praise God to
this very day for His mighty move that day. Isn't it wonderful
when God uses an every day ordinary person who has no theological
degrees nor has been to a religious seminary. Just one simple in
faith and understanding of His Word. Any and all believers can do
this very thing if only they would believe His word. I also thank
God for using my brother to help guide me into the right direction
in the Spirit and bring me up in the simplicity of the Word of
God. It was for the simple in mind and understanding, of God
through the Spirit. For Jesus truly said "for such is the
kingdom of Heaven".
I remember at my brother's fellowship some of the brethren did not
want me to pray with them or for them, because I was not spiritual
enough. They walked around with a stone face looking like they
had lost all in life. I always felt the joy of the Lord and felt
His good pleasure when I would stand up for Him boldly. It turned
out that some of those very people who protested against my
praying for them were the very ones to fall under the Spirit when
I laid hands on them. All God wanted to show them was that it's
not an outward appearance that matters, but that which is inward,
for God judges the heart.
As a matter of fact, two of these brothers came with me to a mall
where they were holding a psychic fair. People were being taught
some of the mystic black arts. Some of the psychics and people in
the crowd had these balls at the end of strings. They were holding
them over a triangle with words in the triangle, and asking
questions. The balls would swing towards an answer, somewhat like
an Ouija board. These psychics were also teaching the curious on-
lookers about spells and witchcraft. The two brothers and I walked
up to the curious on lookers and the psychics. I opened my Bible
started quoting Deuteronomy 18:10 - 12 and the two brothers took
off running in separate directions leaving me alone, but I kept on
preaching the Word boldly. Some of the psychics started to lash
out at me verbally.

I distinctly remember one lady saying, "I'm a good catholic and

this witchcraft is good stuff." This blew my mind! I rebuked the
lady for her stupidity and ignorance of the Word of God. One of
the head psychics or spiritualists, whichever you wish to call
them, came to me and said, "What are you doing here?" I said, "I'm
here to destroy you." His eyes started to rattle in their sockets
and he ran to get the mall security police. I kept preaching the
Word and calling this psychic stuff nothing short of demonology.
This guy came back with this big security guard and the guard said
that I must leave and stop this preaching. I said, "So in other
words it's OK to teach this damnable witchcraft, but I can't
preach the Word of God.
I will not leave, but in the name of Jesus, you get out of here!"
At that, the security guard ran away, and I kept on preaching in
the center of the mall proclaiming the name of Jesus loudly to get
the attention of all, which I did plus more. Then I heard sirens
blaring loudly and suddenly the two brothers returned, grabbed me
and pulled me away. We escaped the police, but the next day I
returned to see they had a guest speaker who happened to be a lady
who was well known as a psychic, from one of the local radio
stations. She would pick certain people in the crowd and tell
them about themselves or about problems a loved one in another
state was having. The crowd was amazed she knew all these things
about them. They confirmed what she said. So I stood up and I
said, "Do you know where you get your information from?" She
asked, "Who are you?" I said, "I'm a born again Christian." She
said, "We have a trouble maker here today." So I said, again "Do
you know where you get your information from?" She said, "It's
from God." I said, "Wrong, you get your information from familiar
spirits or demons in other words! And I am going to prove it!" I
told her that born again believers have power over the devil, and
that I was going to rebuke it’s power. I told her it would not
speak to her, and if it was of God, I would have no power over it.
She said for me to go ahead. Openly, I rebuked the spirits and
commanded them to shut up and not communicate to her in Jesus'
name. Then I said, "OK, now, try to do your thing." She tried by
picking out people in the crowd and then she stopped and said that
she was no longer getting in contact with this power. At this I
laughed and said, "See if this were the power of God, I would have
no authority over it but as you see, you no longer have this power
because I rebuked the devil with which you communicate."
She told me to leave. Can you see the authority of the believer?
Just simply believe the Word of God. That's what it's all about,
just simple faith in the Lord and what He is able to do only in
the name of Jesus.
God can really use someone who is not doctrinated in man made
religions and in their supposed understanding of the Word of God.
Even today, these so-called theologians are now telling us what
God really said and what He didn't say in the Bible. They also
dare to say He really meant which is the biggest bunch of bologna
that I have ever heard. Where do these morons get off telling the
people about the truth in the Bible when they are totally blinded
to the truth by satan. These people are today's pharisees and
sadducees, looking in the Bible, trying to find life when they
need to look to the Author of Life who is none other than Jesus
Himself. These people are perverting the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
These theologians do not enter the kingdom of God nor do they let
others. These people teach others after themselves, but make
their students twice the devil they are. These people will incur
the judgment of God on themselves and their students whom
blatantly resist the Holy Spirit of God.
Believe it or not, there are many pastors and elders who equally
will answer to God for resisting the Holy Spirit because they are
so dead set in their ways, they refuse to allow the Holy Spirit to
orchestrate the service in their churches today. They are proud
and arrogant, and like the pharisees of old, they hide behind the
letter of the law, but do not have the Spirit which gives life to
quicken the Word of God. These pastors know the word well, but it
is all dead letter and it is evident in their lives for, “ by
their fruits they will be known“. All these pastors need to do is
repent before God Almighty for their rebellion and disobedience
and ask God for the Holy Spirit.

It is the Father's good pleasure to give the Holy Spirit. Without

the Holy Spirit, there is no life, no power and no understanding
of the Word of God. The Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth.
We will bear witness of the truth. That is what separates us from
the spiritually dead; it is the Holy Spirit of God.
It's amazing, the Baptist’s say that all healing and deliverance
is dispensational. These Baptists should just shut up and think
about it. Baptists have said to me that when I lay hands on the
sick in the name of Jesus, the devil heals them and not Jesus.
What idiots! A house divided against itself can't stand. Why
would the devil who comes to steal, kill and destroy want to heal
someone in Jesus' name? So, in other words, God who is love
and wants to heal us is not the one doing the healing, but the
devil, who hates us, is. That seems contrary. The devil feels
more for us than God? Why is God called Jehovah Rapha - the God
who heals thee, if he doesn't heal? Again, these people blind
themselves to the truth. They have trashed their relationship
with the Holy Spirit of God because of some theological moron. If
only the Baptists would humble themselves, then their services
would come alive and the Holy Spirit would visit them. Once again,
man's stinking pride will deny them the awesomeness of the Holy
Spirit. That's why God has used me. Not because I am anything
special, but because I am not someone special, except to God. I
really believe His Word for what it says and I do not try to twist
it to fit my doctrines.

I remember at a meeting once there was a Baptist who had gone to

Washington Bible College and he had a tremendous splitting
headache. It hurt so bad that he asked me to pray for healing.
Because of his condition I took him in a back room of the church,
and laid hands on him in the name of Jesus. Immediately, his pain
left him. He jumped up for joy thanking God and saying, "It
really is gone! The pain is gone!" So I rejoiced with him. He
really couldn't believe God had really healed him, but he kept
saying, "The pain is gone!" After a few minutes, he said, "Wait,
healing isn't for today.
This healing must be from the devil." I said, "You idiot! God
healed you! He took your pain away and now you doubt it? On top
of it, you say that the devil healed you. How close have you come
to blaspheming the Holy Spirit, if you haven't already? If the
devil who hates you would heal you, then why wouldn't God want to
heal you, who really loves you, for by His stripes you are healed,
for He bore your infirmities." He still held onto his stupid
doctrine of man, what a foolish man he was and all because he was
indoctrinated by a bunch of spiritually dead teachers.
He slapped God in the face because of dead teaching. It's
amazing how many documented healings there are, but people, even
Christians, won't believe and lose their healing.

I remember one particular time when I was at my brother's

fellowship. It was after the teaching session when it was prayer
time for friends who were in the fellowship. A woman came into
the back room of the church for healing. This lady was the mother
of a couple of friends who were in the fellowship. This was the
first time she visited our fellowship. She was an unbeliever. I
was in the back room praying for people with Esther (a tremendous
sister) who also had a gift of healing. This lady told me that she
had a sore throat and wanted prayer so I laid hands on her, closed
my eyes and started to pray. The next thing I know I heard a
thump and when I looked down I saw her on the floor squirming on
her belly and hissing like a snake. I jumped back and said, "This
lady has more than a sore throat." I immediately knew this was
demon possession. I was always good at discerning. This lady
started to slither across the floor rather quickly so I took a
leap in the air and landed near her, so as I started to flip her
over on her back, I felt her arm muscles start to increase in size
so at that moment, I commanded the devil to leave her in the name
of Jesus and she opened her mouth and let out a scream.
I saw a serpent come out of her mouth as a dark mist and then
dissipate into thin air. After a few moments, she awakened and
stood to her feet, praising Jesus. She was aglow with the Holy
Spirit and was smiling ear to ear. I had found out later that
this lady was seeing a psychiatrist for her inability to give love
or receive love even from her own family.
She had hardly ever smiled, but praise God, she was healed to the
glory of God. Even her own doctor saw her later, acknowledged
her healing and that she was a new woman. Old things are passed
away, behold, all things are new. She truly was a new creation in
Christ. Again, simple faith. I didn't plan for this lady's
deliverance, nor for this manifestation, but God had it all
planned. I thank God that I could be a part of it, because I
truly rejoice with others when God Almighty moves on a sinner.
The healing and the setting free of someone is just a by-product
of God's loving nature, not the focal point of it because the
focal point is none other than Jesus Christ. I guess while others
speak against healing and deliverance, I will continue to help set
people free in the name of Jesus and help them establish a
testimony in order to share the loving kindness of Jesus. I love
it when God always has a surprise for me when I minister to
I remember when I was in New York, I was there in my
grandmother's empty apartment praying and fasting for a time
seeking the Lord. I went to the laundry room to wash clothes and
while they were in the washing machine, I sat back and started to
read the Bible, when a old lady walked up to me and said, "Is
Ernest Angley for real?" I said, "He sure is!" She said, "Do you
think God would heal me of my bad heart?" I said, "He sure
would!" She said, "Then pray for me right now." I said, "Amen!"
I laid hands on her and I felt the anointing of God all over her.
God told me to tell her to throw all her medicine away.

Now this is not something I always say to people, but God

specifically told me this, so I did. That was the last I saw of
her, but about a month later when I was back in Maryland, my dad
received a phone call from this lady in New York. She told my dad
that her doctor's test results showed a healthy heart! She wanted
to testify to this and she touched Jesus and became born again.
It was funny because she had told the doctor that she hadn't taken
any medicine for a month, and she had a lot of pills because she
showed them to me when I prayed for her. Again, this lady simply
believed and God healed her.

Test, Trials and Tribulations

It's amazing how simply tests turn into a mess when we go at it
without the Lord there to help us. I remember one time when I
wanted to seek the Lord, I set up the use of a friend's cabin in
the woods in Virginia. My dad and brother drove me there to some
tall mountains. When I arrived there, the mountain top was
covered by clouds. It was fall and the weather was slightly cool
so onward up the mountain we drove on dirt roads. We finally
reached the top where I saw my friend's cabin, but it wasn't a
cabin, it was a large tin shed with a window and a small wood
burning stove. When I saw it, I knew that this was going to be
rough. I wasn't the outdoors type, I was used to air conditioning
and heated houses with running water and a color TV.
This shed had nothing but bugs. So my dad looked at the shed and
then me and said, "are you sure you want to be left here alone for
ten days without food and water?" I said, "no sweat," so they
said goodbye and took off. At first, I just enjoyed the sights
from the mountaintop, then I started praising the Lord and sang
songs to the Lord. After awhile I was thirsty so I went into the
shed for water and found out that there was no running water.
I went to walk around the area to look for a soda machine but they
don't put soda machines on mountain tops, so I looked for water
and I found a well with a pump about a mile away so I drank from
it. Then I went back up to the shed because it was starting to
get dark and cold. When I arrived back, I hit the light switch on
the wall but it wasn't hooked up to anything. I couldn't believe
it! No water, no electricity or heat but what was worse was that
there was no bathroom. So anyway, I got some wood and filled the
small stove and I needed something to help kindle the wood so I
found some flammable liquid and poured it over the wood. When I
lit the stove, it exploded in my face and threw me backwards. The
explosion blinded me. All that I could see was dark gray for
awhile. I was blind for sure but I was blind but I was warm. I
couldn't believe what had happened but I was determined to
complete the fast. I called out to God and He restored my
eyesight. After getting my sight back, everything still looked
cloudy, and it was then I realized that the flu was closed to the
stove, so I opened the window and door to ventilate the place. My
throat was sore from the smoke and I wanted water but I wasn't
going to walk a mile in the dark to get a drink. It got dark and
I mean really dark. So dark I couldn't see one inch in front of
my face.
Then the temperature started to drop quickly and the wind started
to stir and stir and stir more powerfully. I closed the door and
window, and then I turned on a small radio. As I listened to the
only station I could tune in, it said that they were expecting
freezing temperatures and high winds. They were right!

The winds woke me up about midnight with the sound of hundreds of

acorns and twigs hitting the tin roof. The noise was insane.
When I woke up, it was pitch black and I was shivering from the
cold so I stumbled around looking for a match to light up the
room. I found a match and lit some paper and the wind started to
blow so hard that the shed started to move and the sound of the
acorns hitting the roof was driving me nuts and I was freezing to
death and I was hungry.
I turned on the radio to get the weather report and it was in the
upper twenties and they said that this was the first time this
area had gotten winds up to 92 mph. I was ready to go home. I had
to brave out the night until morning so again I attempted to start
a fire, but this time very carefully. I got a fire started and
warmed up some, then the wind started blowing and the shed started
to tip. I started rebuking the wind and then hid under some
blankets and cried out to God for deliverance. The wind continued
and so I tried to go back to sleep. With blankets over my head, I
tried to deafen the noise of all those acorns hitting the roof,
but to no avail. Next, I heard some things running by the front
door and then I heard trees falling down. During all this, it
started to get warm inside the shed and I started sweating. All
night long, I went from sweating to freezing and was unable to get
any sleep because of the noise. It was a night of pure hell and
wasn't soon enough till morning, but it finally came. I decided,
"the heck with this, I'm going home," but I was an easy 100 miles
away if not further. So I packed my big purple suitcase and
started to leave. When I stepped outside I noticed that all the
roads were covered with leaves and I didn't know which way to go.
I said I'll just head down the mountain and see where I'll end up.
I kept walking downward for about an hour till I ended up in an
open field. I just continued to walk until I heard a noise in the
distance. As I turned and looked around, then I saw a couple of
dogs on the horizon, then a few more dogs appeared and then even
more until there were a little over a dozen, it looked like a pack
of wild dogs barking, growling and heading straight for me. I
couldn’t believe what I was seeing, could there really be packs of
wild dogs here in Virginia. The pack of dogs started getting
closer but I still was some what awed by this, then I heard a
voice say to me “RUN” so at that I started to run for my life, so
with my big purple suitcase in hand I ran as fast as I could. I
could hear the dogs getting closer and closer. I knew I had to
find a tree soon or I would be dog food. This was one heck of a
way to seek God. So I noticed a tree up ahead, I headed towards it
but the dogs were gaining on me so I tossed my suitcase and headed
towards the tree at warp speed. As I reached the tree I heard one
of the dogs right behind me and the dog nipped at my heal as I ran
up the tree but thank God that I just made it.
After getting up the tree, I turned to look at the dogs and saw
about 12 to 13 of them all growling at me. I started yelling at
them but all that did was to get them even more hostile. I started
to think of how Paul had put up with wild animals while he
traveled on his ventures but this was crazy. So there I was, up a
tree, in the middle of nowhere looking down at a pack of wild
dogs. Again I remembered in the Bible when Paul had put up with
wild animals so I tried to take authority over those dogs and
rebuked them. At that point, they got more angry. So again, I
cried out to God for help. I figured that if I made loud noises
and screamed at the dogs, it would scare them but all it did was
make them more aggressive. I decided to wait it out till these
muts went away. A little later, I noticed one dog started to chew
on my suitcase and then he urinated on it. Then another dog came
and urinated on it and then more and more dogs did until my
suitcase was dripping wet. At that, I got mad so I started to
break branches off the tree and threw them at the dogs hitting
some of them so they started to leave. I waited an extra 30
minutes to be safe. I then climbed down the tree and went to my
suitcase and what a mess it was.
It was soaking wet and it stunk really bad and I was afraid to
touch it so I looked for some leaves to hold it by. Boy it stunk
so bad that I held it away from me. I kept walking until I came
across a road, so I started to thumb a ride, I was on the road for
over an hour and saw no cars. Then finally after another hour, a
small car came by and picked me up. It was some small foreign car
with no back seat so I had to rest my suitcase on my lap. After a
few seconds the man driving the car began to smell something and
looked towards me.

I explained to him that my suitcase smelled from a pack of wild

dogs urinating all over it. He didn't say anything but opened his
window and continued to drive. I felt so stupid and I didn't look
clean because I hadn't shaved or washed. Later, he dropped me off
on Route 66. From there I thumbed another ride and some truck
picked me up but this time I threw my suitcase on the back of his
truck. After about three hours later, I got to my front door. I
didn't have my key so I knocked on the door. My dad opened the
door, looked at me and started laughing. I was in no mood to be
laughed at or spoken too. That was the story of my back-to-nature
adventure, never again! There was another time my faith was being
severely being tested. A fellow worker asked me to pray for his
father who was dying of cancer. I prayed for the father and spoke
words of life over him, but after a few weeks he died. I felt
bad, but what could I do? A week later, a friend called to ask me
to pray for a young boy, thirteen years of age, who also was dying
of cancer. I went to his house and all his family was there with
great expectation.
I laid hands on him, cursing this cancer and speaking words of
life over him, but later, he also died. I felt really bad because
he was such a good kid who loved God. Not much later, my friend
had a mother that was dying. He asked for me to pray for her, So I
did. Butch was there with me, so as I was praying I felt some
force keep taking my hand off of her while I was praying for her.
Butch said that he got in his spirit that it was her time to go,
so we stopped praying for her and in a week or so she passed away.
This was killing my faith and it seemed like anyone I prayed for
was dying.
It got to the point that when friends needed healing for some
simple illness, they would back off when they saw me coming to
pray for them. People would fear my prayers thinking that they
would die if I laid hands on them. This really blew my faith, but
God quickly restored my faith back in Him like he always does.
There was a young man who had fallen from a moving truck and
cracked his head open to the point where his brains were coming
out of his head. He was clinically dead with no hope.

His mother had gone to her pastor, but he said there is no hope
for him. She looked around until she could find someone who would
believe with her for her son. God led her to my brother's
fellowship. One Sunday, my brother Butch, my friend Kris, and I,
went to the hospital. We went into the room where he was hooked
up to life support. He had no life in him. I said, "Let's pray."
When we did, I felt the power of God, and not only me, but also
the equipment, because the machines started to beep and buzz! The
boy started to move and yawn. For the first time, he started to
show signs of life. I got excited and wanted to pull all the
tubes and wires out, but my brother restrained me from doing so.
With all the noise the machines were making, the nurses came
running in and ran us out so the doctor could look at the boy. It
was a couple of weeks later he awoke and was fully functional to
the glory of God. Always have faith in God, no matter the
circumstances or the outcome.
Lots of times the outcome of situations doesn't always seem to
work out for the best for those who are in Christ. I really
believe that when something bad happens to a Christian, only God
can know why and He has His reasons. He doesn't have to OK it
with us first for His ways are higher than our ways and His
thoughts are higher than ours. He sees the big picture, the
beginning and the end of our ways, which we are unable to see. I
know that even as born again Christians, we still reap for that
which we sow.
God must allow this to happen or we all would be spoiled brats and
never learn a lesson. So count it all a joy when we encounter
various trial knowing that this will produce endurance and
discipline which the church is so sadly lacking. I weep for the
church today because of the spiritual deadness it has fallen into.
I can see why Jesus asked, "Will there be any faith when I
return?" It seems that faith has dropped to our shoes. It's like
the heart was ripped out of the body of Christ. All around I see
people in despair, anguish and oppression.
What is the cause of this? It seems to me that it lies in the
pulpits of the churches all across the nation. When there is
death in the pulpit, there is death in the pews. The pastors and
elders of the churches are dead or dried up, they lack the zeal of
God which is the Holy Spirit. They are comfortable in their dead
ways and they refuse to change and start anew. They need to get
back their first love, Jesus. The love, excitement and zeal for
the Spirit of God by people who still have the fire of God burning
in their heart. Most of the leadership in the churches are proud,
arrogant and refuse to admit they're dry and dead. They would
rather let the congregation die than admit their weakness.
It wasn't to long ago when I was instructed by God to go tell this
Full Gospel Church that God wants to baptize their church and stir
up the people with the Holy Spirit. I started to see so much hell
come against me. The most disturbing thing was that it was coming
from the pastor and leadership of that church. At first, I
thought it was the congregation resisting the Holy Spirit. I
prayed and asked God if the congregation should repent. The Spirit
said it was the leadership that needed to get on their faces and
repent for rebellion, disobedience and pride.
I announced the Sunday before I spoke that next week God would
pour out His Spirit, so start to pray and fast. I said that only
those who earnestly desire the Holy Spirit would be touched. I
had told this to the pastor and elders earlier. So I also started
to pray and fast to prepare for that Sunday. The night before I
spoke I was unable to sleep, except for maybe forty-five minutes.
I was totally out of it in my flesh. Thank God, He never fails
us! In our weakness, His strength is perfected. That Sunday
morning the service started, but unfortunately it started by
singing from the hymnals. I can't stand this because they are
depressing. After singing them enough you get bummed out. There
is no life in those songs, they sound like a dirge.

I have seen more lively funerals than when they sang these at this
church, but I just kept praising God. It finally came time to
speak, so the pastor got up and announced me as being the speaker.
He then apologized for me when I blow it while speaking to them.
That was assuring. As I went up to the pulpit, I saw the elders
faces for the first time that day. Boy, what stone faces they
were! You could tell that these elders weren't too happy to see
me up there. They said they were happy and were praying for me.
Someone should have told their faces because everyone noticed it.
The first thing I did was to have my friend Russ come up and lead
these people into praise and worship with his guitar. As soon as
Russ started to play the Spirit fell and all of the congregation
felt the presence of the Holy Spirit, for God inhabits the praises
of his people. My friend Russ has a special gift, he isn’t a music
leader or a worship leader but he is a psalmist. Many people can
be music leaders but to be a psalmist is in my opinion is the
greatest calling a man can possess. For he opens the spirit realm
and his heart brings you into the holy of holies. Then when Russ
finished, I started to share how we so badly need the Holy Spirit
of God in order to overcome all the obstacles in our lives. Jesus
said, "It is imperative that I go to the Father, that He send
another." Who is He talking about, but the Holy Spirit? The Holy
Spirit will guide us into all truth, and he will teach us through
the Word, but it is unfortunate that so very few Christians have
the Holy Spirit.

They can't tell the difference from their soul to that of the Holy
Spirit. This obviously was the case with the elders and pastor of
this church. Anyway, I started to share about the Holy Spirit and
how you need Him in our every day life. Without Him, it's
impossible to lead a victorious life in Christ. I shared how we
must be as children, accepting Him and not questioning His
guidance. I also shared my personal testimony of how God did much
through me. I simply believed His Word and was obedient to the
Holy Spirit. After sharing for awhile, I asked for those people
who were praying and fasting for a move of the spirit in their
lives, and for those who wanted the Holy Ghost Baptism, to come
forward. Almost all of the congregation came forward and aisles
were filled and the alter was packed with people.
I didn't expect this many people, at least 95% of the church came
forward and the Holy Spirit fell. The anointing was very strong.
People were getting set free, healed and delivered from demon
oppression. Others were getting filled with the Spirit, while
others were getting a stirring up of the Spirit. Even one of the
elder's sons came up and I prayed for him and the Lord set him
free and with tears of joy streaming down his face God set him
free. The congregation cheered for joy. Obviously, they had been
expecting this for some time. Others came to me saying how they
felt a strong anointing, and others said they felt the anointing
all the way to the back of the church. There was no doubt the
Holy Spirit visited that church that day.
About a week later, I was asked to meet with the church
Leadership. I went, but to my surprise, I was rebuked by them.
They stated that the Holy Spirit did not baptize or even visit the
church that day and that I was full of pride and arrogance. I was
awed totally. I could not believe what I was hearing. I thought,
"These people couldn't have been there. Maybe they were at
another service elsewhere." These elders, as well as the pastor,
were totally ignorant of the presence of the Holy Spirit. These
people were totally blind to the obvious in which everyone else
saw. They tried to defend their stance. I never saw a more
proud, pompous, egotistical bunch of asses in all my life! I
thought I'd seen it all dealing with the Catholics. These guys
were really blind to the truth. The Lord showed me that the
elders, as well as the pastor, did not have the Holy Spirit, but
were filled with envy, pride, and hurts. I didn't know that you
could be an elder or pastor without having the Holy Spirit.
I had brought my brother, Butch, along to visit these zombies
(walking dead). I sort of knew something was going down. I
enjoyed listening to my brother trying to talk to these people.
He was trying to suggest that maybe they might have missed it, but
their egos wouldn't allow it. They told Butch, "Are you trying to
tell us that our discernment is bad?" Butch replied, "You don't
have bad discernment, you have no discernment." They could not
handle this, as well as some other things mentioned. These guys
were your classic text book examples of white washed sepulchers.
All of them resist the Holy Spirit while professing to desire Him,
but their hearts are far from Him. How would these people know if
the Holy Spirit did visit them? They couldn't tell one way or the
other. All I did was share about the Holy Spirit and give my
testimony. I still get good reports from people from that church,
even though they try to deny the move of the Spirit or even try to
kill the seed that God planted in the people. They did all they
could to do away with this visitation even to the point of telling
the congregation that this was a dead issue and was not allowed to
be brought up again. They even went further by not selling copies
of the message that was recorded. A member of their church tried
to get one for himself but they would not sell this message to
anyone. Even the pastor called me and said, "what do you want
Tony, there is talk of you being made pastor or put into a
leadership position". I said all I wanted was to bring the Holy
Spirit to your church and nothing more. It seems that the
congregation really enjoyed themselves and this bothered the
leadership. Again I said, “I want nothing of your church but to
deliver the message on how necessary it is to have the Holy
Spirit“. This really isn't new to me, because I have had churches
come against me for being obedient to the Holy Spirit. I have
been escorted out of other churches before, causing a split down
the middle. Other times I’ve had people follow me out, stating
that they thank the Lord for sending me to stand up to the
leadership, who held these people in deception and bondage.

The people would tell me in so many instances that they were
afraid to stand up to the leadership knowing that they would not
accept the truth because of their ego. I once visited a church in
Frederick, Maryland and as I sat in the service, the Lord showed
me the church's spiritual order was upside down. The pastor fell
into adultery, so he stepped out of that position for a while. A
woman had taken his place. It is unscriptural to have a woman as
a pastor and spiritual covering, for men and women alike. The
Scripture forbids it and also does not allow a woman to teach
doctrine in the church. She may teach the younger women in the
ways of the Lord. It is forbidden for a woman to usurp authority
over men, and as a pastor, you can't help but usurp authority, but
that is another teaching. What was even worse is that a "so
called" prophet was there that day and he was "prophesying" that
the Lord had raised up this woman for such an occasion and that
she would help the church.

If you looked at the church all you could see is that the women
were the more aggressive. They were the ones holding up the
banners, dancing and singing and the men were spiritual wimps just
sitting back and doing nothing. Then to my surprise the so called
prophet came forth with a supposed word from God stating that it's
ok for the men to get up and dance with the ladies.
Boy I'm sure that word really met the needs of the men in that
congregation, what a bunch of bologna if I ever heard any. These
men needed to be rebuked for being such wimps. They needed to
stand up and start acting like men of God instead of a bunch of
panty waists. It's pitiful how so many churches are dominated by
women because the men could care less about the things of the
spirit. Although if you put a football game in front of them, look
out and don't dare hinder them in any way, or there will be hell
to pay. Where a man’s treasure is, there is his heart also. And
people wonder why their household is in such disorder. I know
that the women mean well, but it is still spiritual disorder.
It still amazes me how some people deceive themselves into
believing a lie to suit their needs. I guess all we can do is to
just pray for them. Again, I say without the Holy Spirit, you
really can't make it through these days. People need to stop
trying to do things their way and let God do the right thing in
their lives. If only they would just let go. If only people
would be like a child, simple in understanding, pure before God,
then God could use them. God is more interested in obedience than
sacrifice. God is looking to and fro over the earth, looking for
some one He can use to bring His love and power to meet the
people's needs. I thank Almighty God for using me to minister to
the people. I remember once while working at a butcher shop, some
people won a beef contest and came in to claim their prize.

While they were waiting, I noticed the wife of this man who
happened to be a Baptist minister, was in pain. She told me she
had a disc operation and she was hurting. So I offered to pray
for her and she said, "Sure." I leaned across the counter, and
laid hands on her and she went over in the spirit. I stood there
thinking "Wow, this is great, especially being a Baptist!" Then
all of a sudden, her husband walked in, looked down at his wife on
the floor, looked at me, looked at his wife again, and then back
at me and said, "Will you pray for me. I said, "Sure thing!" So
again, I reached across the counter and laid hands on him. At
that second, his hands went up in the air and he started speaking
in other tongues. I started rejoicing at what God had done. Talk
about a full service shop. Then one of the store owners walked in
and saw what was happening.
He told me I shouldn't do this in the store because it’s bad for
business. This owner was a "brother" in the Lord. I just kept
rejoicing for what God had done.

Later, to my surprise, I got a call from this Baptist pastor and

was asked to speak at his church. I said, "I would love to."
After about two weeks, Butch and his fellowship came along with
me to Virginia to speak to his church. It was somewhat of a long
trip, but well worth it. They were a wonderful group of
people. These people were on fire for God and really into the
gifts, but like so many people they need to keep their eyes on the
Giver of the gifts. Before the service, I remember sitting in the
front pew waiting to minister when two women came to me wanting me
to tell them something about them, kind of testing me. I told
them that I am not a prophet, just an evangelist, when all of a
sudden I started to get words of knowledge about one of them. I
started to tell her about herself and the problem she had in her
marriage, but God was going to use it to help minister to others
in the same situation once she has come through this victoriously.
She was amazed, and said, "You are of God." I said, "Don't put
the Lord to the test anymore, but only believe." I was introduced
and proceeded to minister to the congregation and again the Lord
moved in a mighty way meeting the needs of the people. I remember
one lady asking for prayer because she was unable to get pregnant
so I prayed for her and the Lord healed her because a little later
she got pregnant, praise God for His mighty works. That's what
God is all about, always meeting our needs, in spite of what we
think we really need, and in spite of ourselves.

One memory will always stand out in my mind is when at Halpine

Church the pastor said, "Today, we have a visitor who has been
looking for deliverance for a long time. He has been unable to
get it, because everywhere he's gone to get it, he's ended up
beating up the pastor or who ever was trying to deliver him.
He had been Satan worshiper and even into blood drinking.
He was a satan worshiper and was even into blood drinking and he
wanted to be set free but everywhere he went for deliverence he
has been unable to get set free. Even when he manifested he would
beat up the person or persons trying to set him free even to the
point of going through brick walls when he was getting delivered."
The pastor added, "Praise God", this is one pastor he won't beat
up! Brother Tony, you deliver him." I said, "What" He was kind
of a big guy, six foot plus, blond bearded biker, but I believed
God, so I took him into the back room of the church with one of
the church's prophets. That was a big mistake! I told this big
guy, "I'm going to cast the devil out and it will be quick and
easy in the name of Jesus." The prophet said, "Not that easy!"
Then he proceeded to take out a long list of things that the big
guy must renounce before God could set him free. At that I said,
"Say what? Are you nuts? This man came here today to get set
free and you're going to make him go through all this nonsense.
Jesus cast them out with His Word, not His list!" We had no
agreement, so I went out of the room and got my brother, Butch,
who loved this stuff anyway. We went back into the room to pray
for this big guy to get set free.

The big guy said, Be careful, because he didn't want to hurt us,
but my brother was bigger than he was, so I felt safe. Still he
said, "When you see me start to shake, run." I said, "Don't worry
about it." Butch and I started to pray for this man and sure
enough, he started to shake. We stepped back and watched. All
of a sudden, he went to lunge at us when something from behind him
grabbed him picked him up in the air and dropped him to the
ground. He was out for the count! He was out like a light and I
said, "Now, this is power!" About a minute later, he came to and
said, "I knew the power of satan, but it's no power compared to
the power of your God." He was totally set free by the Spirit of
God. At that time, the pastor came back and said, "I knew when he
was set free." He rejoiced with us at what the Lord had done. It
was funny because after all this the so-called prophet said, "He
wasn't set free." I said, "Are you nuts? Didn't you see what God
did? He's free of the demons!" But the so-called prophet said,
"But he didn't renounce all these things." I said, "You're
crazy." My brother asked him, "If you hear from God, then you ask
Him if he's set free." God told him yes, but through his pride,
he doubted later and told others it's not true. I could care less
what he thought because I knew that the Lord had set him totally
free in the name of Jesus. Butch, the pastor and I knew that Jesus
had set him free, but most important is that the big guy knew it.
Personally, I never cared much for prophets or elders because many
that i've met always seemed to be pompous, arrogant knuckle heads.
Prophets seem to have a tendency to lead and control people. They
prophesy mostly from their souls and not by the spirit of God.
They need to be humble and totally empty of self in order to hear
the Lord clearly, but in my travels, I find these modern-day
prophets to be unable to accept reproof and are very temperamental
but mostly proud and arrogant.

Mostly, I've not found any so-called prophet who is right on more
than 20% of the time. A true prophet of God is always right on.
These people merely prophesy and are not prophets. That's why we
need to be humble, open and pure before God. It's amazing that
through so many problems we always have with each other God always
gets the job done in spite of ourselves and praise God that He
During one of my visits to New York with my parents, I remember
visiting one of my dad's friends who said that one night he saw a
devil appear to him at the foot of his bed. What blew his mind
was, while getting out of bed the morning after the appearance, he
saw two hoof prints burned into the carpet at the foot of his bed.
We visited him, his wife, and his sister in law, and I started to
share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and he was brought to tears. He
asked if he could accept the Lord. I said, "Sure! Let's do it
now." We started to pray when all of a sudden, cups and saucers
in the kitchen started to fly across the room and break against
the wall. This family was scared, but I said, " Don't worry,
it's only the devil. He doesn't want you to accept the Lord." We
continued to pray and the man was born again by the power of God.
What was a shame is that he also got healed from emphysema and so
I told him to stop smoking because when you continue to smoke
after being set free you will lose the healing. When stupid
christians continue to do something stupid they will lose the
healing protection of God for a good reason. Sadly enough the man
whom was saved and set free died because he would not stop smoking
so he reaped what he had sown.
I love when God allows people to see a sign because it blows their
mind and they see the reality of the spirit realm. Sometimes
that's what it took to wake up people like myself. God also
bestows upon us many gifts and blessings, even wisdom, when
For example, one night a bunch of us went to a restaurant after a
Bible study meeting. Anywhere we went we always shared the
Gospel. One sister, who was very intelligent and a college
graduate, was sharing with an intelligent evolutionist and she was
unable to get anywhere with him so she called me over to help. I
was surprised because intelligence was not one of my fortes, so I
listened to him somewhat and said, "I believe you." This sister
looked at me in amazement. I told this guy, "I believe you came
from a monkey," and he got really mad and I said, "why are you mad
at me? I'm just agreeing with you that you evolved from lower
life forms and primordial ooze. Do you like bananas?" At that he
got up and walked away. I'm sure he did a lot of thinking.
Professing to be wise, they became fools. Ever learning but never
coming to the knowledge of the truth. The Bible says to answer a
fool according to his folly and with God's simple wisdom it was

Chapter Six
Frustrations and Aspirations

God gives us more than we need if we only would trust Him. He

meets all our needs according to His riches and glory in Christ
Jesus. He really has so much for us if only we would take the
time and find out. I feel this way about the Catholics who trust
the Catholic church with their eternal soul. Many blindly struggle
to go to hell because they were never told the true Gospel of
Jesus Christ. Instead they believe just a bunch of garbage thought
up by men. Again, when I became born again, I went to the
Catholic church to talk to the main priest to share with him about
my conversion from darkness into Jesus' glorious light. I shared
with him on how I stopped drinking, fornication, cussing and the
usual stuff we Catholics do, and turned around completely and
started reading the Bible. Most of all, I was having a
relationship with my Lord and Savior. By studying the Bible, I
found most, if not all, Catholic doctrine to be contrary with the
Bible. I asked the priest what should I believe (of course I
already knew) and he said that if I don't believe their doctrine
that I could no longer be a Catholic, so I said, "See you later."
It's a shame how for tradition sake they nullify the Word of God,
teaching the doctrines of men and push aside the commandments of
God. Blind guides leading the blind, both will fall into the pit.
The one scripture that comes to mind is "My people perish for a
lack of knowledge". A perfect example of this was my Catholic
boss. He held fast to the Catholic church's doctrine. For
instance, I noticed one morning that he received ashes because it
was ash Wednesday. Earlier that day I was taking lunch orders for
steak subs. I asked him if he wanted one, but he said, "This is
Lent. I am supposed to fast meat. You should fast too being a
catholic." I asked him, "Why are you fasting?" He said again,
"It's Lent." I asked, "But why are you fasting?" Then he said,
"Because the church says so." But why are you fasting? Are you
seeking God, because when you fast you're supposed to pray and
seek Him out. Is this the reason you're fasting?" He said, "No."
I said, "Then why fast? How about a sub?" He said, "Get out of
my office." Later that day, I caught him and some other managers
in some filthy conversations. "Hi!" I said, "Are you still
fasting?" He was a little upset, so I left. Later that day I
walked into his office and I caught him reading one of those girly
magazines. So I said, "I see you're fasting and seeking God". He
really turned red faced so I left. A third time I caught him in
his office smoking and talking to others about one female employee
there on how he would like to do something with her. I said, "I
see you're still seeking God. By the way, I'm still taking sub
At that he said, "OK! Get me a damn sub." I just smiled. He
finally realized his fasting was in vain. Catholics are so
hypocritical. They are no more spiritual than a blatant heathen
because they act and live the devil. Their language is vile as
well as their lifestyle, but yet they boldly defend their Catholic
beliefs which amounts to nothing. Jesus said “By their fruits they
will be known” and it does show. They think that because they are
Catholics that they have salvation and again they live like the
devil. They make sure that they go to church on Sunday to make
their conscience feel like they are doing God a favor, by giving
Him their time out of their immoral lifestyles. WAKE UP you
foolish Catholics and get off hell's path and get a relationship
with the Lord instead of having a religion. They do have a
religion but they DON'T have God. They need to stop playing their
stupid religion and come grip with reality. All the priests as
well as the pope himself, need a swift spiritual kick in their
butts, and get a healthy rebuke for leading their congregations as
well as themselves, to hell with them. If the pope as well as
these priests really knew salvation, why don't they ever preach it
from the pulpit and start getting these ignorant Catholics saved?
Why don’t they stop playing the religious figure with their robes,
hats and their gold jewelry. These priests need to get saved and
then be filled with the Holy Spirit and start living like men of
God instead of living like the devil in the midst of drinking,
smoking, homosexuality, fornication, drugs, and sexual child
abuse. Admit your sins and the Lord of hosts will forgive you and
save you and set you on the paths of righteousness like true men
of God are.
I would love to be able to get the opportunity to be a guest
speaker at Catholic churches all across this country. I've
written letters to the Pope, but to no avail. Yet, I will again
try to get letters to bishops or who ever might have the authority
to give permission to speak to my fellow Catholics, who never have
heard the true Gospel of Jesus. It would be great if they would
open their eyes to see how dead the church is but mostly how they
can actually get saved and have a relationship with God. I
remember once going to a catholic charismatic meeting and because
of the healing gift that resides in me, I was asked if I would
pray for these people. I said I would love to. I shared with
them about my testimony and how God truly heals today. I prayed
for many of them and they were getting healed. One Catholic
priest who was observing me stood up and said that I heal these
people by the devil. I was taken aback and so I said, "Are you
nuts, crazy, or insane? How can I pray for people in the name of
Jesus and then the devil will heal them? What's wrong with you?
Do you know how close you are to blaspheming the Holy Spirit, if
you haven't already? You call you yourself a man of God, a leader
in the church, and you're so blind?
You should be a shamed of yourself and repent and get saved
before you yourself go to hell." I really started to go off on
him. My brother, Butch, grabbed me by the mouth and pulled me out
of the room. This so called priest was found in fornication with
a lady in the church, was seeing a shrink, teaching the "mystical
life" of Christ, and levitation. So he was exposed by God. This
priest left the church and only God knows where he is now. The
poor deceived man being in the position of a priest, and who knows
what spiritual dung he has imparted to the congregation. I went
to many Catholic charismatic meetings and out of at least half of
them, I was escorted out because I dared to speak the truth. What
was nice was afterwards at least half of them would come to me and
say, "Thank God you came."

They were afraid to speak up to the leadership in which most, if

not all, were women in charge of deception. I opposed many of
them in their prayers to Mary to intercede to God on their behalf
and to the newly deceased Catholics. I, of course, said there is
one mediator between man and God and that's the Lord Jesus. Even
scripture states not to pray to the dead because when you do, you
get familiar spirits or in other words, demons, but they would not
listen. I stood my ground and they threw me out but half of that
group came out to me and said "thank God for you because we were
so afraid to oppose this woman in charge of the meeting." It's
such a shame because every time I would talk to a priest I
would quote scripture and they would ask, "From what are you
quoting?" I said, "I'm quoting from the Word of God, the Bible.
What do you quote, I asked. They would always answer, tradition,
they said that they are taught tradition and church doctrine over
the Bible. Again for tradition sake, you teach the doctrines of
men nullifying the word of God. What a shame to be so blind to
truth and so steadfast in deception.
And that's why I would love the chance to share with all my
Catholic brethren. I can't get down on the Catholics alone though,
for all these religions have been started by man and have some
sort of deception in them. They have all fallen away from the
true Gospel of Jesus Christ. So when I preach, I preach Christ
and Him crucified. I never push any one religion, but that you
must be born again. If only people knew the relationship they
could have with the Almighty, to be in His magnificent presence is
incomparable to anything on this earth. To worship Him in spirit
and truth is the ultimate high. It doesn't get any better than
this. God inhabits the praise of His people.

I never knew how great it was to worship the Almighty. I found out
when I left the Catholic church and went to a born again spirit
filled church, called Halpine. The pastor was Richard Kline, a
truly loving man of God. God used him powerfully and he made an
impact on me as well as the church. He was very knowledgeable in
the Word and very intelligent. I learned a lot from him and I
will always hold this man in the highest regard and will always
love him dearly. He touched my whole family. He also visited my
brother's fellowship every other week and helped bring us up in
the ways of God, keeping us on the straight and narrow.
My brother, Butch, started the fellowship and named it Dove
Fellowship, not because it was our last name, but because of the
move of the Holy Spirit amongst us. This fellowship touched many
a lives and its reputation still is well known today.
Unfortunately, many visitors choose to hold onto bitter memories
of it because of their self-exultation, pride and sinful life
style which they refuse to let go of, rather than to serve the
Almighty. It's a shame they choose to hold on to bitter memories
when so much good has come out of that fellowship. God set so
many free, healed many, saved so many, and taught so many.
My brother would only offer God the best in everything and never
second best as so many other Christians do, because of their
Self love. I know many of these people despised me very much
because I was so on fire for God. God used me, but not to these
people's liking, because I wasn't pious looking and self-righteous
enough for them. It really didn't bother me because all I wanted
to do was set the world on fire for God. I really believed God at
His Word and simply acted on it with simple whole-hearted faith.

One example is when I was getting off work one day and there was a
thunderstorm and it was raining like crazy, and I had ridden my
motorcycle that day. There was no way that I was going to ride in
that storm, especially with all that lighting and thunder. I was
standing at the garage door with a bunch of employees who also
were waiting there for the rain to stop. They started to razz me
because I was born again. So one person said, "Why don't you
split the rain clouds like Moses split the sea?" They all started
laughing at this. Just then the Lord spoke to me and said, "Speak
to the elements." So I said out loud, "I will." Then I looked up
to the sky, pointed to it and said, "In the name of Jesus, stop
raining." All of a sudden, with a loud crack of thunder and one
big flash of lighting, the rain immediately stopped. It was like
turning off a hose. Everyone jumped back all bug-eyed and in awe,
as well as myself. There was total silence with all eyes on me.
After composing myself, I fixed my collar, hopped on my cycle and
turned to these people saying, "Have a nice day". Isn't God
wonderful to back up something as simple as this situation and
show His magnificence? Believe me, it gave those people something
to think about for a long time.

God touches so many people in so many ways. He always gives of

Himself, even when we aren't faithful, He always is.
I really believe Him when He said you must be as a child, simple
in faith and understanding. For He can use us easier when we
override our “great intelligence” and understanding.
Once I was having a conversation with some people on positions in
the body and that a certain woman in scripture was referred to as
being well known among the apostles. This woman said it meant
that she was well known as an apostle. I said "If that's true,
then satan was a apostle also because he also was really well
known among the apostles. She didn't say anything anymore about
that subject.
It's a shame how we always argue scripture and what it really
means. But like I say, especially to Baptists, who don't believe
in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, if you don't have what it takes
to do the job, get out of the way and let someone else who God has
equipped do it and do it right. It amazes me how people can be so
arrogant and say what God can and can't do. We always think we
know better and I guess that's why we have so many religions
today. They do nothing but prepare people for eternal damnation,
while never even coming to the knowledge of the Almighty,
themselves. That's why I would like to visit so many churches and
bring them the good news of Jesus Christ, but I would probably
have better luck becoming the Pope than being invited to a church
in need of the Spirit of God.

It's amazing how we send out so many missionaries to other

countries when we are in very desperate need for the Gospel here
in America. We have so much violence here, with which almost no
other country can begin to compare. We have more immorality here
than other countries, and we are becoming the gay capitol of the
world. I see a rise of homosexuality in such immense proportions
that would stagger the minds of people. Yet this country seems to
welcome this perversion in all areas of life. I feel so bad for
these people.
They say they love their same sex partner and want to get married,
but these people are miserable inside and they know the truth but
choose to live a lie. I would like to say to all these poor souls
just read the Book of Romans. The first chapter explains it so
clearly that even a fool could understand. What is even more
sickening is how these so called born again homosexuals believe
they can live in this perverted lifestyle, and have a relationship
with the Almighty.
They are sincerely deceived and their eternal souls are at stake.
Just last night on TV I saw a homosexual church and their pastor
who was also a pervert, saying that being a homosexual won’t send
you to hell, only not accepting Jesus as Lord and savior will. He
is partially right, like the devil, by giving half truths. He
didn't fully explain that not only must they accept Jesus as Lord
but also must "REPENT" as stated by Jesus Himself. For without
repentance there is no forgiveness of sins. You see you can't be
born again unless you repent for you sins. Jesus Christ didn't die
on the cross for us to continue in sin, for he who continues in
sin is of the devil and has not the Spirit of God. These
homosexuals are in deep deception to swallow such a big lie and
this so called homo-pastor is on his way to hell doing the work of
satan. This pastor is n enemy of the cross of Jesus Christ. He
wants to pull all those other homosexuals to hell with him and he
most certainly is by preaching a lie. How do they explain away the
scriptures speaking against it.
They have hardened their hearts against the conviction of the Holy
Spirit of God. What was worse is that he was marrying perverts,
men with men and women with women, visiting them on their death
bed. He stated that a large percentage of his congregation has
aids. This minister was with these dying homosexuals on their
death beds, and ushering these dying homosexuals into the eternal
torment of hell's fire. What was worse is that he was saying that
everything was going to be fine after they died.
This perversion of a minister, will have the blood of these dying
people on his hands when judgment comes. It was tragic for those
he buried, because If you die in your sins it's too late. I've
seen God set these people free, and set them on the right track.
They began to live like God intended them to, in a Godly
lifestyle. Also know this, that homosexuals and lesbians are demon
possessed. These people can never have a relationship with God
until they repent of this foul wickedness. No one in their right
mind can believe this is acceptable. Even in nature, the animals
aren't perverted like man is. It is against the laws of nature
and mainly against the law of God. Remember one thing is that God
does love all people which includes homosexuals, but He most
certainly hates the sin of homosexuality. Be not deceived, for
what a man sows, he shall also reap! For the bible clearly speaks
out against this abomination.

One thing I will boldly say to everyone who can hear me, is that
homosexuality is a "choice", and they aren't born that way.
Granted, there are some who are born with both physical genders,
and even then God can heal them if they want it, but those people
are very few. I was amazed when I saw the big gay rally in D.C.
in 1993. They were having sex in front of the Capital of the
United States of America, in the park, along side the road,
everywhere they could. Marching semi-naked, fully naked doing
things that no one but satan could delight in. Not one arrest was
made because it would not be politically correct. It
was like seeing Sodom and Gomorrah, the cities which God destroyed
because of their wickedness. Yet our government welcomes them
openly and embraces this perversion.

The then current president and his wife backed this perversion and
had placed these wicked people in almost every area of their
administration. They opened the military to them, passing laws in
which they have more rights than a regular citizen. They will, in
time, be given rights to be over us, our children and even our
churches. I remember when the elections were on and in the final
moments of voting, the results were announced that Clinton won, I
got a sick feeling in my stomach and it lasted many days. I felt
a sort of doom or judgment. For truly Bill and Hillary reflect the
hearts of these people in this country. Full of wickedness,
adultery, fornication, lies, deceit, perversion, greed, pride and
even more, but you get the point. I truly want it clear, in my
opinion, the Clintons were in office for one reason only. They are
to bring judgment on this country and to help it to fall. They
have accomplished their deeds of darkness. They have helped to
break down the family and flood this country with their backing of
perversion. America the great is no longer, but a reproach to the
world. His administration was backing homosexuality, the killing
of innocent babies, wickedness, deceit, fornication, murder,
stealing, no accountability, no morals, but mostly no reverence of
God Almighty. This country has successfully removed God from
every aspect of life. Soon they will allow this wickedness to be
in our churches, and force the wicked gospel of perversion into
the school system, teaching our young how to be perverted. But to
display the Ten Commandments to help guide our children to
godliness is unacceptable. The Bible truly stated that in the
last days they will be calling good evil and evil good. Look all
around us. It is being pushed by the government. I hate to say
it, but it is too late for America. We are past the point of no
return. It really is too late. Crime will keep on increasing,
drug abuse will increase, insanity will increase. Perversion will
increase and will be accepted and preached in many denominations.
Our representatives will continue to increase in wickedness.
Many will do what's best for them and not for the people who put
them in office. Our government will be overrun with perverts,
fornicators, thieves, liars and self-seeking politicians. These
people will then rule over us placing over you a heavy yoke. This
country will crumble. It is decaying from within. These
Democrats and Republicans that are blind, won't see this soon
coming destruction until it's too late. Then they will be unable
to reverse this cancer which is eating away at the moral fabric of
this country. It is no longer God bless America, but God have
mercy on America. This country must be judged for we make Sodom
and Gomorrah look like a fairy tale. Again, God have mercy on us,
but judgment must come. It has started. One great rebuke must go
to the churches that are dead. They have no understanding of the
Spirit, and yet their pastors and elders, keep the congregation in
darkness and death.
They refuse to allow a move of the Holy Spirit in their midst.
They want to control the move of the Spirit in a way they think
best. They really think they know better than the Almighty, and
it shows. I've even heard pastors saying that we don't want this
new wine, in other words, the Holy Spirit. Their congregations
are dying, sick, oppressed, possessed, blind and have no knowledge
of God. Most have no relationship with the Almighty. Not knowing
Jesus at all, being a stranger to their God. Jesus truly said,
"In that day many will say Lord, Lord, didn't I heal the sick,
feed the poor, cast out devils in Your name. Jesus will say,
"Depart from Me, you doer of iniquity. For I never knew you".
That's the key to it all, it's knowing Him and not knowing "about"
Him. You need to have an intimate relationship with the Lord, to
be one with Him in the Spirit. Most everyone knows about Him, but
few really know Him. Many pastors and elders will have a lot of
answering to do to God. They lead His people astray and impart
death not life, because they do not have any life in them.
Man is so proud and boastful in himself. There are many people in
pastoral positions as well as elders who have no right to be in
that position. They do more harm than good, to the congregation.
They refuse to step down for the good of the people, because their
pride won't permit it. So they stay in that position until total
death takes over and the spirit of Ichabod settles over the
church. Arrogant leaders who think God can't move without them,
and yet, they continue to bring the church down. It's happening
all over this country and no one is speaking up because they are
afraid. I wish we had an apostle like Paul who could help bring
the churches back in line to solid doctrine. It's so stupid to
have so many denominations and all the denominations are dead.
Lord, send the fire to burn the chaff we have. If the body of
Christ doesn't turn, we will definitely see persecution.
That has always helped put the church back in line. I believe it
is on the way and it will come from the government backed by New
Age Loonies. This world is in one “hell” of a mess and getting
worse daily. Everyday, more and more, I see signs of the end, and
I truly believe that we have started the end times. I believe
that this generation will be the last on earth. Thank God, we,
the believers, will be taken out of here in a moment, in a
twinkling of an eye. Then we shall behold Him as He is. We shall
be like Him and be with Him from now on. Glory to God in the
highest! I can't wait until that day when we believers defy
gravity and leave this troubled world so it can fully fall to its
Once we leave that means the salt is taken off the earth and all
the light is gone, these people will be in total darkness and
everything on earth will fall into total darkness, lying and
deceiving each other.

Simply because they refused to believe in Him, who died for their
sins and paid the price by His shed blood on the cross. If only
people would open their eyes and hearts to the truth. All they
need to do is simply believe the Bible for it reveals the plan for
our lives, past, present and future. You see we have the ability
to change our destiny. We're all destined for hell through our
sinfulness but thanks be to God through Jesus Christ, we can "now"
establish our residency in heaven. People are foolishly believing
in everything, from tarot cards to space aliens, to have some sort
of hope. All they need to do is look at the Bible for the more
sure Word of God. I mean even a nit wit can read it for what it
is. Not one wrong prophecy. The bible has more than enough
answers to meet every situation in our lives. The future of this
planet is outlined to show its path of destruction. If the Bible
states it, you can bet your life on it coming to pass. People
choose not to believe it, because it means that they must change
their lifestyle and acknowledge Him who is the Author of this
magnificent book. It is also amazing how so many so called
Christian theologians don't believe the Word of God. They take it
upon themselves to say what is and isn't of God. What pompous
asses they make themselves out to be. Who are they to judge the
Word of the Almighty? You can bet your booties that they will
indeed answer to the Almighty. For it is an awful thing to fall
into the hands of the Almighty. These people are nothing but
false prophets and teachers vomiting up their vile heresies.
Deceiving and being deceived, showing the way to hell and pulling
as many with them as they can, they are enemies of God. The
unfortunate thing is that they flood our churches, and we openly
accept them as men of God. We need to wake up and test all things
by the Spirit and start to put everything in order. We must get
about the Lord's business, which is preaching, laying hands on the
sick, and casting out devils.
WE are to go about and destroy the works of the devil. One example
I remember is when a certain woman who came to us said that one of
her daughters was committed to the insane ward at a certain
hospital. The mom, the two brothers and I went to pray for her at
the asylum. While waiting for her, we started to pray. As she
walked through the door escorted by nurses, with a loud shout she
cried, "I know who you are. You can't get me." She ran back into
the ward. I said, "That's not good enough. We need to get to
her." The nurses said, "No way. She is very unstable."
So I said to the mother, "Mom, do you have any candy?" She said,
"Yes." So I said, "Give it to me." We prayed over it and told
one of the nurses to give it to the daughter and so she did. When
the insane girl ate it, the devils came out of her and she was
found to be in her right mind. She was released the next day.
Glory to God in the highest! He always meets our needs in spite
of ourselves.
Another time is when I got a call about a man who went nutzo. For
some reason, his church or pastor was unable to help him. My
friend, Kris and I responded to the call. We drove over to this
guy's house. We had a little trouble finding it, until we came to
a house whose yard was filled with furniture, strewn all
over it. Next, we saw furniture flying from the second story deck
into the front yard. I turned to Kris and said, "This must be the
place." He readily agreed, so we pulled over and proceeded to the
house. We knocked at the door and a lady in tears answered the
door. We said, "We were called by your church to pray for your
husband." We walked in and saw him standing across the room.
This man picked up his two year old son and threw him at me from
across the room. I went long and caught the kid. I said, "I take
it he's the one." Then all of a sudden, this man came running
across the room and jumped on Kris. He just wrapped himself
around Kris like an octopus and Kris couldn't shake him loose.

I helped pry this man from him. It was hard, but we did it. We
put him in a chair, but he jumped up on Kris again so we pried him
off again. This man had a most hideous laugh. We kept telling
him to shut up, but this demon possessed man fought us all the
more. He wrestled us to the upper deck and started to punch Kris.
He tried to throw him off the deck, and Kris was starting to get
mad and said, "Tony, that's it! I'm going to hit him!" But I
said, "Kris, we battle not against flesh and blood, but against
spiritual powers." Then this guy turned on me and he started
mocking me and hitting me. We struggled. This guy kept hitting
me and trying to pick me up and throw me off the deck. That's
when I said, "That's enough! I'm going to deck this guy." I
pulled back my arm and started to swing at this guy, to minister
to his flesh, but Kris caught my arm and said, "Remember, we
battle not against flesh and blood." Boy, I felt like a jerk. We
called upon the Lord and cried out, "God, we need help!" We
wrestled this guy back in the house, threw him in a chair and sat
on him. After crying to God for help, we started to cast out those
devils. Praise be to God, they started coming out!
After about an hour, it was done and by the next morning he was
back to normal. God had delivered him and this man has been free
ever since. I really like casting out devils, it's more fun than
full contact football and with a real reason to win.
I remember so many instances in casting out devils, all kinds.
One girl came to us with epilepsy for healing so we started to
pray for her and the devil manifested. That's when I learned that
epilepsy was a devil binding up people so we cast it out and from
that day on she never had another fit, praise God. God's healings
are wonderful and it gets the attention of heathen.

I remember when Dad had a massive stroke. We all went to the

hospital and were waiting to see how his condition was. After
waiting, the doctors came out to us. They explained that Dad lost
the use of one side of his body and that one side of his brain was
dead. He was unable to talk, but could make noises. The
specialists said that through many years of therapy, that the one
side of his brain, which is still functional, might take over to
help the dead side of his body. We could only hope. Suddenly, the
Lord spoke to me while the doctors were talking to the family.
The Lord instructed me to go into the Emergency Room and pray for
Dad. In the middle of the doctor's conversation, I got up and
went into the Emergency Room. I found Dad lying on the table. A
nurse and some type of doctor were tending to him. I said to
them, "You've done all you can. Now, let's let God work on him."
So they stepped back, watching me. I looked down at Dad on the
bed and he tried to talk to me, but it was all jumbled. I
couldn't understand one word he was trying to say. I said, "Dad,
don't talk. I'm going to pray for you." I took out a small
bottle of anointing oil from my pocket and started pouring it over
Dad while praying. When I looked down at him, I said, "Dad, be
healed in the name of Jesus." All of a sudden his whole body
started to glow like gold and that very second Dad sat up and
said, "Tony, the last thing I remember was lying on the floor at
home." He started to move his arms and legs. The nurse and
doctor just stood there with their mouths open. The nurse started
saying, "Look, he's moving and talking but he's supposed to be
paralyzed on the one side of his body." But Dad said, "Watch
this," and he got up. He walked around and then sat back down to
read something. The nurses were ecstatic. I went back to the
waiting room and started to tell the family how God just healed
Dad just while the doctors were showing Mom the x-rays of dad’s
brain. The dark spot meant that the brain was dead. But what's
impossible with men is possible with God. Dad had recovered
completely with no side effects. God is truly wonderful in every
way. He does stuff for us even when we're totally unaware.
Even as a child many times the Lord saved my life. I got hit by
cars many times and always walked away. It's amazing how simple
faith can accomplish so much in your life. Just simply believe in
God's word. I had no one to teach me that healing isn't for
today, thank God. Actually, most of my teaching came from Butch's
Bible study, and of course Pastor Kline. But thank God for Butch,
because he always stuck with me even in hard times. You see even
when I was baptized, it was prophesied over me that God had placed
a fire in me, which man can't understand nor could be
extinguished, and that through me, many would be healed and set
free. Butch bailed me out a lot of times trying to explain to
different people that I offended. That was most everywhere I
went. Some people thought that I was proud and arrogant, but
these people never knew me because if I boasted in anything it was
the Lord. What else could I boast in. My gifts were given to me
by God and I didn't earn them. I was on fire for God person and I
wanted to set the world aflame.
In time, most people came to understand me and what I was about.
There still are a few who do not care for me or how God uses me.
It doesn't go along with their thinking, but I could care less
just so long as I serve God. That's all that matters. I some how
always get in confrontations with other believers. It's mainly
over drinking and smoking. Like I tell so many Christians,
smoking might not send you to hell, but it may get you to heaven
sooner. You see, when I was born again I changed completely
Overnight. I instantly gave up the swearing, fighting, women, etc.
God showed me that even though I have the Spirit of God when I'm
born again, I don't have the fire or power of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit told me that no man may have his power when they
smoke, drink, or remain in sin.
Many Christians get angry at me when I say this, but I really
don't give a hoot. All I know is what the Lord showed me and I
will hold fast to this until He comes to take us away. I really
found that Christians who smoke and drink do not have the fire and
power of the Holy Spirit. They can debate it all they want
until they're blue in the face. I know that of which I speak, and
the Holy Spirit has always backed me up. These Christians have no
victory in their lives. I even knew so called Christians who
would have a Bible study in which they served hard drinks.
They said that it relaxed them and gave them better revelation on
Scripture. I couldn't help but notice their lifestyles and
failures. These people were in bondage and refused to be set
free. I've never seen a Christian who drank and smoked who was
able to cast out a devil or have success in any spiritual
confrontation. The way I see it is, that if the world says it's
bad to drink and smoke, how much more for a Christian? We're
supposed to be an example to the world and lights shining in the
dark. You see, I love the Lord and there's nothing I wouldn't
give up for Him. I mean after all, look what He gave up for us.
Actually when you think about it, we really aren't giving it up
for Him, but really we're giving it up for our own benefit. Never
the less, I love to minister for the Lord.

I remember once when I was working next door to a restaurant and

the owner, who was not a believer, came over to us in tears.
Knowing we were Christians, he asked me to pray for his daughter
who was sick and had not eaten for days for she could not hold
down any food or drink. The hospital also was unable to get this
young girl to hold down any food, so I eagerly prayed for her. In
the name of Jesus, I commanded healing and within minutes she
started eating and held down this food. The father was rejoicing
over her healing and this man accepted the Lord and his family got
saved. It's like the parable about a field with the great pearl in
it. That man sold everything to possess the field with the great
pearl in it. When you find out about how God loves us and what
His promises are, you go after Him with your all. It is such an
honor to serve the Almighty. Nothing in this world can compare
with it, because we are imparting life which can only be in Jesus
and in no other name in this world. Every other name means
nothing, not Buddha, Krishna, not Mohammed ,not Moon, not Joseph
Smith, not Charles Taze Russell, not the Pope, nor any other name.
All these will lead you to hell on a greased pole. It's only in
the name of Jesus that there is salvation. For those who call
upon the Lord shall be saved. Why would anyone in their right
mind want to call on the name of any man when you can call on
Jesus, the Son of God. Jesus is the only name in which men can be
saved, no matter what idiotic beliefs others have? It's all
garbage. I'm called to preach the Gospel which meets all peoples
needs. I remember once on the job talking to a Moslem in a high
position in his church and I shared that Jesus is the way and not
Mohammed. Of course, he disagreed so I gave him a challenge to
gather some blind and sick people . I would go to his church and
then I would let him call on the name of his god to get these
people healed, and then I would call on mine and then let the true
God show himself. He said that he would go talk about this with
his church and let me know later.

He later said that his church said no, not a good idea.
I said they're right because if I did show up, Jesus would heal
those people and they would open their eyes, get saved and show
that Mohammed is nothing but a fake. So, he left and I never saw
him again. If you look at the Moslem religion you will see that it
is nothing but a religion from hell, with their followers hell
bent on death and destruction. The Moslem religion is based not on
love or compassion but on ignorance, deception and stupidity.
These are the terrorists of the world, killing innocent men, women
and children. They are cowards doing the devils work to steal,
kill and destroy. They actually believe that they do their god a
service by murdering innocent people. God was right in the
scriptures calling these people dogs. 9/11 is the perfect example
of the fruit that these people bare. These cowards who flew the
planes were told of a great after life with many virgins for their
service, as a reward for murdering people. For their reward, they
are now rotting in hell and rightly so. Look at the terrorist
group Al-Qaida, with it’s band of murderers starting with the
cowardly devil, bin-laden. These men are all murders, guilty with
crimes against humanity. Why don’t the Moslem people see them for
what they are? These people don’t represent God, but the devil,
Allah. Look at Mohammed’s life. He would get epileptic fits when
supposedly in contact with his god. He had a 9 year old
wife,(sounds like a pervert to me).His own mother thought that he
was demon possessed and she was right. He was a militant, not a
spiritual man. His god is called Allah, who was the brother of
gins, which was another name for a demon. These people truly serve
satan, who is the god of the moslem people. Allah will bow before
Jesus on judgment day along with his followers. Then they will be
tossed into the lake of fire for all time. The only hope Moslems
have, is to repent of that foolish deceptive religion and ask
Jesus to forgive them. Then they can be born again of the Spirit
of the living God. There is no good sect of the Moslem religion,
don’t be deceived. Deception can also creep into the body of
believers. I've occasionally taught in classes of Christian teens
and because I don't preach compromise, I always ran into problems.
When I was teaching at this one church, I stressed how you should
not grieve the Spirit by smoking, drinking and that it's not good
for a man to touch a woman outside of marriage. The opposition
grew in leaps and bounds. I had caught a youth leader teaching
teenagers that it's OK to do anything to each other except to have
intercourse and I said, "Excuse me?" I told him in front of the
class, "That's nonsense! Whatever you could do to your boy or
girl friend in private, you should be able to do in public." I
asked one of the teen age boys, "Go get your girl friend and sit
in this class while I teach the word of God, unbutton her shirt
and feel her breasts and do it to the glory of God." At this he
became very red. I then started to talk to all the children's
teachers and found one teaching and sharing how he dates non-
believers, smokes and drinks, He's free in Christ, but I said,
"How dare you teach these kids this foolishness and preaching this
foolish doctrine." I also found other teachers teaching that if
something bad happens to you or someone in your family that you
should thank God for it. So I said to this teacher, "If a man
rapes your daughter and then kills her, should you should thank
God?" He replied said, "Yes. I thanked God when my father fell
down and broke his arm." I called him an idiot and told him he
had no right teaching the Word of God. So by the end of the day, I
had many people mad at me. I even had this one lady call me at
home saying that her daughter is depressed. I told her a Christian
girl has no right to physically fondle her boyfriend's body and
that drinking and smoking will not get you the Holy Spirit. This
lady was angry with me and told me that she and her husband drink
and find no problem with it. I explained how it brings reproach
on the Gospel and teaches compromise and that she and her husband
did not have the Holy Spirit. She hung up on me and called the
pastor's wife.
Along with all the other complaints about me, the next day the
pastor's wife called me into her office. She said, "You've
stirred up a lot of trouble and I'm getting many complaints. If
you want to continue to teach in this church you will have to take
my course on how not to offend people." I said, "The Gospel is an
offense to all who are perishing. I will not take your course on
how not to offend people so I said good bye and I'll see you
later." I did however manage to get all the teaching staff
dismissed, so one good thing came out of this. I guess I'll never
understand why people hold on to their foolishness and vices, but
they can take that up with God.
The most important thing Christianity taught me is that change is
commanded. Again, without repentance, there is no forgiveness of
sins. To teach no change or repentance means to live in bondage.
That's what I was in when I was with the Catholic Church.
People's pride never ceases to amaze me to no end. I remember
once going to see and old lady in the hospital who was dying and
it was her time so I shared the Gospel with her and she fully
accepted what I shared about the Lord. She also received an in
filling of the Holy Spirit and was all aglow. Her husband
was there and was listening to me, and was somewhat annoyed at me.
I turned and asked him about his relationship with the Lord. He
thought he was saved. He didn't know what born again meant.
I explained it to him and to my surprise, he told me that if being
born again was correct, that means all that he had done in his
life in his Episcopalian religion was all in vain.
He said that he had done many good works, given to charities and
helped people and that all that alone would get him to heaven.
Then I told him his good works were as filthy rags before God and
that salvation is a free gift of God, and not by good works lest
you boast. He said, "The hell with your Gospel. I'd rather go to
hell then admit I have been wrong all my life." "Fine," I said,
"Go to hell." His wife went home to the Lord very soon after
that. A year later I got a call from her daughter saying that her
father had a stroke and was in a coma, and would I go and pray for
him. Of course I agreed to. When I went to the hospital, I found
him strapped in bed in a coma, but every minute, like clock work,
his body would just move in torment up and down and side ways.
The nurse said he was given medication to stop the pain, but it
was not working. I said, "He's not in pain. What's happening is
that he is wrestling with the spirit of death. He's not ready to
die and he's fighting all the way."
I said to the man your daughter called me up to see you and I'm
going to be up front with you. You're still full of pride. You
refuse to give up and die because you aren't right with the Lord.
Why don't you give it up and admit your way will only get you to
Just swallow your pride and admit that your ways and your religion
will not get you to heaven. Just ask the Lord to forgive you and
repent then you can die in peace, knowing you'll go to heaven. If
you don't, you will die and end up in hell. So stop fighting and
let the love of Jesus set you free. Say the sinner's prayer and
let go and just die without the torment." He did and a day later
he died.
The nurse had told me she never heard a minister talk like that to
a dying man, she was shocked, but I told her that all eternity was
on the line, and this was no time to give a sugar coated Gospel.
He had to know the truth. I have no problem confronting people
with the truth.
Once a friend saw me chasing some Jehovah Witnesses out of the
neighborhood yelling at them. She's right. I followed them door
to door, disproving all their nonsense until they couldn't take
anymore. So they left. Thank God they did, because we don't need
anymore bondage. We need the truth to set us free and Jesus is
the only truth, the only way and in Him alone, we have life.

I think what's even worse than cults are these so called Christian
religions which hold people in bondage. For example, after being
born again, I like so many others wanted to get their relatives
saved. My brother and I tried to witness to our aunt, but she
fought all the way even to the point of kicking us out of her
house and threatened to call the police. It's so stupid how
people argue their religion and resist the truth, even though they
are totally ignorant of the Bible and have no knowledge of God.
They insist they're fine, even though their lifestyle is in
shambles. They are crude and immoral. Their language is
perverse, but they feel content with their Catholic religion.
Again, Catholics are in bondage, all arguing about their religion
and defending their church, but having no life or light in them.
They are full of darkness. If I had my way, I would rebuke the
hell out of the Pope for allowing his people to go to hell, never
knowing the message of salvation. The Pope will have millions of
souls on his hands to answer to God for. Doesn't the Pope read
the Bible. It's all right there, in black and white.
It's so easy to understand, yet they let these people perish into
eternal torment. You can bet that in hell there will be a lot of
people looking for him and his bunch of merry men in black crying,
"Why didn't you tell us the truth? Why did you deceive us into
believing we were OK and our lifestyle was fine?" I would sure
hate to be in his shoes on Judgment Day. I really wish they would
let me loose in the Catholic church. I guarantee you, there would
be some immediate changes, starting with the Pope himself. Don't
get me wrong, I don't hate Catholics or the Pope, but I'm angered
at their stupidity of their Gospel. I remember once meeting a
young priest from Ireland who had a great love for the Lord and we
shared the gospel with him. He really seemed turned onto it. He
wanted to come to our Bible study, but had to ask his superior.
Of course, his superior forbid him to come to our meeting. I told
this young priest, Michael, to just say the heck with his superior
and just come to the meeting and experience the move of the Holy
Spirit. Say the heck with the church and really serve God. The
next thing you know, he got transferred overseas. I really missed
that guy. I just hoped he studied the Bible on his own and found
the truth. I wish him well.
I've met so many people in my Christian walk and did so many
things that most people have never seen or imagined in their
entire lives. I'm very thankful to God. Truly did God say,” My
people perish for a lack of knowledge“. Just look all around you
and see the lifestyles of these people living in sin and
ignorance. Not just that, but look at all these cults out there,
like Mormonism, Jehovah Witness, Hinduism, Islam, the church of
the so-called Reverend Moon, New Age, and on and on. These people
are feeding off of innocent and ignorant people who have no
knowledge of the living God. These cults are deceiving people as
well as themselves.
I see media coverage of the nations of Islam and see nothing but
hatred, arrogance, deception and violence. These people are not
of God, but of the devil, They kill innocent people, both women
and children thinking they do God a service but they use murder to
further their gospel of death.
They live in sin, they are adulterers, liars, fornicators, foul
mouthed but they don't eat pork, what a great religion, what
hypocrites, they will indeed answer to God for their murders. The
fruit they bare should be very evident to all including
themselves. These people serve a god of hatred and murder. If
you can see in the spirit, you will see the demons that possess
these people. That's why Jesus said you will know them by their
fruits. Just look at Mohammed's lifestyle of violence and
wickedness. You don’t win people to God by violence, but by love.
Remember that all religions are started by men and only true
Christianity was started by God. We believers don't have religion
like all these denominations. We have a relationship with God. He
lives in us and we answer to Him, not a founder of a religion.
Won't all these religions be surprised when Jesus takes all His
followers and leaves all the denominations behind? I wish the
eyes of all religions would be opened to the truth which is Jesus,
the Christ. There would then be a stop to all this senseless
killing in the name of God. Men just need to look into their own
hearts to see how evil they really are, and stop blaming God who
is the Author of life and not death. Only the devil comes to
steal, kill and destroy. If only people knew what it's like to be
set free and the only way is by Jesus Himself, for when the Son of
Man sets you free, you will be free indeed. Its really amazing
how blind we really are before Jesus sets us free. We are so
blind to truth. People like it where they are. They will fight
and even murder to keep their deception. To me, everything seems
so clear after reading the Bible.
If more people would read it, there would be less if not any
divisions in the churches. The Gospel is so simple and easy.
It's no struggle to understand, but most people need to have a
relationship with Jesus so they can be filled with the Spirit.
Then they may understand the scriptures.
I've talked to so many people who think they know it all and they
do not need this born again conversion even though their lives are
in shambles and they are full of bitterness and anger. I've
always found it easier to just tell people that they are on their
way to hell instead of beating around the bush. I like starting
with the basic truths and showing them how to avoid it. I
remember once telling my sister Linda about being born again and
how her Catholic church isn't. Linda got her priest on the phone
and had me on another extension talking to him while she listened.
I started quoting the scriptures and he kept saying, "What? Where
are you getting these sayings from?" "I get them from the Bible,
you know, the Word of God. Don't you study the Bible?" He said,
"No. We study tradition and Catholic dogma." I said, "So for
tradition's sake you teach the doctrines of man and nullify the
Word of God." He really started getting mad and screaming at me
over the phone. After quoting more scriptures, he finally slammed
down the phone. My sister was amazed because she'd never heard him
like that before. Again, My people perish for a lack of
knowledge. I've seen so many people get mad over something they
have no idea about. How important is life eternal hanging in the
I've seen so many demonic manifestations that it's hard to
remember them all, but I do cherish all of them because I love
seeing Jesus set people fee from total possession to simple
oppression like smoking cigarettes or drinking.

My God will set people free every time if they want it. For who
ever calls upon the name of the Lord will be set free. Glory to
God. These people with multiple personalities are not
schizophrenic, but demon possessed. It's their devils who are
manifesting their own selves. They need deliverance from their
"personalities" and mood swings.
I also think it's funny how these so called devil worshipers think
they are so powerful. They cast spells and curses on people.
They serve a loser, a fallen servant, none other than slewfoot or
satan. When I had written letters to my local newspapers
concerning an article about devil worshipers. I wrote to
explain to them they are powerless against believers and that we
have all power over these beings. I challenged them to cast one
of their piddly spells at me and see what effect it would have.
As always, their curses were null and void against a true believer
of Jesus Christ. These devil worshipers are not just ignorant,
but down right stupid to serve the devil who in turn after using
them will dispose of them like toilet paper. Then he'll pull them
into hell and eternal torment. That's the only thing they will be
rewarded with forever and ever. It's so stupid to serve evil and
think you will overpower God Almighty. Remember, satan fell like
lightning, which is rather fast, from heaven and there was no
struggle. God didn't even dirty His hands disposing of him. Just
like at His second coming, the Lord will have the archangel
Michael toss satan into the pit. satan is a wimp like those many
people who choose the stupid way out which isn't a way out anyway,
but bondage. I guess that's why God has to allow the Great
Tribulation. Maybe it will wake up these people to the truth,
since they won't accept the love of Jesus. Even in scripture God
says this day I set before you life and death. Choose life. God
even has to tell us to choose life because we are so stupid we
most always choose death.
Scripture states that in the last days people won't heed sound
doctrine, but will give ear to doctrines of devils. It seems that
people will go for any crazy belief if it's off the wall. Like
Mormons, who actually believe that they become a god and will have
their own worshipers. Of course scripture states that God is the
only God and there is no other besides Him. You will have no
other gods before Me. Wasn't it satan who said that he will be
like the Most High God. He thought that people should worship him
also. To be blunt, I would have to say that you must be a total
moron to really believe that, and the way it seems, it looks like
the Mormons seem to fit the description rather well. They believe
that god the father is on a planet near the star kolob having sex
with women producing angels, what heresy and pure stupidity.
Scripture states that if an angel of light should appear and gives
you another gospel other than what we the apostles have, let him
be damned and again if an angel of light or anyone gives you
another gospel, let them be damned, but so much for them.
Again, why can't people be as little children who accept the truth
whole heartily and know inside what the truth is. Even my family
opened their heart up the Lord and have continued to serve Him
ever since. How can one deny the Lord whom has shown us such
miraculous wonders in every way.
Each one of my family has a calling and gift in which to serve the
Lord in meeting the needs of the people. My sister, Marie, gets
words of wisdom, words of knowledge and prophecy, and has a
boldness in her. Once stirred up, she's like a raging bull. My
sister, Laurie, moves in wisdom and stands firmly planted on
the Word of God. She also is bold for the Lord. She can easily
pick out bad doctrine and not necessarily by her knowledge of
scripture, but by the Holy Spirit in her. All believers should
have this Holy Spirit in them, for the Holy Spirit will guide us
into all truth. Then there's Linda, she has a calling on her
life, but has not pursued it as of yet. We're still praying for
her, as well as the rest of her family. In time she will awaken
fully. Then there's my younger brother, Joey, who moves in
prophecy, words of knowledge.
Unfortunately, he was caught up in a church with a female pastor
who calls herself "a prophetess to the East Coast". Her folly was
well shown to everyone but herself and her deceived followers.
Just for the record, there can not be a female as a pastor or head
of a church because it defies scripture. When you have a female
pastor, you'll find that most doctrine, if not all, is borderline

You'll find that most of the leadership is female and that she is
full of rebellion and against the Lord's spiritual order. People
must understand that women are more soulish or emotional and can't
help but go with their feelings instead of the spirit. I'm not
putting down women by any means. It's just common knowledge that
a woman cannot be head over the congregation of the Lord's
churches. How can they not help but usurp spiritual authority
over men and other women if they are pastor? I won't go into this
any deeper for it is a waste of breath to debate folly. This woman
even went to the point saying that some people can't get healed
unless they come to her. She deceived herself as well as her
congregation but she was warned to repent and let these people go
but she refused , so I told her as well as others that the Lord
will take her out of the way unless she steps down. She refused,
so not much after this she died, and honestly I was happy to hear
this, not rejoicing in her death but in the freedom of the
congregation from her bondage and deception. It is better for one
person to die than a whole congregation to be pulled down to hell
at the hands of self proclaimed prophet.
I have found that whenever you have a female as pastor
there always seems to be females making up the leadership. There
also seems to be a spirit of Jezebel in which the women are the
more dominant and the men are Ahabic and have the more passive

Didn't Paul say that the woman should not teach doctrine because
they are more easily deceived? Why would they want to be obedient
to the bible, I mean after all it's only the word of God.

Anyways getting back to the family, then comes Butch, a true
pillar of the Lord's church. He has a tremendous ability to
discern any situation. He has, without a doubt, a tremendous
calling on his life. He can go into any church and by the spirit
discern deep spiritual problems, and has no problem telling you
what demonic influences you have. Butch, like myself, loves a
good deliverance because we both love kicking the devil's butte
without mercy, and seeing the Lord set His people free. Butch has
pastored a fellowship for many years. His congregation doesn't
play around, but they get into the meat of the Word. The Lord's
presence is very strong and many people get healed, set free, but
mostly feel the love of God. Butch always has been a strong
influence for me and a good example of a steadfast Christian.
Sure, we've had our disagreements, but who hasn't. Butch will
always be number one to me. Then there was Dad who is in heaven
now. He was the typical hot headed, ill tempered Italian father
who ruled over us with an iron fist. He brought us up hard and
with respect for our elders. Dad was in the restaurant business
and had his own restaurant and did really well. Dad was the type
of person who spoke his mind no matter what the situation.

The Lord really did a job on Dad. Dad had back problems. One day
while at the grocery store, he was just standing in line when a
man named Bill came up behind him. He laid hands on him and said
"Sir, be healed in Jesus' name."
Dad felt this healing power go down his back and was healed. He
dropped his cane and jumped up and came home running into the
house sharing with us on how God healed him. This was the
beginning of Dad's transformation. Dad really changed and God
took away his temper as he did mine. The Lord really transforms
people into true fruit bearing people. Anyway, Dad went home to
be with the Lord and is in a much better place than we are now.
Finally, there is Mom, the typical Italian mom, four foot eleven
inches tall, strong and bold and will stand up to anyone. She was
always the loving mother who related to us and our problems. With
dad it was black and white, no gray and it always had a simple
answer, discipline! Mom was born in Italy and like so many moved
to New York. Mom always felt a drawing to the Lord and felt that
something was missing, until she was told about being born again
by my brother Butch. After Butch, Mom was the next to get saved
and then Mom just took off into the spirit and a wonderful
relationship with Jesus. Like any good mom, she always prayed for
us as well as others. Today, in her seventies, Mom is still a
ball of fire, preaching the gospel and doing the Lord's will.

I remember all the Sunday mornings after church coming home to

Mom's pasta and meatballs. Many friends would just happen to show
up at the right time just as we were sitting down for lunch. Dad
always smiled and said, "Come and join us for lunch." Those were
some wonderful times to remember in my early walk as a Christian.
I love fellowshipping with the brethren, especially over a good
meal. I also like to cook and I do. We used to get together and
cook some wonderful late night meals with the brethren, after
Friday night meetings.
But time goes on and people get married. It always seems to be
that the brethren don't seem to have much time for fellowship
anymore. I still like having people over and I do regularly. The
Christian life is one of challenges and rewards and I'm not
talking this stupid financial prosperity, in which most of the
teachers taught in ignorance or stupidity not really knowing the
Lord, but wanting us to know the money gospel instead of getting
into Him. All I want to do is to know Him more and more. I pray
that these believers don't fall into the deceptive teaching that
have come in times past from these TV preachers. These teachers
teach nonsense about confessing and possessing what ever you want,
which is a gospel of greed and not one that was taught by the
apostles. Remember what Paul said about anyone teaching another
gospel other than the one that the apostles have taught. Be very
careful not to be caught up with all this glitter and false
prosperity. We must be careful not to heed false doctrine or
teaching because in these last days there will be many false
teachers and many people not heeding sound doctrine. Again, be
very careful and discern all things seeing weather it is from God
or from man.

Chapter Seven
Whether in or out of the Body, I Do Not Know

I had an experience like Paul, weather in or out of the body, I

don't really know, but it seemed so real. I thought I had died.
It all started when I got up in the middle of the night and went
to the bathroom. I came back to bed and as I started to lie down
I felt myself come up out of my body. The next thing you know, I
was standing in a place that was all white and hazy. It was then
that I noticed that I wasn't breathing. I put my hands on my
chest and I felt no heartbeat. Then I said I must have died and
shouted, "Hallelujah! I made it." Then I saw what looked like a
throne made of marble. I started walking toward it and as I got
closer, I noticed a man sitting on the throne. I said to myself
it's a man, as I walked closer again I said it's a man, then I
said it's the man Christ Jesus, and I stood there and looked at
Him. As I walked towards Him, I suddenly felt waves of love
coming from Him and it was going through my spirit, soul and body,
and I never felt anything like it on earth. I've been to many
services where the presence of God was very strong but nothing
like this. It felt wonderful and nothing was on my mind but just
standing in His presence and just feeling His love.
No pleasure on earth could compare to this. Then as I looked at
Him I immediately started getting instant revelation and I seemed
to be communicating with the Lord in my mind. After a while He
looked at me and spoke to me saying " Tony, the closer you get to
me the further everything else is behind you". Then I said, Lord
all the sin, sickness, fear, confusion and doubt was all so
stupid, I have to go back and tell them and so as I pointed behind
me, I turned and I saw the earth turning in space with all the
stars. Then as I turned back towards Him, I saw Him turn His head
and I saw where they had ripped out His beard and it was at that
time that I realized that Jesus will be bearing His scars for
eternity. How great a love He has for us. I don't think that we
will really ever know in this lifetime. Then next thing you know
I found myself in my bed and boy was I bummed out. It was so
great being out of that body.
I felt so big that I couldn't understand how I ever fit into my
body. It's amazing how free you really feel outside of this body.
It's like we are squeezed into this earth suit. I felt so free
and when I came back I felt so confined. What a wonderful feeling
it was outside of this body! It's almost too hard to explain.
You really had to be there. Ever since then, I can't
wait to be free from this body and stand in the presence of God
Almighty. Nothing on earth can compare. All I know is that the
Rapture is very soon, sooner than most Christians really believe.
Just look at all the signs around us. It's so evident, but what's
so sad is that so many Christians are living like Jesus is never
coming back. It saddens me. How much more the Lord? That's why
I so much want to go to as many churches as possible in what
little time we have left to get these churches on fire for God.

I pray that many pastors humble themselves in order to let the
Holy Spirit move in their congregation and not like the one full
gospel church that denied the move of the Holy Spirit. Even in
the midst of the move, this dead leadership not only denied the
move of the Spirit, but went out of their way to kill any seed of
Spirit life that was imparted to the congregation. They would not
allow any talk of this visitation of God. They wouldn't even
allow the sales of the tapes of that service. I was so moved when
I had given an alter call for people who would like to recommit
themselves to God and to receive an infilling of the Holy Spirit
for them to be powerful witnesses. Again, to my surprise, 95% of
the congregation came forward and I saw light and life go into
these people. They wanted to be on fire for God. Yet these
elders, as well as the pastor, put under foot the things of God.
May the Lord have mercy on them for their ignorance and their
stupidity. It was not me that moved in their church, but the
Lord. They could not or would not acknowledge the move of God.
This leadership did a great injustice to the people in their
congregation. Even today this church constantly struggles, and
still never attains to any life or freedom. These people must get
out of the position as elders and pastor in order to let the
Spirit of God move. They hold their congregation in bondage and
do nothing, but impart death and oppression. Since then one pastor
retired and they put the head elder as pastor who opposed me most.
This man is dead and has no life or light in him to impart
spiritual truth or life to the congregation. Even when he reads
the word verbatim it's dead letter.

He is furthering the demise of this church and with his group of

spiritual bandits help rob the church of life and light.
The spirit of Ichabod is truly over he church. The one most
important thing I have learned is to stick to your calling because
when you go outside of it, you really do damage to yourself and
everyone that you minister too. You must stick to your calling to
do the job that God has called you to. I see so many people go to
seminaries to be a pastor, but that's not their calling. When you
see their congregation, you just want to cry seeing all these
souls sitting under death and oppression. These pastors may mean
well, but what good does it do if your dying spiritually. Stick
to your calling and you'll do more for the Lord than you really
know. When people ask me my calling, I tell them it's one of the
highest possible, it's the calling of a servant of the Most High.
I am more than satisfied to be His servant. There is nothing
greater in life than to serve God. He has such wonderful things
for us we can't even imagine them. I think one of the greatest
rewards there are is to see how God saves, changes, sets free and
gives to anyone the true meaning of life which is only found in
Jesus. I wish people would just stop and look at their lives and
see where they really are and what a non-Christian life they
really live.
So many people confess Jesus as the Son of God and are not saved.
They truly hold to a form of godliness, but deny change in their
lives. Too many people have a bad image of Christianity because
of the lousy witness of some believer or TV preacher. I can't
really blame them in a way, because I saw it too, but thank God
through His grace I saw through the phonies and saw their hearts.
One minister on TV I like and who truly loves the Lord is Ernest
Angley who preaches the true Gospel of Jesus without compromise
and has signs following.

Another minister who means business is Pat Robertson, because he

doesn't pull any punches and tells it like it is. He gives the
truth when the other networks give deception. I find that Brother
Robertson really cares for people and speaks out for truth and
doesn't care if he offends some spiritually dead pastors or
religious leaders. Thank God for that. Some people won't offend
others because they don't want to lose the tithe or offering.
What really blesses me is that he has started so many different
branches of his ministry like Operation Blessing and ACLJ as well
as many others. The Lord blesses him and all his staff. Don't
let anyone discourage you because the Lord still has many good
people out there. I've met so many of them. You know I've seen
so many things that the Lord has done and witnessed literally
thousands of moves of God. Still the best is the saving of a lost
soul and their nature change. Having replaced their old nature
with God’s giving them His nature where all things are made new.
This is only possible with the Lord Jesus.
There are none righteous, no not one, but all have sinned and
fallen short of the glory of God. All our good works are
as filthy rags before a pure and sinless God. None of us can get
to heaven on our own, by good works or anything because Jesus
didn't die on the cross in vain. He shed His blood on our behalf,
and for no other reason other than that He loves us so much. How
can we say “no”, to so great a salvation?

So all you religious people out there, here me, when I say that
you only have religion, you don't have God! It shows because
without Him there is no life. Your dead churches are evidence of
it and more over you can see the lack of joy in your life. You
have no victory in your walk, so why don't you humble yourself and
ask God to forgive you, a sinner, just like He forgave me, who
seemingly was the greatest sinner of all. He will do it and you
will be free. Just as you are, open your heart and accept Him.
Be like a child, and trust Him totally and whole heartedly for
truly such is the kingdom of heaven.
You know, I have found that it is most important that a Christian
needs to be humble, and hopefully void of self, in order to be
led by the Spirit of God. Most Christians are totally full of
themselves and think that they are filled to the max with the Holy
Spirit. I beg to differ, on the contrary I have found Christians
totally void of the Holy Spirit.
Many think that once you are born again, you are filled fully with
the Holy Spirit. From my experience, I find that when a person
is born again they have the seal of God on them and that’s all.
The Lord lives in them, but this is far from having the Holy
Spirit, or the baptism of fire and power, which the Lord promises.
The Holy Spirit doesn't just fill any Christian. He is known as
the "Holy Spirit" and only fills vessels desiring to be holy. I
know that many will say that we become holy when we are born
again. Once again, this is not necessarily true, because there
are many Christians who live in sin and compromise. They are
solely counting on grace to get by and they don't really want to
live the life. Again, the Holy Spirit fills only holy vessels who
are set apart, sanctified and totally committed to the most high

In scripture, it states that God looks to and fro over the

earth looking for someone that He may show Himself strong to.
Scripture also states that many are called but few are chosen. Why
is that? It's because many are willing, but again through the
weakness of our flesh, we choose an unrighteous path. Hence, God
must continue to look for one who is set apart unto the Lord. One
incident I remember is a perfect example of what I am talking
about. This one brother was at a meeting with us and that night,
someone showed up and needed deliverance. When the spirits in
this guy manifested, this brother wanted to cast these devils out.
We said “go for it”, and then this brother started to cast the
spirits out. The demons in this one guy started laughing through
him and proceeded to tell us all about the sin that this other
“brother” was into. At this, the well meaning brother, because he
was embarrassed, turned red and walked quickly out of the room.
So you see, it pays to live holy.
Another perfect example of receiving the Holy Spirit after being
saved, is when Peter and John went to Samaria after hearing that
Philip had converted these people. Peter prayed that they would
receive the Holy Spirit because scripture stated that the Holy
Spirit had not yet fallen on any of the Samaritans as of yet.
After praying for them, then the Holy Spirit fell on them and
baptized them. Another example in scripture is where Paul was
passing through Ephesus wherein he found disciples and had asked
them whether they had received the Holy Spirit and they answered
saying they had not even heard of a Holy Spirit. So the next
thing that happened is that Paul laid hands on them and then they
were filled with the Holy Spirit.

Don't let any supposed scholar of the Bible tell you that you
receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit upon conversion. I know
that I didn't receive the Holy Spirit until after my conversion.

Again, I've yet to see a believer who drinks or smokes that has
the power of the Holy Spirit and is able to cast out spirits or
see signs wrought through them. I know that I have seen many
Christians try to cast out spirits to no avail, and it's not a
lack of faith. Again, the Lord says that by their fruits they
will be known. It is also very important not to grieve the Holy
Spirit because He will most certainly pull away from us. Again, I
can't emphasize enough not to grieve the Holy Spirit. If you knew
the Holy Spirit, you would understand what I am talking about
because He gets grieved very easily. When you grieve the Holy
Spirit the next thing to do is to get on your face and ask
forgiveness and get back on the path of righteousness and hold
fast to it. Have you noticed in scripture that Jesus states to
blaspheme the Father and the Son is forgivable but to blaspheme
the Holy Spirit is unforgivable both in this life and the next?
So again, I repeat, "DO NOT BLASPHEME THE HOLY SPIRIT" nor
"GRIEVE" the Holy Spirit if you haven't already. Just think about
it, how many times have Baptists seen or heard of healings or
miracles and then attributed them to the devil? A house divided
against itself can't stand, why would the devil want to give God
glory for healings and who says that the devil heals people
especially in the name of Jesus? Are these fools so sure of
themselves that from false teachings they can take it upon
themselves to say that the healings or miracles that took place in
the name of Jesus are indeed the works of the devil? Again, if it
is the devil who comes to kill, steal and destroy, and also hates
us, then why in God's name would he want to heal us (for by
Christ’s stripes, we are healed)? If only Christians knew how
beneficial the Holy Spirit is, they would not so easily grieve
Him, but would give Him the respect that He so rightfully
deserves. He is known as the Comforter, and Jesus said that it
was important that He go to the Father, and that He would send
another, which is none other than the Holy Spirit.
He is the Comforter, the Counselor and our advocate and He is here
to help us now during this dispensation which "is" the Holy Spirit
dispensation. Again, Jesus said that He went to the Father. Right
now, He is sitting at the right hand of the Father. The Holy
Spirit was sent to guide us into truth and point the way to Jesus.
He is here on earth working "now" on the Father's behalf. It is
very important to understand that the “gifts” are wrought through
the Holy Spirit. He gives the “gifts of the Spirit” severally as
He wills. So all you Baptists, be very careful what you say
because I am telling you now by the Spirit that you are treading
on thin ice and that He will not tolerate this foolishness any
longer. Your eternal soul is on the line. That is not something
to take lightly.
If only the Baptists would humble themselves and admit that they
are wrong (it would probably be a cold day in hell). They need to
ask the Holy Spirit to come to their churches. Then they would
see for the first time a move of the Holy Spirit and then they
would be set free from the bondage they are in. Then they would
also be able to properly minister to the needs of both saints and
sinners alike. Then and only then, can they be fulfilled. I mean
if Jesus said that we need the Holy Spirit, who are we to dispute
Him, our Lord and Master? But then again, when a man
indoctrinates you, it is a hard bondage to be set free from.
Again, if only they would humble themselves, then they could see
as the Spirit would have them too. Then they would have nothing
holding them back. Actually, when you look at it, you will come to
the conclusion that without the Holy Spirit, it's impossible to
live a victorious life because He is our helper. The Holy Spirit
resides in us (or should) and He guides us in every aspect of our
life if we let Him. You see it's the Holy Spirit in us that not
only convicts us, but also guides us into the path that the Lord
would have us go.

An example of the help the Holy Spirit gives is once, when I was
riding my motorcycle. I was coming to an intersection when the
Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "Tony, you need to stop at the
intersection because a car is coming that will not yield to the
stop sign but will run it and run you down." So, at that, I, of
course, came to a quick stop and sure enough the car came by and
did exactly as the Holy Spirit said it would. So, you see how
desperately we need Him. Just another example is when I was
driving my car down this street. I wanted to jump into the next
lane so I accelerated and started to turn the steering wheel but
to no avail, the steering wheel would not budge. I tried again and
nothing. About this time, a car that was in my blind spot, started
to pass me on the lane that I was about to jump into. At the speed
I was going this would have caused a terrible accident.
Immediately then, the steering wheel was again able to turn
freely. You see, the Lord moves on our behalf even when we are
unaware or even in ignorance. I keep asking myself why on earth
would any Christian want to deny the move of the Holy Spirit. He
is here to help us in every way possible. He asks nothing in
return but for us to live upright before the Lord, that He may
move in us and for us, on the Father's behalf. I think many
Christians don't know the Holy Spirit and they have really never
felt His presence.

You see, the Holy Spirit is very humble and draws no attention to
Himself and points to the Lord. He, in a sense, is only
interested in doing the Father's will and not His own nor man's
will (especially not man's will). That's why so many are unaware
of Him as He moves. It's almost hard for Him to move on man's
behalf because of our pride and arrogance.

Man almost always tries to manipulate God's hand to get things

done his way. Just look at some of these TV preachers who fleece
the flock for their own personal gain. They try to claim that they
are responsible for some healings or miracles that take place.
I remember once being asked to speak at a full gospel
businessmen's meeting. It's amazing how that every place that I
have been there seems to be some kind of manifestation whether it
be a healing, miracle or demonic.
I think that the Lord does it for two reasons, one is to meet the
need of the individual and also it is a sign to both the believer
and unbeliever. It seems that in this faithless society, there is
an absolute lack of faith, and a sign is needed badly, to help get
the hope built up in people.
Anyway, as I spoke at this one full gospel businessmen's meeting,
I was sharing my testimony. Afterwards, people came up for prayer
and sure enough, a certain young man asked for prayer also. As I
looked at him, he immediately manifested. He fell to the floor,
onto his back, and then started to run around across the floor
like a crab but still on his back. At that, half the people got
real startled and scared. I laughed thinking, “it's only a wimpy
devil”, but then again, most people don't see this sort of thing
everyday or as often as I do. So anyway, I started to speak to
the demon in this person. The demon started screaming out of him.
The young man grabbed a hold of my leg and started yelling the
foulest obscenities. At that, I told him to shut up and that I
would not allow that type of language. The next thing you know, he
started yelling to Satan for help. Of course, I told him that
Satan wouldn't be able to help him. What I thought was funny, was
that my brother Butch was kneeling on the floor next to the guy.
He started whispering in his ear that Satan was a sissy and a wimp
and the guy screamed even more so then. I said that was enough,
and proceeded to cast out those foul entities.

I also remember at another full gospel businessmen's meeting when

I had just finishing speaking. This well dressed lady walked up to
me and as I turned to see if I could assist her. She curled up her
lip and showed her teeth and drew her nails towards me. She
started growling at me. At this point I figured out that she
didn't feel like discussing theology with me. She started to lunge
at me, ready to dig her nails into my face. At that point, Butch
caught her from behind and so we started to cast out the devils.
This lady was a regular member of a local church. It brings to
mind the scripture; "deliverance is bread for the children."

How many uncounted believers are there in churches across the

country that have members in their congregations who are oppressed
of the devil from who knows what? You see Jesus was manifested in
the flesh to destroy the works of the devil, and how many people
are hurting because ministers don't believe in the gifts of the
Spirit? That's why the Lord raises up people like myself to help
His people out. I would like to talk about salvation and
Christianity, the very thing most of today's churched people know
absolutely nothing about. They are totally ignorant of the Word
of God, and about the free gift of salvation. My feelings about
this are divided, one is that I feel bad about these "religious"
people, who blindly follow their pastors or priests, whatever the
case may be.
They never question their teachings nor do they know anything
about the Bible, in order to check out the teachings to see
whether or not, they are Biblical. This is the very thing that
the Lord talks about when He says, "my people perish for lack of
knowledge." These poor people have no idea that they have
absolutely no relationship with God Almighty, but only with their
church, if that much.
These people go to church religiously and would defend their
religion to the end. Sadly enough, they know nothing about the God
of their faith. They continue their lifestyle in sin, being
comforted by going to church and giving God his due and then back
to the same Godless sinful lifestyle. They are totally void of the
knowledge of God. These people have no idea that Christianity is
a lifestyle based on relationship, and not a religion. Religions
like Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Episcopal, Protestant,
Adventist and all the others, are nothing but religions and can't
do a thing for you but send you to hell. These religions can only
offer you the doctrines and traditions of men. None of them can
get you to heaven. They only comfort you by saying that you're ok
and that God accepts you the way you are. Some churches even state
that Christ died on a cross for you therefore, you are saved and
they never mention that you must change. Repent! and then you may
be forgiven. Like Jesus says, "Without repentance, there is no
forgiveness of sins". These people continue to live in sin and
without God in their lives. They have no idea what it's like to
live with Jesus in their hearts. They do not know what it is like
be born again and filled with the Holy Spirit of God. No wonder
that people are empty and void, always looking for some parties,
relationships or even looking into religions. Always trying to
find something to fill the void. They aren't and what are worse
are the cults, like Mormons, Jehovah witnesses, Moonies, and every
kind of off the wall religion, pushing their damnnable doctrines
of devils. Going about deceiving and being deceived. They make
their followers twice the devil that they are. God will hold them
accountable for this. For it would have been better if these
people would have never been born, rather than deceive the little
ones. For all you who may be reading this book, please take the
time to think about your life right now.

Is it filled with the Spirit of the living God or are you empty
inside? Just keeping busy to pass the time away, just living from
one party to another? People throughout time have asked the
questions, "what is the meaning of life" and "why was I created".
I have the answer to this, the reason you were created is to have
fellowship with God Almighty. The meaning of life is to have
eternal life with the Lord and to stand in His presence. You can
now experience this life in your heart. He will by no means
reject you; He says that He stands at your heart's door and
knocks. If you open the door, He will come in and be with you. He
also says that if you don't open, He won't enter, the Lord will
not force Himself on you or your lifestyle. That's why the Lord
says that this day He sets before you blessings and cursing, life
and death. We humans are so spiritually dumb; He even says choose
life and not death. So stop being religious and become Godly,
because that's what Christianity is all about. It's not a
religion; it's a walk, a lifestyle and one of victory and not
bondage like all religions that bind people up. Be free in Jesus
and you will be free, for whom the Son sets free is free indeed.
People need to stop putting limitations on God but seek Him for
guidance and wisdom and not to take it upon themselves to say what
God can and can't do. We all must learn to trust the Lord and let
Him lead us in His ways. Remember what Jesus said, if you want to
be the most then be like the little ones, who are the least. If
only people would let everything in their lives go and trust the
Lord to help them. He will do it. Any person at any time can call
upon the Lord and He will answer them and will set them free if
only they would ask in faith. What's so great is that the most
high God will actually stop and spend time with you if you really
want to. This is what it's all about. He has come to give us life
and more abundantly and to fellowship with the Lord is what life
is all about.
He will fill you with His Spirit if you just ask. If we being evil
know how to give good things to our children, how much more will
He give the Holy Spirit if we ask. I can't emphasize it enough on
how badly we need the Holy Spirit. Without Him, it's impossible to
overcome any obstacle in our walk. Without the Holy Spirit we are
blind, deaf and dumb and mostly without the "power", which makes
us more than overcomers. If only people knew how great it is to
be in the presence of the Spirit of the most high God. I find
that any time that I call upon the Lord, His Spirit falls upon me
and I have precious time with Him like nothing you can experience
here on earth.
It is so wonderful to be in His presence. Not only do you praise
and worship Him, but you always get ministered too and even healed
if needed. Many people choose not to, because of disbelief or bad
teachings based on lies and deception. I love the Lord so much
and I am eager to do His bidding whenever needed. What an honor
it is to minister for the Lord and see people change their lives
as well as get healed and delivered. If only people would just
give the Lord a chance to minister on their behalf, they would be
surprised, and mostly, set free.

I can remember just walking through a mall once. Suddenly, an

elderly woman just came up and asked me if the Lord would heal her
and if it's His will. I said it's his will and to be healed in
Jesus name. At that very second, she got healed and I saw tears of
joy. She then tried to pay me but I said no way, but go help the
needy by using this money to buy food or clothes.
I, then, went on my way. What a joy it is again to minister
healing to someone in the name of Jesus. It is the name above all
names. God wants to use all his believers but they simply won't
believe Him at His word.

I also would like to see believing churches go out and do street

ministries and hand out tracts and help meet the needs of the
people. There are so many hurting people out there in need of
God's healing touch weather it is spiritual or physical. I
remember once when this one lady who was a customer of mine would
always talk to me about her life and the troubles she has. I said
let's go to lunch and talk about it. I have always talked to her
about the Lord but she never would take me up on it. So this one
day she accepted and said that she would like to go to lunch with
me. We went, but on this one day she was bothered, but she went
anyway. On the way to the restaurant, I stopped the car and said,
“be at peace and give me your hand”, and so when she did I started
to pray the peace of God on her. I asked the Lord to touch her and
at that very second she started to cry like a baby. The Lord had
touched her and she knew it and then the peace came. She said that
she felt something warm in her innermost being, and that it felt
wonderful. So later at the restaurant she gave her heart to Jesus
and turned her life around and committed herself to a church and
became strong in faith. All you as believers need to do, is to be
open to the move of the Holy Spirit and move on God's behalf. The
Lord can open up any situation for you to minister if you will
just simply believe. For instance my friend Bruce came to me
saying that his aunt was in the hospital. She was dying and that
she was going in and out of consciousness. He was fearful that she
would die without knowing the Lord, so I said let me try, because
sometimes it's easier for someone who is not family. So I went
there with Bruce and I told him to wait outside so as not to be
seen with him. I went in and I was dressed all in black to seem
like a priest. I entered the room where she lay, and as I walked
in she was awake. I told her that I was here to pray for her. I
asked, “Would you like to pray to receive Jesus as your personal
Lord and savior”?
She said yes. As I held her hand we prayed together and she asked
Jesus into her heart. When she was done, I prayed for healing and
the Lord did heal her and years later she is still doing fine and
is on fire for the Lord. So you see, don't ever under estimate
the power of God. What is impossible with man "is" possible with
God. Just don't lean to your understanding, but just trust in God
for He will never leave you nor forsake you. You see, God always
looks out for your best interest weather you believe it or not.
He really knows what’s best for us even if we don't agree. He
allows situations to come upon us to test us.

Then there are times that we bring things upon ourselves. This is
due to our own disobedience because again we as believers reap
what we have sown. If we don't, we will never learn a lesson and
we would never mature as Christians. The Lord knows that we
really need to mature in Him and get away from the things of the
flesh. But we must be careful not to confuse God's reproof with
that of the devil's. You see the devil will always throw
something in there to make God look like the bad guy. For instance
when a child dies, most people blame God and say why did you take
my baby from me? Remember that all good things come from above
from God, and not bad things such as the loss of one's life. I
hate it when I hear women blame God for the loss of their baby's
life. They get bitter at and blame God not realizing that He
didn't do it. Remember that the devil comes to steal, kill and
destroy. God is the giver of life and not death. He is the God of
the living and not the dead. If you were to look into some born
again churches you would think twice. I don't know what it is and
why so many born again churches do not have the presence of God.
I know by experience that if you really want God, you must
diligently seek Him and then you will be rewarded and your reward
is Him.
You must live a holy life because God doesn't inhabit unholy
vessels even though some pastors don't agree. For some reason
most Christians really don't want to change or change fully, but
like to hold on to certain sins. What is even worse, is that they
explain it away to try to ease the conviction of the Holy Spirit.
These bean heads actually think that they fool the Holy Spirit
into believing their excuses, but the Lord knows better. For who
knows the heart of man better than the Holy Spirit who searches
all things. That’s why there are so many Christians who have no
power or victory in their life. For by their fruits they are
Many are called and few are chosen that do walk in the calling
that the Lord has given them. We, like the burger place, try to
do it our way. As always, our ways are not His ways (thank God).
When will we learn to be obedient to His Spirit? I guess
it will be when we can hear His Spirit. I find that so few
Christians that change for the better over the years. Even in most
cases we get worse and regress and harden ourselves to the Holy
Spirit. You see you can't have both worlds, you must hate one and
cling to the other, it's like after putting your hand to the plow,
we always seem to look back. What are we looking for, something
better? There isn't anything better for us other than what God
gives us. I know that many believers deceive themselves. They
want to ease their conscience, so as to continue in sin . That’s
not the worst of it, it goes to the point where the person tries
to justify it to others. By trying to convince others, they feel
better about themselves while causing their brother to stumble.
Here's a perfect example, this one friend visited me with his
wife. While we were talking, his wife told me that her uncle had
recently died. I said that I hoped that he was saved and she said
yes, and that he died an alcoholic. I said you mean that he was a
alcoholic, but then got saved. She said "no", that he was saved
years ago but died an alcoholic.
At this I said doesn't scripture state that no drunkard shall
enter the kingdom. My friend said that he died a Christian
alcoholic. I shook my head and said, I don't think I heard you
right. They then said that there were two kinds of alcoholics, a
regular alcoholic and a Christian alcoholic. The latter is saved,
even though they never stopped drinking, and that they will go to
heaven because grace covered it. So I said doesn't scripture tell
one that they must cease their sin and turn from it, or in
other words "REPENT". They said that I didn't understand grace.
That grace covers all sin past, present and future. I said I
agree but to a point.
Scripture states that he who continues in sin is of the devil. I
said that a heathen sins by nature and that we as Christians no
longer have the sinful nature and "IF" we sin we have
forgiveness. They again said that I don't understand and that
once saved always saved, no matter what we do or continue to do.
They gave me some examples that there are practicing Christian
fornicators, adulterers, liars, etc and also homosexuals that are
saved and can feel free to commit homosexual acts because of
grace. I said, what a bunch of dung. That is the most perverted
gospel that I have ever heard, and that he will answer to God for
perverting His gospel of grace. And this once saved always saved
is a bunch of nonsense because in scripture it states that unless
one repents, their name may be blotted out of the book of life.
The scripture also states that after tasting of the things of God
, having been enlightened and then to again turn away, that it is
no longer possible for them to be saved. I could not believe this
trash that they were telling me. They actually believe that you
as a born again Spirit filled believer can live in a sinful
lifestyle because of grace.

Didn't scripture say that not to let your freedom in Christ be a

covering for your sin? Also, “ shall we continue in sin that grace
may abound, God forbid, how shall we which are dead to sin, live
any longer in it“.
That was the devil's gospel and my friend will answer to God for
leading any astray with his damnable heresy. May God have mercy on
his soul in the time of judgment. How can any Christian actually
believe this doctrine of devils and even to help spread it’s
deception. Again it goes to show you this and that other
Christians do not have the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who
guides us into all truth. Of course if you would look at this
“friend’s” life style as a Christian, you would see it has been
one of failure, wickedness, and void of the Spirit of God.
There is a good chance that if he continues in this deception and
continues to preach this perversion, especially to the young in
the Lord, he may very well meet with his own demise. The one
thing that bothers me most is that people will he hurt by his
demonic gospel. I still can't believe that they actually believe
this bunk. Scripture does state that, “ in the last days they will
not endure sound doctrine but will give heed to seducing spirits“.
I always thought that it meant the unsaved, but I was wrong. I
will continue to speak out against this kind of heresy as well as
many others. It's bad enough to deal with non-believers but with
Christians, it's twice as bad. That is why the Lord must take
some people out of the way before they spread this cancer in the
body. One thing that I can't stand seeing are some of these so
called TV preachers who are nothing more than wolves in sheep’s
clothing. They fleece the flock by deceiving them, knowing that
these Christians have absolutely no discernment. They prey on
these ignorant children of God. We are not to be unaware of the
devil's wiles, yet these Christians give ignorantly to the devil's

These TV preachers call themselves Apostles, Prophets, Pastors

Evangelists and teachers. They boldly prophesy in the Lord’s name
for the gospel of greed. One of these so-called men of God was
exposed by the secular media. He was shown to be what He really
was. He then went off the air for a short time. He's back and
these stupid Christians still give to this man of perdition. Have
these Christians no understanding whatsoever? This man teaches
you how you can “succeed in your life”, but he is the only one who
is succeeding by the money of dumb sheep. This man not only was
exposed as a fake but is an adulterer, fornicator, swindler and
has divorced his wife, they both found others in the congregation
to marry. They are still pastoring a church, when will these
foolish sheep wake up and listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying
to them?

Like so many churches, the congregation puts their pastor on a

pedestal between man and God. In their eyes there pastors can do
no wrong so they support them even in the midst of blatant sin and
perversion. I've seen so many pastors go astray, yet they are
never corrected nor will they take correction because they are
puffed up, too arrogant. Let every man be called a liar, hold God
to be true.
Pastors should remember that they are servants to the
congregation and not masters over them. What is one of the
reasons men of God go astray? It's because they answer to no one,
they won't accept rebuke let alone correction. They get to the
point that whatever they say is thus saith the Lord when it is
none other than their own soul. Man can't help but like to play
lord over others. I have found the old saying true;" absolute
power corrupts absolutely", and I see it at play in the body of
Christ. That is why pastors must be held up in prayer always, and
don't ever be afraid to feel free to talk to your pastor if you
have a problem with something that he has said. He should be open
enough to speak to you about it. Discern all things just to make
sure that everything checks out with the Word of God.
Remember earlier in the book I talked about the one full gospel
church that I ministered at and where the head elder became
pastor? Recently I heard that there is a division coming about
because the old pastor wants his job back and so there is strife.
This new pastor says that he doesn't like people who discern
things, prophesy, speaks in tongues or even to the point where he
doesn't like being questioned about what ever he teaches. People
in the church are starting to see that it was a big mistake to
have this man placed in that position. Like I told this man when
we talked, he has no life in him, even to the point that when he
reads out of the bible in dead letter. There is not life coming
from him.
If God didn't place it within him, how can it come out to
minister to the congregation? This man is dead and has no life in
him. Being a pastor is not his calling and neither is teaching.
He and his elders are nothing more than glorified door men, posing
as leaders in their church. It is evident, His church is dead and
no life resides there because it is void of the Spirit of God.
Why? Only because the leadership refuse to let the Holy Spirit
have His way there.
Unfortunately, the congregation like so many others,
are afraid to speak up and insist on biblical/ spiritual order.
They would rather die than offend someone. God will judge the
situation and He will start by removing these people from
leadership to save His church. The Lord is tired of man
thinking that he knows best, especially when these people always
resist the Holy Spirit. Let not many be teachers for teachers
will incur a stricter judgment. That’s why I stick to my calling
as a servant so as not to teach foolishness. I preach Christ and
Him crucified as Paul stated. Through the years I have
ministered deliverance, healing and most importantly salvation to

I wish that I could remember all of them, but at least they were
ministered to. That is what’s most important because that is what
it's all about. Jesus said, "go and make disciples of all the
world, preaching the gospel to all living things". That is the
great commission, and we as believers need to fulfill this. I
cannot tell you how much I love to minister for the Lord. It gives
me great joy knowing that I can be of use to the Lord. To serve
the Lord is the greatest calling man can have bestowed upon him. a
Many of us can do this if we are only obedient to the Spirit. I
know that within me burns an unquenchable fire to minister for the
Lord. Nothing in this life can persuade otherwise. There is
nothing that feels as wonderful as when the anointing comes from
above to minister to the needs of the people.
Even while ministering to others I can feel Him minister to me. I
mostly like when I lead a hurting soul to salvation. I like seeing
the Lord do the greatest miracle of all, changing a persons life
around and seeing them get set free. They get transformed from
darkness to His glorious light. Nothing on earth is as important
in one's lifetime. Just serve the Lord in Spirit and truth and be
obedient to His leading. That is only possible by living a holy
and separated life unto the Lord. I always remember what the Lord
said about Him wanting us to be either Hot for Him or cold against
Him. He says if we are lukewarm, He would spit us out. He would
really rather us be cold against Him, instead of being a
compromiser or just lukewarm, which is distasteful enough for Him
to want to vomit us out. That’s how distasteful we are when we
are not on fire for the Lord. He said to be on fire for Him; for
our God is an all consuming fire. Did you ever notice that a
child goes after something he likes with all his heart and soul.
Nothing is as important as what he wants and that is how the Lord
wants us to be. That’s how I was and still am.

You see I do not find it wrong to want to see people set free,
healed or delivered, especially in this day and age. For if we
just look around us we will see that these times are the most
wicked that could ever be. People all around are in need of help,
healing, deliverance and love, or should I just say that they are
in need of God. All I want to do is be a vessel for God to use. I
don't put limitations on the Almighty like many people do. I just
believe Him at His word. There are always situations arising
around us. For example, when I worked at an auto dealership. I saw
some guys caring a fellow worker out front and was going to call
911 because he had eaten something bad, and was really in bad
shape. I quickly laid hands on him for healing in the name of
the Lord Jesus. He immediately got healed and the Lord got the
glory for it. This was a sign to the unsaved, so you see, just do
what the Lord said to do. Just look all around and you can see
all kinds of people in need of healing and not only physical but
emotional and spiritual. It's just that God has a hard time
finding people to use because so many Christians are void of the
Spirit and are in deception. I know that I said earlier that
these Baptists who say that healing is of the devil, get me mad
and I just want to rebuke them. They, being so stupid, even think
that God doesn't heal because some moron thinks that these “gifts”
have passed away because when the perfect comes (and they think
that it's the bible when it isn't), that there will be no more
need for them”. When the perfect comes, it will be Jesus Christ
and then the gifts will cease, because there will be no need for
healing or tongues or any other gift. All needs will be met by
Him, Who is perfect. You see, that’s one reason why the Baptists,
who hold to this deception, have dead services. How can they have
the Holy Spirit when they deny Him and His many moves? They
grieve and offend Him. I dare say many of them also blaspheme the
Holy Spirit by attributing His works to those of the devil.
That is why they are as dry as dust and they have no life in them.
Without the Spirit there is no life. This is the Holy Spirit
dispensation. He is here "NOW", doing the will of the Father. If
they think that the bible is the perfect that has come, then why
is there still sickness, demon possession, war, murder, insanity
and spiritual death? People won't get set free without the use of
a believer. Like it says in Scripture, "How will they know unless
you send a man?" The bible, in and of it self, won't get a single
person saved, healed or delivered without some help.
Like when one of my employees had a bad time with colitis. I asked
him if I could pray for him. When he said yes, I anointed him with
oil and cursed this condition and said be healed in Jesus name.
Guess what? ...the Lord healed him immediately. What do you think
would of happened if I just laid the bible on him and said
nothing? Nothing would have happened. Even in scripture it says
that if any are sick among you, call for the elders of the church
to anoint them with oil and then God will heal them. So you see
the bible even states for people to do things to acquire healing
and salvation and deliverance. You see it's morons like this that
cause the churches to be dead and void of the Holy Spirit. So if
you want to be used by God then start to pant after the Lord, as a
deer pants after water, and get on fire for the Lord. You see, if
you want to be the greatest then you must become the least and be
like one of these little ones. ......"FOR SUCH IS THE KINGDOM OF

I feel how the Lord is grieving because of the condition of His

churches. Most all of them are full of compromisers with sinful
lifestyles. What’s worse is that the pastors aren't preaching
repentance and a holy lifestyle.

In the church that I have been going to recently, the pastor there
is a pleaser of people and not a pleaser of God. I have never
heard him speak once on sin and how we should abstain from it, let
alone, in order to be filled with the Spirit. He has no spiritual
discernment, yet he wants the Holy Spirit to fill the church. He
wants this but he himself is not filled with the Spirit. Just
yesterday during service a woman started blurting out stuff and
caused an interruption to the point where he had to stop speaking.

When the lady was done, he asked the congregation how many of us
thought that the lady was used by the devil. A few raised their
hands and he said that it wasn't, and that was of God. Again can
you see the foolishness of this and how he made that lady and
others feel good, even though it was not of God. It caused a
spectacle and interrupted the service. Again the pastor was a
pleaser of people and not of God. I know that the Lord can open
the door for me to minister there to introduce the church to the
Holy Spirit but what will happen afterwards. Will the pastor be
able to allow the Spirit to remain or will he drive Him out by
being a pleaser of man and therefore quenching the Holy Spirit.
He really believes that you can have the Holy Spirit without
living a holy and sanctified life. I know that a lot of people
believe like this but again the Spirit is called the HOLY SPIRIT
for He is holy and will only inhabit holy vessels set apart for
Him. He will NOT inhabit your “run of the mill Christians“.
The run of the mill Christians are smokers, drinkers, liars, drug
users, cheaters, as well as fornicators and even perverts. If you
look in revelations you will notice that the letters to the seven
churches are all rebukes, and all but one needed to repent. The
Lord was not happy with the condition of his churches as is the
case today. They were His churches; the seven lamp stands which
stood before Him. They were representative of His churches and as
you see, they were in need of help. Let us also look at the
parable of the ten virgins. They were all virgins (belonging to
God), but only five were taken and why? Simple, it's because only
five had the oil which is representative of the Holy Spirit. You
can't make it without the Holy Spirit because He strengthens us in
order to overcome the trials and temptations in our lives.

Again the "ONLY" way we as Christians can keep, or even get the
Holy Spirit, is to live holy and set apart from the Lord. Then and
only then, will the Holy Spirit abide within us. I grieve for the
churches because all over, there are pulpits filled with either
arrogant pompous pastors or spiritual ignorant pastors who don't
know what they are doing. What is a shame is that when they are
shown what is right they still continue in the same ignorance or
stupidity and harm the body. That is why the Lord is so grieved.
He has sent the Holy Spirit to help us and direct in all things
but proud man wants to do it all himself. Man thinks he knows best
because of his teachings, or pride. This problem is in all
denominations from the Church of God all the way to Catholicism.
all are void of the Spirit and spiritually dead. That is why the
Spirit is grieving so. I pray that the Lord supernaturally
intervenes because it seems like nothing else seems to be working.
I know now that the church will go thru the tribulation because
it's full of every abomination and compromise. Again I blame the
pastors. How have these people come into a position of pastor when
they are so dead? What has happened to the body of Christ, I
grieve for the churches in their condition, and if I who am not
that emotional feel for the church then how much more the Holy
Spirit? He is always there for us to call upon for help, but the
body has ignored the Helper, the Comforter who is the Holy Spirit.
His sole purpose is to help us and guide us. That is why the
church is in such poor condition. The bride has and is, preparing
itself for the rapture.
The church must go thru the tribulation in order to purge itself
of the corruption that permeates it. There is no way that it can
go in the rapture, remember what the Lord said "for only the
"HOLY" will see God, and the church is far from holy. It is filled
with fornication, adultery, homosexuality, drunkenness. liars,
perverts and only God knows what else. Do you see why the church
can't go. It must pay the price for it's rebellion against the
Holy Spirit. Again I can't help but feel that most of the churches
will miss the rapture and will go thru the tribulation to get
purged from all the false teachings and deception. This is due to
these pastors, who will get a stricter judgment for teaching them
wrong. I can only hope that the Holy Spirit will move on our
behalf in spite of ourselves. Come Holy Spirit and help heal our
churches and prepare us for return of our Lord and Savior Jesus
the Christ. For He is returning for those who look forward to His
coming. I wish I can say that we all were looking forward to His
coming. Churches all over must get down on their faces and seek
the Holy Spirit for help to get our pastors right before God. The
congregations should no longer accept these pastors who speak
death and damnation to the souls of men. Like the full gospel
church, that has a man in the position of pastor. He has no such
calling upon him. This man can't even read the word before his
congregation without them falling asleep. I have written to this
man and told him by the Spirit to step down quickly. He needs to
do this before he incurs a much stricter judgment than that which
he already has coming. I have even written to the man who taught
him, whom he looks up too. Both of them are too proud and arrogant
to listen to what the Spirit is saying. They would rather save
face and let the church go through hell and deception. I found out
that they just wrote my letters off as from one who is ignorant.
Who is the more ignorant, the one who says that he is nothing but
a servant of God, or the one who thinks he is something and can't
see that death has filled his church?
It's people like this that will force the judgment of God upon
themselves and quite possible the congregation for not only
allowing this foolishness but even encouraging it. Both will have
judgment brought down upon them and rightly so for resisting the
Holy Spirit.
I can only say "come quickly Lord Jesus" and gather those who have
adorned themselves in preparation for your return. It's those who
have forsaken everything for the Lords sake, and have become as
children, who have love for their Father. Nothing else matters,


The word of the Lord right now is to prepare the bride for the
RAPTURE. This will be the most momentous current event in
history. The Lord would have pastors and leaders all around the
world to prepare the bride of Christ to be joined with the
bridegroom. We must all be open to the Spirit in preparation to
go in the rapture. Not all Christians will go in the rapture. I
will explain...let's use the parable of the ten virgins. All were
virgins showing that they were all cleansed by the blood. All
being clean and pure shows that they all were Christians, but only
five had oil. This has always been symbolic of the Holy Spirit.
The other five had no oil, which symbolizes dry Christians, void
of the Holy Spirit. They were void of the Spirit and tried to get
some from those who had it. They must get the oil from the Lord
alone, and not from man nor his foolish teachings. And while the
five went to search for oil the bridegroom came and took the
virgins with the oil only. After the other virgins returned they
saw that the virgins with the oil had already been taken. They
cried out but it was too late. They had denied the Holy Spirit, a
Without Him it is impossible to go in the rapture.
Actually when you look at it, you really can't do anything without
the Holy Spirit of God. I know that many Christians deny the Holy
Again Jesus said that it is: “imperative that I go to the Father.
In doing this, He send the Holy Spirit to help us and guide us
into all truth. Again however, both ignorant and stupid
Christians think that they can do without the Holy Spirit. Their
lifestyles show it. By their fruits, they will be known, If not in
the natural, definitely in the Spirit. So I call to pastors all
around the world to repent and seek the Holy Spirit in order to
prepare their congregations for the rapture. This is a final
warning for they will not get another chance.

I know that if I had a pastor that caused me to miss the rapture

by preaching some foolish social gospel I would be very upset.
Pastors and all men of God must get on their faces in order to
hear from the Lord. A year of destiny and God's judgment will soon
be upon us .It will be swift and without warning. Don't expect
any great sweep of evangelism across the USA, because it's past
the point of no return. I'm not saying that no one else can get
saved, I'm saying that there will be no mighty move across this
country as in the past. It is enough for the bride to adorn
itself and receive the anointing to prepare us for the rapture. We
cannot help others if we ourselves aren't ready, again like the
five virgins. This is a serious time and we should not take it
lightly but with intensity for we only get one shot at this and I
feel bad for the rest of those left behind for they will surely
face death and many hardships. As for this country, it will be
destroyed because of it’s surpassing wickedness, which grows in
leaps and bounds daily. It's stench reaches as high as the
heavens and for a country that boasts of it's Christianity, it
sure isn't evident. This country has a god and it's name is money,
for with it, people have sold out the true God. We have killed our
brothers and sisters for it, we have sold flesh for it, even the
little ones. It's also the reason why the drug problem will never
end. So much of the government is involved because of the
unbelievable amount of wealth and power connected to it. This
country is sold out to greed. I could go on for days showing
examples but what have I to do with the unbeliever? Again the
word to the body is to get their act together because it is in one
poor state. I've never seen such a generation of “Christian back
sliders“, compromising, fornicating, perverse, weak, arrogant,
deceived, and a total lack of respect toward the Lord. I believe
that’s why the Spirit is saying get ready. Firstly repent and then
seek the Lord, and then be filled with the Holy Spirit and start
anew. Time is too short to be playing games or should I say
"religion". Get off the religious kick and be born again by
accepting Christ in your heart and then be filled with the Holy
Spirit. Be obedient to the leading of the Spirit and then
say....Lord, here I am, use me!


In these last days, every where I look I find Christians falling

away from the faith even in my own family. It was a couple of
years ago that I found out that my wife was having an affair with
a married cop who was on his third wife. I guess what shocked me
most was that she knew the Lord and had a true conversion. She was
even ministering in the church that we went too. While she was
praying in the back room of the church with the wives of the
leadership on Sunday, she would sneak over the same day to see
this cop. I just could not understand how she could do what she
did, without any sorrow, remorse or shame. Even to this day she
has not repented nor has she sought the Lord. Sadly enough, I
eventually divorced her but not after giving her more than enough
time to change. She threw so much away, all for so little, and if
there were any justice, the immoral cop that she had an affair
with, ended up marrying a much younger woman than my ex-wife. All
around I have found people I know breaking up and destroying their
families. All this for the flesh of another, which will all perish
along with them. What’s worse is that many of these people knew
the Lord for many years. It's like the bible says "that in the
last days, they will be marrying and given in marriage" and living
like they are not married. People have no idea how adultery
effects the whole family and not just the spouse. You see that
when you have an adulterous affair you not only cheat on your
spouse. You also betray the children, the parents, and all the
family members . All of this without mentioning mainly the Lord,
whose heart breaks the most. I was never shocked when heathen
committed adultery, but I could not understand how a Christian
can. I still can't understand that after knowing Jesus, how can
they still continue in sin. In my experience of many years in the
Lord and all the people I have come to know, it never ceases to
amaze me at how stupid and arrogant Christians are. They willfully
continue in sin and rebellion, and yet they claim to know the
Lord. They are full of such pride, and what’s worse, is that they
have nothing to be proud of. As Paul states in scripture,” they
boast as if they themselves attained what they have as if the Lord
didn't give it to them“.
I find that Christians are never happy with what the Lord has
given them. They always try to go after something else other than
what the Lord has called them to. They are not even happy with the
gift and calling that they were blessed with. They go after
another calling and end up, stepping out of God’s will for their
lives. Look all around and see these people who call themselves
Christians. What a show they put on, but just keep watching them.
As soon as a little persecution comes along they go running after
the flesh to ease the pressure. These Christians not only cover
up their sins but they justify them before man and God. They use
their freedom in Christ for a covering for their sins and then
justify them with some moronic excuse. You would not believe some
of the most stupid excuses and justifications I hear. Amazing, how
these dumb Christians deceive themselves to believe such
foolishness. This, you will find, all over in every Christian
church across this country. What a shame, it's one thing to miss
it, then repent, and it's another thing to constantly fall in the
same thing over and over again and then convince yourself that
your covered by grace. Grace keeps you "FROM' sin and not in sin.
We are truly in the last days where the great falling away is
occurring. Who knows how many souls are falling away from the Lord
due to the love of self? What a price they will have to pay for
such stupidity. Why do Christians run from God instead of too God
for help. Another example of immorality in the body is not too
long ago I was talking to a sister who proceeded to tell me how a
certain minister visited her church, where she was also employed
at. The pastor was not there. This visiting, so-called “minister”
tried to take advantage of her by rubbing up against her. He then
pressed her up against a door post, trying to hump her ( can dogs
be a minister also? ). She ran away. She told her pastor what had
happened and also told him not to pursue it. He didn't do anything
about it and let this pervert go about his business to everyone’s

I then had called the head elder of the church that this pervert
ministered at and set up a meeting with them and the woman‘s
pastor. The head elder and that pastor said that they will call me
when the meeting takes place. They gave me their word on this,
stating that they were men of integrity. They said that I would be
called. What happened is that, they had a quick meeting with many
people, excluding me. The Lord had given me words for both
pastors, the one who did this and the other pastor who did not
pursue this atrocity. I would have rebuked them both sharply for
allowing this perversion to go unpunished. They all did this in
the dark, with both pastors being in evil agreement. Are these the
kind of "Christians" running the churches of the Lord? God forbid.
All I know is that if I were either one of them, I would be on my
face and repenting instead of covering up this perversion. How
ever the wives of these elders let the word out amongst the
congregation and sure enough a lot of women came forward and said
that they to were molested by this “minister”. Eventually he was
asked to leave but he refused, but when enough women came forward
they forced him out. These people should fear hell and it's
eternal torment. We are to “work out our salvation with fear and
Thank Him who is able to keep you from falling, and able to
sustain you until He returns. It is truly the last days. It is
plain to see that in these times people are calling good evil and
calling evil good. A good example was the president of the United
States of America. Bill Clinton has got to be one of the most
wicked and perverted men that I have ever seen, yet his ratings
soared, (if you believe those polls). What’s worse is that many
stupid Christians help put this devil in office. Look how the
democrats blindly support and follow him, denying the obvious. The
American people don't have the slightest idea who Bill Clinton is,
and what he has done to America. He is not only immoral,
perverted, a liar, a deceiver, a thief, a murderer but also a
traitor, to say the least. Benedict Arnold was nothing compared to
this president.

It's amazing how the atrocities this president has committed, and
were covered up by the news media nation wide. The public may
never know what this president has done. God almighty knows and He
will render judgment for all that Bill Clinton, and the rest of
his cut throats, have done. Maybe He is the man for this nation, a
man after their own heart, wicked and perverted. We are no longer
a nation under God but under the devil. All I can say is too open
your eyes to the truth and see what is going on around you. Can
you tell me that we are not living in the end times? Christians
all over need to get on their face and seek the Lord with all
diligence. The time is short and heaven help those who miss the
rapture. Rarely today, will one accept Christ without persecution,
under a threat of starvation, or death. We are a generation of
spineless people with no discipline or integrity. May the Lord God
help these people in these last days, that they may escape the
coming judgment, especially here in America. The churches all over
this country need a swift kick in their butts to awaken them. They
might see reality and have their eyes opened to see the dead in
their churches. They can be seen from the pulpit to the pew. They
all need to get on their faces and repent for their pride and
rebellion. They need to get these people saved and get back to the
true word of God, the "BIBLE". You dead pastors who preach the
devils gospel should be thrown out of the pulpit, and then have
that position filled by someone who is called of God and not man.
At their judgment, these so called pastors, will give an account
for their messages of death that they vomited upon the
congregation. Week after week, preaching doctrines of devils and
deceiving the congregation with damnable messages. They are
fattening them up for the slaughter on the day of judgment.

These so-called ministers are blind and are blindly leading their
own into the pit with them. For who ever is reading this book,
open your eyes and see if your church is a bible believing church.
Not one led by women or perverts who have no right to be in a
position of leadership. They are tools of the devil, placed there
to deceive you and put you on the path of destruction. If it is
not biblical, then turn from it, otherwise it will ensnare you.
Don't put up with compromise, for a little leaven leavens the
whole dough. Step out while there is still time and bring forth
fruit that God may be glorified. It is, and has been, time for
revival. Now is the time, while we still have time. It is the day,
and night will soon be upon us. Stir up the church that you are in
and pray for a visitation from God. Get on fire with the fire of
the Holy Spirit, which God will give just for the asking. Pray and
fast in your churches and again pray that you are made worthy to
escape the coming judgment. One thing that I have come to learn
through these many years is that absolutely nothing good resides
in anyone. Man "is" inherently evil. There is none good, no not
one, for all seek after evil, few if any seek God's will. Wide is
the road that leads to destruction and many are on it, narrow is
the road that leads to salvation and few are those who travel it.
I really find it hard to believe that after being born again,
filled with the Holy Spirit, being rid of the old nature and
having put on the new nature, why then is it that most all
Christians constantly fall into immorality and wickedness? I know
that we are supposed to think the best of our brothers and sisters
but after having so many come against you, how can you continue
think the best of them? Even the Lord wouldn't reveal himself to
his own because He knew what was in man, and I'm also talking
about Christians. I could care less what heathens think of me or
what they think, period. It seems to me that a Christian’s worse
enemy is himself. They seem to do more harm to themselves and to
fellow Christians than the devil does. How disheartening it is to
see how much pain we cause the Lord as well as each other. Thank
God that we have been made the righteousness of God through Christ
Jesus. That is the only way that we will be able to enter into
heaven. It sorrows me when I look at all the brethren that I grew
up in the Lord with, and how most have fallen to the wayside. Just
about all have gone their separate ways, not only physically but
doctrinally. I used too long to see them and fellowship with them.
I can no longer because of the paths they have chosen. It's
amazing how the cares of this life and the circumstances that have
surrounded them, have choked out their relationship with Jesus
Christ. I pray that the time be shortened for the elects sake, or
who will be left standing? Even some of our most reputable
teachers have fallen into false doctrine or just plain fallen
away. It seems that many have fallen away from the faith or have
just lost faith. They have lost that fire in their eye and the
excitement they once had within them. I pray that the Holy Spirit
rekindles the flame within them and draws them back to their first
love, Jesus. He has never stopped loving us or given up on us.
We so badly need a revival within the body of Christ, to stir up
and fan the flame within us all. In these last days I have seen
much that pulls the Christian away, that it seems impossible to
get them back on the straight and narrow. They seem to enjoy their
lusts and perversions so much. Lord help us in these last days,
draw us by your Spirit and strengthen us that we may be strong
when the enticements of this world encompasses us. I believe that
we all need to sanctify a fast and seek Him while there is still
time. We need to humble ourselves and seek His face. After doing
all, you can then stand firmly on the word of God and not have to
be seduced by every wind of doctrine or temptation. Then and only
then, can we truly be filled with the Holy Spirit and then say,

Absolutely Nothing Good Resides In Man

In this last chapter I will discuss how even as Christians we

continue in terrible sins, even after being set free. In all my
years of ministering I have been shocked by what I have both seen
and heard by what Christians do. It seems that Christians have
this dark evil thing that resides within them. Why is it that
Christians seem to fall so easily over and over again? What makes
Christians do such wicked things that even the heathens don’t seem
to do? What is it that the Lord knew about His own disciples that
He would not entrust himself to them? He knew what was inside of
them. The scripture also states that there is nothing good that
resides within man. Why did God repent after making man, and vowed
to never make man again? We are created in His likeness and image,
but what is it that is deep within us? What causes us to always
seem to do the wrong thing even though we know better?

Look at all these examples in this book of how so many

ministers have purposely done evil continually and stay in their
position as pastor. I have found mankind to be inherently wicked,
and what is worse is that I am also referring to the “born again
Christian”. What is it with us that after being set free and
having been enlightened, we still run swiftly to evil over and
over again? We also have this ability to deny it to ourselves as
well as others. I laugh when I hear how some of these Christian
teachers say that we will attain perfection and then be presented
to the Father. What a joke, we will never attain to perfection,
let alone totally overcome evil. The scripture states that when we
see Him, we will be like Him, without spot or wrinkle. That is
when we are raptured. After we are changed, then we will be like
Him. We will never be like Him by our own efforts. He could never
present us to the Father being as we are. We have become the
righteousness of God through Christ Jesus only, and not of
ourselves. We think so highly of ourselves when we are a flawed
people, always screwing up royally. How arrogant are we, we think
more highly of ourselves than we should. If it were not for grace
alone, none of us would make it. Just look at the world we live
in, it’s in one hell of a mess and we are supposed to be lights in
this world of darkness. We seem to bring more reproach on
Christianity which makes us look foolish. In reality we look down
right stupid in the eyes of the world. Just look at all these TV
preachers who have brought so much reproach on the gospel of Jesus
Christ. Like the PTL club, Jimmy Swaggart, Robert Tilton and
many more. We need the Lord to raise up apostles to go speak to
these wolves in sheep clothing and shut them down. To show the
world as well as stupid Christians ( who continually support these
devils ) are nothing more than con men fleecing the flock. What
will it take for these Christians to open their eyes and to stop
supporting these enemies of the cross? Have you people no
discernment at all? One perfect example is when the secular news
media exposed Robert Tilton for the con man that he is, and yet
stupid Christians continually send this devil tithes and
offerings. If the world sees this devil for what he is, how much
more should we as Christians see the truth, but you don’t or
won’t. Shame on you that have been taken in by this. God gave you
a brain so why don’t you use it? The Holy Spirit guides you into
all truth, so why haven’t you seen the truth? Maybe it’s because
you don’t have the Holy Spirit. Jesus was right when He said that
the children of darkness are wiser in the things of the world than
the children of light are. It seems that we are not only unwise in
the things of this world, but I thing we are down right stupid.

We are not to be ignorant of the wiles of the

devil, but sometimes we out right embrace them. I guess that I
will never understand Christians. We seem to need to have evil
pointed out to us because we don’t seem to have the ability to see
it for ourselves. What a shame. It’s also amazing on how some of
you in your churches don’t seem to have the ability to discern
what is going on in your own church. The perfect example is that
pastor who molested many women in that congregation and not one in
that church was able to see what this devil was. Also shame on the
elders of that church for being not only ignorant but down right
stupid on how everything was dealt with. Again shame on you. Maybe
these elders should step down and let spiritual men do the job.
What is a shame is that in most of the places that I have gone I
have found the elders there to be totally spiritually incompetent.
How did these people get into these positions? What’s worse is how
did these pastors get into their positions. Kind of makes you
wonder what kind of shape the body of Christ is in. Even at that
full gospel church that I ministered at, how did these people get
into the position of leadership when the pastor and the elders had
absolutely none of the five fold callings on them. Do you blame
the leadership or do you blame the congregation for embracing
deception. Was not one person there spiritual enough to see what
these men were? God help us in our “infinite wisdom”. This is why
many are called but few are chosen. Few are able to do what God
has chosen for them. The body is in bad shape and needs much help.
Lord, send your Holy Spirit to help us out of the mess that we
have put ourselves in. The time has come for us to grow up and
stop falling for every wind of deception and false teaching. We
need to get into His word and to pray to the Father to send us the
Holy Spirit, whom we need so badly. We all need to pray and fast
to help break the yoke of deception in the body of Christ. The
only thing I can say is “COME QUICKLY LORD JESUS”!


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