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How To


Crystal Grids

by Nicola Quinn
How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn

How To Make Crystal Grids

Crystal grids are amazing devices and wonderful to create. They broadcast
our intentions, in the form of frequencies, and help us focus our attention and
align with higher vibrations of abundance, be that health, wealth or happiness.

Crystal grids are easy to make and with just a few simple instructions you will
be creating powerful centres of healing and abundance in no time at all.

What Crystals Should I Use?

It is entirely up to you and will depend on what crystals you have to hand. To
start with I often find that the crystals people already own are the ones they
resonate most strongly with, or need the most, so these are good to begin
with. Also, if you have a selection on hand I certainly would not delay creating
a grid while waiting for the perfect crystal/s to arrive through the post.

In general it is good to remember that clear quartz is easily programmable

with your intention whereas other gems and minerals usually have their own
innate frequency which can be harnessed effectively for specific purposes and
enhanced by clear quartz for extra power by programming the quartz with that

My crystal table with a selection of crystals ready to create a grid

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn 2012 All Rights Reserved In All Media

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn

Crystals are wonderful to play with, their energy is so bright and light and they
never fail to lift the spirits so the most important thing is to have some fun and
while I give some examples and suggestions please feel free to go slightly
wild and see what you can come up with. And above all use your intuition, that
little feeling inside that says, yes or no, when you go to place a crystal in a
certain spot, or are having trouble deciding which one is best for a particular
purpose. Dont make a fuss, just know that you know what is right. I have
listed some of the properties of gems and minerals at the end for reference
though please use what you feel is right, it is your crystal grid and no one

A fluorite with phantom pyramids

Choosing Your Crystals

Much nonsense has been written about how to choose crystals and I have
seen far too many people in crystal shops spending hours waving their hands
over vast displays waiting to feel the right one jump into their hand, so to
speak. It is painful to watch! And is similar to a group of people at an amazing
buffet of scrumptious food deciding what to eat, it is all wonderful! Yes,
obviously some are more appealing, and your eye will alert you to those that
are especially tuned to you, so please just pick what you like the look of, or at
the very least pick out a few that you can then decide between by feeling
them but please do not torture yourself! All crystals are beautiful, and useful,
in their own way, just as each of us is.

For your first Crystal Grid you will need 6-8 crystals and I recommend using
clear quartz to start with though if you prefer to use others please do so. You
will need one crystal that is larger than the rest for the centre (this may be one
that stands upright, a small cluster or even a double terminated crystal), and
smaller crystals for the outside of the Grid and a crystal to charge the Grid (it
is preferable to use clear quartz for this one so you can program it as a

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn 2012 All Rights Reserved In All Media

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn

Cleaning Your Crystals

It is always best to clear your crystals of any vibrations they may have picked
up, or of a previous programme, before each new grid. Either immerse your
chosen crystals in a bath of lightly salted water overnight and rinse briefly
under clear cold water next morning or simply run each under clear water,
mentally intending that they be cleared of all that is not their true essence
and past programming. Let them air dry on some absorbent material.
Alternatively I have cleansed crystals successfully by leaving them out in the
full moonlight overnight.

Please do not immerse the more calcareous minerals, such as selenite, the
desert rose, in water. If you have any of these class of minerals you will know
what I mean, they look and feel slightly powdery, and should not be left to
soak in salt water though a brief run under a gentle tap should be ok.

Placing Your Grid

Find a place for your Grid, somewhere quiet where it will not be disturbed as it
should not be moved. Set the crystals out with the smaller crystals
surrounding the central one spaced fairly evenly with their points towards the
middle and your Master Crystal placed to the side.

A Crystal Grid with Master Crystal at the bottom right

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn 2012 All Rights Reserved In All Media

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn

Set the Intention of Your Grid

Now it is time to focus on the purpose of your grid. To begin with you do not
need to be very specific, it can be for healing in general, for a particular
person, or a relationship, or you can simply create a grid to bless your space
and bring light and love in. Whatever it is, set the intention for your grid now.

Empowering Your Crystals

Starting with the middle crystal take each one into your right hand in turn and
if they are quartz crystals programme them with your chosen intention. I
programme this crystal to bring love and light to my sacred space. If you are
using different minerals, each with their own essence and energy, hold each
one as you bless it and ask that they give their energy to the grid for the
purpose you intend. Place each one back in its position after the blessing or

For the Master Crystal again hold it in your right hand and programme it with
the intention of charging the grid, replacing it when you are finished.

I like to sit for a while afterwards, focusing on the grid and thanking the
mineral kingdom for offering up such beautiful gifts for us to use. I also say a
blessing connected to the purpose of the grid such as Thank you for sending
healing energy to my friend and may all the powers of the universe support
this sacred endeavour.

Keeping Your Grid Charged

To do this repeat the affirmation I charge this grid with energy to heal with
love and wisdom (or whatever purpose you have chosen) while holding the
Master Crystal in your right hand and pointing first to the central crystal then
moving out to the top crystal. Then bringing it back to the centre and out again
to the next crystal in an anti-clockwise direction all the while saying the
affirmation. So its a movement from the central crystal to an outside crystal in
turn until you have completed the circle. Then finish by giving thanks and
laying the Master Crystal back down just outside the grid.

Although it is not strictly necessary to do this every day I think it is a good

idea, to start with at least, to charge your grid daily. It is a good way of staying
connected with the purpose of the grid and I find it is a kind of meditation too.

Congratulations on creating your first crystal grid!

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn 2012 All Rights Reserved In All Media

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn

Reiki Crystal Grid

If you have Reiki II you can easily create a Reiki Crystal Grid using the basic
grid above using 6 crystals for the outer circle. The only difference is that
when you empower the crystals you draw your Reiki Symbols over each one.

As you do so, let the Reiki energy, and your intention for each crystal to
transmit healing Reiki energy, be your focus for each as you hold the crystal
between your two hands. If you feel heat as you are doing this wait until it
subsides before replacing the crystal in its position in the grid. This can take
up to 10 minutes for each crystal so please do not rush this, take your time, it
is a sacred ritual. When you have completed charging and empowering the
crystals of the grid itself then turn to charging the Master Crystal. Again draw
the symbols over this crystal and this time use the intention that this crystal
will be the Master Crystal and will charge the grid when needed.

I tend to draw the Power Symbol daily over Reiki Crystal Grid though if I add a
new name or feel it needs a special boost I use the Master Crystal.

To do this I repeat the affirmation I charge this Grid with Reiki energy to heal
with love and wisdom while holding the Master Crystal in my right hand and
moving the crystal as described before. Then finish by giving thanks and
laying the Master Crystal back down just outside the grid. I usually also finish
with the Power Symbol over the grid.

Some people like to charge their grid using this method every day, it is entirely
up to you and many also meditate with their Master Crystal, sending the Reiki
symbols into the crystal daily.

You can use your Reiki Crystal Grid for sending distant healing to one, or
many, simply write the name, or names, on a piece of paper and place
beneath the central crystal. Before doing so I always connect with the person
distantly and bless the paper with the symbols. The grid can also be used for
protection or to send Reiki to a situation and also for manifesting. Simply write
your intention for the grid on a piece of paper and leave it under the crystal
until the desired result is achieved.

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn 2012 All Rights Reserved In All Media

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn

Tachyon Crystal Grid

Tachyon Energy is Source Energy and although it is non-hertzian (non

frequency) it is the energy from which all frequencies are formed and can add
immense power to a Crystal Grid. Tachyon Energy Cells focus this enormous
energy like a torch beam through them so imagine pillars of energy standing
within the grids in the following illustrations.

I use Tachyon to supercharge my Crystal Grids in emergencies and when

extreme power is called for. The smaller grid was created quickly in a hotel
room for a friend in crisis while I was away on holiday.

A large Tachyon Crystal Grid supercharged with six 35mm

Tachyon Energy Cells

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn 2012 All Rights Reserved In All Media

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn

Detail of large Tachyon Crystal Grid

Tachyon Crystal Grid with Tachyon Energy Cell

under central crystal for maximum power

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn 2012 All Rights Reserved In All Media

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn

A small Tachyon Crystal Grid supercharged with

8mm, 13mm and 24mm Tachyon Energy Cells

The Wealth Crystal Grid

Its good fun to make grids for many different occasions, just be sure to do it
lightly. The Wealth Crystal Grid below was not created with poverty
consciousness in mind, a deep need for money, it was made with joy and the
certainty of the abundance of the universe and was my way of tapping into the
energy of what is already mine. Please bear this in mind with all your grid
creations, you will be amplifying your current vibration, so you want to be
transmitting as much love, joy, healing and happiness as you can. If you are
feeling less than any of these please put off making your grid until later, or
meditate for a while to clear your mind.

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn 2012 All Rights Reserved In All Media

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn

A Crystal Wealth Grid

with citrine as the central crystal

The Environmental Energy Grid

If you have known me for a while you will know that I have a passion for
environmental energy as well as crystals. I have the ability to discern
disruptions in the earths energy field and use crystals, sometimes on maps,
for healing. Crystals are very powerful and are a way to transmit energy of
any frequency to wherever is needed. This can take some practice though a
framework of crystals combined with Tachyon and powerful Reiki symbols can
be transformed into a powerful healing grid.

I created the grid below for a global Earth Healing Day a few years ago. The
central crystal cluster is from below a sacred burial ground, given to me by a
good friend, and seemed an appropriate crystal to base the grid upon. The
rose quartz heart, also from another good friend, added a beautiful loving
energy to the grid.

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn 2012 All Rights Reserved In All Media

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn

Environmental Energy Crystal Grid with rose quartz heart

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn 2012 All Rights Reserved In All Media

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn

Healing Crystal Grid

The first healing grid pictured below was created specifically for someone who
was having bladder problems so I chose crystals associated with the lower
chakras which included carnelian, red jasper, ruby, garnet, bloodstone,
hematite and topaz. The grid had a tigers eye in the middle to represent the
individual who recovered swiftly within a couple of days after months of
continued problems.

The shape of this grid surprised me though I went along with my intuition
which kept guiding me where to place the crystals.

Healing Crystal Grid

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn 2012 All Rights Reserved In All Media

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn

A Healing Crystal Grid for low energy

The 10/10/10 Healing Grid with the names of over 3000 people underneath

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn 2012 All Rights Reserved In All Media

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn

Some Of My Favourite Crystals

Always let your intuition be your first and best guide. Often we think we know
what a problem is and therefore think we know the solution when in fact the
deeper cause, or best vibration, may be from something quite surprising so try
not to let your knowledge of crystals and their supposed properties get in the

I am deliberately not giving an erudite list of crystals from which to choose to

create your grids. Firstly this prevents you from developing your own
sensitivity and secondly it can be infuriating thinking you need a particular
crystal for a specific purpose which you do not have, and that is rarely the
case, there is always something else you can substitute or simply programme
a quartz crystal.

Here are some of my favourite crystals with some of my personal

observations about how I feel and use them.

Starting from the outside of the spiral

Topaz is electric and charges the whole energy system and is uplifting and
revitalising when exhausted, radiates much light and energy and is wonderful
to stimulate creative thinking. I love it also to relieve stress and soothe fears.

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn 2012 All Rights Reserved In All Media

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn

Fluorite is very grounding and gives great awareness and concentration
while having a wonderful calming and healing quality.

Malachite always feels powerful though is balanced with an inner peace

and often feels very purifying and helps let go of thoughts and things which
makes way for the new.

Citrine has a sparkling energy, relieves stress and is strengthening as it

connects mind and body and focuses the intellect for renewed sense of
purpose. A great manifesting crystal and the only self cleansing crystal so
technically doesnt ever need clearing.

Labradorite reminds me that I have no limitations and helps bring inspired

ideas into being.

Tigers Eye soothing, feels protective and helps manifest ideas and
understanding that sometimes feel deeply hidden, helps to loosen them to the
surface. I often use this crystal as a proxy for a person in the centre of a grid.

Bloodstone invokes courage whenever I use it and has travelled with me


Smoky Quartz soaks up negativity and soothes anguish and dispels

feelings of inadequacy. Be aware this crystal needs regular cleansing and if
left too long without can cause a space to feel dull and lethargic.

Carnelian warm, comforting, connected to flow and movement, deeply

soothing and clearing for the mind (I used to sew tiny chips of carnelian into
the hem of my daughters school dress!)

Lapis Lazuli has to be one of my all time favourites. Whenever I wear, or

even look at my beautiful lapis bead necklace I am instantly transported to the
stars and although I havent mentioned chakras anywhere in this guide I
cannot write about lapis without mentioning the supremely opening effect it
has on the brow chakra thus deepening meditation and insights and

Rutilated Quartz is magical and has an effervescent energy, like tumbling

water, with a very high flying energy which gives amazing dreams and

Amethyst is extremely calming and soothing and is wonderful under the

pillow to help deep and restful sleep. It raises the vibration which helps remind
me that things are immaterial and everything will always work out just fine.

Rose Quartz is amazing and draws love from without as well as from within,
so its power is twofold and feels very trusting and giving and very comforting
when feeling a little sad.

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn 2012 All Rights Reserved In All Media

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn

Hematite is a great protector, grounder and calms situations, a beautiful

energy of courage and strength too.

Rhodochrosite seems to vibrate at such a high frequency and aligns mind,

emotions and body for amazing insights and inspiration. I would not be
without this beautiful crystal.

Aquamarine always feels very strengthening when I hold it, full of purpose
with a feeling of protection although more that I am reminded of being
perfectly capable of looking after myself rather than being protected by
someone else. This also has a very calming effect.

Snowflake Obsidian a powerful stone that summons energy from deep

within for better understanding and knowledge of inner truth and an
uncovering of illusions.

Ruby is a hot, strong, passionate stone and I use it to invigorate and bring
life to grids and situations.

Turquoise seems to give me instant peace of mind and is very grounding,

soothing and always feels like an old friend whos been waiting for me to visit

Blue Lace Agate is very healing and soothing and has a childlike quality
about it, innocent, fresh.

Tourmaline is another electric crystal, sometimes I can feel sparks, and not
surprisingly always feel energised, by all the varieties I have, though
particularly watermelon tourmaline which also has a very stabilising energy to
it. The watermelon is followed by a pink then a green tourmaline in the spiral.

Herkimer Diamond gorgeous light, almost bubbly, energy. A tiny double

terminated crystal just bursting with joy and very appropriate for the centre of
the spiral.

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn 2012 All Rights Reserved In All Media

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn

Crystal spiral on my painting Cosmic Spiral, inspired by lapis lazuli

In Conclusion

I do hope this guide has inspired you to make your own Crystal Grids. Your
own creations are only limited by your imagination, and that is boundless!

If you have enjoyed this guide please Tweet about it by clicking the link below,
I would most appreciate it.

Tweet About This Guide

With thanks and much love,


How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn 2012 All Rights Reserved In All Media

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn

About Nicola Quinn

N icola Quinn is an Author, experienced international AMT Trainer, Sidereus

Energy Healer, Reiki Master, Environmental Energy Consultant, Tachyon
Energy Master Practitioner and a Homoeopathic
and Nutritional Consultant with a particular focus
on womens health issues. She is a Director of The
Association for Meridian and Energy Therapies
and co-founded The Sidereus Foundation and co-
created EmoTrance with Silvia Hartmann and
worked closely with her for a number of years
researching human energy fields.

She is the creator of Etherium Keys, Tachyon
Dichroic Activators and the revolutionary
Tachyon Energy Chakra Alignment Series that
achieves verticalisation of the energy system.
Nicola is an abstract artist and has exhibited
locally in her home town in East Sussex, UK. Nicola is also a composer and writes
pieces to create certain states and as inspiration for specific paintings and

Books and Papers
Life Without Panic Attacks
Alternative Pain Relief
The MET Chakra Protocol
The EFT Freedom Protocol
Tachyon EmoTrance Self Healing (with Silvia Hartmann)
The Easy Grape Cure
Bob Beck Protocol (Editor)


Find Nicola on:


How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn 2012 All Rights Reserved In All Media

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn

For energy products, information, articles, ideas and free downloads.

Tachyon Energy Products
Tachyon products channel and focus Tachyon Energy, also known as chi, into the
energy system to relieve pain, heal your body, protect from EMFs and generally
give you loads of energy. A perfect way to supplement the effects of the
techniques in this book. As Tachyon Energy is non-hertzian anyone can use it
safely as the body only takes what it needs and is never forced or pushed out of
balance as can so often happen with frequencies.

Personally created products include Tachyon Energy Chakra Alignment Kit,
Tachyon Dichroic Activators and Etherium Keys.

Reiki I & II Online Training
Experience unique quantum distant attunements for self healing as well as to
heal others with the touch of a hand. Full certification and practitioner training.

Etherium Keys
Powerful catalysts that significantly reduce the time between thought and
manifestation using Etherium Gold and Tachyon to align the planes and fine tune
the appropriate frequencies. Not to be taken lightly!

Free Downloads Library
The MET Chakra Protocol
A lovely technique to balance and energise the chakras. Can be used with

Bob Becks Protocol
A free download with full instructions on how to make a blood electrifying
machine which neutralises all known viruses (theoretically). Also instructions on
how to make colloidal silver.

The Easy Grape Cure
A shortened, simplified version of the classic Grape Cure Diet that completely
cured Johanna Brandt of an aggressive stomach cancer over 80 years ago. Also
excellent for detoxing and weight loss.

Health Blog
Keep up to date with whats going on in the health field and related areas or just
generally whats currently getting under my skin aka my personal rants on
various topics

How To Make Crystal Grids by Nicola Quinn 2012 All Rights Reserved In All Media

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