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Georgia Southwestern State University Lesson Plan Guidelines

Created by GSW School of Education

Name: Abbey Pilkington

Lesson Date: February 15, 2017

Lesson Start Time: 8:48AM Lesson End Time:___9:49AM___

Classroom/Lesson Context

_X__ Whole Group _____ Small Group __X__ One-on-One

_____ Students with IEPs/504s _____ ELL Students

____ Other (Please specify: ___________________________________________________)

Please specify the number of students:

__6__ Girls __6__Boys

Learning Central Focus

Lesson Plan Title: ____Possessive Pronouns__________________________________

Grade Level: __6____

Central Focus:

Complete gallery walk exercise and complete a ticket out the door to assess
understanding of possessive pronouns.

Content Standard:

ELAGSE6L1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar

and usage when writing or speaking.
A. Ensure that pronouns are in the proper case (subjective, objective, possessive)

Student Learning Goal(s)/ Objective(s):

The students will ensure that possessive pronouns are in the proper case and use them
correctly by completing a gallery walk activity.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Launch: ___5___ Minutes

To begin the lesson and get students engaged, I will show a YouTube video of the
possessive pronoun song. After students have seen the video, I will ask them what
pronouns they heard in the video. I will explain that these are possessive pronouns.
o Link to you tube video:

Instruction: ___20_____ Minutes

Students will take notes from an interactive smart board presentation. I will introduce
possessive pronouns. I will explain that possessive pronouns are used in place of a
possessive noun and show ownership of something. I will explain that there are singular
and plural possessive pronouns and explain by picking up one students book and
saying This book is his. I will then ask students if pronoun is singular or plural. Next, I
will pick up two students books and do the same thing. I will give students a chart of all
the possessive pronouns, and I will model for them explaining how I would go about
finding the possessive pronoun in the sentence. Next, each student will come up to the
smartboard to complete interactive examples.

Structured Practice and Application: __30_____ Minutes

Students will participate in a possessive pronoun gallery walk. I will have possessive
pronoun task cards posted around the room that contain questions about possessive
pronouns. Students will have to fill in the answers to the questions on their individual
answer sheets. As students are participating in the gallery walk, I will walk around the
room to assist struggling students.

Closure: ___5___ Minutes

At the end the lesson, I will orally review the possessive pronouns we have been
discussing. I will pass out a ticket out the door for students to complete. I will take it up
before the students leave class.


Type of Modifications to the

assessment assessment so that all Evaluation Criteria
Description of
students could
(Informal or demonstrate their
Formal) learning.

Informal Students will fill in an I will be walking around Students will be graded on
answer sheet as assisting struggling the answers they write on
they are walking students. If I see a student the answer sheet. This
through the gallery needs a modification, I will assessment will allow me to
walk. The task pair that student with see which students need
cards contain another student to remediation and which
questions about
students grasp the concept
complete the gallery walk. and mastered the learning
pronouns students
will have to answer.

I will grade this assessment

Students will If a student is struggling
and use it to plan my lesson
complete a ticket out with the quiz, I will allow
for the next day. This
Informal the door quiz over them to refer back to their
assessment will give me a
possessive notes, or I will help the
clear understanding of which
pronouns. struggling student.
students need remediation.

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