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Department of Education

Region V
Division of Albay
Marcial O Raola Memorial School
Guinobatan, Albay


This handbook embodies what Marcial O Raola Memorial School dreams its students

to be during and after their stay in this institution.

Likewise, it will guide the students in their pursuit for growth, development and in

achieving what is truly good not only for themselves but as well as for others.

-The committee

A community of empowered learners who are functionally literate, equipped

with the life skills, appreciative of the Arts and Sports, God-loving, imbued with
desirable values of a person and globally competitive.


To provide access to quality education, we are committed to:

1. Discover and nurture the various intelligences and potentials of every

learner through competent instruction in a value-driven and friendly
teaching-learning environment.
2. Ensure adequate resources and use of technologies to enhance learning.
3. Imbibe in every learner positive values through modeling/example.
4. Maintain a highly motivated and competent faculty of instruction through a
continuous staff development program.
5. Establish a strong linkage with parents, government and non-government
organizations and the alumni as partners of education.


Section I. Introduction
When a student is admitted at Marcial O Raola Memorial School, he submits
himself and agrees to comply with the rules and reulations of the school.
Hence, the student must read and understand the contents and provision of
this code and continuously refer to it. Ignorance of the rules and regulations of
the school is not an excuse from their observance or pentalty improsed for their
Section II. General Behavior
A student of MORMS is expected to conduct himself becomingly, with dignity
and deportment at all times, inside and outside of the campus.

The MORMS student therefore must:

a. be neat, clean, and decent in his attire and in the use of language
b. be punctual and regular in his class attendance
c. observe celanlines and sanitation
d. avoid acts which may embarrass the school family
e. respect fellow students, teachers, and administrative officials
f. be courteous and plite in dealing with everyone

Section III Attendance and Punctuality

1. attendance to the daily flag ceremony is part of citizenship development
hence is required of every student
2. Regularity of attendance and punctuality are required in all classes. A
student who has been absent or has cut classes is required to present a
letter o explanation from his/her parents or guardian or to bring them to
school for a short conference with the section adviser or guidance
counselor as to the case may be.
3. Attendance of students in special holidays, activities relative to their
religions, e.g. Ramadan, shall be allowed provided permission of the school
head is sought.
4. Absences: a student who incurs absences of more than twenty percent of
the prescribed number of classes or laboratory periods during the school
year or term should be given a failing grade and given no credit for the
course or subject. Furthermore, the school head may at his/her discretion
and in individual case exempt a student who exceeds the twenty percent
limit for reasons considered valid and acceptable to the school. Such
discretion shall not excuse the student concerned from responsibility in
keeping up with lesson assignments and taking examinations where
indicated. The discretionary authority is vested in the school head, and may
not be availed of by a student nor granted by a faculty member without
the consent of the school head.
5. Habitual tardiness especially during the first period in the morning and in the
afternoon shall not be allowed. Teacher concerned shall call for the parents
of the student concerned or visit him at home.

Section IV: Identification Card (ID)

A colored identification card is issued after payments of the fee to each
student after enrollment. The ID is for one school year only and must be
displayed at all times while inside the campus.
In case of ID replacement, the student should go to the Office of the
Principal for certain procedural requirements. Replacement should be made
within 48 hours. A temporary ID will be provided by the Guidance Office and
will be worn by the students until the replacement is available.

Section V: School Uniform

An official uniform is prescribed for economy and to avoid discrimination.
All students are required to wear their uniform during school days and as
required during special occasions. Shoes are part of the school uniform.
The acceptable haircut for boys shall be at least 1 inch above the ear
and 3 inches above the collar line. During Wednesdays or on a prescribed day,
students are required to wear the PE uniform.
Wearing of earrings by boys is not allowed in the campus and for girls
more than one pair of earrings is discouraged.
Hair dying is prohibited for both boys and girls. Having body tattoos is
also prohibited.
Section VI: Disciplinary Action
The Guidance Counselor and the Committee on Discipline are directly
responsible in supervising and monitoring the behavior and conduct of the
students both inside and outside the campus. They are tasked with
investigating reported cases of rule infractions and imposing corresponding
punishment for violations of the rules and conduct.

Offenses and Corresponding Sanctions

Offenses are categorized into three groups:
A. Major Offense: these are offenses that do great damage to the person,
honor, and dignity as a human being and to the school
i. Immoral conduct in and our of the school/ sexual harassment
ii. Possession/ circulation of pornographic literature and materials
iii. Membership in unrecognized organization by the school such as
fraternities, gangs, hazing in any form or manner whether inside or
outside of the school premises
iv. Possession, use, and pushing of prohibited drugs, smoking, and
drinking intoxicating liquor
v. Carrying and concealing deadly weapons, illegal possession of fire
arms/ deadly weapons
vi. Vandalism or willful destruction of school property
1. writing on walls
2. tearing off pages of library materials and books
3. breaking of windows, doors, , laboratory materials, etc
4. tampering of bulletin boards, displays, and notices
vii. stealing and shoplifting in and out of school
viii. insubordination or open defiance of school authorities, discourtesy
towards teacher and school authority or his representative
ix. using the name, seal, and uniform of the school for out of school
affairs without the official sanctions of the school authority
x. participating as principal, accessory or accomplice in the
commission of theft
xi. instigating, leading, or participating in concerted activities leading
to disruption/ stoppage of classes, disturbance of peace and
order and disturbing school activities without justifiable cause
xii. assault upon the person of a school authority or his representative
xiii. tamping of school records and/ or documents, falsifying/ forging
of signature of a person in authority or parents in official
xiv. smoking inside the school premises
xv. gambling of any sort

Commission of any of the above prohibited acts if proven guilty beyond

reasonable doubt after investigation shall be subject to the following sanctions:

First Offense: Counseling and suspension for three days. Reconstruction of

falsified and/ or tampered documents, repair or replacement of destroyed
school properties and return or restitution of the object of theft as the case
may be
Second Offense: Suspension for three days after which the offender shall be
under probation for one month within which he must show reformation and
good behavior or otherwise recommendation for expulsion shall be justified,
plus necessary disciplinary actions in under first offense as the case may be/ or
recommendation for transfer
Third Offense: Dismissal/ Non-readmission

Commission of any or both of the acts under major offense is a cause for
dismissal and non-readmission. Act iii is subject for recommendation for
expulsion. Acts iv & v are subject for a criminal case and are causes for
automatic expulsion.
B. Less Serious Offense: These are acts that hinder your proper growth and
i. Fighting inside or within the vicinity of the school campus
ii. Gambling of any form within the school campus or its vicinity
iii. Incurring ten consecutive absences
iv. Habitual tardiness and absences without valid reasons
v. Not wearing school uniform without valid excuses
vi. Violation of or conniving with others to violate examination rules
vii. Failure to return borrowed materials after repeated reminders
viii. Borrowing/ lending ID/ library card
ix. Leaving the school campus with an exit slip or during class hours
without permission from adviser, guidance counselor, perfect of
discipline or office of the principal
x. Collecting money from fellow students without permission from
school authorities
xi. Posting, publishing or making announcements/ erasing what is
written on bulletin boards without permission from the proper
xii. Habitual failures to give letters or notices to parents coming from
the school
xiii. Habitual use of profane or improper language
xiv. Entering the school premises through unauthorized point or place
of entry such as jumping over the school fence
xv. Entering the campus under the influence of liquor
xvi. Extortion or asking from money from others inside or within the
vicinity of the school campus
xvii. Fighting, causing injury to others
xviii. Cheating
Commission of any of the grave offenses shall be dealt with as follows:

First offense: warning and counseling plus accessory punishment of any kind as
the prefect of discipline and guidance counselor may deem proper
Second offense: counseling plus two days suspension with accessory
punishment as enumerated under first offense
Third offense: suspension for three days plus counseling and probation period
for one month within which good behavior and reformation must be
manifested and if offender remains incorrigible thereafter he shall be
recommended for transfer. Accessory punishment under the first offense for less
grave offenses, provided that further commission of the less grave offense for
more than three times is a ground for dismissal from the school.

C. Minor Offense: these are acts which seem to be very insignificant but
whose observation is necessary for healthy learning-teaching
atmosphere and for your protection. Violations under this category
i. Improper/ incomplete uniform
ii. Littering
iii. Irregular attendance due to: cutting classes, loitering during class
iv. Disorderly conduct during class hours, assemblies, and flag
v. Inviting outsiders to loiter around the school during class hours
vi. Going out of the classroom without permission from the teacher
vii. Loud conversation and boisterous laughter in areas designated for
viii. Malicious or intentional omission of assigned tasks, duties, or
ix. Reporting to class without notebook or books.
Commission of any of the above shall cause the imposition of the following:

First offense: warning and counseling with accessory punishment under first
offense of less grave offenses as the case may be
Second Offense: one day suspension plus accessory punishment
Third Offense: two days suspension and counseling and with accessory
punishment stated in the first and second offenses above. Repeated or
habitual commission of minor offenses for more than three times amounts to
dismissal, subject to the discretion of the head of the school.

NOTE: In all cases of suspension, a written promise of future exemplary conduct

signed by the student and counter signed by his parent/ guardian shall be
required as condition for readmission

Section VII: Duties and responsibilities of students

Students have the following duties and responsibilities in addition to those provided
for under existing laws:
A. To exert their utmost in the development of the potentialities for service,
particularly by undergoing an education suited to their abilities, in order that
they may become assets to their families and to society.
B. To uphold the academic integrity of the school, endeavor to achieve
academic excellence, and abide by the school rules and regulations
governing their academic responsibilities and moral integrity.
C. To promote and maintain the peace and tranquility of the school by observing
the school rules of disciplines and by exerting toward the attainment of
harmonious relationship with fellow students, faculty, and other personnel.
D. To participate in civic affairs, an in the promotion of the general welfare,
particularly in the school, economic and cultural development of the
community, toward the entertainment of a just, compassionate, and orderly
Student Prayer

Jesus, Divine teacher,

You instruct men in my life
Giving truth with the light of our Holy Spirit
Enlighten my mind and expel from it
All darkness of ignorance
Guide my understanding and memories
To grasp and retain ideas
Keep me attentive to my teachers
And diligent in my studies
Assist me so that that, in building my knowledge,
I may also build up my spiritual life,
Give the courage to apply my studies
For your honor and for the benefits of others

MORMS Marcial O Raola Memorial School

We are here together singing merrily this song
Our school should be poud as a maker of brilliant men,
Those ahead of us were most on top,
They succeeded and reached the goal.
Let us follow valiantly,
Always bear in mind the rules of God
He will lead us to the right way
Until finally we reach our goal.
MORMS Marcial O Raola Memorial School
We are here together singing merrily this song.
Our school should be proud as a maker of brilliant men
Those ahead of us were most on top
They succeeded and reached the goal.

(Lyrics and Music by Fernando Imperial)

Albay Forever

Theres a place in Bicol that we hold dear
Land of beauty and laughter and song
Where you see the flowers bloom forever
Haven to all the weary throng
Where stands our Mt Mayon the peerless
Awe inspiring majestic grand
Its a place where skies are bluer
This is Albay our own dear land

Thy name will cherish always
No matter where well be
Thy sons shall stand by thee united
Forever loyal to thee

Repeat I

(composed by Jose Ravalo)

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