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Teacher Name: Alex Peterman

Lesson Title: Preparing to Synthesize and Reflect on Annotations/Character

Purpose: What is the long-term goal for your lesson? Why is this topic

Students will be able to reflect on the strengths and value of their analysis,
which will help them discover the connections the research will have for
synthesis purposes. The synthesis preparation is important, as students will
be using texts across multiple literary genres and thinking back on their
annotative work with their primary texts. In the context of English class,
students will be able to create and explain meaningful connections in
literature. This preparation for making text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-
world connections is a valuable trait outside of the classroom because it
points toward the significance of relationships, between people on a small
and large scale. It provides the context for a discussion of our values through
other written works.

Lesson Sequence: How does this lesson connect to previous lessons? How
does this lesson connect to future lessons?

The lesson prior to this was based on reading and annotations, with a written
reading response quiz to connect characters across literary genres with
comparison and contrast. The future lesson will be a short Monday period,
which will include a survey outline of the multiple part unit-ending character
project. This lesson acts as an effective in-between by setting up the
synthesis work that students will be doing. By ending in-class reading and
annotations, students will be reaching a checkpoint and ending with a
discussion of expectations for the project and a reflection activity brings this
preparatory work to a close. This way, students have the weekend to address
questions they may have about the topics that will be covered, which allows
us to come in fully prepared to outline on Monday.

Essential Question(s): What are the large idea(s) or issue(s) that will guide
students work?
How have annotations helped you understand a text on a deeper level?

How have your visual representations of your characters changed? Why do

you think this is? In what ways have they grown? How is this reflected in
your annotative work?

Objective(s): What are your short- Assessment(s): Think about how

term objectives for students active you will know if you meet your
learning? objectives and are working toward
State your objective(s). Remember your long-term goal.
that objectives need to be able to be Write a form of assessment that
assessed. correlates with each objective. State
whether this assessment is formative
or summative.
Students will be able to annotate a I will formatively assess students on
text, focusing on character analysis. their work, checking their direction
and monitoring their progress.
Choice annotations will be shows to
the teacher in class for a grade.
Students will be able to complete the I will monitor students, formative
final edition of their evolving mind assessing their progress. I will also
maps. collect their mind maps at the end of
their work.

Materials: What materials will help you reach your goals?

Chromebooks, pencils/pens, book club selections, mind map papers, power


Organization: How will you organize the environment (e.g. grouping,

furniture, pacing) for instruction and learning?

Normal rows for individual work for the majority of the period, apart from
options to move about during reading and annotation time.

Activities and Time: What specific activities will provide deep engagement
for students and help stretch their abilities and understandings? Number the
lessons agenda items, and provide an estimate of how long each activity
will last.

Senior Presentation (15 minutes)

Reading time (25-30 minutes)
Annotations (15 minutes)
Short break
Evolving Mind Maps (10 minutes)
Discussion on Expectations/Preparation for Final Project (10 minutes)
Reflective exit ticket (5 minutes)

Accommodations: Think about how you can assist every learner, including
second language learners, in meeting your objectives and long-term goal.
Students Who Need Students Whose First Students Who are
Extra Support: Language is not Advanced or Gifted:
English: Think about
I will be formatively language and Advanced students will
assessing students vocabulary objectives have the opportunity to
during annotations and here. choose more advanced
mind maps, pointing options in their work
students in the right In my opinion, I think for the project, which
directions in their the accommodations set will be discussed in
analysis and forth in the section to class. As always with
interpretation. The the left are very similar the annotations, they
discussion of here? I will be available will have the
expectations for the for pointing students in opportunity to go into
final project is the correct direction increased depth as they
inherently a way to during analysis and analyze characters.
accommodate students, interpretation for
allowing time for annotation and mind
questions and map activities. I will be
clarification on any available for questions
directions/parts of the and clarification in
project. discussing final project
Standards: What standards does this lesson meet? Use the standards that
your cooperating teacher uses.

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.9-10.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support
analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims,
and create an organization that establishes clear relationships among claim(s),
counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.

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