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Anna Atkinson

Ben Gunnarson
Concept Lesson Plan
Age/Grade: 1st Grade
Time: 30 mins

Powerpoint technology
8 non-pitched orff percussion instruments, 4 of each kind

Students will create rhythmic patterns from quarter note/rest, eighth notes
Students will create and perform a piece using percussion

NCAS #3. Refine and complete artistic work.
NCAS #7. Perceive and analyze artistic work.
NCAS #8. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.

1. Get out instruments ahead of lesson
2. Introduce teachers
3. Echo speak four-beat rhythm patterns on BA using quarter notes, quarter rests, and eighth
4. Pattern recognition on BA of Loose Tooth rhyme
a. Speak rhythm to students on BA
b. Ask if they recognize the pattern from previous rhyme
c. Speak rhyme to students on words
d. Have students echo the rhyme
e. Put rhyme on board with rhythm notated
f. Have students tap rhythm syllables based off of ppt guide while speaking words
5. Teaching Loose Tooth on rhythm syllables
a. Review quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests as well as rhythm syllables that accompany
i. Ask for identification of note names, pointing to music on ppt
ii. Ask for the rhythm syllables that accompany each note name
b. Speak the rhyme using rhythm syllables, using ppt slide with rhythms notated
6. Quick vocal warm-up
a. Sirens
b. Monitor posture
7. Tell the story of Oh, Susanna
a. Jim was on on his way to meet Susanna, his true love. He sung to her while traveling so that she
wouldnt worry about him.
b. Jims song has two messages in it! (my banjo, dont you cry oh Susanna)
c. Lets all sing to Susanna!
8. Teach Oh, Susanna! by rote
a. Give starting pitch of Concert D
b. First two lines and the refrain
c. Lines 1, 2, 1 and 2
d. Same for refrain
e. Whole song together
f. Ask questions about the song material while teaching
i. Where am I coming from?
ii. Where is he going?
iii. What does he have on his knee?
9. Teach spoken ostanati
a. Banjo rhythm: My-Ban-jo
b. Have students do rhythm syllables in their feet
c. Assign to super secret rhythm syllables with ta-ta-ta-rest
d. Have students repeat rhythm syllables aurally
e. Susanna rhythm: Dont-You-Cry, Oh-Su-san-na
f. Have students do rhythm syllables in their feet
g. Assign to super secret rhythm syllables with ti-ti-ta, ti-ti-ti-ti
h. Have students repeat rhythm syllables aurally
i. Clave: ti-ti-ta, ti-ti-ti-ti
10. Teach body percussion
a. Benjo pattern: Say My-Ban-jo while patting rhythm on knees
b. Susanna pattern: Say Dont-You-Cry, Oh-Su-san-na while tapping in hand
c. Test students by creating a steady beat and pointing to rhythm A or B on ppt
11. Teach instrumental rhythms
a. Introduce rhythm instruments
b. Demonstrate how to play a hand drum using banjo pattern
c. Demonstrate how to be claves using Susanna pattern
d. Divide students in half and assign each side one of the rhythms
e. Assign half of the people in each group to an instrument and half of the group to body percussion
and spoken ostinati
i. Designate the first four percussionists in each group, and hand them and instrument
12. Practice group performance
a. Using different combinations of groups, run through the rhythm patterns
i. All of the instruments, all of the vocalists, all of the body percussion with spoken ostinati
13. Make a form
a. ABACA first (using icons instead of letters)
i. Microphone: Song (all students)
ii. Man Clapping: Spoken ostinati with body percussion
iii. Drum: Unpitched percussion
b. Then a student-composed form
i. Ask student to help fill in a 5-segment form
1. There will be 5 boxes on the powerpoint, the students will get to choose a picture for each box
(microphone, man clapping, drum).
2. The students will then perform their form
ii. Repeat as necessary until class is over
14. Have students sing Oh, Susanna as they put away instruments and line up.

Assess students for proper rhythm syllables
Students will correctly differentiate between Ta and Ti Ti
Assess students for keeping a steady pulse
Watch for correct timing of movements and words
Assess students for associating icons with beat patterns
Looking for correct beat association with icons on powerpoint

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