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Vibration and Frequency Response Analysis of

Suspension System of Hatch back and BAJA

SAE Vehicle
Submitted to



With Specialization in

Submitted by
Shubham Kushwah (0902AU131052)
Nitish Malik (0902AU131032)
Rahul Shukla (0902AU131041)
Ravi Nagar (0902AU131045)

Under The Guidance of

Mr. Anand Baghel

Asst. Professor, Automobile Engineering

Session: 2013-2017

Department of Automobile Engineering

Rustamji Institute of Technology, BSF Academy

Tekanpur, Gwalior-475005





We are pleased to recommend that work submitted by Mr. Shubham Kushwah, Mr.Nitish
Malik, Mr.Rahul Shukla and Mr. Ravi Nagar entitled Vibration and Frequency
Response Analysis of Suspension System of Hatch back and BAJA SAE Vehicle may be
accepted towards the partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in
Automobile Engineering.

Guide: Class Co-ordinator:

Mr. Anand Baghel Mr. Gaurav Saxena
Asst.Professor Asst.Professor
Automobile Engineering Department Automobile Engineering Department

Mr. Abhishek Chakraborty
Asst. Professor and Head
Automobile Engineering Department





This is to certify that minor project entitled, Vibration and Frequency Response Analysis
of Suspension System of Hatch back and BAJA SAE Vehicle which is being submitted in
the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Bachelor of Engineering
in Automobile Engineering, is a record of own work carried out by Mr. Shubham
Kushwah (0902AU131052), Mr. Nitish Malik (0902AU131032), Mr. Rahul Shukla
(0902AU131041) and Mr. Ravi Nagar (0902AU131045) under the guidance of Mr. Anand
Baghel, Department of Automobile Engineering, Rustamji Institute of Technology, BSF
Academy Tekanpur, Gwalior, (M.P.).

Guide:- H.O.D:-

Mr. Anand Baghel Mr. Abhishek Chakraborty
Asst. Professor Asst. Professor and Head


I would like to express proud privilege to work under Mr. Anand Baghel, Asst.
Professor Automobiles Engineering Department, RJIT, Tekanpur, Gwalior, and express my
indebtedness and sincere gratitude, for his valuable guidance, generous help and constant
encouragement at every stage in the preparation of this work
I take this opportunity to thank Mr. Abhishek Chakraborty, Asst. Professor and
Head of Department and other faculty members of Automobile Engineering Department,
R.J.I.T Tekanpur, Gwalior, for their help and valuable suggestions.

Last but not the least, it is our principal sir, whose thorough guidance and vision has
brought the encouragement in me to plan and execute this research work. I thank him for

My heartfelt thanks to the valuable Support of members of my team Team Benign

Beaders BAJA SAE.

Finally, I express my love and respect towards my parents and family members for
their moral support and continuous encouragement while carrying out this study and my
friends who are my strength in every work I do.

Date: Shubham Kushwah (0902AU131052)

Nitish Malik (0902AU131032)
Rahul Shukla (0902AU131041)
Ravi Nagar (0902AU131045)
Place: Tekanpur Automobile Engineering


I hereby declare that the work, which is being presented in the minor project, entitled
Vibration and Frequency Response Analysis of Suspension System of Hatch back and
BAJA SAE Vehicle in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of
Bachelor of Engineering in Automobile Engineering, submitted in the department of
Automobile Engineering of Rustam Ji Institute of Technology, Tekanpur, Gwalior is record of
my own work carried under the guidance of Mr. Anand Baghel. I have not submitted the
matter embodied in this report for awarded of any other degree.

Shubham Kushwah (0902AU131052) Mr. Anand Baghel

Nitish Malik (0902AU131032)
Rahul Shukla (0902AU131041)
Ravi Nagar (0902AU131045) Asst. Professor
Automobile Engineering Department


The suspension system of every vehicle needs to be adaptive, durable, efficient, and relatively
inexpensive . The vehicle must be able to withstand the harsh environment of off-road
competition and recreational driving. The vehicle needs to traverse over large rocks, downed
logs, mud holes, steep inclines, jumps, and off camber turns. In order to meet the demands of
the race course, the suspension kinetics should be analysed and examined carefully. In
suspension kinetics vehicles loads absorbing capacity, resonant frequency, ride quality and
handling performance has been analysed using quarter car and bicycle car model. Ride
quality and handling performance of the vehicle can also be optimised by varying damping
ratio and frequency ratio through frequency response analysis

Table of Contents

Recommendation ................................................................................................................2
Acknowledgement ..............................................................................................................4
Abstract ...............................................................................................................................6
Table of Contents.................................................................................................................7
List of Figures .....................................................................................................................8

1 - Introduction................................................................................................................... 9
1.1 Kinematics And Kinetics.............................................................................................. 9
1.2 Suspension Kinetics...................................................................................................... 9
1.3 Vehicle Ride Modeling (Vertical Dynamics)................................................................10
2. Quater Car Model..........................................................................................................10
2.1 Mathematical Model.....................................................................................................11
2.2 Natural Frequency And Mode Shapes Of Suspension System Baja Sae Vehicle ......12
3. Bicycle Car And Body Pitch Model ............................................................................13
3.1 Mathematical Model.....................................................................................................14
3.2 Pitch Frequency And Wheel Hoop Frequency Of A Hatch Back Car.........................15
4. Frequency Response Of Vibrating Systems.................................................................17
4.1 Significance Of Frequency Response In Off Road Vehicle .........................................18
4.2 Base Excitation..............................................................................................................19
4.3 Wavy Road And Excitation Frequency..........................................................................21
4.3.1Mathematical Formulation Of Wavy Road .................................................................21
4.3.2Mathematical Equation Of Track Of Suspension & Traction....................................22
4.4 Frequency Response Analysis Of Baja Sae Vehicle......................................................22
4.5 REFERENCES.............................................................................................................23

List of Figure
Figure 1: Vehicle Axis System.......................................................................................... 10

Figure 2: The quarter car model..........................................................................................11

Figure 3: CAD model of BAJA vehicle..............................................................................12

Figure 4: Equivalent Double A Arm Model.......................................................................12

Figure 5: Bicycle Vibrating Model of a Vehicle................................................................14

Figure 6: One-DOF Harmonically Excited Systems..........................................................18

Figure 7: Suspension & Traction track ............................................................................ 19

Figure 8: Suspension & Traction track...............................................................................19

Figure 9: One-DOF base excited vibrating system............................................................19

Figure 10,11,12: Frequency Response...............................................................................20,21

Figure 13: Wavy Road & Spring Mass System ................................................................22

1. Introduction To Suspension :-

1.1Kinematics And Kinetics:-

Vehicle dynamics is the study of all forms of transportation (trains, airplanes, boats, and
automobiles). However vehicle dynamics as we know it is the study of the performance of the
automobile in all of its motions (ride, acceleration, cornering, and baking). The vehicles
suspension plays a key roll in each of these motions. The study of a vehicles suspension can
be broken into two major categories: suspension kinetics and suspension kinematics.
Suspension kinetics is a dynamic and a vibration analysis on the vehicle and suspension
systems. Suspension kinematics involves analyzing the motion of the tires as the suspension
compresses and extends. Each of these two divisions will be analyzed in depth in the
following sections.

1.2 Suspension Kinetics:-

Suspension kinetics is an analysis that is important to the overall performance of the vehicle
because it is what determines if the vehicle is capable of absorbing ground loads; it is what
judges the comfort of the driver, it is what determines if the vehicle will roll or not; and it is
what determines the resonant frequency of the chassis, the shock and the tire; it is what
determines the handling performance of the vehicle. The vehicle will see a wide range of
vibrations because of the speeds it travels and the boundaries it travels on, thus it is important
to analyze the resonant frequency of the suspension components and the chassis. The ride
quality (or vertical dynamics) of a vehicle can be analyzed using the half car model. The
handling performance of the vehicle can be analyzed using the bicycle model. However
before each of these models are considered it is important to define the vehicle axis and the
appropriate rotations about each of the axis.
The conventional axis system is placed at the
center of mass of the vehicle with the x axis pointing towards the front of
the vehicle, the y axis pointing towards the right side of the vehicle, and
the z axis pointing towards the bottom of the vehicle. The x axis is known
as the longitudinal axis, the y axis is known as the lateral axis, and the z
axis is known as the vertical axis. The rotation about the x axis is know as
roll, the rotation about the y axis is known as pitch and the rotation about
the z axis is known as yaw
Vehicle ride modeling is the study of the motions transmitted to the
vehicle chassis, and thus the motions felt by the passengers in the
vehicle. The motions transmitted to the vehicle chassis come from the
vibration of the suspension as it absorbs the motion coming from the
disturbance at the ground. It is these vibrations that cause the passengers
to feel uncomfortable when they are riding in a vehicle. Therefore, vehicle

ride problems arise from the vibrations of the vehicle body (chassis). One
of the main objectives of the suspension system is to control the
vibrations of the vehicle body in order to provide a comfortable ride for
the driver.

Figure 1: Vehicle Axis System

1.3Vehicle Ride Modeling (Vertical Dynamics)

As BAJA SAE is an off road vehicle which has to encounter various uneven surfaces whic
may impose excessive vibrations to the vehicle . Mechanical vibrations in a vehicle represent
a very complex field, and usually require multiple degrees of freedom to accurately predict
the vertical performance of the vehicle. However, there exist two simplified models which
when combined give an accurate approximation as to the ride quality of the vehicle. These
include the quarter car model (used to predict the motion of a single suspension unit) and the
bounce/pitch model (used to predict the motions of the sprung mass of the vehicle). These
models combined produce the half car model (four degrees of freedom model). The vertical
performance of the vehicle is directly linked to the sprung mass, the unsprung mass, the pitch
inertia, the suspension stiffness, the tire stiffness, the damping in the tires, the damping in the
suspension units, and the excitation frequency. The quarter car model is a model that models
the motion of a single suspension system (it models one corner of the car) (Figure 2: The
quarter car model). The sprung mass in this model represents some portion of the total sprung
mass of the system. The tire is excited because of the shape of the path it is following (the
shape is not flat, especially for an off road track). By the application of Newtons 2nd law of
motion the equations of motion that govern the quarter car model can be determined

2. Quarter Car Model :-

The most employed and useful model of a vehicle suspension system is a quarter car model,
shown in Figure 2. We introduce, examine, and optimize the quarter car model to find out the

natural frequency and corresponding mode shapes of the suspension system of BAJA SAE
vehicle . The vibrational analysis of the BAJA SAE vehicle has been done by using
mathematical model of quarter car model.

Figure 2: The quarter car model


We may represent the vertical vibration of a vehicle using a quarter car model made of two
solid masses ms and mu denoted as sprung and unsprung masses, respectively. The sprung
mass ms represents 1/4 of the body of the vehicle, and the unsprung mass mu represents one
wheel of the vehicle. A spring of stiffness ks, and a shock absorber with viscous damping
coefficient cs, support the sprung mass and are called the main suspension. The unsprung
mass mu is in direct contact with the ground through a spring ku, representing the tire
stiffness. The governing differential equations of motion for the quarter car model are given

mss+ cs (s u) + ks (xs xu) = 0 .......................(2.1)

muu + cs (u s) + (ku + ks) xu ksxs = kuy ...................(2.2)

mss = - cs (s u) - ks (xs xu) .......................................(2.3)

muu = ks (xs xu) + cs (s u) ku (xu y) cu (u ) (2.4)

which can be expressed in a matrix form

[M] + [c] + [k] x = F.................................(2.5)

[ ms 0
0 mu ] [] [
u +
cs c s
c s c s +c u ] [] [
u +
ks k s
k s k s +k u ] [] [
xu =
k u y+ c u y ]

But our main concern is to find out the natural

frequencies and mode shapes of the quarter car model, for this we dropped the damping and
forcing terms and analyzed the following set of equations. Then the equation reduced to little
bit simplified form, equation 2.7 is the required equation.

[ ms 0
0 mu ] [] [
u +
ks k s
k s k s +k u ] []
xu = 0............


2.2Natural frequency and mode shapes of suspension system BAJA SAE

vehicle :-
For determination of natural frequency and mode shapes of BAJA buggy lots of data
collected such as sprung mass, unsprung mass, spring stiffness, damping coefficient of
damper , tire stiffness, tire damping coefficient etc
As the suspension geometry of BAJA vehicle is not as simple as
arrangement of the of quarter car model, so first of all we had to find out the equivalent
stiffness and damping coefficient.

Figure 3: CAD model of BAJA vehicle Figure 4: Equivalent Double A Arm Model

Following data of the BAJA vehicle is given below .

ms = 170 kg
mu = 55 kg

ku = 77000N/m
ks = 14000N/m.

The equations of motion for this vehicle are

170 0
0 55
u ] [] [
14 000 14 000
14 000 0.91 105 ] [] xs
xu =0

The natural frequencies of the vehicle can be found by solving its characteristic

14 000 14 000
det [ [k] - 2 [m] ] = det 14 000 0.91 105 - 2 ]
170 0
0 55 [ ]
= det [ 14 000170 2
14 000
14 000
2 .28 10 55 5 2 ]
= 93504 3.953 1072 + 1.96 109
1 = 17.7096 rad/ s
2.82 Hz
2 = 109.74 rad/ s
17.4 Hz
To find the corresponding mode shapes, we use Equation

[[k] 21[m]]u1

= [[ 14 000 14 000
14 000 0 .91 10 ]
5 3054 . 7
170 0
0 55 [ ]] [ ] u11
u 12

= [ 1 .1105 106 u1114 000 u12

14 000 u11 1102 .5 u12 ]
[[k] 21[m]]u2

= [[ 14 000 14 000
14 000 0.91 10 ]
5 78 .625
170 0
0 55 [ ]] [ ] u 21
u 22

= [ 5515 .6 u2114 000u 22

2. 221 105 u 2214 000 u21 ] =0

Searching for the first-unit expression of u1 and u2 provides the following

mode shapes.

u1 = [ 1
3 . 1729 103 ]
u2 = [ 1
0 .157 58 ]
Therefore, the free vibrations of the quarter car is

x= ui (Ai sin it + Bi cos it) i = 1, 2


[] [
xu =
3 . 1729 103 ] (A1 sin 8.8671t + B1 cos 8.8671t) +

[ 1
0 .157 58 ] (A2 sin 55.269t + B2 cos 55.269t)

3. Bicycle Car And Body Pitch Mode :-

Figure 5: Bicycle Vibrating Model of a Vehicle

Quarter car model is excellent to examine and optimize the body bounce mode of vibrations.
However, we may expand the vibrating model of a vehicle to include pitch and other modes
of vibrations as well. Figure 5. illustrates a bicycle vibrating model of a vehicle. The
equations of motion for the bicycle vibrating model of a vehicle are as follow.

3.1 Mathematical Model :-

We may represent the angular and vertical vibration of a vehicle using a bicycle car model.
This model includes the body bounce x, body pitch , wheels hop x1 and x2 and independent
road excitations y1 and y2. There are two solid masses m1 and m2 denoted as front wheel

and rear wheel masses, respectively. Iy is lateral mass moment of inertia. The governing
differential equations of motion for the bicycle car model are given below

.................................... (3.1)


............................. (3.3)

............................. (3.4)

These set of equations may be rearranged in a matrix form

............................. (3.5)

............................. (3.6)

............................. (3.7)

. .................... (3.8)

.................. (3.9)

............................. (3.10)

3.2 Pitch Frequency and Wheel Hoop Frequency of a Hatch Back Car:-

Natural frequencies and mode shapes of a bicycle car model of Hatch back car have been
determined by using the mathematical equations of the bicycle model. Following data of a
vehicle with a heavy solid axle in the rear and independent suspensions in front. the vehicle
are given below

m =840/2 kg
m1 = 53kg
m2 =152/2 kg
Iy = 1100 kgm2
a1 = 1.4m
a2 = 1.47m
k1 = 10000N/m
k2 = 13000N/m
kt1 = kt2 = 200000N/m

The natural frequencies of this vehicle can be found by using the undamped and free
vibration equations of motion. The characteristic equation of the system is

det[[k] 2 [m]] = 8609 1098 1.2747 10136 +2.1708 10164

1.676 10182 + 2.9848 1019


To find the natural frequencies we may solve the characteristic equation

or search for eigenvalues of [A] = [m]1 [k].

[A] = [m]1 [k]

The eigenvalues of [A] are

1 = 37.657
2 = 54.943
3 = 2806.1
4 = 3964.3

therefore, the natural frequencies of the bicycle car model are

= 1 = 6.1365 rad/ s 0.97665 Hz

2 = 2 = 7. 412 4 rad/ s 1.1797 Hz

3 = 3 = 52.973 rad/ s 8.4309 Hz

4 = 4 = 62.963 rad/ s 10.021 Hz

The normal form of the mode shapes of the system are

4. Frequency Response of Vibrating Systems :-

Frequency response is the steady-state solution of equations of motion, when the system
is harmonically excited. Steady-state response refers to a constant amplitude oscillation,
after the effect of initial conditions dies out. A harmonic excitation is any combination of
sinusoidal functions that applies on a vibrating system. If the system is linear, then a
harmonic excitation generates a harmonic response with a frequency-dependent
amplitude. In frequency response analysis, we are looking for the steady-state amplitude
of oscillation as a function of the excitation frequency. A vast amount of vibrating
systems in vehicle dynamics can be modeled by a one-DOF system. Consider a one-DOF
mass-spring-damper system.
There are four types of one-DOF harmonically excited systems:
1 base excitation,
2 eccentric excitation,
3 eccentric base excitation,

4 forced excitation.
These four systems are shown in Figure symbolically.

Figure 6: One-DOF Harmonically Excited Systems

4.1 Significance of Frequency Response in Off Road Vehicle

As BAJA vehicle come across lots of bump and ditches frequency response of the vehicle
plays a very significant role on vehicle handling and its performance over the course . From
this analysis we can also find out the force transmissibility and motion transmissibility .
Behaviour of the vehicle can also be determined over the complex course.
Various track conditions of NATRiP Pithampur Indore has
shown in fig 7 & 8. So it is our main concern to find out the response of the vehicle over such
conditions to take edge in the completion.

Figure 7: Suspension & Traction track Figure 8: Suspension & Traction track

4.2Base Excitation :-

There are various harmonically excited systems but for the analysis of BAJA vehicle study of
base excited vibrating system is of great importance to us. Figure 9. illustrates a one-DOF
base excited vibrating system with a mass m supported by a spring k and a damper c. Base
excited system is a good model for vehicle suspension system or any equipment the is
mounted on a vibrating base. The absolute motion of m with respect to its equilibrium
position is measured by the coordinate x.

Figure 9: One-DOF base excited vibrating system

A sinusoidal excitation motion y = Y sin t is applied to the base of the suspension and
makes the system vibrate. The equation of motion for the system can be expressed by either
one of the following equations for the absolute displacement x
m+ c + kx = cY cost + kY sin t
+ 2n + 2n x = 2n Y cos t + 2n Y sin t
or either one of the following equations for the relative displacement z.
m z + c z + kz = m2 Y sin t
z + 2 z + 2 z = 2 Y sin t
n n

The equations of motion generate the following absolute and relative frequency responses.
x = A2 sin t + B2 cos t

= X sin (t x)
z = A3 sin t + B3 cos t
= Z sin (t z)
The frequency response of x has an amplitude X, and the frequency response of z has an
amplitude Z
X 1+(2 r)2 Z

Y = (1r 2 )2+(2 r )2 Y (1r 2)2 +(2 r )2

with the following phases x and z for x and z.

x = tan1 1r 2 +(2 r)2
z = tan 1r 2
The phase x indicates the angular lag of the response x with respect to the excitation y. The
frequency responses for X, Z, and x as a function of r and are plotted in Figures 10, 11, and

Figure 10: Frequency response

Figure 11: Frequency response

Figure 12: One-DOF Harmonically Excited Systems

4.3Wavy Road And Excitation Frequency :-

For the perfect analysis of handling & performance of the vehicle it is very necessary to
formulate the mathematical equation of the track.

4.3.1 Mathematical Formulation of Wavy Road :-

Figure 13: Wavy Road & Spring Mass System

Figure13 illustrates a 1/8 car model moving with speed v on a wavy road with length d1 and
peak-to-peak height d2. Assuming a stiff tire with a small radius compared to the road waves,
we may consider y as the fluctuation of the road. The required time to pass one length d1 is
the period of the excitation
T= v
which can be used to find the frequency of excitation
2 2
= T = d1
Therefore, the excitation y = Y sin t is
d2 2 v
sin t
y= 2 d1

4.3.2 Mathematical Equation of Track of Suspension & Traction :-

Following parametres of the NATRiP Suspension & Traction track are given below
d1= 0.7 m & d2= 0.3 m
The analysis has been done by considering that vehicle is moving velocity 30 km/hr
So ,
0.7 5
T= 30000 = 2.33 10
So the frequency of excitation
= 2.33 105 = 269664.6
Therefore, the excitation

sin 269664.6 t
y= 2 = 0.15 sin 269964.6 t

4.4 Frequency Response analysis of BAJA SAE vehicle :-

Following data of the BAJA vehicle is given below .

ms = 170 kg
ks = 14000N/m.
c = 100Ns/m.
If a harmonic track excitation y = 0.15 sin 269964.6 t is applied on the BAJA vehicle,
then the absolute and relative steady-state amplitude of vibrations of the mass, X and Z would
Y 1+(2 r )2 Y r2
X = (1r 2 )2+(2 r )2 = 2.7 106 m (1r 2 )2+(2 r )2 = 0.15 m

n = k
m = 18.08 rad/ s 2.88Hz
= 2 km = 0.85

r= n = 93737.5.
The phases x and z for x and z are
x = tan1 1r 2 +(2 r)2
= 1.25 rad = 71.6 deg

1 = 1.813 rad = 106.48 deg
z = tan 1r

Therefore, the steady-state vibrations of the mass m can be expressed by the following
x = 2.7 106 sin (269964.6 t 1.25)
z = 0.15 sin (269964.6 t 1.8585)

1. V. E. Gough, Tires and Air Suspension, Advances in Automobile Engineering, G.
H.Tidbury Ed., Pergamon Press, 1963.
2. Reimpell & Stole Automotive chassis engineering principles
3. Thomas D. Gillespie Fundamental of Vehicle Dynamics.
4. Race car vehicle dynamics by Milliken & Milliken.
5. Tune to win by Carol Smith.
6. Springer Vehicle Dynamics.


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