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HOW DEMONSTRATED (write your notes

here and bring this to your interview )

I teach English.
Professionalism and Understanding

Please give a brief description of the school, i.e. boys/girls, Spend time with student
size, location. Curriculum and texts used and get knoloeg from them.
What different subjects are taught?

1 What did you enjoy most about your practicum? I get challeng in the beging
becoues moust of student
and teachers dont except
What challenges did you face? me.
What did you do to show your commitment to your job as a
teacher in the school? I feel happy becoues I be
the friend for the student
and I help the teacher to get
How did you collaborate with your MST and other teachers in a way to controle the
the school?
Describe a typical day in your school.
That when you have plane you
Planning for Learning know what you will do.

What did you learn about planning during the practicum?

In the beging I get same
2 What challenges did you face when preparing your two challing in motivate students.

Explain how you used ADEC Learning Outcomes to guide Teach them shipes, latters,
your planning.
numbers and the way to read
and write.
Start with give them strateges
Implementing and Managing Learning
they have to us it in the class.

What strategies did you see your MST use to manage the
children? She give them roles in each
point and how do it in best way
3 Which were the most effective strategies you observed? get insentev.

Describe a activity you taught and what you learned Have class activites in
about managing student behavior and learning while
devegual or group. So, how
miss pehave the teacher
advise him and be the mother.

v. 2015-02- 1
Monitoring, Assessment and Evaluation If one student do misteak she
let him think in what he does,
bout if it group she let them
How did your teacher monitoring students when they
were working in pair/small groups? discus in what they done.

Did you ever see a student having trouble with her/his She look for the challeng that
work? What did the teacher do to help?
each student has and tray to
solve it in best way by be the
frind for her students.

Critical Reflection She says that Im good but I

have to let my feeling away.
I like the way she take student
What was the most important professional feedback you
received from your mentor teachers? from them class to her ,also
the way she starts class.but, I
dont like when she shout on
What would you like to improvement based on reflections students so I would to change
of school-based activities?
Im proud of the way of use
5 What are you most proud of from your teaching practice point lest with give them gifet
experience? becoues that help student to
be with roles.
Were you able to make links between what you did at The way of comunicat and
college and what you observed or experienced during teach students.
TP? Give an example. I think that way we dont learn
the way to give students
What do you think are important things to study at information and be friend to
college to ensure that you are well prepared for TP? them.

v. 2015-02- 2
v. 2015-02- 3

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