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(No Model.) 2 Sheets Sheet, 2.

S. & K, KRNKA.
No. 441,673, Patented Dec, 2, 1890.
the slot b of the breech-bolt, into which pro
upon one another, nor can an upper cartridge | jects
get its flange behind the lower cartridge. the sear, and on the breech being opened
Fig. 12" shows the plan shape of the fol the said arm projecting beyond the front end
lower, which at the flange end of the car of of the breech-bolt through a narrow extension
tridge expands into a lug on each side. These the slot b%, substantially as and for the 45
lugs work in stamped recesses at each side of 3. In aset
purpose forth.
magazine breech-bolt gun, the com
one end of the magazine-case, so that the fol bination, with a fixed pivot-pin and with a
lower is thus sufficiently controlled so that it sear having a pivot-pin parallel with the one
cannot turn or get out of position. The fol first named, of the separately-removable trig 50
to lower is conveniently of a partially circular
Section, so as more readily to eject the bottom ger G, having open-ended slots g g for its
connection with said pivot-pins, respectively,
most cartridge. -
To permit of the replenishing of the maga substantially as and for the purpose set forth.
zine directly from above, as by means of hand 4. In a magazine breech-bolt gun, the com
skeleton cartridge-cases P, Figs, 2 and 4, the bination, with the stock, a receiver, and a
top lips h of the magazine are made as spring trigger-guard, of a breech-screw q, con
springs to retain the cartridge, but with their necting the receiver to the butt-end of the
upper edges slightly turned back both to stock and to the rear end of the spring trig
stiffen the spring-lip longitudinally and to ad ger-guard and having a handle q' in the shape
mit readily the entry of the cartridge when of a folding stirrup or cross-handle, Substan ??
pressed down by hand pressure directly from tially as and for the purpose described.
above. 5. In a magazine breech-bolt gun, the com
Having now particularly described and as bination, with a receiver open and recessed
certained the nature of the said invention and at top and a vertically-movable magazine
in what manner the same is to be performed, having short spring-lips on its upper edge, of
we declare that what we claim is spring-flaps fastened within the receiver at
1. In a magazine breech-bolt gun, the com tend bottom and having upper edges which ex
bination, with a suitably-recessed receiver, a from end to end of the mouth of the re
vertically-movable magazine, and the breech ceiver and form a continuous support for each
bolt and barrel, of spring-flaps JJ, projecting hand-fed cartridge when said magazine is 70
lowered,substantially asshown and described.
upwardly within the receiver and having in
tegral therewith a forwardly - projecting In testimony whereof we have signed our
Spring-tongue j, which forms in and of itself names to this specification in the presence of
an inclined connecting-surface between the two subscribing witnesses.
mouth of the elevated magazine and the cham SIT,VESTER IXRNIXA.
ber of the barrel, substantially as and for the KARI, KRNIKA. -
purpose set forth.
2. In a magazine breech-bolt gun, a searg, Witnesses:
provided with a forward-extending cartridge ADOLF FISCHER,
ejector arm g, this arm being located within RUDOLF ILANG.

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