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How Monson Work 1

The Monsoon

Kenia Bush, Geog.1700-003

Professor: Chris Bradbury

March 29, 2017

Salt Lake Community College

Kenia Note

The Monsoon: The land get cooler and be warm more fast than the water.

What is a Monsoon

Comes from an Arabic word

mausin, mean season. A
monsoon often brings about
thoughts of torrential rains,
similar to a hurricane or typhoon.
But there is a difference: a
monsoon is not a single storm;
rather, it is a seasonal wind shift
over a region. The shift may cause heavy rains in the summer, but at other times, it
may cause a dry spell. (Rachel Ross, Live Science Contributor | November 17, 2016
01:14am ET.)

At least half of the total seasonal precipitation in most continental monsoon regions
is estimated to be produced by synoptic-scale disturbances embedded within the
larger- scale monsoon circulation (Hurley and Boos 2015).

Three major Monsoon

North America

How Monsoon work

A monsoon arises due to a difference in temperatures between a land mass and

the adjacent ocean, according to the National Weather Service. The sun warms the land
and ocean differently, according to Southwest Climate Change, causing the winds to
play "tug of war" eventually switching directions bringing the cooler, moister air from over
the ocean. The winds reverse again at the end of the monsoon season.

Figure 1: See the following diagram and observed the marked shift in the wind direction.
During winter, the large continent of Asia gets extremely cold and the Siberian
high pressure develops. Air flow is offshore and dry. During the summer,
the continent develops low pressure in response to heating and the airflow


W. R. Boos, J. V. Hurley, V. S. Murthy, Adiabatic westward drift of Indian monsoon depressions,

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2015, 141, 689, 1035. (n.d.). Retrieve March 09, 2017, from http://photo.

Ross, R. (2016, Noviembre 17). What is a Monsoon? Retrieved March 09 2017, from

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