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1) Change according to the brackets.

1. They could see far into the distance.( Use 'able to' )

2. I would show him my paintings. (Use 'used to')

3. Dora had never received such a gift. (Rewrite in Present Perfect tense)

4. A plumber fixed the dripping tap for Joe. (use the causative form)

5. The farmer said to the king, My daughter teaches me all these good manners and language.
(Change into reported speech)

6. Carl is the most handsome boy in our family. (write the comparative and equality)

7. If you try, you will succeed. (Turn into third conditional)

8. No other metal is as useful as iron. (Change into the superlative degree)

9. Smoke filled the room. (Change it into passive)

10. She lives here. (write a question)

2) Complete the sentences with future perfect simple or future continuous.

1. By the end of next week my wife ____________________ (do) her spring cleaning and we'll all be
able to relax again.
2. Why don't we meet for lunch tomorrow? I _____________________ (shop) in town all morning.
3. How boring my life is! This time next month I _____________________ (do) exactly the same
things as I am doing now.
4. In two months' time he_______________ (finish) his preliminary training and will be starting work.
5. Don't come over until four o'clock. I _____________________ (attend) a lecture between noon and
half past three.
6. He spends all his spare time planting trees. He says that by the end of next year he
_____________________ (plant) 2000.
7. Come back in an hour. I _______________ (do) my packing then and we'll be able to have a talk.
8. _____________________ (you work) all tomorrow evening?
9. She _____________________ (go) home by 4 o'clock.
10. When he reaches Land's End he _____________________ (walk) 1500 miles.

3) Translate the sentences using conditional forms.

1. Puedes salir con tu novio con tal de que llegues antes de las diez.

2. Si tus suegros vinieran a cenar, qu prepararas?

3. Si no hubieras participado en la carrera, no te habras roto la pierna.

4. Si l me hubiera hablado ms amablemente, podra haberle contestado.

4) Change in reported speech.

1. Can you pass me the sharpener, please?, Robert said to Maggie.

2. I didnt go out yesterday because I had to study for two exams, said my cousin Bill.

3. Dont go to see that film, its really horrible!, my sister told me.

4. What time will the flight to Manchester leave?, she asked me.

5. Mum was here half an hour ago, but as werent in, she went shopping alone, said my little brother.

5) Rewrite using defining and non-defining relative clauses.

1. This picture is worth thousands of pounds. It was painted in 1960.

2. What did you do with the eggs? I bought them this morning.

3. Mr Webster had to stay the night. His car was stolen.

4. You spoke to a man on the phone. That was my father.

5. A girl fainted. She was standing next to me.

6) Write what you would say in the following situations. Write 6-20 words.

1. A friend asks you to help him/her prepare a surprise party and you disagree. What would you say?

2. There is no hot water in your hotel bedroom. Complain.

3. Your father is very stressed because he is always working. Give him advice.

4. A friend has just decided to leave school. Tell him/her your opinion.

5. You work as a shop assistant in a clothes shop. You look at a man who seems a little bit lost. Offer
your help.

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