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President of the United States of America

524-30 Market Street

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

President: George Washington President ID: #1 Team: America Homeroom: Mount Vernon

How well did the president meet the goal to: Grade Comments

(include specific details to support the grade given)

B How Would You Run Things Project: George Washington asked

Congress to create the Department of State, Department of War, and the
form a more perfect union Department of Treasury (became known as the Presidents cabinet)

The decision to create those 3 departments helped make sure that the president
wasn't bombarded with assignments and that some of the requirements he needed to
do were divided amongst other political people.This idea to divide assignments would
make presidency easier and less stressful. The only big problem is that he only asked
for 3. What about the other requirements? Shouldn't they also get departments and
be given an opinion from more than one person? He was smart enough to know that
dividing tasks would be a good idea but I think thought that maybe other required
assignments he had (Foreign affairs, Laws, etc.) needed a department of their own,

A The Whiskey Rebellion Test: Protesters were becoming violent over

the new tax imposed on them. George did the right move and put himself and
establish justice his troops over to the rebellion. This established order, made the protests stop,
and make people realize that the president has authority to stop something he
thinks is wrong. His actions showed that of a great leader. Mrs.Washington
you should be very proud!
Articles of Confederation quiz: George had received a very bad grade
on this quiz we toke and decided on his own time to come to me and fix his
mistakes. He told me this was a real wake up call and that one of his fellow
peers, Nathaniel has asked if he needed help. He regrets not to have gotten that
help and has learned from his mistakes. Other students joined him and they all
tried to help one another find a solution. Since they all were working hard I
decided to give them extra credit on The Constitutional Congress Homework
The Constitutional Congress Homework Assignment: 10 extra
credit points for having met with other politicians to help fix the Articles of
Confederation. Bacon's Rebellion had given them a wake up call, and later
they realized they needed a new government. For weeks on end this group
argued and built a new government. The end result proved more strict (Not as
much as a Monarch, but still enforced rules) and gave the leader of the country
more given authority/responsibilities. He was very intrigued and serious about
his work, which proved how he was willing to make an effort in this class.

B+ Neutrality Policy Pop Quiz: George was one of the only students to
have made this choice and explain his reasoning well! He realized how much
insure domestic tranquility of a conflict it would be for America to chose sides against either there generic
alli France or a very well trading business with England. Many kids directly
chose a side and said things like This side is stronger or the other guys aren't
even that cool,but George remained neutral to keep both bonds. Very well
Foreign Policy Kahoot: This kahoot was aimed to give me the
teacher a better understanding as to what each kid thinks. Georges answers
were very unselfish and his score showed how Native American Affairs were
his first priority. He did lose points when he was trying to give reasons on how
he would help Natives. It was unclear or rather not enforcing many strict rules
to help save them land. Regained 5 points when it showed how he wouldn't
intervene with Foreign affairs of other countries.

A If I had a military project: Had great eye contact with the audience
and spoke loud and clearly. Presented new ideas such as creating a Secretary of
provide for the common defense War. (Even appointed his good friend Henry Knox) Went into depths as how
he would control a rebellion and even gave an example. (Whiskey Rebellion.)
Overall good job.

B- We had many discussion in class about this subject and George always respond how
we a;was needed allies in troubling needs. It would help guarantee a better and faster
promote the general welfare win. Also restated how he would create different positions for different trusted officers
to take and lead. (Example Secretary of War.)

secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and Midterm: George answered mostly correct to all the questions. He had
our posterity the highest score recorded out of his fellow peers. On one part of the test that
stated To prevent a monarch one should almost all the students got this
answer wrong! Your son, did not. He very wisely responded to the question by
saying To not make the government a monarchy one should retire after 2
terms or 8 years of presidency. Very proud of this answer, as it shows how he
thinks about all the possibilities of presidency in the future.

Grading Key

Excellent A

Satisfactory B

Needs Improvement C

Unsatisfactory D

Failed E

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