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Grade 10 Colonial Unit Assignment

Choose a viewpoint from a reformer in Upper or Lower

Canada. Your task is to create a visual presentation/product
that inspires and motivates people to join your cause. This
presentation should be a physical product that can be
displayed (poster, poem, song, speech, letter, newspaper
front page, etc.). Before starting, think about your
perspective (depending on whether you are from Lower or
Upper Canada, a radical or moderate reformer) and what
your problems/ complaints are. Why would you be so angry?
How would you want to react? Would you want to rally
supporters for a rebellion? Why would you revolt? Why would
you not?

What your visual presentation should include:

- A clear idea of why you are demanding change. Provide at
least 3 examples of what you are angry about/ what
complaints you have.
- If you use symbols or other illustrations to express these
complaints on your product, please include a written
explanation to clarify what complaints are symbolized.
- An explanation of what you plan to do about your anger. Ex.
Will you rebel (include what, when, why, how, where about
rebellion) or will you write a letter to the Queen of England
(include details of what you would want to tell her)
- For a wow factor, you may perform or present your product
to the class (This is optional!)
- Please hand in this outline with your assignment for marking

- Due date:

Needs Developing (2- Developed (4) Polished (5)

Improvement 3)
Student shows Student shows Student shows Student shows a
little some an adequate deep
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
the time period the time period the time period the time period
and why people and why people and why people and why people
wanted change wanted change wanted change wanted change
Student put little Student put Student put a Student put a
thought and some thought sufficient amount substantial
effort into the and effort into of thought and amount of
presentation. the presentation. effort into the thought and
Looks presentation. effort into the
incomplete. presentation, as
shown in the

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