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High School

Choosing a college is a huge undertaking, with many late nights

spent filling out online applications, requesting transcripts and
letters of recommendation, andlest we forgetwriting those
sleep-depriving personal statements. But you keep your eye on the
prize, thinking once you have chosen the right school for you, all
that stress will fade away . . .
Or does it?

he transition from high school to the consider you an adult now, which can be scary be-
college of your choice can be stressful cause with this adult label comes responsibility.
too. But Im here to help you take that Your responsibility. Professors might give you as-
stress and channel it in order to be- signments, but they cant really tell you what to
come a productive, happy, healthy con- do. You have an unprecedented level of freedom,
tributor to your new college or university. Its really with no parents, no siblingswait, no parents?!
not that hard. Its actually pretty fun! So strap Who will tell you when to get up? When to go to
yourself in and get ready. class? When your assignments are due? Yes, these
new responsibilities can be a stressful part of the
Lets start from the beginning transition, but students have proven time and
You have chosen your college. Youve submitted time again that they can survive it. You will too!
your housing information, perhaps filled out a
roommate questionnaire, and picked out your Time management is your friend
meal plan. Maybe youve even gotten letters or e- Its pretty simple: If you embrace time manage-
mails from your academic advisor. Youre ready ment, you will be successful as a college student. If
to make the transition from high school senior to you dont, well, you can guess what will happen.
college freshman. So, now what? So what does time management really mean? Its
Freshman orientation is a great way to jump basically looking at all your assignments, events,
into your new surroundings. Most colleges and and responsibilities and then planning your time
universities have summer programs that bring all accordingly.
new students together for a day or so not only to A rule of thumb: for every hour in the class-
break the ice but to also get some business done so room, you should plan on three hours of studying
you dont have to run around in a frenzy once the outside the classroom. This is not like high school
semester officially starts. Make every effort to at- where you might be able to study the night before
tend your orientation! This is your schools way of and pass a test or exam. College exams come per-
helping you reach that first rung on the ladder to haps only twice a semester, which means they cov-
a successful transition. You wont succeed in that er a lot. If you dont keep up with the studying
transition unless you know what to expect. Thats and learn to manage your time, those exams
what orientation is all about. could prove to be problematic. You dont want that
to happen.
Youre in college now Class flexibility figures into your time manage-
Its finally happening: you are a bona fide col- ment too. Your class time isnt structured like high
lege student. Believe it or not, most people will school; the bell doesnt ring when you have to

Fall 2015

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Making the Transition.indd 10 9/8/15 6:51 PM

change classes, and your class times will vary plate. This isnt like high school, where relation-
greatly depending on the day and between semes- ships are made by the mere fact you are in the
ters. Some classes might be 50 minutes; some same homeroom with the same people every day
might be three hours! (True story. If for four years. In college, you may meet
you have to take any sort of lab, someone new every day for four years!
youll see.) These fluid class You may not be able to re-
schedules are great in a lot The transition member everyones names, at
of ways, but they also least not in the beginning,
make effective time from high school to the but this is how the transi-
management skills tion helps you give back.
even more important. college of your choice can be When you become an up-
perclassman, youll have
stressful too. But Im here to help
More money, the opportunity to intro-
more problems you take that stress and channel it duce yourself to those
Financial responsi- shy freshmen you see
bility is a pretty new in order to become a productive, coming in the next few
concept for most stu- years. It will be up to you
dents transitioning
happy, healthy contributor to to help make them com-
from high school to your new college or fortable in their new sur-
college, especially when roundings. It will be over-
it comes to paying for tu- university. whelming at times. You will
ition. FAFSA, Perkins Loans, meet people from new places, new
Pell Grants, subsidized and un- backgrounds, new ethnic groups, and
subsidized loansthese terms may new religions. You will meet people who
not mean anything to you now, but believe me, challenge youand not always in a good way
they will. and people you will wish you had met years earli-
Part of your new responsibilities as a college er. Remember, each new person is a new opportu-
student is to be fi nancially fit and not abuse nity. You just dont realize it yet. But you will.
any financial aid or other funds you may re-
ceive. Students sometimes see the need to take Dont sweat the small stuff
out more money in loans than necessary so So said Dr. Richard Carlson in his famous book.
they can use it for personal expenses in college. Remember those words. Live them. You will expe-
This is not a good idea, because six months after rience so many awesome things once you leave
graduationjob or no jobyou have to start high school, you wont ever want to go backand
paying that money back. If you, like most stu- you wont remember the little stuff that bothered
dents, need to take a loan or two out to make you. Your college experience will comprise some
ends meet, thats fine, but dont overdo it. of the best times of your life, memories you will
Remember to think long term. Be fi nancially carry with you for a long time. Just keep these tips
responsible now so you will be able to pay your in mind, and your transition will be a success! CX
debts after graduation.
Alexander Nazemetz is the Associate Vice President
A different kind of social of Enrollment Management and Director of Admissions
responsibility at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford.
College is social. High school
was too, but in college your
fellow students can be a sur-
prisingly important and influ-
ential part of your life. They
will help you in study groups
or with tutoring. They will be
your support system when
your family and hometown
are hundreds or thousands of
miles away. They will even en-
ter the workforce with you as
your peers and professional
network for years to come.
You need to put yourself out
there and be social to reap the
benefits of surrounding your-
self with supportive students,
professors, and other staff. Do
not be afraid to introduce your-
self to faculty, staff, or fellow
students, especially at the be-
ginning of your college experi-
ence. Taking advantage of your
colleges community is another
new responsibility on your

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