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Board of Directors

Sun Cities RV Compound Inc.

January 20, 2017

The meeting was called to order by President Bob Donner at 9:03

AM, with humor over the fact that the lateness of the meetings
start was due to the pre-meeting of the Election Committee
running too long.

Those present were: Barney Barnhart, Mike Betcher, Bob

Donner, David Fauver, Bill Hallock, Dudley Loomis, Diane Thoene,
and Dick Zabriskie. John Francis had requested excusal because
of illness. Tom OGara, our General Manager, was also present.

The Minutes of the December 16th Meeting were

distributed to Board Members. Diane Thoene moved that they be
approved as submitted. The MOTI0N was seconded by David
Fauver, and passed.

Diane Thoene gave the Treasurers Report: 2016 was a good

year for our finances, with our income up decisively and our
expenses lower than expected. Too much money is presently in
the Money Market, but, after February, decisions will be made
regarding investments and the projects we have on the top-
burner for financing. Tom indicated the Telephone costs are up
some, but also that we have been able to save some on postage
by using metered mail. David Fauver moved the MOTION to
approve the Treasurers Report. With a second by Dudley Loomis,
the motion carried.

Tom OGara spoke to the Finance Report, affirming that our

financial situation is good. There are two more years left on the
pay-off of our Covered Parking debt, which would then make
possible another loan for more covered parking. It is very
popular, and the waiting list is long.
The development of the Tear Drop when complete should mean
the availability of another 480 compound spaces, for which there
is also a sizeable waiting list presently.
As to the Security Report, Barney Barnhart, indicated again just
how important the issue of security is to the Compound, and that
generally speaking things are going okay. A couple of members
have reported items stolen from the outside of their units, and
this is being carefully looking into, with an attempt to trace the
movement in the Compound. Barney reminded all of the Annual
Meeting coming up on Feb. 15.

The Building and Maintenance Committee reported through Bill

Hallock, Ch. . Some of the Guard House changes contemplated
will wait until March to accomplish when the busiest time is past,
but are generally ready to go now. The far gate will become the
Compound entry during the period of Guard House alterations.
Some of the work inside will be done by the Compound
Maintenance Dept. The Computer System changes are
progressing, and all seems under control. The lifting gates for the
guard house are here, but will wait until the summer for
installation. It is hoped that things can be completed before the
worst of the summer heat, especially the cover to be installed.

Dick Zabriskie gave the report for the Election Committee. Going
off the Board in the Class of 2016 are Bob Donner, Dick Zabriskie
and David Fauver. The Committee suggested that David Fauver
(SCW) be re-elected to the Class of 2018 (for a two year term),
keeping him eligible for another 3 year term at that time). We
suggest, for 3 year terms in the Class of 2019: Don Bartolotta
(SCG), Don Thompson (SC), and Ace Hall (SC), A MOTION was
made by Barney Barnhart, and seconded by Mike Betcher, that
the above list of nominees as recommended by the Election
Committee be presented to the Membership for election to the
Board at the Annual Meeting on February 15. The motion passed.
The Election Committee then reminded the Board of our
recommendation for Board Officers for 2017. For President,
John Francis

For V. Pres. Dudley Loomis

For Secretary Barney Barnhart

For Treasurer Diane Thoene

Barney Barnhart reported on the Appreciation Dinner set for Sat.,

February 18. All is ready to go, and the entertainment will be

For the Annual Membership Meeting, February 15th at 1 PM,

Barney. Diane and Tom indicated that the sound system and
mikes are being looked into again at the Rec Center, and Tom will
prepare the agenda.

Diane Thoene spoke to the question of getting the new officers for
2017 to sign up with the bank. She will let us know more about
the details of doing so.

The Teardrop Expansion project was addressed by Bill Hallock and

Tom OGara.They had a very satisfying meeting with the newly-
hired engineers. (The original engineer who had done some work
and never charged the Compound seems to have dropped off the
earth and attempts to get ahold of him failed.) The new
engineers have provided us with a copy of the scope of the work
needed, assured us that the permits should be easier to come by,
and that the cost of their work, including hearings and public
meetings, is estimated at $62,000. ($12,000 waiver for retention
pond, $3950. for their further planning, fill costs, disposal of
waste, etc. estimated at about $301, 000 more. Soil testing has
been done. Hopefully we can remove trees by our Maintenance
Dept. The closing Vulcan plant that has done a lot for the County
may take care of the refuse left, and has been very beneficial in
the past. There are 12 or 13 engineers in this company. David
Fauver made a MOTION, seconded by Diane Thoene, that we hire
Mark Beck and this RPA Company to see this project through.
Motion passed.

Tom OGara offered to ask the Vulcan Company to let us dump

there, and thus get the project started. It is expected that then
we will need 4000 sq. feet of fill, and we already have 1000 of
that from a Car Wash station nearby.

Tom OGara made his General Managers Report. 92% of our

expected income for 2017 has now come in with roughly $60.000
delinquency in paid-up accounts at this time. $10 per month is
assessed for those who are late in paying. We are presently 5%
ahead of last year in income. The Announcements regarding the
Annual Meeting have been sent out in the mail, with a map to the
meeting place.

Tom reported that that the Air Current System for the Guard
House Doors has been selected, at a cost of $277. for each door,
and the fan will be on as long as the Guard House is operating. It
was moved by Barney Barnhart, seconded by Dudley Loomis, that
the purchase of this Air Current System for the Guard House be
approved. MOTION passed.

The Bank Card we acquired for charging smaller items is working

well. The Company supplying our dumpster has been changed,
since Parks and Sons was starting to charge too much. Checking
into our high property taxes will wait until after our projects on the
Compound are finished. Our taxes may go up some due to the
Teardrop area expansion, but hopefully lowered some also if we
are removed from the residential category. New locked storage
cabinets will be required for our propane storage, by Fire
Regulation, costing between $700- #1000. Bob Donner and
Dick Zabriskie were thanked for this service on the Board, as they
go off the Board after two terms. Both expressed joy over this
time of service.
A MOTION for Adjournment was made by Barney Barnhart,
seconded by David Fauver, and passed at 10:22 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Richard Zabriskie,

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