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Jennifer Escobedo

Teaching & Learning 339

Reading Guide: Diverse Communities

1. What is culture?
$ According to Ernst, there are many definitions of culture. Culture can be all aspects of
our lives, such as the norms we practice and the things we do in our everyday lives.
$ Another definition of culture is traditions, history, and interests.

2. How are language and culture related?

$ Language and culture go hand in hand. Language is a major part of what defines culture.
For example, slang groups of people use is culture expressed through language.
$ Ultimately language is the primary means for expressing culture and act as a culture
itself. The example given in the text is the language we commonly observe in grocery
stores to describe items, such as Jumbo meaning very large. These types of words show
a culture of consumerism because the average American consumer understands what
Jumbo is referring to will an outsider would not.

3. How might language and culture impact learning? How can teachers access
information about individual students' background languages and cultures?
$ There is a language and culture difference not only among students but also between the
students as a whole and the teacher. This cultural difference can tend to divide a
classroom or be a cause for confusion, which makes it challenging to teach.
$ Also, a students culture has a great impact on how they think and process information.
They way one students takes in the lesson may not be the same for all students so
teachers need to pay attention to their students unique views and understanding.

4. How can knowledge about individual students be applied in the classroom?

$ As a teacher the more you know about your students the better equipped you are to
successfully teach them. For example, if you know your student enjoys learning about
cars you can incorporate that into your lesson examples in order to keep them interested
allowing them to fully grasp the concept.
$ Also you need to know their strengths and weaknesses in learning in order to adjust your
teaching to their needs so that they are able to grasp the information successfully.

5. How can teachers shape classroom experiences so that they best meet the needs of
ELLs (English language learners)?
$ Teachers can best fit the needs of ELLs in the classroom by valuing your students
cultures. It is important to understand and value your students culture not only because it
allows you to better teach them but also because they will feel important and be more
shilling to learn because of it.
Also teachers must make sure the classroom and their teaching is equitable. All ELL
students are different and are at different learning levels, therefore as teacher we must
adjust to the students needs and abilities in order for them to grasp the information.

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