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1. Do you use herbal soap?

(a) Yes (b) No

2. Which company herbal soap you like to use?
(a) Medimix (b) Patanjali (c) Margo (d) Others
3. Why do you use herbal soap?
(a) Freshness (b) Activeness (c) Health purpose (d) Others
4. Are you a regular user of medicated soap?
(a) Yes (b) No
5. Which brand is better in quality?
(a) Medimix (b) Patanjali (c) Margo (d) Others
6. Which company offer good price effects your decision?
(a) Medimix (b) Patanjali (c) Margo (d) Others
7. Which brand is easily available in the Ghazipur market?
(a) Medimix (b) Patanjali (c) Margo (d) Others
8. By which source you get information about herbal?
(a) Advertisement (b) Retailer (c) Existing customer (d) Others
9. Do you take advice of your doctor for using medicated soap?
(a) Yes (b) No
10. What is the point of attraction towards your brand?
(a) Discount (b) Premium packaging (c) Others
11. from where you want to buy herbal soap?
(a) Medical store (b) General store
12. What level of satisfaction do you gain by using herbal soap?
(a) Highly unsatisfied (b) Unsatisfied (c) Moderate (d) Satisfied (e) Highly
13. Suggestion, if any

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