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Answers to Biology for IGCSE Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Summary Questions page 42.

(Suggested marks are given in square brackets)

1 (a) catalyst - a substance that changes the rate of a chemical reaction without being
changed itself
(b) enzyme a protein that is a biological catalyst
(c) substrate the substance that is acted on by an enzyme
(d) product - the substance that is formed in a reaction catalysed by an enzyme
(e) optimum temperature the temperature at which the rate of an enzyme catalysed
reaction (or other process) is at its maximum

1 mark each [5]

2 (a) enzymes catalyse reactions very quickly so only a small number of enzyme
molecules are required [1]

(b) each type of enzyme catalyses one type of reaction [1]

(c) temperature also influences the rate of reaction; to find the effect of one variable (e.g.
pH) on the rate all the other variables (including temperature) must be kept
constant [2]

3 three from
breakdown of starch (by amylase); protein (by protease); fat (by lipase);
pectin in plant cells walls (by pectinase); cellulose (by cellulase) [3]
4 (a)

at least half the graph paper used;

axes correctly orientated with temperature on the x-axis;
x-axis labelled with unit;
y-axis labelled (no unit);
points plotted accurately (allow +/- a small square);
joined by straight lines between points; [6]

(b) note: there is no unit for relative activity

the relative activity of the enzyme increases from 4 at 5 oC to 32 at 35 oC;

there is a slight decrease in rate between 32 at 35 oC and 30 at 45 oC;
after 45 oC the rate decreases steeply to 7 at 55 oC;
optimum temperature is 35 oC;
allow this point about optimum temperature but explain that it could be
anywhere between 25 oC and 45 oC, more data is needed to be sure [3]
5 (a)

at least half the graph paper used;

axes correctly orientated with pH on the x-axis;
x-axis labelled;
y-axis labelled (no unit);
points plotted accurately (allow +/- a small square);
joined by straight lines between points; [6]

(b) there is a peak in relative activity of 32 at pH 7;

the relative activity increases from 5 at pH 3 to 32 pH 7;
then decreases from 32 at pH 7 to 4 at pH 11
optimum pH is 7;
allow this point about optimum pH but explain that it could be anywhere between
pH 5 and pH 9, more data is needed to be sure [3]

6 active site is on the surface of the enzyme molecule; substrate fits inside the active
site; only substrate molecules with a shape that fits into the active site take
part in the reaction; substrate is the key; active site is the key hole; enzyme
is the lock [3]

7 Q.4 when the temperature increases from 5 oC to 35 oC the rate increases; there is
more kinetic energy; molecules (of substrate and enzyme) move faster; substrate
and enzyme molecules collide more often; so relative activity / rate, increases; after
35 oC the rate decreases; bonds holding enzyme in shape break; the shape of the
enzyme changes; active site changes shape; substrate no longer fits; enzyme is
Q.5 changes in pH cause changes in the shape of enzyme molecules; bonds holding
the enzyme in shape break at extremes of pH; the active site changes shape;
substrate no longer fits; at extreme values of pH enzyme is denatured (at pH3 and
pH11 there is still activity); at optimum pH shape of enzyme has best fit to shape of

3 points from each explanation to max 6 [6]

8 (a) enzymes in seeds breakdown starch to maltose; breakdown oils (to fatty acids and
glycerol); starch and oils provide energy for germination; maltose and fatty acids are

(b) washing powder enzymes:

stains may contain protein, grease (fat or oil) and starch; proteases break down
protein to amino acids; lipases break down fat to fatty acids and glycerol; amylases
break down starch to maltose; products are soluble in water; and are washed away;
cellulases break down cellulose fibres releasing dirt attached to them

(c) pectinase breaks down pectin in plant cell walls releasing more juice from the
crushed apples

9 nutrient medium is placed in a large tank; nutrients are sugars and, ammonium salts /
ammonia; air (providing oxygen) is bubbled through the medium; paddles mix the
fungus with the medium; temperature kept at 24 oC; pH kept at 6.5

Chapter 4 Exam-Style Questions page 42-43

Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

1 C
2 C
3 D

Short Answer Questions

4 (a) add iodine solution; blue-black colour is a positive result for starch; [2]

(b) (i) amylase solution and starch solution are both at desired temperature before mixing;
reaction starts at desired temperaure; rather than changing from room temperature;

(ii) time needed for the reaction to take place; 5 minutes is long enough for all the starch
to be digested in some of the mixtures; [2]

(c) C+3, D+4, E+5; [1]

5 (a) A active site; B substrate; C products; [3]

(b) substrate B has right shape to fit into active site; substrate fits active site (A); reaction
occurs; two products (C) are formed; products leave active site; [4]
(c) substrate fitrs into an enzyme like a key fits into the key hole of a lock; the shape of
the substrate must fit into the key hole; enzyme is like a lock, the active site is the key
hole, the substrate is the key; [2]

(d) shape of the enzyme changes; shape of active site changes; so B does not fit into A;
no reaction can occur; [4]

6 (a) penicillin; [1]

(b) conditions (c) how maintained why maintained

pH addition of alkalis enzymes in Penicillium are
influenced by pH; extremes of pH
would denature them
temperature cooling jacket around enzymes in Penicillium are
fermenter influenced by temperature; high
temperatures would denature them
oxygen sterile air pumped into Penicillum needs oxygen to respire
fermenter aerobically
turbidity / degree of paddles stir contents of Penicillium is mixed with nutrients
stirring fermenter so are not in short supply
nutrients sugar and ammonium salts Penicillium needs sugars to respire
added and ammonium salts to make amino
acids for proteins
no competitors sterile conditions bacteria and other fungi would use
up nutrients and produce
substances that would contaminate
contents in fermenter

5 marks for each condition; 5 marks for each description of how each condtion is controlled;
5 marks for why these conditions are controlled [15]

(d) fermenter is drained; contents is filtered; penicillin is in the filtrate; penicillin is

extracted as a salt-like material; [2]

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