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Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Hannah Hopper Date: Friday, January 27th

Title of Lesson: Introduction to Numeric Cooperating Teacher: Mr. Burnsworth


Core Components
Subject, Content Area, or Topic: Math Small Group

Student Population: 20 students

Learning Objectives: The student will recognize and describe a variety of patterns formed using
numbers, tables, and pictures, and extend the patterns, using the same or different forms.

Virginia Essential Knowledge and Skills (SOL)

VBO: 3.7.1: numeric patterning through multiplication

SOL 3.19: The student will recognize and describe a variety of patterns formed using numbers,
tables, and pictures, and extend the patterns, using the same or different forms.
VDOE Technology Standards

English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)

Input/Output Worksheet
1 Set of Scenario Cards
Recording Sheet for Scenario Card Activity
Small white board slates (20)
Dry erase markers (20)

High Yield Instructional Strategies Used (Marzano, 2001)

Check if Used
Strategy Return
Identifying Similarities & Differences 45%
Summarizing & Note Taking 34%
Reinforcing Efforts & Providing Recognition 29%
Homework & Practice 28%
Nonlinguistic Representations 27%
Cooperative Learning 23%
Setting Goals & Providing Feedback 23%
Generating & Testing Hypothesis 23%
Questions, Cues, & Advanced Organizers 22%
Check if Used Strategy Return
McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015
Teach Others/Immediate Use of Learning 95%
Practice by Doing 75%
Discussion 50%
Demonstration 30%
Audio Visual 20%
Reading 10%
Lecture 05%
Safety (if applicable)

(min.) Process Components
5 min Anticipatory Set with Whole Group
TTW use the online function resource to show the students the input/output activity. TSW
try to figure out the rule based on what is generated by the input/output function.

State the Objectives (grade-level terms):

The students will be able to recognize the pattern or rule and extend it to solve a problem.

17 Instructional Input or Procedure

min 1.TTW start by defining what a numeric pattern is-referencing the graphic organizer for
the students. A numeric pattern can either increase or decrease. The first question to ask
is it the pattern increasing or decreasing? Then you can narrow down the pattern
(addition/multiplication or subtraction/division)TTW highlight the similarities and
differences with addition patterns and multiplication patterns.
2.TTW write an input/out table using premade worksheet. The rule will be multiply by 3.
She will model this for the students and walk them through the steps of how the input is
multiplied by 3 to get the output. She will then have the students help her identify the rule.
(pg.386 in textbook)
3. TTW give each student their own worksheet and guide them through another numeric
pattern which rule is multiply by 5. TTW have the students look at the first number and
determine what they did to the first number to get the second number.
4. After doing this problem together, the students will move into independent work. TTW
give each student a table with input & output numbers. TSW have to find the rule to a
given number sequence. They will each have to solve it independently and write down
what the rule is on their piece of paper. They will share as a whole group.
3 min Modeling Small Group:
TTW write an input/out table using premade worksheet. The rule will be multiply by 3. She
will model this for the students and walk them through the steps of how the input is
multiplied by 3 to get the output. She will then have the students help her identify the rule.

10 Check for Understanding

min TSW work independently on each given numeric pattern. TTW monitor and guide the
students in their thinking for finding the rule as a whole group. They will show & explain
verbally with the small group how they found the rule and the missing numbers.

McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015
5 min Guided Practice
TTW give each student their own worksheet and guide them through another numeric
pattern which rule is multiply by 5. TTW have the students look at the first number and
determine what they did to the first number to get the second number.

Independent Practice For Other Small Groups:

Multiplication Practice using premade worksheets-asks as a review from this week
and they can decide what strategy works best for them
High-Low Game
Completing Ten Mark Assignments on laptops
TTW use their pre-assessment to guide the discussion on numeric patterns. She will
formatively assess the students by playing whats my rule in the small groups after
modeling & guiding the students through two input/output tables.
1 min Closure
TTW state that they are going to focus on numeric patterns more next week in small

Differentiation Strategies (enrichment, accommodations, remediation, or by learning style).

The teacher will use the pre-assessment data to form the groups based on how well they
understand the concept.
TTW use input/output tables to help the students visually see how numeric patterns work &
to help the students make sense of the concept.

Classroom Management Issues (optional)

TTW not pass out the materials in small group (worksheets & pencils) until she clearly
states all the directions.
Lesson Critique. To be completed following the lesson. Did your students meet the objective(s)? What part
of the lesson would you change? Why?

*Denotes Madeline Hunter lesson plan elements.

Intern Signature Cooperating Teacher Signature Date

McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015
Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Hannah Hopper Date: Monday, January 30th

Title of Lesson: Numeric Patterns Cooperating Teacher: Mr. Burnsworth

Core Components
Subject, Content Area, or Topic: Math

Student Population: 20 students

Learning Objectives: The student will recognize and describe a variety of patterns formed using
numbers, tables, and pictures, and extend the patterns, using the same or different forms.

Virginia Essential Knowledge and Skills (SOL)

SOL 3.19 The student will recognize and describe a variety of patterns formed using numbers,
tables, and pictures, and extend the patterns, using the same or different forms.

VBO: 3.7.1: numeric patterning through multiplication

VDOE Technology Standards

English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)

Chunk-chunk-blend multiplication card set (3s)
Multiplication worksheet
Input/output table cards for walk about
Input/output table worksheet to record during walk about
Differentiated Exit Slips for groups
Eraser & dry erase marker
8 laptops for independent tasks

High Yield Instructional Strategies Used (Marzano, 2001)

Check if Used Strategy Return

Identifying Similarities & Differences 45%
Summarizing & Note Taking 34%
Reinforcing Efforts & Providing Recognition 29%
Homework & Practice 28%
Nonlinguistic Representations 27%
McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015
Cooperative Learning 23%
Setting Goals & Providing Feedback 23%
Generating & Testing Hypothesis 23%
Questions, Cues, & Advanced Organizers 22%
Check if Used Strategy Return
Teach Others/Immediate Use of Learning 95%
Practice by Doing 75%
Discussion 50%
Demonstration 30%
Audio Visual 20%
Reading 10%
Lecture 05%
Safety (if applicable)

(min.) Process Components
2 min Anticipatory Set:
TTW begin by explaining a new procedure for math small groups. Each week the students
are going to get a multiplication family to practice. (ie-3s). They will each get their own set
of cards and will have to read them the same way they chunk-chunk-blend their word
study cards in reading group. They must point at each part of the equation and then blend
it. This will help the students become proficient in memorizing their multiplication facts.
State the Objectives (grade-level terms): The students will be able to recognize the
pattern or rule and extend it using a input-output (function) table.

Instructional Input or Procedure

1.TTW model one numeric pattern function using the white board. The rule will be
multiply by 3. TTW say if we put 2 into the machine and get 6 out, what happened inside
the machine? TTW use this terminology to help the students see the relationship with
2.TTW scaffold the following function tables by providing missing numbers in both the
input, output, or both. This will vary depending on how well the groups are understanding
this. Lower/struggling groups-spend more time just finding the output. Higher Groups-
scaffold by alternating the missing numbers in both input & output sections
3.TTW give the students one function table to complete the missing numbers and find the
Modeling for Whole Group
TTW model the independent task using input/output cards for the walk about. Each
student will start their independent tasks by grabbing a slate & premade worksheet to
record their findings. TSW walk around and find a card to solve. They will look over the
table and copy what they see on the car to their recording worksheet. TSW need to
complete the missing blanks and write what they think the rule is. TSW complete two of
these a day.

Modeling for Small Group

TTW model how to find the numeric pattern when given a function table. TTW use
McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015
function machine terminology and will model how to apply the same rule for each
input/output. (TTW use the rule of multiplying by 3)

Check for Understanding

TTW check for understanding by collecting their scenario card worksheets after each
math lesson. TTW review these to ensure the students are completing the task correctly
as well as to ensure they do not get lost throughout the week.
Guided Practice
TTW guide the students by teaching them how to approach problems when a function
table is given. TTW guide the students by using questioning strategies such as:
If this number was put into the machine, and I got ____ out of my machine, what
operation did the machine perform to give me my output number?
What pattern do I see in my function table?
How do I know it is a pattern?
If I start with an output number, how do I find my input? What property would I

Independent Practice:
Multiplication Practice with premade worksheet
Walk about scenario cards with function table (students complete 2 with their own
worksheet provided by the teacher)
Ten Marks Assignment on computer
TSW complete an exit slip with a function table on it. TTW differentiate these by giving the
lower groups an exit slips that only have the output and rule missing. TTW give the
middle-high groups an exit slip that have both the input & output missing, as well as the

TSW complete an exit slip with a function table on it. TTW ask the students to give her a
signal using their thumbs about how they are feeling on numeric patterns (thumbs up,
thumbs to the side, thumbs down).

Differentiation Strategies (enrichment, accommodations, remediation, or by learning style).

Scaffold the lessons by rearranging the blanks in the function table
Provide different exit ticket problems based on the level the groups are at
Provide visuals of function table to help the students see and extend the pattern
Classroom Management Issues (optional)
Place students who are usually off task/easily distracted next to the teacher in small group
Allow only 2 students per walk about card

Lesson Critique. To be completed following the lesson. Did your students meet the objective(s)? What part
of the lesson would you change? Why?

*Denotes Madeline Hunter lesson plan elements.

McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015
Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Hannah Hopper Date: Tuesday, January 31st

Title of Lesson: Numeric Patterns Cooperating Teacher: Mr. Burnsworth

Core Components
Subject, Content Area, or Topic: Math

Student Population: 20 students

Learning Objectives: The student will recognize and describe a variety of patterns formed using
numbers, tables, and pictures, and extend the patterns, using the same or different forms.

Virginia Essential Knowledge and Skills (SOL)

SOL 3.19 The student will recognize and describe a variety of patterns formed using numbers,
tables, and pictures, and extend the patterns, using the same or different forms.

VBO: 3.7.1: numeric patterning through multiplication

VDOE Technology Standards

English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)

Chunk chunk blend multiplication cards
Multiplication Practice worksheet (20)
Input/Output cards for walk about
Input/output worksheet to record during walk about
8 laptops for independent tasks
dry erase marker & eraser
manipulative blocks
manipulative shapes

High Yield Instructional Strategies Used (Marzano, 2001)

Check if Used Strategy Return

Identifying Similarities & Differences 45%
Summarizing & Note Taking 34%
Reinforcing Efforts & Providing Recognition 29%
Homework & Practice 28%
Nonlinguistic Representations 27%
Cooperative Learning 23%
Setting Goals & Providing Feedback 23%
McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015
Generating & Testing Hypothesis 23%
Questions, Cues, & Advanced Organizers 22%
Check if Used Strategy Return
Teach Others/Immediate Use of Learning 95%
Practice by Doing 75%
Discussion 50%
Demonstration 30%
Audio Visual 20%
Reading 10%
Lecture 05%
Safety (if applicable)

(min.) Process Components
2 min Anticipatory Set
Chunk chunk blend multiplication cards-focusing on x 3s

5 min Review Exit Slips from Monday as a whole group. Use the manipulative blocks to visually
show the students an array for the pattern x 4
State the Objectives (grade-level terms) The students will be able to recognize the
pattern or rule and extend it using a input-output (function) table.

Instructional Input or Procedure

Group 1:
15 1.TTW review Mondays exit question and use the manipulative blocks to show the
min students how to apply the rule.
2.TTW use the manipulative blocks & word stories to show them how to build an array
and identify the rule.
3.TTW ask the students prompting questions using the manipulative triangles/blocks

Group 2 & 3:
1.TTW scaffold input/output tables for the students by introducing word problems.
15 2.TTW demonstrate by using the manipulative blocks to show how to solve when given
min the output.
3 min Modeling for Whole Group
TTW model the independent task using input/output cards for the walk about. Each
student will start their independent tasks by grabbing a slate & premade worksheet to
record their findings. TSW walk around and find a card to solve. They will look over the
table and copy what they see on the car to their recording worksheet. TSW need to
complete the missing blanks and write what they think the rule is. TSW complete two of
these a day.

McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015
Check for Understanding
TTW check for understanding by collecting their scenario card worksheets after each
math lesson. TTW review these to ensure the students are completing the task correctly.

TTW check for understanding by asking questions during small group. TTW ask the
students to explain their thinking & how they find a pattern and extend it with/without the
manipulative blocks.
Guided Practice
TTW guide the students during their small group activity. TTW use the manipulative
blocks and ask the students to count the blocks to find the pattern.

20 Independent Practice
min Multiplication Practice with premade worksheet
Walk about scenario cards with function table (students complete 2 with their own
worksheet provided by the teacher)
Ten Marks Assignment on computer
TTW formatively assess the students during small group to gauge their progress. TTW
pay close attention to group 1 who has been having difficultly. TTW write anecdotal notes
to help guide instruction for Wednesday.
3 min Closure
TTW give the students a word problem pattern to solve and turn in to see if they are
following and understanding numeric patterns better.
Differentiation Strategies (enrichment, accommodations, remediation, or by learning style).
Scaffold the lessons by rearranging the blanks in the function table
Provide different exit ticket problems based on the level the groups are at
Use manipulative blocks for the struggling groups (Group 1)
Classroom Management Issues (optional)
Place students who are usually off task/easily distracted next to the teacher in small group
Allow only 2 students per walk about card

Lesson Critique. To be completed following the lesson. Did your students meet the objective(s)? What part
of the lesson would you change? Why?

*Denotes Madeline Hunter lesson plan elements.

McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015
Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Hannah Hopper Date: Wednesday, February 1st

Title of Lesson: Numeric Patters Cooperating Teacher: Mr. Burnsworth

Core Components
Subject, Content Area, or Topic: Math

Student Population: 20 students

Learning Objectives: The student will recognize and describe a variety of patterns formed using
numbers, tables, and pictures, and extend the patterns, using the same or different forms.

Virginia Essential Knowledge and Skills (SOL)

SOL 3.19 The student will recognize and describe a variety of patterns formed using numbers,
tables, and pictures, and extend the patterns, using the same or different forms.

VBO: 3.7.1: numeric patterning through multiplication

VDOE Technology Standards

English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)

White board/dry erase marker/eraser
Walk about cards
Walk about recording sheet
Multiplication bingo cards
Bingo chips
Emoji Exit Question Slips (20)
8 laptops

High Yield Instructional Strategies Used (Marzano, 2001)

Check if Used Strategy Return

Identifying Similarities & Differences 45%
Summarizing & Note Taking 34%
Reinforcing Efforts & Providing Recognition 29%
Homework & Practice 28%
Nonlinguistic Representations 27%
Cooperative Learning 23%
Setting Goals & Providing Feedback 23%
Generating & Testing Hypothesis 23%
Questions, Cues, & Advanced Organizers 22%
McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015
Check if Used Strategy Return
Teach Others/Immediate Use of Learning 95%
Practice by Doing 75%
Discussion 50%
Demonstration 30%
Audio Visual 20%
Reading 10%
Lecture 05%
Safety (if applicable)

(min.) Process Components
2 min Anticipatory Set
TSW practice their chunk-chunk-blend multiplication cards (practicing the 3s)

TTW review the exit question for each group-differentiated with each group.
State the Objectives (grade-level terms)
The students will be able to recognize the pattern or rule and extend it using a input-
output (function) table and word problems.

Instructional Input or Procedure

1.TTW explain the new independent task-multiplication bingo. The students need to
complete their 2 walk about tables and then they may find a partner to play multiplication
bingo with.
2.TTW read a word problem to the small group. The teacher will break down the word
problem with the students to make an input-output table based on the given information.
3.TTW read a word problem to the students and ask them to guide her in forming a input-
output table. TSW solve the rule & missing blanks in the table.
4.TTW give the students their own word problem to solve. TSW share their reasoning and
strategy with the rest of the group.
TTW read a word problem to the small group. The teacher will break down the word
problem with the students to make an input-output table based on the given information.
TTW be intentional about modeling the steps for transferring a word problem into a table
and then solving for the rule.
Check for Understanding
TTW check for understanding by monitoring the students as they solve their own word
problem independently. TTW also call on different students to make sure they are all
understanding the process of finding a rule and will ask prompting questions
What is the first step I should do when solving a word problem?
How can I solve for the rule?
Guided Practice
TTW read a word problem to the students and ask them to guide her in forming a input-
output table. TSW solve the rule & missing blanks in the table.

McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015
Independent Practice
Walk about with input/output tables
Multiplication Bingo Cards
Ten Mark Assignment on Laptops
TTW give the students their own word problem to solve. TSW share their reasoning and
strategy with the rest of the group.
TTW give the students an exit question using emoji faces to circle how well/confident they
feel about numeric patterns.

Differentiation Strategies (enrichment, accommodations, remediation, or by learning style).

Review with group 1 with the blocks to provide a visual manipulative
Provide higher groups with more complex word problems and challenge them with several
missing blanks.
Classroom Management Issues (optional)

Lesson Critique. To be completed following the lesson. Did your students meet the objective(s)? What part
of the lesson would you change? Why?

*Denotes Madeline Hunter lesson plan elements.

Intern Signature Cooperating Teacher Signature Date

McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015
Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Hannah Hopper Date: Friday, February 3rd

Title of Lesson: Numeric Patterns Cooperating Teacher: Mr. Burnsworth

Core Components
Subject, Content Area, or Topic: Math

Student Population: 20 students

Learning Objectives: The student will recognize and describe a variety of patterns formed using
numbers, tables, and pictures, and extend the patterns, using the same or different forms.

Virginia Essential Knowledge and Skills (SOL)

SOL 3.19 The student will recognize and describe a variety of patterns formed using numbers,
tables, and pictures, and extend the patterns, using the same or different forms.

VBO 3.7.1: numeric patterning through multiplication

VDOE Technology Standards

English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)

A B C D cards for small group (8)
Chips to cast vote for practice assessment
Practice tables to read and show for small group
Assessment during independent task time
Walk about scenario cards
Record sheet for walk about scenario cards

High Yield Instructional Strategies Used (Marzano, 2001)

Check if Used
Strategy Return
Identifying Similarities & Differences 45%
Summarizing & Note Taking 34%
Reinforcing Efforts & Providing Recognition 29%
Homework & Practice 28%
Nonlinguistic Representations 27%
Cooperative Learning 23%
Setting Goals & Providing Feedback 23%
Generating & Testing Hypothesis 23%
Questions, Cues, & Advanced Organizers 22%
McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015
Check if Used Strategy Return
Teach Others/Immediate Use of Learning 95%
Practice by Doing 75%
Discussion 50%
Demonstration 30%
Audio Visual 20%
Reading 10%
Lecture 05%
Safety (if applicable)

(min.) Process Components
2 min Anticipatory Set
TTW explain that today they are going to practice some problems that they are going to
see on their assessment.

State the Objectives (grade-level terms)

The students will be able to recognize the pattern or rule and extend it using a input-
output (function) table and word problems.

17 Instructional Input or Procedure

min 1.TTW give each student an A B C D board and chip.
2.TTW explain that she is going to show a problem for the student to solve. She will give
them think time and then ask the students to cast their vote.
3.TTW do this same routine for as many problems as time allows. TTW review what the
right answer was and ask the students to explain their thinking to the rest of the group.

3 min Modeling
TTW model how to listen and read the problem together. TTW model how and when the
students should cast their vote for the correct answer.

Check for Understanding

TTW be checking the students as they answer the multiple choice problems. TTW use
this to direct the instruction time and review or challenge when necessary.

Guided Practice
TTW guide the students as they move through the multiple choice questions. TTW also
facilitate discussion to ensure students are understanding the relationship between input-
output and patterns.

Independent Practice
8 laptops for ten marks assignment
Post Assessment on numeric patterns
Input/output walk about task with scenario cards
TTW collect the students assessment as a summative assessment for numeric patterns.
TTW also collect the scenario cards to see if the students identified the patterns correctly
in their tables.

McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015
3-5 Closure
min TTW wrap up the numeric patterns by asking:
What do we know about patterns?
How do we identify patterns?
How do we extend a pattern in a given table?

Differentiation Strategies (enrichment, accommodations, remediation, or by learning style).

Classroom Management Issues (optional)

Move groups in a staggered order
Clearly state the expectations for when the students take an assessment (own work, no
talking, eyes on own paper, try your best)

Lesson Critique. To be completed following the lesson. Did your students meet the objective(s)? What part
of the lesson would you change? Why?

*Denotes Madeline Hunter lesson plan elements.

Intern Signature Cooperating Teacher Signature Date

McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015

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