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Name:________________________________ Period: _______________ Date: _____________

Mitosis Webercise

1. Go to the following website:

2. Answer the following questions: (Note: Watch out at 5:30, you need to do
something different)

a. What is mitosis?

b. Why is it important for your cells to


c. What are some things that mitosis is a.

used for? b.

d. What is the goal of mitosis?

Name:________________________________ Period: _______________ Date: _____________

e. Why do you not want your cells to be

dividing all the time? What do you call

f. What is the phase before Mitosis?

g. What are some things that are

happening in the phase you mentioned
in Question F?

h. What are chromosomes?

i. When do you need to duplicate the

genetic material?

3. In the same video, at 5:30, list the steps of mitosis and what happens in

Phase Description
Name:________________________________ Period: _______________ Date: _____________

4. Go to:
5. For each phase of both interphase and mitosis, draw the corresponding
pictures in the boxes. On the first column, write the phase. On the second
column, draw the corresponding picture. Click on the FORWARD button to
move through phases.

Phases Drawing
Name:________________________________ Period: _______________ Date: _____________

6. By now, you should have descriptions and pictures of the phases of mitosis.
Go to:
7. Play the game and match the correct pictures with the correct descriptions.
Write the combinations of the Diagram # and the Description # down below.

Diagram # Description #
Name:________________________________ Period: _______________ Date: _____________

8. Apply your knowledge of mitosis through this virtual lab. Go to:
a. Click the NEXT button
b. Define the following:
i. Diploid: _____________________________
ii. Haploid: _____________________________
c. Click the NEXT CONCEPT button and read through the lab. This
information should be review at this point. Add more detail to your
drawings or more notes to make your diagrams more accurate.
e. Under the Identifying Phases of Mitosis, click on the different cells to
know what phases they are in. This will familiarize you with how they
look like under the microscope for the activity OR you can just click the
NEXT button to go through the phases again. Use your notes as
reference as well.
f. Under the Observing Mitosis in a Living Cell, click PLAY to watch how
cell division works in real life.
g. Click NEXT afterwards
h. Under the Analysis of Results I, read through the instructions how to
do the activity. Make sure to read through how to do the calculations.
i. Using the onion slide picture on the website, calculate the time for
each stage.
j. Fill in the Data Table below with your data.

Phases Number of Cells Time (min) in that


9. After you data collection, answer the question below:

a. Which phase took the longest? Explain why you think so.

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