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Digital Unit Plan Template

Unit Title: Construction zone Name: Alexandria Choi

Content Area: Math7 Grade Level: 7
CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):

Geometry [7.G]

Draw, construct, and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between them.

1. Solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures, including computing actual lengths and areas from a
scale drawing and reproducing a scale drawing at a different scale.

Big Ideas/Unit Goals:

Being able to construct their own home from blue prints to constructing it in the real world.

Unit Summary:

In this geometry unit, we will learn about perimeters, areas, and volume of different shapes and sizes. AT the end of the unit,
instead of take a test, you will do a fun little project. For the unit project, my little mathematicians will use your new learned
knowledge to build your own mini home. You will go from brainstorming and imagining to creating the blueprint of your dream
home. After you construct your home, you will also find the perimeter, area, and volume and write it on a piece of paper,
which you will bring on the due date. On that day you will go to three of your peers homes, and you will find their perimeter
and area to scale.
Assessment Plan:
Entry-Level: 1. Brain storm : For this Formative: 2. Warm ups : You will have Summative: 6. Scavenger hunt: (< click
entry level assessment you will a warm up before every new lesson. on the link for the google doc) I will put
brainstorm what your dream house This will ensure that you understand the you into heterogeneous groups. I have
would look like. You will answer material taught in the past lesson in created a google doc for each group.
questions like: order to succeed in the new lesson. Each group will create their team name.
a. How many rooms you would like ? 3. Critical Thinking The teams will go around the school
b. How many restrooms you would questions : Throughout all the lessons, and answer each question on the
like? I will ask you multiple critical thinking google doc. The first team that turns in
c. What kind of shapes you would use? question that will challenge the way you the worksheet and answers all the
d. would you have a game room? think. questions correctly wins.
Theater room? An inside pool? 4. Graphic organizer: Creating a 7. The DREAM HOUSE PROJECT: the
e. How many floors would you have? foldable with all the formulas needed in house project makes up the biggest
order to create a successful dream chunk of your grade. Using the
house blueprint. ( You can find this in brainstorm and graphic organizer you
the lesson 3 tab, with pictures). will create a blueprint of your dream
5. Quizlet review game: ( < click on home on a big poster. Each floor should
the link for the quizlet) be separated.
I will create teams in each class. The You will need to find the perimeter and
team that answers the most questions area for each room:
correctly, will receive an 5 extra credit - at least 4 parallelograms
points towards their participation grade. - at least 2 triangles
- and either one circle or semi circle.
- write the scale (KEY) somewhere on
the poster.

Lesson 1 (Teacher Lecture)

Student Learning Acceptable Evidence Lecture slides on :
Objective: (Assessments): Find
Students will apply perimeters of Introduction video :
their knowledge of different polygons - Define perimeter : is the total distance around the outside of a 2d shape.
- Guide the students through different types of parallelograms.
perimeter and and circumference of
- Monitor progress: allowing student to do the rhombus and trapezoid examples
circumference to fill a circle . on their own. Have them show you their answers on the white board.
out thinking sheets. - Monitor progress : ask students to show you with palms open or closed on their
chest, to check for understanding before you move on.
Students will be able - Hypothesis question : If the perimeter means the total distance around a figure
to dissect composite can you guess what the formula for a perimeter of a triangle is?
figures and find the - Allow the students to try an example problem
- Monitor progress : ask students to show you with palms open or closed on their
perimeter of the
chest, to check for understanding before you move on.
entire figure. - Go over Circumference of a circle
- Elaborating question: IF the radius is half o the diameter then what does d
- Guide the student through some circumference examples
- Add another circumference example on the board if needed for extra practice.
- Monitor progress : ask students to show you with palms open or closed on their
chest, to check for understanding before you move on.
- Allow the students to do the next question on their own, and have them show
you on their mini white boards.
- For the last question, give the student two minutes to work out the problem,
then check with a partner, and discuss how they got the answer. Then have the
students show you their answers on the white board.
- Reason/evidence question: Ask a student how he/she and their partner got the
Additional help through bro&sis:
Student Learning Acceptable Evidence: Warm-up : for 3 minutes the students will do examples of perimeter questions.
Objective: Find the areas of ( if the students are still having trouble with the perimeter do a couple example
Students will apply different shapes. problem before you move on.)
their knowledge of
area to fill out the Have the to students do a webercise worksheet through khanacamedy and youtube
webercise worksheet videos I have personal selected. The students will go through each video and answer
the questions provided by the worksheet. The students will be able to pause or
through a variety of
rewind for note taking. The students will be able to draw in the shapes provided to
help the students understand and visualize the shapes as well as draw the altitudes
for heights. I have also written in prediction or high thinking questions to challenge
Students will be able
their thinking, for example they will watch a video on the area of a circle. However
to find the TOTAL area the video does not explain the area of half of a circle. My prediction question was if
of odd shapes by
dissecting the the student can predict what the area of half of circle is. Since the previous video on
composite figures into triangles told the students how a triangle is half of a rectangle or a parallelogram.
simple shapes. The students will also be expected to try to find the area for figures given after they
have watched the video and taken notes in the do it yourself.

At the end the students will be challenged to look at oddly shaped figures known as
composite figures. The students will be expected to break up the figures into simpler
shapes and find the total area of the composite figure.
Lesson 3 (Graphic Organizer)
Student Learning Acceptable Evidence: Guide the students through creating a foldable. Guidelines will be
Objective: Creating a graphic
Students will apply organizer.
attached and is on the website.
their new learned After making the foldable the students should do the following to
knowledge of create a reference guide for their project. They may refer to the
perimeter, area, and
scale drawings to
videos I have posted for them on construction zone website under
create a foldable. class resources, the notes they have taken in your MATH
NOTEBOOK, math book, questions from IXL and khan academy, and
the webercise worksheets they filled out for lesson 2. Referring to
the blue print they have created in class, I want them to look at the
different shapes they will be using for their dream house and create
a reference guide for the project.

( For example, I am using rectangles and a rhombus, so I write the

formulas for rhombus and rectangle in the according tab. I am also
using a semi circle, so I write the formulas for a semi circle in the
according tab.)
a. When closed, You will write the title and draw example
figures on the front tabs of the foldable.
1. (left top corner tab) Perimeter and area of
2. (Right top corner) Perimeter and area of triangles.
3. (left bottom corner) Circumference and area of circles
4. ( Right bottom corner) Scales for my dream house.

b. Open up the first tab ( Perimeter and area of

parallelograms). Looking at your blue print you should write down
the formulas for the perimeter and areas for different
parallelograms you have chosen. ( no examples needed you
wont have room) ** you should have chosen at least 3

c. Open up the second tab ( Perimeter and area of triangles).

Looking at your blueprint you should write down formulas for the
perimeter and areas for the different triangles you have chosen on
the left side and write an example on the back side of the tab. **
you should have chosen at least 2

d. Open up the third tab ( Circumference and area of circle)

Looking at your blueprint you should write down the formula for
the circumference and area for the circle or the semicircle you have
chosen on the right side of the tab and write an example on the left
side of the tab. [ round to the nearest tenth ] ** you should have
chosen at least 1.

e. Open up the fourth tab (scale for my dream house) and

create a scale for your dream house. Remember it should be
realistic! Using the scale and your blue print find the perimeter
and area of the circle or semi circle, and the perimeter and area for
either a square or a parallelogram inside that tab. Draw a box
around your key.
Unit Resources:
Perimeter :

composite figures:


Useful Websites:

Quizlet game review:

Scavenger hunt google doc:

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