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SIOP Lesson Plan Template (Modified)

Date: Spring 17

Grade/Class/Subject: Kindergarten, Science

Unit/Theme: How we organize ourselves

Lesson Topic: Physical Science

State Standards: Colorado State Standards: Physical Science. Standard 1.

Objects have properties and characteristics. Evidence Outcomes: b. Make
simple observations, predictions, expiations, and generalizations based
on real-life experiences (DOK 1-2)

WIDA Standards: English Language Development Standard 4: English

language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts
necessary for academic success in the content are of Science.

Content Objective: Students can generate a watercraft that will support a

given amount of weight. Students will express why we have boats and use
problem solving to create their own boats.

Language Objective: Students can describe and predict if their boat can
float or sink using some vocabulary terms.

Key Vocabulary: buoyancy, experiment, force, motion

Supplementary Materials: Aluminum foil, tub filled with water, small

groups, coins, corks, straws,

Higher Order Questions: How much weight can your boat hold? Why do
you think people invented boats?

Time: Lesson Sequence / Activities

4 mins Motivation:
(Building background, links to experience, links to learning)
Do you remember how we have been talking about different types of
transportation and why we use them? Well, today we are going to do
an experiment making our own boats. I will split you into groups of four
and I would like for everyone in your group to have a job to build this
Scenario: Imagine, we lived near the Amazon River or across the
ocean and we wanted food to feed people in our village but in order to
get that much food supply we need to cross the river/ocean. How can
we go across the river and how can we carry all this food back to the
village? Now, I would like each of you to keep this in mind as we make
our boats today.
2 mins Presentation:
(Language and content objectives, key vocabulary, comprehensible
input, strategies, interaction, feedback)
Content Objective: By the end of this lesson, you will be able to
determine how much weight your boat can hold and explain why
people created boats. I also, would like for you to tell me if your
2 mins boat sunk or float.
Direct instructions: Here are your groups Now that you are in
your groups I will hand you some foil, pennies and corks. Use the
foil to create your boat, use the coins to represent your food
10 mins supple and the corks to represent people on your boat.

Practice and Application:

(Meaningful activities, interaction, strategies, practice and application,
Give students a 12 x 12 foil, coins, and corks.
Ask students to discuss how to create this boat.
25 Have them experiment different ways to keep boat from sinking.
mins Have them discuss how much weight they want to carry or how
many trips it took to carry their food supple to their village.
Review and Assessment:
(Review objectives and vocabulary, variety of formative
assessments/checks for understanding)
Assessment (Formative): At each table ask students how they
built their boats and ask about the buoyancy of their creation.
Also, ask what type of force or motion they used to get their
boats across the river.

Extension: I would extend this project by reading a book that

connect to the objective and I would also have the students
write in their journals about their creation. I would also extend
the lesson by asking EBs to explain how they got their boats to
SIOP Features (this is a checklist for you)

_ Adaptation of content
_ Links to background
_ Links to past learning
_ Strategies incorporated

Integration of Processes
_ Reading
_ Writing
_ Speaking
_ Listening

_ Modeling
_ Guided practice
_ Independent practice
_ Comprehensible Input

_ Hands-on
_ Meaningful
_ Linked to objectives
_ Promotes engagement

Group Options
_ Whole class
_ Small groups
_ Partners
_ Independent

_ Individual
_ Group
_ Written
_ Oral

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