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Global Network Solutions


SNMP Manual

Revision: 1.01
Date: September 2, 2009

Prepared by
Vitaliy Berchuk

L-3 Communications
Commercial Communications Group
Global Network Solutions
1519 Grundys Lane
Bristol, PA 19007

Copyright 2009, All Rights Reserved

Proprietary Information, no part of this document can be reproduced or
distributed without prior consent of L-3 Communications, GNS
-3 Communications, GNS 9/2/2009

Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1
2 Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 1
3 MIBs ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.1 Administration MIB ....................................................................................................................... 2
3.2 Configuration MIB ......................................................................................................................... 2
3.3 Activity MIB .................................................................................................................................. 3
3.4 Health MIB ..................................................................................................................................... 4
3.5 Notify MIB ..................................................................................................................................... 6
4 OMC Client ............................................................................................................................................ 7
5 MIB Browser configuration example ..................................................................................................... 7

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List of Figures

Figure 1 Interacting SNMP manager with other processes. ............................................................. 1

Figure 2 SNMP protocol preferences ................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3 Remote SNMP agent IP address .......................................................................................... 8

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1 Introduction
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a set of protocols for centralizing the
management of complex networks. It is used for both collecting information from and configuring
the full range of network devices, including servers, printers, switches, hubs, routers, etc.
A Management Information Base (MIB) is a formal description of a set of objects that can be
managed using SNMP.
All objects in the system have unique Object ID (OID) an administratively assigned data value
of the type defined in Abstract Syntax Notation 1 (ASN.1). Some objects have OIDs already
assigned. For example, according to RFC1213 OID for System Up Time is
SNMP Management system or MIB browser uses MIB for collecting information and
configuring objects described in the MIB. It uses MIBs for proper translation object into OID and
sends request for changing or collecting information with specified OID to SNMP Agent.
An SNMP Agent is an application that performs the operational role of receiving and
processing SNMP requests, sending responses back, and sending traps when an event occurs.

The following sections describe the overall approach to implementing and testing SNMP in
the MaxProSlim transcoder.

2 Overview
MaxProSlim transcoder has a set of processes (managers) that are responsible for certain
functionality. Among them Session manager, Process manager, Redundancy manager,
OAM, etc. The Session manager is responsible for user message validation, user access
check and forwarding message to the appropriate manager for processing.
Every manager registers its message handlers with Session manager. This way, for every
incoming message, Session manager knows which manager is to handle the message, and
forwards the message to the appropriate manager for processing.
SNMP manager will be new process in the system and in will perform the functionality of
SNMP Agent.
On startup, SNMP manager should register itself with Session Manager and start waiting for
SNMP requests.
Incoming SNMP requests from the client should be validated first (basic validation),
translated into proprietary messages and forwarded to Session manager. Session manager will
validate them for user credentials
etc. and forward them to the Interacting SNMP manager with other processes
appropriate manager for
processing. Acknowledges
(positive and negative) will be sent
back to Session manager, and it OAM
will in turn pass them to SNMP Session
Manager. SNMP manager should Manager
convert acknowledges into SNMP
Responds and send them to SNMP Process
client. manager

On shutdown, SNMP manager

should un-register itself with
Session Manager. SNMP Event
Figure 1 Interacting SNMP
manager with other processes.
SNMP Client

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The following sections describe, in detail, operation of each module involved in SNMP

3 MIBs
All objects in the transcoder can be grouped into the following:
Administration group contains users list, user access right, and user password.
Configuration group contains objects of active and virtual configuration (channels,
bearers, cliques, trunk names, etc.)
Activity group is responsible for run time state actions (configuration activation, reset,
activate/suspend redundancy, switchover, trunk loopback)
Health group contains alarms, event log, statistic, board temperature.
Notify group contains event traps.
Naming convention is such that each object name consists of a short prefix (mps for object,
Mps for data types), short name or abbreviation of parent object (if applicable), and a description
of objects function. In some cases when type of object is table or entry, word Table or Entry
added to the end of objects name.

3.1 Administration MIB

Administrative MIB GNS-MAXPROSLIM-ADMIN-MIB contains object accessible to
administrator only. Table of users mpsUserTable is the only object MIB contains. Table of users
has columns such as mpsUserName, mpsUserLevel, mpsUserPassword.

3.2 Configuration MIB

Configuration MIB GNS-MAXPROSLIM-CONFIG-MIB contains several subgroups:
mpsHardware contains objects related to hardware configuration (device name,
board serial number, location, number of vocoder boards installed, presence of
redundant board, etc.). Almost all objects of this group are read only. Table
mpsHwIfaceTable contains column mpsHwIfaceName (trunk name). That is the
only object which supports write operation.
mpsVocoder contains table mpsVocoderTable a map channel to vocoder board.
This is a read only object.
mpsActive describes active configuration. All objects are read only and also grouped
by type:
o mpsActiveAdmin user who last saved configuration, its time and version.
o mpsActiveSystem system setting such as system type (point to point,
multi clique, multi destination), compression ratio, number of bearers,
number of cliques, TFO state, safeguard state.
o mpsActiveInterfaces interface configuration (E1/T1, encoding, frame
format, CAS, Inversion, clock, etc.)
o mpsActiveBearers bearer configuration (Primary interface index,
Secondary interface index, is Auto restore enable or not, binary mask of used
channels, etc.)
o mpsActiveCliques clique configuration (bearer index, clique type, mask of
Rx and Tx timeslot on the bearer, primary and secondary IP addresses for IP
clique, etc.)
o mpsActiveChannels channel configuration (is channel clear, compressed
or disabled, clique index channel belong to, is echo cancellation enable or

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o mpsActiveClocks primary and secondary clock source in the system,
trunk index in case if clock source is trunk.
o mpsActiveSnmp SNMP configuration parameters such as read and write
community, trap specific parameters (trap host and community), heart beat
value and interval.
mpsVirtual describes virtual configuration (configuration which has been changed
but not activated yet). This group contains the same subgroups and objects as
mpsActive but they support the write operation.
o mpsVirtualAdmin user who last saved configuration, its time and version.
o mpsVirtualSystem system setting such as system type (point to point,
multi clique, multi destination), compression ratio, number of bearers,
number of cliques, TFO state, safeguard state.
o mpsVirtualInterfaces interface configuration (E1/T1, encoding, frame
format, CAS, Inversion, clock, etc.)
o mpsVirtualBearers bearer configuration (Primary interface index,
Secondary interface index, is Auto restore enable or not, binary mask of used
channels, etc.)
o mpsVirtualCliques clique configuration (bearer index, clique type, mask of
Rx and Tx timeslot on the bearer, primary and secondary IP addresses for IP
clique, etc.)
o mpsVirtualChannels channel configuration (is channel clear, compressed
or disabled, clique index channel belong to, is echo cancellation enable or
o mpsVirtualClocks primary and secondary clock source in the system,
trunk index in case if clock source is trunk.
o mpsVirtualSnmp SNMP configuration parameters such as read and write
community, trap specific parameters (trap host and community), heart beat
value and interval
mpsRedundancy contains objects related to Nx1 redundancy such as
o mpsNx1Master is current unit configured as master unit
o mpsNx1SlaveMonitor should master unit monitor slave unit or not
o mpsNx1SlaveIpAddress IP address of slave unit.
The last two objects are valid only if mpsNx1Master configured to TRUE.
mpsFirmware object contains version of currently running firmware.

3.3 Activity MIB

Activity MIB GNS-MAXPROSLIM-ACTIVITY-MIB contains subgroups:
mpsActSessionTable table of active sessions. It contains list of user currently
logged into the transcoder.
mpsActManagement subgroup for actions. Unless specified otherwise, writing 1
to the object of the group activated selected function. Reading value of the object
tells result of action executing.
o mpsActMonitorRemoteAlarms remote alarm monitoring. 1 enables this
function, 0 disables.
o mpsActRelayAlarms alarm indication on alarm connector. 1 enables this
function, 0 disables.
mpsActConfigFileTable table of configuration files available in transcoder. Actual
file names are stored in the column mpsActConfigFileName.
mpsActIfaceTable interface table. Loopback settings for the interface are stored in
mpsActIfaceLoopback column.

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mpsActQ50Table cliques table. Maintenance release settings are stored in
mpsActQ50MaintRelease column.
mpsActFirmwareFileTable table of release archives available for installation in
transcoder. Actual file names are stored in the column mpsActFirmwareFileName.

3.4 Health MIB

Health MIB GNS-MAXPROSLIM-HEALTH-MIB contains subgroups:
mpsHealthGeneral subgroup of general objects
o mpsHealthAlarmRelayPma state of alarm relays PMA pin
o mpsHealthAlarmRelayDma state of alarm relays PMA pin
o mpsHealthAlarmRelaySa state of alarm relays PMA pin
o mpsHealthAlarmState indication is any active alarm in the system
o mpsHealthAlarmSeverity maximal severity of active alarm(s)
o mpsHealthTemperature1 sensor 1 temperature
o mpsHealthTemperature2 sensor 2 temperature
o mpsHealthClockState clock state (primary, secondary or internal)
o mpsHealthSafeGuardSate is safeguard activated or not
o mpsHealthProMaxState indicates current ProMax state (stop phase,
board phase, sppc on, etc.)
o mpsHealthLoadConfigState loading configuration state (success, failure,
missing, invalid, redundancy invalid)
o mpsHealthSystemUpTime time since last system restart.
o mpsHealthCPULoad average CPU load in percent
o mpsHealthFreeRam free RAM size in kilobytes
o mpsHealthFreeDisk free disk space in kilobytes
mpsHealthBearer bearer state.
o MpsHealthBearerTable table contains information such as is bearer
currently on primary interface or secondary and what is currently active
interface index.
mpsHealthClique clique health subgroup
o mpsHealthCliqueQOSTable cliques quality of service table. It contains
drop rate, voice rate and fax rate for each clique
o mpsHealthCliqueIpTable table of IP clique state (disconnected, primary
IP, secondary IP, packet jitter and latency)
o mpsClqUsage instantaneous and average clique load
mpsClq1UsageInst instantaneous clique 1 load
mpsClq2UsageInst instantaneous clique 2 load
mpsClq3UsageInst instantaneous clique 3 load
mpsClq4UsageInst instantaneous clique 4 load
mpsClqUsageTable table contains average clique load in 15
minutes interval.
mpsHealthChannel contains table mpsHealthQ50ChanTable with the information
about every channels current state.
mpsHealthNx1 N+1 redundancy group
o mpsHealthNx1Suspended is N+1 redundancy currently suspended or not
o mpsHealthNx1Mode is unit configured as master or as a slave

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o mpsHealthNx1Master is master unit switched over or in standby mode,
only applicable if unit is configured as master.
o mpsHealthNx1MasterSwitchover if unit is master and it is currently
switch over then this object contains switched over slave id.
o mpsHealthNx1Slave is slave unit switched over or normal mode, only
applicable if unit is configured as slave.
o mpsHealthNx1SlaveTable if unit is master then this table will contain state
of every slave unit that the master is currently controlling.
mpsHealthIP contains IP statistic.
o mpsHealthIPRxPackets number of received packets
o mpsHealthIPRxErrors number of packet receive errors
o mpsHealthIPRxBadLength number of received packets with wrong
packet length
o mpsHealthIPRxBadClique number of received packets with wrong clique
o mpsHealthIPTxPackets number of transmitted packets
o mpsHealthIPTxUnderflow number of transmit underflow packets
o mpsHealthIPTxOverflow number of transmit overflow packets
o mpsHealthIPTxBadLength number of transmitted packets with wrong
packet length.
o mpsHealthIPStatTable contains table of per clique IP statistics counters
mpsHealthIPStatCliqueIndex clique index
mpsHealthIPStatValid is clique used for IP bearer on not
mpsHealthIPStatRxPackets number of received packets
mpsHealthIPStatRxDropPackets number of dropped packets
mpsHealthIPStatRxDupPackets number of duplicated packets
mpsHealthIPStatRxUnexpectedPackets number of unexpected
mpsHealthIPStatTxPackets number of transmitted packets
mpsHealthIPStatTxDropPackets number of dropped packets on
mpsHealthIPStatTxErrPackets number of transmit errors.
o mpsHealthTrunks group contains information about trunk usage. This
group consists from 12 subgroups mpsHealthTrunk01..mpsHealthTrunk12.
Each subgroup contains statistic for one trunk only. Statistic consists from
instantaneous trunk usage and table of average trunk usage in 15 minutes
mpsHealthTrunk01VoiceInst .. mpsHealthTrunk12VoiceInst
instantaneous voice traffic on the trunk in percents to total traffic.
mpsHealthTrunk01FaxInst .. mpsHealthTrunk12FaxInst
instantaneous fax traffic on the trunk in percents to total traffic.
mpsHealthTrunk01ModemInst .. mpsHealthTrunk12ModemInst
instantaneous data traffic on the trunk in percents to total traffic.
mpsHealthTrunk01IdleInst .. mpsHealthTrunk12IdleInst
instantaneous idle traffic on the trunk in percents to total traffic.
mpsHealthTrunk01Table.. mpsHealthTrunk01Table tables of
average trunk usage in 15 minutes slices. Tables contain statistic of
voice traffic in mpsTrunk01UsageVoice ..
mpsTrunk12UsageVoice, fax traffic in mpsTrunk01UsageFax ..
mpsTrunk12UsageFax, data traffic in mpsTrunk01UsageModem ..

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mpsTrunk01UsageModem and idle traffic in
mpsTrunk01UsageIdle .. mpsTrunk12UsageIdle.
mpsHealthEvents contains table mpsEventTable of events.
mpsHealthAlarms alarms
o mpsAlrmTblResyncFlag alarm table lock. This is a read/write object.
When it contains non-zero value than alarm table is locked and it will not
change its state until object contains non-zero value.
o mpsAlarmTable table of active alarms in the system. Tables state
depends on the value in mpsAlrmTblResyncFlag objects.
All objects in this MIB are read only except mpsAlrmTblResyncFlag. This is the only object
that supports the write operation.

3.5 Notify MIB

Notify MIB GNS-MAXPROSLIM-NOTIFY-MIB contains traps and objects for notifying client
about events in the system.
mpsTraps group contains traps:
o mpsHeartBeatTrap heart beat trap. Current value of mpsHeartBeat
always sent with this trap.
o mpsAlarmTrap Alarm trap. Every time the state of mpsAlarmTable
changes this trap is sent. The trap will not be sent if the alarm table is locked
(mpsAlrmTblResyncFlag contains non-zero value).
mpsTrapObjects group contains special objects. Objects from the group attached to
traps and carry extra information helping to understand what happened.
o mpsTrapSequenceNumber contains unique mpsAlarmTrap ID and
increases every time mpsAlarmTrap was sent.
o mpsNotificationId increases every time when alarm raised. When alarm
cleared will cotain the same value of mpsNotificationId as when it was
raised, part of mpsAlarmTrap.
o mpsPerceivedSeverity alarm severity (critical, major, minor or cleared),
part of mpsAlarmTrap
o mpsFirstOccurrence time of first alarm occurrence, part of
o mpsOccurrence time of most recent alarm occurrence, part of
o mpsObjectId object id where alarm occurred, part of mpsAlarmTrap.
o mpsIdEventType event type according X.721, part of mpsAlarmTrap.
o mpsIdProbableCause probable alarm cause according X.721, part of
o mpsSpecificProblem problem description, part of mpsAlarmTrap.
o mpsProposedRepairAction proposed repair action, part of
o mpsAdditionalText detailed description of the problem, part of
o mpsTrendIndicator description of alarm tendency (currently empty), part
of mpsAlarmTrap.
o mpsHeartBeat heart beat value, part of mpsHeartBeatTrap.

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4 OMC Client
SNMP configuration can be changed from the OMC client. New SNMP configuration will take
place only after pressing Activate button on the client. Currently SNMP configuration consists of:
Read community is a string. It is similar to a password allowing processing GET,
GET NEXT or GET BULK request from SNMP browser.
Write community is a string. It is a password allowing processing SET request from
the browser.
Trap community is a string. SNMP manager copies that string into trap PDU before
sending it to the host.
Send traps enables/disables sending trap to the host specified below.
Trap host IP address is a destination for all outgoing traps.
Send Heard Beat enables/disables sending heart beat traps to the host specified
above. This feature works only when Send traps is enabled.
Heart Beat Value is a 32 bit unsigned integer. This value always sent as a part of
Heart Beat trap.
Heart Beat Interval is a timeout in minutes between two consequent Heart Beat

5 MIB Browser configuration example

MG-SOFT MIB Browser was chosen as an example

Figure 2 SNMP protocol preferences

Using MGM-SOFT MIB Compiler compile MIBs:


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Save compiled MIBs into directory suitable for MIB Browser. All listed MIBs require additional
MIBs GNS-REG-MIB and GNS-TC-MIB for proper compilation.
Start MIB Browser and configure SNMP protocol preferences. Recommended protocol
settings are shown in Figure 5:
o SNMP protocol version SNMPv2C
o Read community public
o Write community private
o Check Use Get-bulk box
o Set Non repeaters to 0
o Set Max repetition to 10
o Timeout 10 seconds
o Retransmit 0
o Port number 161 (default SNMP port number)
Some of setting can be different from what we have on Figure 5, but they should mach
MaxPro configuration. For example Read community and Write community not necessarily should
be public and private but they should be exact the same as configured in MaxPro.
Some browsers need to load MIBs before actual use. This applies for MG-Soft MIB browser.
Go to MIB tab in the browser find MIB modules listed above and load them all.
When SNMP properties are configured and MIB modules are loaded system is ready to
work. Go into Query tab of the browser and type MaxPros IP address in Remote SNMP Agent
window as shown on Figure 6 and press Enter.

Figure 3 Remote SNMP agent IP address

No error message should be in Query result window if connection was successful.

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