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1) Clipboard use for _____________

2) Decision tree question based on Scenario

3) Purchase Request Scenario related to case designing

4) Backward chaining (Ans :"Whenever Used")

5) Related to Decision table Result tab delegation options

6) Which of the following are most accurate regarding utility functions?

(Choose Two)

A. Utility functions can use both the standard Java API and the PRPC Public API

B. Utility functions are called by utility shapes in flows

C. A new utility function should only be created if no other rules or provided

functions can

Accomplish a given requirement

D. Utility functions cannot access clipboard data

E. It is recommended, but not required, that utility functions belong to a library

Ans) A, C

7) When is it appropriate to use a spin-off? (Choose One)

A. When you wish to route work to a different department while continuing down the

process path

B. When you wish to run calculations in a separate thread from the current process

C. When you wish to call a connector rule asynchronously

D. When you wish to call multiple connector rules simultaneously

Ans) A

8) Which two of the following statements are most accurate about the
Split-For-Each and Split-Join shapes? (Choose Two)

A. Both shapes allow you to continue processing when ANY or ALL of the sub
processes complete
B. Split-Join allows you to execute different sub-flows whereas Split-For-Each calls
the same

process on different pages

C. Split-For-Each allows you to execute different sub-flows whereas Split-Join calls

the same

process on different pages

D. Both shapes create separate Threads for sub-processes they create

E. Split-For-Each can only be used when iterating over a list of work objects

Ans) A, B

9) Work party related question

Ans: pyWorkPartyUri

10) One List view report pic is there and answer we have pic format filter (
Ans :a)

11) Access related question (Ans : ARO)

12) Which of the following are the most appropriate ways to include
data instances into your Rule-Admin-Product? (Choose Two)

A. Checking the associated data check box on each included RuleSet/Application

B. Selecting individual data instances

C. Invoking an activity that finds the instances based on meta data

D. Attaching data instances as linked properties

E. No additional work is required if the data is associated with a RuleSet

Ans) A, B

14) An architect wishes to move a rule to a more general class so that it

can be used by more than one work type. What technique is best used to
handle this situation? (Choose One)

A. Do a SaveAs, and mark the original rule final

B. Do a SaveAs, and mark the original rule blocked

C. Do a SaveAs, and mark the original rule withdrawn

D. Do a SaveAs, and delete the original rule

E. Do a SaveAs, and mark the original rule with an availability of "No"

Ans) C

15) Which of the following is a RuleSet versioning practice that is

prevented by PRPC? (Choose One)

A. Skipping RuleSet versions

B. Having two unlocked versions of the same RuleSet

C. Locking a RuleSet that has rules currently checked out

D. Unlocking a RuleSet that was once locked

Answer: C

16) What type of property is "Drivers" in the following syntax:


A. Page

B. Page List

C. Page Group

D. Single Value

Answer: C

17) For a SOAP Service, PRPC applies rule and data instances in which
execution order?

A. 1. Service Package

2. Service Rule

3. Map Inbound Data

4. Service Activity

5. Map Outbound Data

B. 1. Service Rule

2. Service Package

3. Map Inbound Data

4. Service Activity

5. Map Outbound Data

C. 1. Map Inbound Data

2. Service Activity
3. Map Outbound Data
4. Service Package
5. Service Rule
D. 1. Map Outbound Data
2. Service Activity
3. Map Inbound Data
4. Service Rule
5. Service Package
Answer: A

18) There are five instances of the same rule. The only differences
between these are the circumstance settings and ruleset version:
(Similar question)

Which is chosen by rule resolution, when the Country clipboard property is


A. A B. B

C. C D. D

E. E

Answer: D

19) If an agent runs at 2:30 PM and if its configured to run at 30 minutes

interval with a max records

of 50, when does the agent run next time? (Choose One)

A. Depends on the number of PRPC nodes

B. 30 minutes after the last run is started

C. 30 minutes after the last run is completed

D. One hour after the last run because all agents can run only once every hour

Answer: C

20) Log-Usage Reports are accessible ______________. (Choose One)

A. in the System Management application

B. the case manager portal

C. when you run PAL

D. in the Tracer window

Answer: A

21) The Spouse Info section must be visible only when the Marital Status
is "Married". What is the

best way to implement this behavior if the changes need to be enforced at

the client side?

A. Adding a Visible when rule on the section include

B. Adding a Visbile when rule on all labels and fields

C. Custom Javascript to hide/show the spouse information

D. Adding a Refresh when rule on the section include which is dependent on the
marital status


Answer: A

22) What type of property is "Drivers" in the following syntax:

.Policy.Drivers(1).Name? (Choose One)

A. Page List B. Page Group

C. Page D. Single Value

Answer: A

23) When integrating with external systems, one concern is managing how
the connection information may vary as the application migrates from
Development through Production. This problem is solved by using which of
the following PRPC techniques? (Choose One)
A. Global Resource Settings

B. Dynamic Class Referencing

C. Declare Pages

D. Circumstanced Data Transform rules

Answer: A

24) Log-Usage reports are useful to identify ____________. (Choose Two)

(similar question)

A. The average time spent in each work status

B. The average elapsed time by each requestor

C. The average response time for all requestors across all nodes

D. The average elapsed time on rule assemblies

E. The average response time for specific external connectors

Answer: C,D

25) An end user sees a Java exception on their screen. Which of the
following location is most likely to

contain the full stack trace of the error?(Choose One)

A. System Log

B. Alert Log


D. System Management Application

Answer: A

26) The spouse info section must be made visible only when the marital
status of the applicant is

married. Besides setting an onchange event on the marital status

property, what is the most

appropriate solution for achieving this behavior? (Choose One)

A. Applying a Refresh When on the section include with the condition as

(.MaritalStatus =

B. Applying a visible when condition (.MaritalStatus="Married") on all spouse name

and spouse

SSN fields

C. hide/show using javascript function EnableClientEvent

D. Applying a when condition (.MaritalStatus = "Married") for the section include

Answer: D

27) Even though there are plenty of assignments in a workbasket a user

has access to, no assignment

was returned by the Get Next Work button. What is the most likely
reason? (Choose One)

A. No task is assigned specifically to the user

B. The user's profile is not configured with the required skills needed to process the

C. No task is flagged as being urgent

D. The user is not configured to pull work using the Get Most Urgent feature

Answer: B

28) What happens when two users from the same group clicks on the Get
Next Work button

simultaneously assuming there are more than two work items available?
(Choose One)

A. Both users will be presented the work item but only one of them will have the

B. PRPC will display a Release Lock button on the screen along with the work item
to one of


C. One user will be presented the work item and the other will have a lock violation
exception message

D. Each user will be presented with different work items

Answer: D

29) Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding parent-

child case locking

mechanism? (Choose One)

A. You are required to always lock the parent to work on a child

B. You can configure whether or not the parent lock is required to work on a child

C. Both parent and child must be locked to work on a child

D. Parent and all children need to be locked when working on a parent

Answer: B

30) Which of the following statements is most accurate? (Choose One)

A. Page Lists are preferred over Value Lists as they provide more flexibility

B. Items in a Page Group are iterated through in a consistent order

C. A Page List and a Page Group can have the same subscript

D. A property of type Page is referred to as a top level page

Answer: A

31) What type of property is "Driver" in the following syntax:

.Policy.Driver.Name? (Choose One)

A. Single Value B. Page List

C. Page Group D. Page

Answer: D

32) What is the purpose of the Service Package? (Choose Two)

A. Support deployment of services

B. Define access control

C. Group different types of services that are related

D. It is used for migration

E. A namespace attached with the service rule

Answer: A,B
33) From the report browser, a manager creates a standard report and
shared category, and

configures the report in the shared category. How many rules were
created from this process?

A. 0: Only developers can create rules

B. 1: A report definition only

C. 2: A report definition and shortcut

D. 4: A report definition, category, and 2 shortcuts

Answer: D

34) Which of the following performance tools can be used for checking all
database queries that are

executed? (Choose One)

A. Tracer B. PAL

C. My Alerts D. SMA Answer: A

35) A harness rule can be referenced in _________. (Choose Two)

A. a flow B. a portal

C. another harness D. a layout

E. a container Answer: A,B

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