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Digital Unit Plan Template

Unit Title: United States Involvement in World Name: Marissa McWhorter

War II
Content Area: United States History Grade Level: 11th
CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):

11.7 Students analyze Americas participation in World War II.

1. Examine the origins of American involvement in the war, with an emphasis on the events that precipitated
the attack on Pearl Harbor.
2. Explain U.S. and Allied wartime strategy, including the major battles of Midway, Normandy, Iwo Jima,
Okinawa, and the Battle of the Bulge.
3. Identify the roles and sacrifices of individual American soldiers, as well as the unique contributions of the
special fighting forces (e.g., the Tuskegee Airmen, the 442nd Regimental Combat team, the Navajo Code
4. Discuss the constitutional issues and impact of events on the U.S. home front, in cluding the internment of
Japanese Americans (e.g., Fred Korematsu v. United States of America ) and the restrictions on German and
Italian resident aliens; the response of the administration to Hitlers atrocities against Jews and other groups;
the roles of women in military production; and the roles and growing political demands of African Americans.
5.Describe major developments in aviation, weaponry, communication, and medicine and the wars impact
on the location of American industry and use of resources

Big Ideas/Unit Goals:

Students will learn about United States involvement during World War II. They will first explore and
understand concepts regarding how WWII started and factors that led up to it. This will then carry on to
students learning about Pearl Harbor, what led to it, and the aftermath of it. This Unit will also explain key
turning points in WWII that the U.S took part in like key battles or how the U.S home front was helping the
Allies win the war. This unit will conclude on discussing the outcome of WWII. Who won, who lost, and what
the consequences were.
Unit Summary:

In this Unit, students will learn about the United States involvement in World War II. Students will also learn
why WWII began and what the outcomes were. Many misconceptions about wars, like WWII is that soldiers
are the only ones doing the heavy lifting, while women and children are one the home front just waiting for
news regarding the war. But, this is not the case, especially during WWII. Of course the men and women who
served in the war, yes women too, but the U.S home front was monumental in helping the U.S & the allies win
the war. During this unit, students will be completing two assignments the are heavy focused on the attack
on Pearl Harbor. Throughout this unit, students will be doing a number of assignments to help make sure they
understand the Unit topic to the best of their ability. Some of these assignments include worksheets, like a K-
W-L chart, guided notes, graphic organizer, a short quiz, and to finish the unit students will write a essay and
present it.
Assessment Plan:
Entry-Level: Formative: Summative:
Students will start filling out a K- Students will fill out column L in Essay
W-L chart, which will be columns K the K-W-L chart Presentation
&W Webercise
Guided notes Graphic organizer

Lesson 1 (Teacher Lecture)

Student Learning Acceptable Evidence Lesson Activities:
Objective: (Assessments): This lesson will begin with a lecture from the teacher, which will serve as the basis and
KWL chart, introduction of the entire unit.
Students will columns K & W
Guided notes K-W-L chart: Before the lecture, the teacher will access students prior knowledge and have
access prior them fill out the first two columns of the chart, K & W. In column K students will first address
knowledge about what they know already about the U.S and their involvement in WWII and Pearl Harbor, then
they will fill out W, which students will fill out what they want to learn from this Unit topic.
the topic at hand,
Lecture: During the teacher lecture, the students will be given a guided notes worksheet. With
U.S involvement in this worksheet, students will have to fill in the blanks and answer the questions. Students will
WWII and Pearl be assessed on the quality of their answers in their guided notes worksheets. This will help
ensure to the teacher that the students are understanding the lecture.
Harbor. Discuss
the American
home front during
World War II,
paying special
attention to long-
term changes

Lesson 2 (Webercise/ iPad Lesson)

Student Learning Acceptable Evidence: Lesson Activities: During lesson 2, the teacher will have students partake in a Webercise.
This webercise will basically be the whole lesson, and it will help students learn more in depth
Objective:Students Webercise
Short Quiz about the events leading up to, during, and after Pearl Harbor.
will also be able to
discuss the Webercise: Students will go to this website:, and they will
fundamental be given a webercise worksheet as well. At this website, students will be given an
objectives of WWII, interactive timeline of events of Pearl Harbor, regarding the Japanese and the United
and also how the States. The following day, students and the teacher will go over the answers to the
worksheet in class. The teacher will assess students understanding of the lesson with the
United States webercise worksheet.
dealt with the
events leading up Short Quiz: Students will also be assessed in a short quiz, so the teacher can make sure
students understand the basic concepts of the Unit topic.
to, during, and
after the attack of
Pearl Harbor.
Lesson 3 (Graphic Organizer)
Student Learning Acceptable Evidence: Lesson Activities: During the last lesson, students will go to another website and learn the
conclusion and a few more factors of Pearl Harbor, and the aftermath of it, and the aftermath of
Objective: Graphic
organizer WWII.
will Understand Essay &
and identify key Presentation Graphic Organizer: For this assignment, students will be given another worksheet to go
causes of the to this website: .
World War II, and With their graphic organize worksheet, students will answer the questions regarding the
key components given website. The teacher will assess students on their answers on their graphic
the U.S took part organizer worksheets.

in Essay & Presentation: For the final assignment of the unit, students will have to write a
3-4 page essay paper regarding any topic that is about the U.S involvement during WWII.
Students will be assessed on their essay, along with a 10min presentation they will have
to give that is in regards to their essay topic.
Unit Resources:

Digital Unit Plan site:

Teacher lecture:

Webercise website:

Graphic organizer website:

KWL, Guided notes, Webersice worksheet, & essay rubric available at the end of this template

Useful Websites:

The Price of Freedom: Americans at War :

WWII Resources:

WWII Sound & Image Archive :

U.S Army in WWII Series:

Encyclopedia of the Second World War:

America the story of Us: World War 2:

U.S WWII Victory Parade:

World War II Part 1:

World War II Part 2:

Infantry Weapons of WWII:

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