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Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Joshua Davis Date: March 6-10, 2017

Subject: English Language Arts Topic: Reading, Grammar

Grade: 2nd grade Length of Lesson: 1 hour and 15 minutes

Introduction (Essential Question): How is art connected to the past?

Standard: Reading

Cluster: Key Ideas and Details

Objective: ELA.2.R.C1.4 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why and
how to demonstrate understanding of key details in informational text.

Specific Objective:
Students can tell who, what, where, when, why and how certain details are in the informational

Introduction (Essential Question): How is art connected to the past?

Standard: Reading

Cluster: Key Ideas and Details

Objective: ELA.2.R.C1.5 Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus
of specific paragraphs within informational text.

Specific Objective:
Students will able to tell the main idea of a text with multiple paragraphs and specific paragraphs
in an informational text.

Introduction (Essential Question): How is art connected to the past?

Standard: Reading

Cluster: Key Ideas and Details

Objective: ELA.2.R.C1.6 Describes the connection between a series of historical events,

scientific ideas or concepts or steps in technical procedures in an informational text.

Specific Objective:
Students will be able to understand that facts in a informational text is real and can be see or
made in reality
Introduction (Essential Question): How is art connected to the past?
Standard: Reading
Cluster: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

Objective: ELA.2.R.C3.3 Explain how specific images (e.g., a diagram showing how a machine
works) contribute to and clarify an informational text

Specific Objective:
Students can explain an image in an informational text.

Introduction (Essential Question): How is art connected to the past?

Standard: Reading

Cluster: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

Objective: ELA.2.R.C3.5 Compare and contrast the most important points presented by two
informational texts on the same topic.

Specific Objective:
Students will be compare and contrast two informational text.

Introduction (Essential Question): How is art connected to the past?

Standard: Reading

Cluster: Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

Objective: ELA.2.R.C4.2 Able to read and comprehend informational texts

Specific Objective:
Students will be introduced to their stories and comprehend the subject.

Introduction (Essential Question): What sound does this word make?

Standard: Reading

Cluster: Phonics and Word Recognition

Objective: ELA.2.R.C7.1 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in
decoding words.

Specific Objective:
Students will be introduced to spelling words and phonics words.

Introduction (Essential Question): What does this word mean? What is this word?
Standard: Reading

Cluster: Fluency

Objective: ELA.2.R.C8.1 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

Specific Objective:
Students will be introduced to spelling words and high-frequency words.

Introduction (Essential Question): How is art connected to the past?

Standard: Speaking & Listening

Cluster: Comprehension and Collaboration

Objective: ELA.2.SL.C13.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners

about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.

Specific Objective:
Students will answer questions involving their spelling, vocabulary, and stories.

Introduction (Essential Question): What sound does this word make?

Standard: Speaking & Listening

Cluster: Comprehension and Collaboration

Objective: ELA.2.SL.C13.2 Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or
information presented orally or through other media

Specific Objective:
Students will be introduced to spelling words and phonics words.

Introduction (Essential Question): How is art connected to the past?

Standard: Speaking & Listening

Cluster: Comprehension and Collaboration

Objective: ELA.2.SL.C13.3 Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to
clarify comprehension, gather additional information, or deepen understanding of a topic or issue

Specific Objective:
Students will ask and answer questions about their stories, what the teacher reads to them and
other topics of interest for the student.
Introduction (Essential Question): How is art connected to the past?
Standard: Speaking & Listening

Cluster: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

Objective: ELA.2.SL.C14.1 Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and
relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences.

Specific Objective:
Students will be able to tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant
details while speaking clearly

Introduction (Essential Question): How is art connected to the past?

Standard: Speaking & Listening

Cluster: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

Objective: ELA.2.SL.C14.2 Create audio recordings of stories or poems; add drawings or other
visual displays to stories or recounts of experiences when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts
and feelings.

Specific Objective:
Students will be able to drawings that tell a story or recount an experience that clearly show the
ideas of the story or experiences.

Introduction (Essential Question): How is art connected to the past?

Standard: Speaking & Listening

Cluster: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

Objective: ELA.2.SL.C14.3 Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation
in order to provide requested detail or clarification

Specific Objective:
Students will be able to make sentences that make sense and have an idea in them.

Introduction (Essential Question): How is art connected to the past?

Standard: Language

Cluster: Conventions of Standard English

Objective: ELA.2.L.C15.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English

grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Specific Objective:
Students will be able to use correct grammar when speaking or writing
Introduction (Essential Question): How is art connected to the past?
Standard: Language

Cluster: Conventions of Standard English

Objective: ELA.2.L.C15.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English

capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

Specific Objective:
Students will be able to use correct grammar when speaking or writing

Introduction (Essential Question): How is art connected to the past?

Standard: Language

Cluster: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

Objective: ELA.2.L.C17.1 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning

words and phrases based on grade 2 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of

Specific Objective:
Students will be able to decipher unknown words by using pre-existing knowledge of others
words sounds and meanings.

Introduction (Essential Question): How is art connected to the past?

Standard: Language

Cluster: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

Objective: ELA.2.L.C17.2 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word

relationships and nuances in word meanings.

Specific Objective:
Students will be able to understand and use figurative language such as metaphors, similes, and

Introduction (Essential Question): How is art connected to the past?

Standard: Language

Cluster: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

Objective: ELA.2.L.C17.3 use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and
being read to, and responding to texts, including using adjectives and adverbs to describe

Specific Objective:
Students will be able to use words they have heard in conversations and readings, students
should be able to use adjectives and adverbs.

Introduction (Essential Question): How is art connected to the past?

Standard: Language

Cluster: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

Objective: SS.2.H.C1.2 Identify cultural contributions and differences made by people from the
various regions in the United States using literature, documents and oral accounts.

Specific Objective:
Students will be able to tell when a culture has made a difference.

Introduce spelling, vocabulary, phonics and high-frequency words each day first.
Vocabulary: yarn, strands, spinning, dye, weave, sharpening, duplicated, delicious
Spelling: helpful, sadly, hopeful, thankful, slowly, wishful, kindly, useful, safely, painful,
mouthful, weakly, jumped, saying, quickly, wonderful
Vocabulary Strategies: Compound Words
Phonics: Suffixes y, -ly, -ful. Final stable syllables tion, -ture.
Grammar: Irregular verbs

Spelling words are on the small board up front and can be found on page T236. Vocabulary word
cards are on the board as well, if it is not their check the counter, but if for some reason they are
not there either go to page T220 as it has the vocabulary words with their sentences, read to
students the word, then the sentence, and then the definition of each word. The high-frequency
words on the counter behind the board. The goals for today are on page T212 in the teachers
handbook. The only exception is writing as we may not get to it in time with other activities.

Phonics is words with the suffixes y, -ly, and -ful. The teacher will start by having students
hearing words with a suffix y, -ly, or ful then making sure that students understand how they
connect in our words. The teacher will then read aloud on page T214 the text from Nothing but a
Quilt. Ask about compound words to students.

Read the story on page T224 (278 for students) The Goat in the Rug to the students. Talk about
the genre and the target skill of drawing conclusions. Next move onto irregular verbs on page
T236 and talk on what an irregular verb is to students. Readers Notebook page 113 for work on
irregular verbs; they are have, has, and had.

Spelling words are on the small board up front and can be found on page T236. Vocabulary word
cards are on the board as well, if it is not their check the counter, but if for some reason they are
not there either go to page T220 as it has the vocabulary words with their sentences, read to
students the word, then the sentence, and then the definition of each word. The high-frequency
words on the counter behind the board. The goals for today are on page T238 in the teachers
handbook. The only exception is writing as we may not get to it in time with other activities.

Phonics is words with the suffixes y, -ly, and -ful. The teacher will start by having students
hearing words with a suffix y, -ly, or ful then making sure that students understand how they
connect in our words. In the Readers Notebook on page 114 there is a activity for the suffixes.
Choose students from the class to read a page a piece in their story The Goat in the Rug. Go over
the conclusion in the story and the sequence of events in the story. Next move onto irregular
verbs on page T246 and talk on what an irregular verb is to students. In readers notebook on
page 116 is phonics for irregular verbs, this time it is do, does, and did.

Spelling words are on the small board up front and can be found on page T236. Vocabulary word
cards are on the board as well, if it is not their check the counter, but if for some reason they are
not there either go to page T220 as it has the vocabulary words with their sentences, read to
students the word, then the sentence, and then the definition of each word. The high-frequency
words on the counter behind the board. The goals for today are on page T248 in the teachers
handbook. The only exception is writing as we may not get to it in time with other activities.

Phonics is words with Final Stable Syllables tion and ture. List several words that end with
either tion or ture to students making sure they understand the sounds of the ending words are
the same. In the Readers Notebook on page 118 there is a activity for the syllables tion and
ture. Choose students from the class to read a page a piece in their story The Goat in the Rug. Go
over the conclusion in the story and the sequence of events in the story. Point out their
vocabulary words in the storys setting. Next move onto irregular verbs on page T258 and talk on
what an irregular verb is to students. In readers notebook on page 122 is phonics for irregular
verbs with have, has, and had plus do, does, and did.

Spelling words are on the small board up front and can be found on page T236. Vocabulary word
cards are on the board as well, if it is not their check the counter, but if for some reason they are
not there either go to page T220 as it has the vocabulary words with their sentences, read to
students the word, then the sentence, and then the definition of each word. The high-frequency
words on the counter behind the board. The goals for today are on page T260 in the teachers
handbook. The only exception is writing as we may not get to it in time with other activities.

In phonics go over words with the suffixes y, -ly, and ful with students. Review over words
with Final Stable Syllables tion and ture. The second story on page T164 (page 302 for
students) is Basket Weaving and choose a student to read the page and then choose another for
the next. Next go over compound words with students, do the the fist shake and then bump.
Example: Home(shake fist) then say work(shake other fist) then bump the fist and say
homework. Readers Notebook page 124 for compound words. For grammar we will review the
special verb be.

Testing all of what students have learned. Review if we need to reinforce an idea.

Readers Journeys text book

Spelling words board

Vocabulary word cards

High-frequency words

Sound cards

Wizard of Oz Sequence of Events book

Direct Instruction:
At 10:47 am Reading class begins, have students walk to the carpet and being this weeks
spelling words written the week before on the small board in the school room. Properly announce
each word students say the word once and the spell the word. Then move onto the vocabulary
word cards on the board for the spelling words. Tell students each word and what it means. Next
move onto high-frequency which is also behind the spelling words after that send students back
to their desk and to get their readers out. Tell them to turn to page 278 (T224 for teacher) for
their story The Goat in the Rug and go over the target skill and the genre, after this is done have
students get out their readers notebook/workbook to do some phonics, grammar, spelling related
task, this all should finish up at 12:06. On Monday read aloud on page T214 the text from
Nothing but a Quilt

If any extra time is up throughout the day after student finish up most of the work for the lesson
in that hour then students can work on their Sequence of Events Wizard of Oz note book. At
12:42 pm Title 1 teachers will come in to get students, this is the perfect time to go over anything
left over or work in small group. Each day should be the same just focus on students memorizing
the content of the spelling words, understanding the vocabulary words, and ask question about
their stories. Be sure to go over grammar and the phonics sections of each day, students will need
them for their tests on Friday.

Guided Practice:
For guided practice the teacher will go with student over phonics blending and substituting
phonemes, using the spelling/sound cards, and working in the read workbook some in the work
book. Vocabulary will be asking students what they can relate to in the vocabulary.

On Thursday during reading tell students to turn page T224 (278 for students) for their story The
Goat in the Rug and read aloud before asking question on the realistic fiction story and how their
two stories fall into place with one another. Use small groups during the 12:42 pm class time or
during computer lab to go over any bit of information that has students confused. Work in
Readers Notebook on pages 113, 114, 116, 118, 122, and 124 for each appropriate day.
1st tier: Working with the students whole group to understand the spelling phonics, grammar, and
story for that week, uses questions to challenge students and make them reflect on their story.

2nd tier: Students in small group could do a project that involves them in creating a bit of art to
convey what has happened in the story, the sequence of events, or the main idea of a story.

3rd tier: If a student is having trouble understand the material then Title 1 teachers will be asked
to work more towards their trouble subjects and additional support will be given to students

Lesson Closure:
Ask students How is art connected to the past?

Independent Practice:
Read the study guide and go over grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. Read the stories for this
week. Work on Readers Notebook at school.

Spelling Test (written by students)

Vocabulary Test from teachers book

Grammar Test from teachers book

Comprehension Test from teachers book

Lesson Reflection:

How I would teach this lesson differently next time.




Teachers Signature: *

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