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Direct instruction

Teacher(s): Laryssa Dickey, Nicholas Griffin, Randy Fulford, and Subject: Physics
Anthony Mandarino


Strand 5: Physical Sciences Concept 2: Motions and Forces PO 4.

Using Newtons 2nd Law of Motion, analyze the relationships among the net force acting on a body, the mass of the body,
and the resulting acceleration:

graphically mathematically

Strand 5: Physical Sciences Concept 2 Motions and Forces PO 5.

Use Newtons 3rd Law to explain forces as interactions between bodies (e.g., a table pushing up on a vase that is pushing
down on it; an athlete pushing on a basketball as the ball pushes back on her).

Objectives (Explicit): Students will be able to identify how Newtons 2nd and 3rd laws affect peoples motion. Students will
be able to differentiate between Newtons 2nd and 3rd laws.

Essential Question:

What is flopping and how does Newtons 2nd and 3rd law of motion affect flopping?

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable): Be able to identify if scenarios are 2nd or 3rd laws in a group setting, and be able to
explain why they chose that specific law.

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex): Content and Language objectives action verbs such as write,
list, highlight, etc.)

SWBAT define and compare Newtons 2nd and 3rd law of motion
SWBAT evaluate the media examples and identify Newtons Laws in real world scenarios
SWBAT analyze and critique
SWBAT provide evidence of mastery of subject
Communicate and collaborate in groups
Use digital tools and strategies to locate, collect, organize, evaluate, and synthesize information

SWBAT use critical thinking skills and analysis in order to apply Newtons 2nd and 3rd laws in real world scenarios. They will
evaluate the videos presented in class and then critique in order to select which law they believe is being demonstrated.
Students will defend their answers with evidence and collaborate in groups to argue their position.

Key vocabulary: Flopping, Gravity, Newtons Laws of Motion Materials/Technology Resources to be Used: Projector,
computer, rolling desks

Show videos of professional Basketball/ Soccer Flopping and ask what they observe

I Teacher Will: Teacher will give clear concise notes Student Will: Students will be receptive to notes
st Teacher will demonstrate examples of each law Students will be engaged and ask question about
r examples
Teacher will guide students through rationalizing why it is
u a specific example of particular law Students will participate in rationalizing examples of
c laws
ti Teacher will explain how flopping is explained by
o Newtons laws
a Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation How will your instruction look different for those students who need
l differentiation or accommodations during your instructional input/teaching?
n Teacher will provide at least one particular example that students themselves get to do. Notes will be
p available prior to class for students who feel they need extra explanation to go over and ask questions. A
u padlet may be running in the background for students to ask additional questions.

G Teacher Will: Create questions for students to participate Student Will: Will participate and be able to rationalize
u in a Four corners Activity their reasoning for the Four Corner Activity
d Teacher will mediate Activity and guide where the
e reasoning is going
P Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation/Check for Understandinghow are you going to know if EACH student is
r ready to move onto independent practice? And how are you going to differentiate if they do not understand?
ti During the activity, students will pick which law they think it is and be asked to explain why. With this, the teacher
c can see what students are struggling and have peer involvement through group learning help bring new ideas to light
e on how students understand the lesson.

I Teacher Will: Student Will:

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections: What connections will students make to their real lives? What essential
questions will they reflect on in their closure of the lesson?

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