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Heather Mortimore

Journal 1: Methamphetamine

Learning about meth and how it consumes its consumers was really shocking.

Sure, you see those skeletons of people on the street that are yelling at something that

isnt there, with mouths that look like they tried to eat a bag of rocks. But a lot of us dont

stop and take the time to think about the thing that has taken their mind away from them

and how it works. In this section I learned about how meth controls the user through

tricking the brain. Because the chemical structure of meth is so similar to the structure

of dopamine it confuses the brain and makes it think that there was a neurological

response that called for dopamine. This confusion causes the brain to release all of its

dopamine, flooding the brain with this feel good neurotransmitter. Normally there

would be a reuptake process that takes place to recycle the dopamine that had not

bound to any of the receptor sites, but meth stunts this reuptake cycle and the

dopamine flood remains.

The short term effects are decreased appetite, dry mouth, irregular or increased

heartbeat, euphoria, delusions (like crank bugs), increased body temperature, pupil

dilation, and increased respiration. Long term effects include, anhedonia, psychosis,

weight loss, stroke, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, damaged blood vessels,

skin abscesses, meth mouth, acute lead poisoning, damage to the dopamine receptors.

Fifty percent of the dopamine receptors are damaged from the constant stress put on

Journal 2: Cocaine

Cocaine is a drug that you see a lot in the movies and is glamorized by music

artists. Knowing now how quickly it damages the user and the problems it causes

makes it look a lot less glamorous. Cocaine has a lot of similarities to meth, but it also

stimulates the release of serotonin.

Short term effects such as constricts blood vessels, dilate pupils, increase of

overall body temperature, increase heart rate, increase blood pressure. severe

headaches, gastrointestinal complications, and decrease in appetite. Long term effects

are gain a tolerance, sorting can lead to a loss of smell, risk of heart attacks and

strokes, decrease in appetite, injecting can lead to allergic reaction, can contract AIDS

and HIV Ingesting, and can lead to bowel gangrene.

Through discussions in class, and our assignment to interview two people and do

our own research on what would happen if cocaine were to become legal in mexico. I

learned a lot about the economy that surrounds cocaine with the cartels. Cocaine used

to be casually put into products and sold to the public. Coca Cola came from this trend

Atlanta pharmacist John Pemberton sold an imitation on the Vin Mariani that he called

French Wine Cola. Later after the American temperance movement, he took out the

alcohol, added carbonated water, and reformulated the mixture to combine the coca

with the syrup of the African kola nut containing about 2% caffeine. Coca-Cola was

Journal 3: Heroin (and opioids)

Heroin, derived from opium that comes from the opium poppy flower is a drug

that is very dangerous and opioids are a big problem here in Utah. I have personally

known people who struggled with opioid addiction. The detox process is terrible and the

addiction destroys relationships. There is no possible way to have healthy relationships

with people and hold down a job while on this drug. That can probably be said about

most of the drugs that we have discussed in class, but from personal experience, I know

the struggles of trying to handle someone with this specific condition.

When heroin is used, and it reaches the brain it turns into an opium like

substance made of endorphins that binds to the natural opioid receptors in the brain.

Creating a euphoric drowsy alternate state of reality. Heroin can be smoked, injected,

and taken orally. Prescription opioids are often abused by being crushed and snorted.

The acute effects and withdrawal effects are almost exactly opposite from each other,

which I thought was interesting. Such as, that drowsy reality turns into insomnia and

restlessness, and slowed respiration turns into panting and sneezing.

The short term effects are euphoria, alternate state of drowsy reality, dryness of

mouth, slowed respiration, muscular weakness, decreased body temperature,

constipation, low bloodpressure, and decreased sexdrive. Detox effects are pneumonia,

terrible pain, diarrhea, insomnia, dilated pupils, hot flashes, high blood pressure, and

spontaneous orgasms.
Journal 4: LSD and other Hallucinogens

For LSD and other Hallucinogens we didnt do a lot in class to discuss them.

There was a takehome quiz. But from that takehome quiz I learned that LSD is a

synthetic derivative of lysergic acid, which is found in the ergot fungus that grows on rye

and other grains. The structure of LDS is similar to serotonin, so it is absorbed through

the serotonin receptors in the brain and increases the serotonin capacity.

Short term effects include dilated pupils, high body temperature, fast heart rate,

loss of appetite, and sweating. Long term effects are overheating from the raised body

temperature, cardiovascular collapse, or sudden heart failure from the raised heart rate

and high blood pressure, and weight loss from the loss of appetite.

We viewed part of a video in class that was following a british woman after she

did ecstasy and it showed what her life looked like while under the influence.

Albert Hofman was a chemist Switzerland that discovered LSD. The story is that

at work one day he accidentally exposed himself to the chemical, and wasnt aware of it.

When he became sober and back to reality it took him a few days to piece together the

cause of his intoxication.

The government looked into using LSD as a chemical weapon. They thought if it

were to be used as a weapon that it would leave those who were targeted disoriented

and vulnerable to later attack.

Journal 5: Marijuana

Marijuana is a plant from the cannabis family and is the most commonly available

psychoactive drug originated from the cannabis plant. The THC concentration ranges

from 1 to 6 percent. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is what causes the high.

There are many health benefits to marijuana such as treating glaucoma, asthma,

combats weight loss (cancer and AIDs), combats nausea (cancer and AIDs), lessens

muscle spasticity, muscle relaxer, improves appetite, pain reliever, and eases or gets rid

of concussions. Even with all these benefits it is still considered a schedule I drug which

means it's looked at by the law as having no medical benefits and no counterbalancing

benefits. But luckily for those who need it, things seem to be changing, and they should

be able to legally have marijuana in most of the united states.

Short term effects are red eyes, dry mouth, impaired coordination, impaired

thinking, hunger, impaired coordination, and euphoria. The long term effects are severe

anxiety, breathing problems, infertility, low motivation, impaired ability to function, panic

attacks, heart problems, and depression. As well as amotivational syndrome which is a

state of listlessness and personality change involving a general apathy and indifference

to long-range plans.
Journal 6: Alcohol

Alcohol a drink that is made from anaerobic fermentation of sugars. Every

person has alcohol dehydrogenase in their body, that is the collection of enzymes that

neutralize alcohol through oxidation. Men have more than women, so men can have two

drinks a day, and women can have one. In moderation alcohol has many benefits such

as, lowering blood pressure, reduces chance of stroke, reduces chances of dementia,

heart health, and helps type 2 diabetes.

But when used inappropriately it attacks the brain. Alcohol affects the forebrain

and impaires motor control and decision making. It also renders the midbrain

defenseless and lose control over emotion and the risk for blacking out is higher. Then it

affects the brain stem and this alters heart rate, body temperature, and consciousness.

This is dangerous and potentially fatal.

Short term effects include slurred speech, loss of coordination, vomiting, higher

body temperature, and double vision. And the long term effects include Liver disease or

cirrhosis occurs from the buildup of fatty tissue and scar tissue in the liver. The liver

filters everything that comes into the body, so excessive consumption of alcohol can

scar and damage the organ. Ulcers are formed when the stomach lining and enzymes

are depleted from unhealthy drinking habits and the harsh nature of alcohol. Alcoholic

dementia happens because of vitamin B1 deficiency and how alcohol attacks the brain.

After prolonged abuse, the brain becomes damaged from the constant flood of alcohol

causing schizophrenia like symptoms.

Journal 7: Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a chronic disease. Characterized by a preoccupation for alcohol

regardless of social, familial, and occupational consequences. What makes a casual

drinker and an alcoholic different from each other is a substance found in the brain

called THIQ. It is an opioid like substance found in an alcoholic's brain. This is the

substance that makes alcohol more addicting to the consumer.

There are several methods for treating alcoholism. One is the biological based

treatment that includes a series of medications that are used to try to aid the user in

recovery. Disulfiram is a medication that causes physical reactions and discomfort

when combined with alcohol. Naltrexone is a long-lasting opioid antagonist.

Acamprosate is a GABA-related drug. Ondansetron is a serotonin-related drug.

Then there is Alcoholics Anonymous that aids recovery with a spiritual approach.

The AA model is done in twelve steps. To summarize, the first is the realization and

acceptance that there is a problem after that the person needs to understand it is a

problem that is out of their control. Because it is not in their control they must turn to god

and ask for his help. In the last steps the person should mend relationships and try to

make things right with people who were wronged by them. And the end goal is to have a

spiritual awakening.

There is also an approach called Self-Management And Recovery Training

(SMART.) This is a treatment program for substance abuse that takes a non spiritual

philosophy and inspires a greater sense of personal control in the abuser.

Journal 8: Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic steroids are a synthetic form of the male sex hormone testosterone.

They activate the androgenic center of the brain this interaction has dual effect.

Androgenic, which has to do with sexual characteristics, and anabolic which has to do

with muscle growth. They are often taken illegally for sports enhancement, and have

been banned by every major sport. But they are also prescribed by doctors for delayed

puberty, weak muscles due to surgery, and given to aging men whose testosterone

levels are below normal.

Anabolic steroids affect women by increasing facial and body hair, male pattern

baldness, change or stop in menstrual cycle, deepened voice, and shrinking of the

uterus. This gives women a very masculine appearance, and can be quite alarming to

see. They affect men by lowering sperm count, develop breasts, higher risk of prostate

cancer, shrinking testicles, and balding. When men are giving themselves the extra

testosterone theyre bodies have a hard time balancing out the estrogen levels. So

when they stop abruptly it leaves the men with high estrogen levels that can cause

lactation and female characteristics.

There are also a number of psychological problems that occur. Such as

increased aggression, paranoia, anger, and inappropriate competitive and controlling

Journal 9: Tobacco

Tobacco is a plant from the nightshade family that has foliage rich in nicotine. It is

an American plant that is dried and cured for smoking or chewing. It stimulates the CNS

receptors that are sensitive to acetylcholine. These receptors are called nicotine

receptors because they are excited by nicotine.

The short term effects are higher heart rate. higher blood pressure, slightly an

appetite suppressant, clear thinking, and improves short term memory. Long term

effects are cardiovascular disease which is heart damage due to the restriction of blood

flow through the coronary arteries. Also COPD which is a group of diseases categorized

by impaired breathing due to an abnormality in the air passages. And chronic Bronchitis

that is described by inflammation of the bronchial tissue following a buildup of excess

mucus in the air passages.

Second hand smoke causes heart disease, lung cancer, childhood asthma,

bronchitis, and wheezing. And on average smokers lose 10 years of their lives as

compared to those who dont smoke. The death rate for smokers is really quite high. In

the U.S. there were approximately 480,000 deaths per year, and globally, there are 5.4

Million. Thats allot. Its an expensive habit, too! Here in utah on average a pack of

cigarettes is about seven dollars.

Journal 10: Prescription Drugs

Prescription drugs have become a problem, especially here in Utah.

Trends in our state have shown that the most problematic prescription drug for

utahns are opioids. Opioids work after ingestion, it reaches the brain and

changes into a morphine like substance that interacts with the natural opioid

receptors. Almost like we were wired to become a victim to such a devious little

poppy flower.

We also have seen that benzodiazepines have been causing deaths

similarly to opioids. Benzos are common drugs such as Xanax, Klonopin, and

Valium. Withdrawals from benzos are actually able to kill you. They are one of

the only two chemicals that are capable of such things. Short term effects are

drowsiness, euphoria, depressed breathing, relaxing of the muscles, and

possible weight gain.

Amphetamines are another commonly abused drug. Mostly found with

college age students, and the working class. Not to be confused with

methamphetamine, though. These are two different compounds. Some of the

long term effects are weight loss, psychosis, and kidney failure.

Abusing prescription drugs doesnt always happen with the user knowing

that they are mistreating the substances that they have been prescribed. As well

as the people that are taking prescription medications from others.

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